TNA: Wants More Hogan?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Originally posted by Main Site
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that TNA management has told the creative team to try its best to include Hulk Hogan in every episode of Impact even if it's just for one segment or a small amount of TV time. Prior to this, there had been internal debate within TNA as to whether Hogan should be used sparingly, as a special attraction, but the feeling now is that Hogan needs to be featured as much as possible on Impact, and should make an appearance on the show every week.

Is this really a samrt decision, if it is true. I don't feel it is. I mean, they used Hogan to death at the beginning, and it didn't really help, so what is it going to do now. If it didn't gain viewership then, then, in my opinion, it won't now. I mean, if it is only for a small amount of time, I guess it can't hurt. I don't think it'll help either. It may tie in with whatever will change TNA forever, according to Dixie.

What do you guys think?
Well, they're not suggesting that Hogan be in every single segment of every single episode, as he practically was at first. THAT was a mistake. More than enticing new viewers to tune in, it turned existing viewers off. Hopefully TNA, its writers/creative/management and Hogan himself realize this & will not repeat the error.

However, since TNA has signed Hogan to a contract that is costing them unbelievable sums of money, I would suggest they utilize their investment. Using Hogan sparingly in every episode certainly can't hurt. And they're getting a return on investment.

Were I running TNA, I'd do something to make that old bastard earn his keep. It would make me sick to my stomach to think Hogan was sitting around doing nothing and earning more than 90% of the company's active roster - the people who TNA should have been counting on to get them ahead in the ratings wars.
Is this really a samrt decision, if it is true. I don't feel it is. I mean, they used Hogan to death at the beginning, and it didn't really help, so what is it going to do now. If it didn't gain viewership then, then, in my opinion, it won't now. I mean, if it is only for a small amount of time, I guess it can't hurt. I don't think it'll help either. It may tie in with whatever will change TNA forever, according to Dixie.

What do you guys think?

Well, I'm torn on how I feel about The Hulkster. As a fan of wrestling during the Rock N Wrestling Era and all the way through the WCW/nWo craze and Attitude era of the WWF, I tuned in every Monday night to both programs and watched as many pay per views as I could and throughout that whole time Hulk Hogan has been a constant favorite of mine.

However, even I will admit when too much is just too much and I definitely wasn't moved every time I saw a TNA show end with Hogan coming down and doing something. To me it felt like Vince McMahon all over again, except Hogan was playing a benevolent character by comparison to Vince. Either way it was the same old scenario to me, being that a non-performer or should I say in Hogan's case, an inactive performer overshadowed what was going on with the main roster. To me, that's the wrong reason to have Hogan in TNA, wrestling every once in a while like he did with Abyss is not a bad deal because it does keep Hogan in the ring without taxing him too much.

But yes even being a "Hulkamaniac", I will be the first to speak out and say even I know when I've had enough and many of the previous TNA segments placing an emphasis on him were enough to have me turn away for a bit.

Now, to be fair and balance this statement out a bit about The Hulkster, there's one thing that he's done for the company that not many others can say they have. And that is get TNA major attention, he's been on Jimmy Fallon, The View, The Today Show and granted a lot of the things TNA has done might not have been that effective as of the short term (i.e. the move to Monday nights and the subsequent return to Thursdays) but look at it this way, it's fair to say that none of this would have happened without Hogan signing with the company. And granted TNA's numbers are not where the fans think they should be but at the same time they're still holding things together well enough to still be around and in business. Whatever this surprise might be, I have no clue but to me, I am not hoping for either WWE or TNA to go to war in the sense where one has to exist and the other must die out, I think we hear too much of that negativity on these forums and hopefully this thread can be a healthy one to discuss freely and openly on.

