TNA vs. WWE: The Champions

TNA vs. WWE: The Champions

  • TNA

  • WWE - where opinions don't need justification

  • Both

  • Neither

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
About 2 years ago when the original TNA vs. WWE thread was started it was by far one of the most popular threads on the whole board. And for a long time it was very even when it came to the poll results. But in the past year WWE has jumped well ahead, but so have the other two options of neither & both. So what I'm going to do now is split it up into about 10 threads, or more/less if anybody has any suggestions. Below is a list of the topics I currently have in mind.

TNA vs. WWE the topics:

Fans, Matches, PPVs, Characters, iMPACT/ECW/Smackdown/Raw, Champions, Gimmicks, 6-Sides or Square & Feuds​

There are four sides. TNA, WWE, neither & both. Vote and discuss each for your chosen option. Compare and contrast between each.

This thread is about the champions. While somebody like Joe has his haters, is he disliked as much as much as somebody as Punk? In some peoples eyes I'm sure Joe is seen as a deserving champion, Punk wasn't nowhere near ready. Does the title mean more around Joe as it's the only one? Does TNA have superior tag champions? Or do you think that even with no division Rhodes & Dibiase are better than what TNA has to offer? What about the Women's champion? While she's superior to WWE's Smackdown female, is she to Raw's? Which promotion has the better mid card title?
I'm actually going to side with TNA with this one. I've always hated the way the WWE belts are arranged and who they're put on, whether it's the most effective way or not.

I'm not even sure if the cruiserweight belt exists any more, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. However, even in non-existence, it's getting better exposure than it ever has been. It's counterpart, the X Division title is definitely better off around the waist of a Scott Steiner wannabe. I'd also say he's more prominent in his company than either Benjamin or Kofi Kingston are in theirs, if you want to compare midcard champions. On a personal level, I also prefer him.

Then the tag champions; Morrison and Miz weren't bad, but Kurt Ryder and Zak Morate, or whatever the fuck their names are, suck. As for their contenders - Hornswoggle and Finlay? Rhodes and DiBiase are just there to hold the belts until a couple of random main eventers want to come and whoop them off of them apparently. I'd even give this one to Beer Money, easily.

Women's champion. I'm actually going to give this to WWE. I have no fucking idea who their identikit divas are or even who's holding the belts (FSM informs me it's Michelle McCool and some chick Cena's supposedly banging). However, having a fan (actually Shantelle Taylor, who I think is from WWE) take the belt off Kong was just dumb. If Kong still had the belt, no matter how repetitious she'd got, she'd have this hands down.

World champion. Joe's better than Henry, if you want to count him in as a world champion. I prefer him to CM Jobber and Triple... erm, gay. Whether he's better than either is questionable. I'd give him the nod over Punk, but only just - Kevin Nash doesn't help matters. Much as I hate Triple H, he's just been booked to look like God's son himself, and waltzes over him.

Overall, I'll go for TNA's champions. In a smaller company, the four belts they have are all much more prominent and their champions get more time to show themselves off.
The Champions of TNA would wipe the floor with the champions of WWE. Reason being is because the champions of TNA are in the majority of cases far superior wrestlers to the champions of WWE.

Somoa Joe would destroy Triple H within 3 minutes. Triple H is at best an average wrestler, who is also slow and far too predictable. Somoa Joe on the other hand is a very good wrestler, who is quicker and never predictable.
CM Punk would give Joe a greater challenge. Punk is a better wrestler than Mr Predictable Triple H. Punk would fall into the category of good wrestlers, he is also quick, has a varied moveset, and is less predictable than Trip. Somoa Joe would still win however, but this would be a far better match featuring two good wrestlers and could last upto 20 minutes in length.

The females of the WWE cannot wrestle at all whereas the females of TNA can wrestle, and wrestle incredibly well. The TNA knockout champion Taylor Wilde would kill whoever the WWE Women's Champion and Divas Champion are.