So in summation, I do think TNA should use Hogan for the most appropriate of occasions because he is still the name in professional wrestling, there aren't many like him and I say using him sparingly will maximize his potential as an individual who is no longer the same age or physical condition that he once was so many years ago, but hell by the time I'm pushing 60, I'd give anything to have that same vitality someone like Hogan still has at this stage of the game, especially with the way the last couple of years have gone for him!
To me it depends on the definition of sparringly. Having him show up once or twice a show like he's been doing lately is just fine. He's not wearing out his welcome, but there were times where he would appear 7 or 8 times a show. It was a running joke on here and likely elsewhere. If you keep it around what it is now, it's fine. Hogan is still the biggest name ever and can still be valuable. He still looks decent and can talk well. Unlike Flair he still has the old school style to him that's working pretty well. If they keep it limited, this could work, but if it gets too high it'll be bad.
Hogan (and bishoff) are being used like a face GM. Just like WWE used Vicky Guerrero, Teddy Long, Stephanie McMahon, William Regal and others as GM/authority type rolls on tv. Whether it was Bishoff joining the NWO, McMahon fueding with Austin, Vicky's being with Edge...having an authority figure as a character on the shows has made good storylines. I agree that hogan should not wrestle...they really could have come up with something better than hogan and flair in a bloody mess the first monday night show (when they offically switched over) but having him and bishoff as the GM/authority figures will help the story lines.

I am really curious what is gonna happen with Sting. It seems like the story line is "challenge the authority and rules of Hogan and Bishoff". Maybe tomorrow at the ppv questions will be answered and having hogan on tv will create awesome storylines.
While I think with Hogan less is more, I dont think he has been used properly in the air-time he is given. Overall he comes off as lame. His mic work amounts to a bad parody of his 80's gimmick with some cursing thrown in to make him "cool". Meanwhile his "rub" has destroyed the gimmick of Abyss being a monster. Hogan should have a more realistic character/role. Maybe something similar to the Hogan we saw when he was fueding with Billy Kidaman in WCW. I believe that Russo was writing/booking at that time.
Use Hogan as HEEL rather. That will bring more attention to this whole "Hogan shines TNA". This whole Abyss-Hogan thing that's going on is so disorginzed, it's so obvious that they have no idea on how to use Hogan.
Okay Now I know that I will get slammed for saying this, but Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Eric Bishoff and all the old foggies need to get out of TNA and let the TNA Originals take over. Ever since Hogan and Flair and the rest of the old guys arrived in TNA I have seen more of them on TV than any of TNA's original talent. Abyss needs to drop his current storyline, The Band should not be the tag team champs, and the TNA Championship should be contested by AJ Styles (The Original AJ not the Flair wannabe) and anybody on the TNA Roster who have been wrestling for 20 or 30 years and is in thier 40's or 50's (No Disrespect to Sting). Heck Rob Van Dam should not even be holding that title. Taz once said that ECW is the land of the misfit toys due to WWE Raw and Smackdown wrestlers being sent their, but after watching TNA for the last 4 months, I beg to differ and have now begun to refer TNA as the land of WWE Castoff's. I am sorry but Hogan on TV is not going to help the ratings. TNA should stay on Thursday's only without Hulk Hogan. Otherwise Vinnie Mac is gonna open his Uncle Scrooge (Ducktales Character) Bank Vault and buy TNA for pennies
I do not agree with this at all. Hogan is one of the things I actually hate about TNA... get out of the spotlight you washed up has-been and let the real stars shine.
Sorry mini rant.
Hogan was good during the prime of his career but IDK what he's doing wanting to put himself in the wrestling business on TV anymore, he'd be beter off just working with the creative team or something and as far away form a camera as possible
He's a figurehead, so yea, he should be on the show once or twice an episode. No matches. He should not wrestle under any circumstances. Much more talented people out there to have good matches. No need for him to get out there and wrestle.

But I have no problems with him making appearances in one or two segments, but don't center the stories around him. That wouldn't make any sense.
Regardless of what anyone says, he is in fact their biggest draw, and yea, needs to be on the show on a weekly basis, at the least. Fine if it is interdispersed among other stuff, but at least needs to show face. Fans need to know if they tune in to Impact, they will get to see Hulk Hogan.
Regardless of what anyone says, he is in fact their biggest draw, and yea, needs to be on the show on a weekly basis, at the least.

Plainly, this is true. I don't know whether TNA sought out Hogan to bring him in......or whether he sold them a bill of goods as to what his presence would do for the company. But one way or the other, the presumption seems to have been that people would fall on their asses to see the immortal Hulk Hogan on TNA programming.

The events of January 4th and afterward have proven this to be not so. Still, the company has hitched their wagon to this guy and are probably paying him boatloads of money to be there. So, they might as well either feature him as much as possible to justify his salary.....or cut ties to him altogether.

Eventually, I think they'll do the latter, but until then, they're gonna force him down our throats until we gag.

You chose your path,, run with it.
Okay Now I know that I will get slammed for saying this, but Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Eric Bishoff and all the old foggies need to get out of TNA and let the TNA Originals take over. Ever since Hogan and Flair and the rest of the old guys arrived in TNA I have seen more of them on TV than any of TNA's original talent. Abyss needs to drop his current storyline, The Band should not be the tag team champs, and the TNA Championship should be contested by AJ Styles (The Original AJ not the Flair wannabe) and anybody on the TNA Roster who have been wrestling for 20 or 30 years and is in thier 40's or 50's (No Disrespect to Sting). Heck Rob Van Dam should not even be holding that title. Taz once said that ECW is the land of the misfit toys due to WWE Raw and Smackdown wrestlers being sent their, but after watching TNA for the last 4 months, I beg to differ and have now begun to refer TNA as the land of WWE Castoff's. I am sorry but Hogan on TV is not going to help the ratings. TNA should stay on Thursday's only without Hulk Hogan. Otherwise Vinnie Mac is gonna open his Uncle Scrooge (Ducktales Character) Bank Vault and buy TNA for pennies

Y'know man, can't fault ya for saying how you feel, what you're saying doesn't come off hateful or mindless the way a lot of other fans in the IWC usually come off. Although I don't share 100 per cent of your opinion, I can see where you're coming from. I'm a fan of a lot of the old school guys but I feel there's a time and place for them. We'll see what happens, I really hope TNA does something to stay afloat because Vince buying out another company will not be for the best interests of those who want to see an alternative to Vince's vision of sports entertainment.

As far as stuff like the Band being tag team champs, well hopefully that's a transitional reign to set up a team like Motor City Machineguns or Generation ME to get the rub. Heck, at Genesis Beer Money, Inc. got the better of Nash and Waltman. So to look at it in an optimistic sense that might be what TNA's planning, who knows, lol. Anyway, if anyone slams you for not being on the Hogan bandwagon so be it, you're not being slanderous about anything and you're not being hateful like most posters, so even as a Hogan fan I think you've brought up a good point on some of the things you've said.

Interesting post and keep more of them coming, I'd be more than glad to discuss this topic and others like it in the future with you!
I agree that Hogan shouldn't wrestle or be involved in every segment like he has before, but he should at least appear on the show. There is no reason to invest all this money in Hogan, Flair and Bischoff and have them not appear on the show. With Flair it is different since he only shows up for a few appearances a year.

It is better not to use him all the time since his dates will run out at the end of the year. Hogan and Bischoff aren't going anywhere soon so why not utilize them? I just hope we see them in limited roles instead of on every segment like we have seen a few months ago.
Plainly, this is true. I don't know whether TNA sought out Hogan to bring him in......or whether he sold them a bill of goods as to what his presence would do for the company. But one way or the other, the presumption seems to have been that people would fall on their asses to see the immortal Hulk Hogan on TNA programming.