WWE's tag team divisions are a joke. They have been for many years now. TNA on the other hand has a very healthy tag team division with so many fantastic teams involved. Robert Roode and James Storm would have no problem in beating the joke team of Ryder and Hawkins. They would have a harder time in beating Dibiase and Rhodes, but they would still win due to the youngsters inexperience.

The closest battle of the champions would be the X-Division vs US/Intercontinental. Petey Williams vs Kofi Kingston or Shelton Benjamin should be an awesome match, and all three of these wrestlers can actually wrestle. I would expect Petey to beat Kofi, mainly due to Petey having greater experience and just having the edge in wrestling ability. Petey vs Shelton on the other hand I see being mega close and very difficult to call. Shelton Benjamin could be the only victor for Team WWE in this Battle of the Champions.

Overall TNA are a different class over WWE when it coomes to the Battle of the Champions. If you think otherwise you are mad.
I think TNA has the better champions but feel if there was no brand split WWE's divisions would be stronger leading to better champions.

Somoa Joe Vs. Punk=One big IWC hate fest. People have talked this two up sooo much due to their Indy career that pretty much all of the IWC hate them. Both are not "Hogans/HBKS/Austins, ect" but neither are bad. If Joe was booked right he would be a good champ, Punk wasnt ready but his booking has been really bad also. Triple is a good wrestler and is over with the fans, people hate him for banging the boss's daughter but he was over before, and also everyone in his postition would do the same thing. Anyway HHH right now seems pretty stale but up against Joe's horrible reign(being made to look weak with his "mommy nash" always by his side) I would say that both heavyweight belts are looking weak/stale right now so its a draw.

Tag Teams: Hands down TNA, only for the fact that they actually have more than 2 "real" tag teams in their divisons. Raw has Team Priceless & Cryme Time along with 2 random main eventers as champions(Cena/Batista=Hugely over, but not good tag champs). Smackdown has 2 teams too(Hawkins/Ryder, Jesse/Festus) with Ecw having (MNM & Finlay & Son). These makes the whole divsion seem like a joke thus making their titles look like one too. TNA's tag champs are 2 random main eventers who are nowhere as "big" as Cena/Batista but the division as a whole is better thus making the titles more important right now.

Divas Vs. Knockouts: I would give it to the WWE right now. TNA has a very good division and Taylor Wilde is actually a good wrestler but I think Mickie is the superior of the two. Also the TNA title is sorta playing second fiddle to Kong/Kim with the champ Wilde being destroyed but Kong and then Kim has to defend Wilde, making the champion look weak thus making the belt look weak. McCool is improving but the belt is a joke.
So imo it goes Womens Champ>Knockout Champ>Divas Champ.
I'd go with TNA as well.

Getting the easy ones out of the way first, the Knockouts division is so far ahead of the Divas/Women's divisions its not even funny. In WWE, the divas are eye candy that once in awhile have a half decent match, but its getting further and further apart. TNA's women have feuds, rivalries and almost factions being built up with the Beautiful People and Kong against everyone else. TNA by far here.

Tag titles- Yet again going with TNA. Miz and Morrisson and Priceless would have gotten it until two weeks ago. WWE proved that the tag belts as well as the champions that wore them weren't taken seriously when Batista and Cena came in and took the belts for 7 days then gave them back. Ryder and Hawkins haven't defended them yet and are going to feud with whom? Beer Money has a good amount of teams to feud with one at a time. Very well structured division.

Midcard- Have to call this one a tie. On Raw it appears as if Santino is going to get the IC belt at Summerslam, and Shelton is the US champion on SD. Shelton is always losing his one on on matches, and Santino has won how many singles matches? These belts used to be some of the highlights of the cards many years ago, and now they're nothing but filler. As for the X division, I can rarely remember who the champion is. The entire focus is on Lethal and Dutt, with Petey being just the opening match. He's good in the ring, but floundering as champion, which isn't his fault.