The events of January 4th and afterward have proven this to be not so. Still, the company has hitched their wagon to this guy and are probably paying him boatloads of money to be there. So, they might as well either feature him as much as possible to justify his salary.....or cut ties to him altogether.

Eventually, I think they'll do the latter, but until then, they're gonna force him down our throats until we gag.

You chose your path,, run with it.

Like I've said to the previous posters, despite being a Hogan fan, I won't be so quick to disagree with all the anti-Hogan sentiments. But in Hogan's case, as far as TNA's success, the last eight months by comparison to the last eight years have given the company more notice when Hogan's been there than when he wasn't. But the sad reality for someone in Hogan's position is that he's 16 years older than he was when he went to WCW and that company obviously had better resources than what TNA has now. But the point I think a lot of people are missing is that no company in almost a decade has done anything to even try to create competition to WWE. And Hogan's star power however fading it might be has made that happen. Media appearances on shows like The View, Jimmy Fallon and The Today Show are proof that this man's relevance isn't totally diminished.

Obviously we know that TNA isn't making the mark like Hogan had hyped so many weeks prior to January 4, 2010. However that night was still the biggest ratings that company had, it's just obvious that they have not been able to keep that going at least at this point. The Monday night jump might not have been the rousing success like many had hoped for, but at the same time it was an effort. Something that no one else in wrestling has tried. People like Vince McMahon can talk about how TNA wasn't right in trying to do a Monday night show, but then again let's not forget that this is coming from the same man who abolished the original territory system which was a far greater lack of etiquette than TNA's ill-fated attempt to revitalize the Monday Night Wars.

However, I do understand your frustration that you might have with the TNA product, especially if you've been a fan from the start. But the job of running a business is easier said than done and even though you've got the right to an opinion on what TNA is doing right or wrong, who really knows what they're going to need to solve the problem of being a true competitor to WWE. In the end such a thing even with all the right talent and greater resources might not be possible. Considering how professional wrestling and WWE have become interchangeable terms to most people in this part of the world, it might just happen that TNA is not meant to be.

I do not agree with this at all. Hogan is one of the things I actually hate about TNA... get out of the spotlight you washed up has-been and let the real stars shine.
Sorry mini rant.
Hogan was good during the prime of his career but IDK what he's doing wanting to put himself in the wrestling business on TV anymore, he'd be beter off just working with the creative team or something and as far away form a camera as possible

Hey boss, it's all good, at least you recognize that Hogan actually meant something at one time to the majority of wrestling fans, hence why he's Hogan but you have a right to do a rant on how you think he shouldn't be in TNA. If you're someone that watched TNA from the start and have been a devoted fan I can't blame you at all for your opinion. Like I was mentioning to Mustang Sally, I'm just not sure if there's any room left for a professional wrestling alternative at this point. Vince McMahon has done a very effective job at marketing WWE that in the post-Monday Night War era that many people can't see anything else but WWE when they think professional wrestling. After all, even with WWE's ratings not being much to brag about by comparison to what they were doing in the Attitude era, they still are a successful company and are the gold standard even if I am personally turned off to their product.

But hopefully man, we all as fans can reach a compromise and at least get most of what we want out of TNA's attempts to compete. For me it would be to see Hulk Hogan have some sort of role in the company like you mentioned with just being part of the creative process and what not. An occasional brawl with someone is always good for effect but I'm personally against seeing him in a capacity like all the young main eventers. Hopefully, TNA can see this in a similar way and keep the emphasis on the guys like Styles, Jay Lethal, the Pope and Mr. Anderson as well as guys like RVD and Jeff Hardy who I think are still solid contributions. Time will tell though if people are willing to accept something different to WWE, in my mind's eye it doesn't look too likely when you consider how the business has evolved.
slap a mask on hogan and reveal that he's the abyss!!! and have him manage abyss while still portraying the hulkster role backstage!!! lol, I know that sounds rediculous but it would be funny. I think it's good to see hogan playing the "gm" type roll. hogan is a g.o.a.t.!!! YODEL
slap a mask on hogan and reveal that he's the abyss!!! and have him manage abyss while still portraying the hulkster role backstage!!! lol, I know that sounds rediculous but it would be funny. I think it's good to see hogan playing the "gm" type roll. hogan is a g.o.a.t.!!! YODEL

That's a point. Is Abyss still hanging round Hogan? Or has Hogan just left Abyss with the ring and moved on?

Anyway, the GM / manager role is all Hogan can do these days and that suits me fine. It's cool to see him cutting the odd promo, however I don't really want Impact to be half wrestling and half Hogan in his office.
I say put the title on Hogan for two years and have him immortal again. People will hate it so much they'll promise never to watch again. But they will. After week one they will be curious. They'll sneak peeks to see what happened. Put Hogan back in the Band, have them run roughshod all over TNA. Make it like the NWO. All the younger generation will claim they're through, but the ratings will say differently. Dixie take a chance. You're paying the old guys to help boost the company but NO ONE BUT THE MARKS ALREADY WATCHING want to see guys like RVD, Jeff Hardy, and AJ with the titles. You want more ratings, you need more fans who only remember the wrestlers built by Hogan and the NWO back in the late 90s. Hogan and the old guys need to be built back up to their NORMAL hard to beat stature and they need to build these young guys quick before their bones break. Throw Hogan the title and watch it change the world all over again.

You young fans/cynical anti-Hogan crybabys don't like that idea. That'll make you stop watching or go to WWE maybe. Go then. You're not real wrestling fans in my opinion if all you want to see is two spikey-haired, charimsa lacking chumps in short shorts rolling all over each other like gay guys in love doing boring technical shit and lame audience pop moves...Wrestling fans old and new must bow down to the man who made wrestling, the man who has you all watching and criticizing here on this site. Hollywood Hogan. Without this man, there would be no Wrestlemania, and there sure as hell would be nobody watching A.J. Styles. It doesn't matter how old this man gets, TNA's roster gotta learn their place in Hogan's pecking order.
Who is the biggest icon in Wrestling history? Hogan. Best face ever? Hogan. Best heel ever: Hollywood Hogan. No one is responsible for wrestling being main stream and global other than Hogan. That's right, it wasn't Triple H, The Rock, Michaels, Cena, Vince or any other name you want to insert here. Even Flair was irrelevant until he first met Hogan. And it doesn't matter what organization you name: TNA, WWE, WCW, WWF, NWA, New Japan, whatever, none of these became mainstream until Hogan touched them. And none of you Hogan haters would be here on this site bashing him if it wasn't for Hogan because without Hogan there would be no wrestling websites - without Hogan wrestling NEVER would be in the place it is today.

TNA wants to show more Hogan - that's awesome - you little punks should learn to enjoy him while you still can and pay the man the proper respect he deserves. Because none of the "home grown" TNA talent is able to put any asses in seats, and no matter one's wrestling abilty, its a business. No sales, no money, no job. Hogan still sells better than any one in TNA and he's almost 60.

I do agree that he shouldn't wrestle anymore - he can barely walk so its not believable. But in a GM role pulling the strings of all the pupets - they should all get on their knees and bow because without hollywood they all would be flipping burgers; how did that feel Jarrett???

I would like TNA have Hogan and Flair allign to run the company; they have been bashing each other for way too long. If they were to join forces somehow things could get really intersting.

The problem with wrestling today, and TNA in particular, is not the talent. It's that the same type of story lines keep getting repeated over and over again. The last best story line was the Outsiders - NWO. And Vince had a good NWO story line when he wanted Hall, Nash and Hogan to kill the WWF. But since then the storys have mostly sucked.