World Titles- Have to give it to Joe. HHH's reign so far has just been relatively easy challengers save for Edge. There's next to no way Khali wins it tomorrow night as its just a filler match to ahve a WWE title match. Henry seems to ahve been given the title due to Michael Hayes and his big mouth. Maybe Henry "earned" it, but with Tony Atlas by his side, its just too hard to take him seriously. Finally we have Punk, my favorite wrestler. I can't say his reign is a failure as he's in the same boat as Petey. Its very rare to see a guy be the WHC and manage to get buried at the same time, but Punk is doing it. His reign improves 1000% if he was jsut allowed to win a few matches clean. In TNA the World Title is at least always the main event. It may be a clusterfuck of a main event, but its the main event and there's no doubt to it.

Overall, TNA wins and its not really close.
Now look here damnit, i'm fucking tired of everybody ganging up on WWE just because they feel sorry for TNA. If you look at the ratings posted on, you'd see that the majority of the people that watch wrestling prefer WWE over TNA. I've only watched TNA twice and can honestly say that I don't see how anybody can get into that crap. To me, wwe's storylines are a helluva lot better than tna's. Are you guys sayin that you'd rather watch Kurt Angle's clothes get stollen by Joe while he's in a tanning bed than watch The Undertaker fued with La Familia. Now if your talking about the champs, then that's atotally different paragraph.
Like I said, totally different paragraph. Anyway. Yes I agree that Joe would probably wipe the floor with Henry. Yes I agree that HHH is sometimes overrated. But I don't think that Joe could beat HHH, CM Punk, Cena, or Batista as easily as you guys suggest. As a matter of fact, I'd put my money on Punk before Joe any day. HHH would destroy any champion you have on there. Cena or Batista would over power everybody. I forgot to mention his name, but Edge is smarter and now probably better than anybody on tna. Kofi Kingston is one of the best new talent ever. And Mickie could wipe the floor with any of the women from tna. I can't honestly say the same for McCool. Beth Phoenix is certainly better than Kong. And Priceless work together better than any tagteam I've ever seen. Can't say I've seen a legitament tagteam that could beat em though so i'd have to agree that they don't really have any competition. And who in tna can beat Jeff Hardy? Not a damn body that doesn't cheat!Oh, and who in the hell is tna gonna pit against The Undertaker? The Abyss? Taker would beat the living hell out of him. And any match involving Bigshow and Kane are squash matches.
My final analysis is this, TNA wouldn't stand a chance against WWE. Though even though it probably will never happen, I'd like to see Samoa Joe vs Umaga. That'd be a helluva match. Umaga wins.
WWE all the way!
i voted for wwe by accident because i thought it was just about the heaviweight champs. as of recently ive really been gettin into tna...the last time i tried to get into it i thought it was a joke...but now it seems to have improved...their champions however are suffering from the problem which wwes champs are suffering from...bigger and better storylines outside the title scene...which isnt always a bad thing....
from TNA's point of view...the angle/styles storyline is awesome from where im sitting and their matches are consistently great...and the Sting storyline has really caught my attention which has taken the focus off samoa joe...who i havnt been overly impressed with since i started watchin tna havin seen his highly impressive ROH matches.
same with the knockouts as someone has said, Taylor Wilde who i really like has been a bit buried by the Kong/Kim situation. The X division title doesnt even seem to matter in TNA at the moment which is a shame from what i heared the division used to represent.
WWE has the Edge/Undertaker storyline which has really managed to refresh itself time and time again to consistently be the best thing in WWE (something to do with edge i think)
I have to actually say that im impressed with HHH coming to Smackdown and accepting that Edge is the hottest thing on the show and letting him run with the ball...but its making him look a bit insignificant...but again i have to say hes earned some respect from me for this!
CM Punk looks like he might finally get a win at Summerslam, hes finally been getting some mic time and this week on Raw really showed what he can do...give him a win against JBL then a feud with Jericho and he will be completely over and back to his best...until then hes gonna be playing second fiddle to the batista/cena storyline but i feel he has the potential with some major help from Jericho to return the belt to its former glory.
But with Punk as champ and HHH having plenty of new feuds on Smackdown i think the belts have more potential than the TNA belt does with Joe as the champ unless he steps up his game.
Under the World heaviweight championships though despite how bad the X Division and Womens champion are looking right now, their not as bad as Mark Henry, Michelle "im banging taker so i can be champ" McCool and as much as i hate to say it, Kofi Kingston whos about to drop the belt to santino..poor Kofi...
So all in all TNA takes the win for me (despite what i voted)
Now look here damnit, i'm fucking tired of everybody ganging up on WWE just because they feel sorry for TNA.

That's not why I gave TNA my vote. Despite questionable skills, TNA employees still have bigger house and paychecks than me. I have no reason to pity them.

If you look at the ratings posted on, you'd see that the majority of the people that watch wrestling prefer WWE over TNA. I've only watched TNA twice and can honestly say that I don't see how anybody can get into that crap. To me, wwe's storylines are a helluva lot better than tna's.

Well, you just seem like an embittered WWE fan angry that TNA is winning a poll for once. Also, if you've only watched TNA twice, you have no right to comment.

Are you guys sayin that you'd rather watch Kurt Angle's clothes get stollen by Joe while he's in a tanning bed than watch The Undertaker fued with La Familia. Now if your talking about the champs, then that's atotally different paragraph.

No. Would you rather see Joe/Booker T or Triple H/Great Khali? That's a more valid example.
Like I said, totally different paragraph


Anyway. Yes I agree that Joe would probably wipe the floor with Henry. Yes I agree that HHH is sometimes overrated. But I don't think that Joe could beat HHH, CM Punk, Cena, or Batista as easily as you guys suggest. As a matter of fact, I'd put my money on Punk before Joe any day. HHH would destroy any champion you have on there. Cena or Batista would over power everybody. I forgot to mention his name, but Edge is smarter and now probably better than anybody on tna.

I don't even know why we're talking about who could beat who. I was just posting who I think is better.

Kofi Kingston is one of the best new talent ever. And Mickie could wipe the floor with any of the women from tna. I can't honestly say the same for McCool. Beth Phoenix is certainly better than Kong.

If you're going to bring me to your level then no, Kong could kayfabe wipe the floor with them. She's just superior.

And Priceless work together better than any tagteam I've ever seen.

What tag teams have you been watching? No others, by the look of it. Even within the WWE, there's numerous teams that are better. Even a glance anywhere within wrestling history and you'll find a better team.

Can't say I've seen a legitament tagteam that could beat em though so i'd have to agree that they don't really have any competition.

You've only seen TNA twice. I'm not surprised.

And who in tna can beat Jeff Hardy? Not a damn body that doesn't cheat!

Erm, what?

Oh, and who in the hell is tna gonna pit against The Undertaker? The Abyss?

It's actually just Abyss. Again, get some knowledge on the other side of the argument if you're gonna argue. These "who would beat who" arguments are a little silly, I gotta say.

Taker would beat the living hell out of him. And any match involving Bigshow and Kane are squash matches.

'Cos they're big? I feel ya, playa.

My final analysis is this, TNA wouldn't stand a chance against WWE. Though even though it probably will never happen, I'd like to see Samoa Joe vs Umaga. That'd be a helluva match. Umaga wins.
WWE all the way!

Uh...Huh. I hate to be "that guy" but... blind WWE mark. I'm not even saying TNA is a superior product. In fact, it's not. It's just the fact that you've only watched TNA twice and dare to rate any part of it.
before i post im gonna say that i like wwe better then tna but i will judge this according to skill

womens title:tna is far superior to wwe in this part. wwe women are all just sexy women who (with the execption of natlie neidhart) cant put on a decent match if their life depend on it. tna women are treated as the men are with actual storylines and good matches not just eye candy. so i choose tna in this one

mid card:i choose wwe in this one cause in tna that black machesimo and dutt angle just bores me to death and they are the primary focus of the x divison i admit i like petey willams but he isnt better then shelton and kofi. even though shelton loses a lot he is still far better then the entire x divison in tna and kofi is probly the best young talent in wwe. i think his feud with santino will be awsome and i cant wait to see it. so this one goes to wwe.