So I holla out to the hulkster and thank him for busting his ass for over 30 years to make wrestling what it is today. The rest of you haters should fall in line..........
Hogan on Impact isn't a bad long as he's not used too often throughout the show. Hogan is a legend and icon in pro wrestling history. Nobody can deny that. But TNA's roster is jam packed, and they need to give the young guys as much time as they can to wrestle matches, have backstage segments, cut promos, etc. A little Hogan nostalgia every now and then wouldn't hurt TNA. Hogan is an authority figure in TNA, so he has to make appearances on each show, so he can keep things in order in the Impact zone. Again, as long as Hogan doesn't constantly dominate TNA Impact, then there's no problem with having him on the show.
why is this alway's an issue with everyone on these sites? yeah he's 57 AND!!!! he should be so lucky, i've met alot of men who are his age that don't get around as good as he does, obviously all of the roids he took didn't affect him as much as the rest of his counter parts he wrestled with who are now in wheel chairs, still all of the hate he get's is uncalled for, he gave his fucking life for this business but yet he still get's trash by the majority of the wrestling community and the fans because he didn't job enough to certain wrestlers with whom people felt deserved a push, or because he had too much of an ego problem, which to me is is a JOKE! austin, triple nose, rock, hbgay undertaker, all had ego problems. but yet no one ever mentions their names, or call them on it, it alway's follows hulk.
Hogan is basically a figurehead on TNA and it always works best to have figureheads appear once or twice a show and leave it at that. That's what the WWE has done thus far with Bret Hart and it works out well that way. The problem TNA has had in the past is that there have been episodes in which Hogan is running around on the show in virtually every other segment. TNA made Hulk Hogan the centerpiece of iMPACT! and its a strategy that backfired on them. TNA has blown its wad with Hogan as the center of the show and in terms of being a draw. The overall show has improved in the past few weeks by not featuring Hogan all night long so I agree with using him sparingly. If TNA would do away with him either beating up active wrestlers and/or helping to do it, then I think they'd have things worked out perfectly for Hogan's role.
I just looked up TNA on Google Trends and the results are interesting. While TNA has steadily gained popularity over the years, it is actually at the same level it was at a year ago. See for yourself.

It really makes me wonder, how much of a difference did bringing in Hogan and the gang really make? Does anyone have any ratings statistics?
I just looked up TNA on Google Trends and the results are interesting. While TNA has steadily gained popularity over the years, it is actually at the same level it was at a year ago. See for yourself.

It really makes me wonder, how much of a difference did bringing in Hogan and the gang really make? Does anyone have any ratings statistics?

The website, has section in its site that lists the ratings of TNA iMPACT! and every WWE television program. There's an archives subsection that goes back I think to about 2002 or 2003. As far as sheer numbers go, TNA is really not doing what it was at this time last year. A 1.2-1.3 Nielsen rating for TNA was the norm for much of last year and now they struggle to get a 1.0, or at least very close to it. A difference of one or two tenths of a point doesn't sound like much and, for many shows, it's not. Each tenth of a point represents roughly 150,000 homes. But, TNA iMPACT! has never drawn big numbers. Their biggest audience in their history was on the January 4th iMPACT! and it only drew a 1.5.

To answer your first question, the answer is that bringing Hogan in hasn't paid off. It paid off briefly for about a month, but then both the ratings and just the quality of the TNA product started to go downhill. TNA's ratings were dipping even before they briefly moved to Monday nights to go up against WWE Raw. Once they did, they drew some of the worst numbers in their history. Most of the time, TNA wound up drawing beween a 0.7 and 0.8 during its time on Mondays. There were a few shows that only drew in the very low 0.6 area. So, within 3 or 4 months, TNA went from drawing an all-time high to some of the lowest numbers they've had since the show began airing on Spike back in 2005. TNA spent a lot of money on bringing in Hulk Hogan and other big names in wrestling and they spent a lot of money by having iMPACT! air live every other week against Raw. Generally, the highest ratings that iMPACT! pulled on Mondays were the live shows, but they still drew significantly less than a 1.0.

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