tag divison:tna easily. i mean really rider and hawkins do not deserve these titles and only got them because they were involved in the edge storyline. they havent even defended them because the tag team divison on smackdown is non existint and their opponinents are a fucking joke. now on raw rhodes and diebiease are good but they only had the title for like a week to fill in until the batista cena storyline got far enough to be like the hbk,cena storyline. im hopeing wwe will come to their senses and give the titles to cryme time because i like them and believe theyd make good champions. now on to tna. they have an awsome tag team divison with beermoney on top. they are an amazing tag team and i think they will stay on top. so id have to go with tna easily on this one

now onto the big one
world champion:tough but im goin with wwe now samoa joe is by far better then henery who obviously only got the belt to show wwe isnt racist,but there still is triple h and punk. now i hate punk way to predictable stale gimmick and does not draw. he is someone who does not deserve the big championship on the a show cause he cannot draw for shit. samoa joe would easily beat punk on this. now onto triple h. i am a big triple h mark but i will be fair. triple h vs samoa joe would be a very interesting match but i think triple h would edge him out just a bit. now i also think that wwe has better storylines and competiters for the title. the top people in wwe (triple h edge orton cena batista) are all better then tna's competiers. so yes id have to give the edge to wwe on this.

for my final verdict even though they are tied that wwe champions are better the storylines are easier to get into and their big champions are all around better
My vote is for TNA even though I am a die hard WWE fan

We'll start this off with the lowest championships. The Divas-Womens/Knockout Titles are easy. The Knockouts win, hands down. The women that wrestle in the Knockout division can really wrestle and quite well for woman. I mean Mickie James is a good wrestler but, she is one of the only ones that can on the roster.


The Tag divisions are also quite easy. As everyone knows, the WWE's tag division is a joke. Rhodes & DiBiase are decent champions, they are what you would picture tag team champions to be IMO, young and talented. But, other than that, the rest of the tag teams are crap. If they would put the titles back on Miz and Morrison instead of Hawkins & Rhyder we would have a lilttle closer battle. Anyways, TNA tag title top WWE's tag titles as of now.

TNA tag titles>WWE tag titles

The US-IC/X-Division titles are a little harder. If I were to post this comment on Monday it might not be. If WWE gives Santino the IC title this will all go to nothing. Kofi and Shelton are young, good, athletic champions that deserve to work their way up the bar. On the other hand though, Petey Williams is also good, athletic and young. I am going to give this one to WWE because TNA isn't really focusing on Petey as much as they are Dutt and Lethal.


Now the really hard part. Once again though, if WWE gives the WWE title to Khali this will go to nothing. HHH is a pretty good champion. He can make any one look like they are good or really bad. When HHH goes out and defends a title he makes it look damn good. I beleive CM Punk has all of those qualities but, WWE just isn't giving him the chance. On the flip side, Joe and Booker are having a pretty good storyline as of late. We will se were this goes eventually. I think that TNA knows how to keep fans attention of the title. I am going to give this one to TNA just because they have better storylines most of the time leading into Main Event title matches.

TNA heavyweight title>WWE-World title
We'll start at the bottom, with the most meaningless titles. I'm not sure that you can actually rank these seriously. The WWE has soo many more championship then TNA, and the level of talent inthe WWE is so much more then TNA. It's the bully of the six grade picking on a 1st grader. The only way to properly do this is to dissect title by title.

Knockouts/Divas/Womens Championship.
The Three Champions you have Taylor Wilde, Michelle McCool, and Beth Phoenix. This is about as open and closed as you get. Taylor Wilde would get teh nod over McCool, who the only reason she has the championship is because she happens to be the women on the receiving end of a Last Ride. But Beth Phoenix, my god has this women made me want to watch women's wrestling once again. She's Bad Ass, and no one, minus Kong, is as incredible in the ring as her. If Kong was the Knockouts Champion, it would go to her, or be a push.

Mid Card Titles: X-Division, IC and US Titles
Oh Boy where to begin on this one. Petey Williams is best known for his finisher, plain and simple. He's simply too small to be given any real credibility. He's fun to watch, but just doesn't belong. Shelton Benjamin has so much raw talent, it's unbelievable. He's such a joy to watch, and it's a shame the WWE wishes to bury him with ridiculous gimmick after gimmick. But as shameful as it sounds, Santino gets the nod. Sure, he's a jobber, sure he's a joke, but he's over, and over big time. You put the three of these guys in the ring at once, Santino gets the biggest pop, and Santino is the one people want to watch. I feel dirty, and I should kill myself.

Tag Titles:
Beer Money, Hawkins and Ryder, and Team Priceless. Hawkins and Ryder probably hit the bottom of this list, but it's not a knock. These are three fantastic tag teams to say the least, all young guys that are doing their best to get over. Beer Money is over, and moreso every week, but you just have a nasty feeling it's going to get broken up with WildFat Chris Harris on the unemployment line. For me though, the most enjoyable of the three teams is Team Priceless. Rhodes and DiBiase are two sons that obviously paid attention to their fathers growing up. Both guys have "it", and they are such a joy to watch. DiBiase rocks the mic like his father, and Rhodes works the ring like a great heel of old.

The World Titles:
Easily the ECW title hits the bottom of the barrel. I'm not a Mark Henry hater, but I know most don't like him. The ECW has taken such a credibility hit the last few years, that most don't recognize it as a real worlds title.

The TNA title is second to last. Average Joe is terrible. I simply don't understand the appeal of this guy. They play hot potato and Dusty Booking with this title so much that it has lost most of it's value. Maybe a long Joe title reign will help, but I'm not sold on Joe as a champion, at all.

The World Title would be the second best. CM Punk has been a joy to watch as champion, and with his "weaker" character at this point, you never know when that title could change hands. The title picture for the World title is easily, easily the strongest out of all four.

And as much as I hate to say it, Triple H as WWE champion is easily the best choice out of all of this. The conversation in here is silly, really. Samoa Joe can kick Triple H's ass in a real fight, and I care why? I'm pretty sure CM Punk could whoop all four, but does that make him the greatest thing ever. Hell, if that was the case, put all four titles on Ken Shamrock.

If you put Triple H in the ring with all four, see who gets the biggest pop.
While the TNA titles might each be presented well. None are bigger than any of the WWE ones. So the Knockouts get more exposure on TV. But the difference is that more people watch the WWE females. So even somebody like Maria is ten times the star that Kong is. One has appeared at WrestleMania. That probably means that more people watched her one match than they did the whole of Kongs for the first 6 months of the year.

TNA's tag division is just as shit as WWE's. The difference being that WWE has two. And WWE's other titles are far more important in the wrestling business than either the TNA World or X-Division title.
I am a definite fan of both. But TNA takes it with this one.

Knockouts are far greater than Womens/Divas. Much tougher. Much better. They don't scream at the top of their lungs when they're put in a submission hold...

TNA beats WWE in tag teams. I just find it sad that WWE has three times the roster that TNA has and it has half the tag teams TNA has. I'm not saying that those teams don't have talent, but TNA is just better in that category.

X Division kills WWE midcard. My god. The midcard titles are taken as a joke nowadays. X Division is still major. 'Nuff said

World titles. TNA. Mark Henry, bullcrap. CM Punk, what are they thinking? If they want a face loser to be champion, give it back to Cena. Triple H, that's a good choice. It's been a while since he's had it, but still. Samoa Joe could beat them all. Against Mark Henry, Joe wins in... 3-5 minutes. Easy. Against CM Punk, he'd win in 2 minutes flat. Not a chance. Samoa Joe vs Triple H, a good 10-20 minute fight, hard fought. But Joe would probably win. Probably.

So that's it in a nutshell. TNA > WWE.
The Champions of TNA would wipe the floor with the champions of WWE. Reason being is because the champions of TNA are in the majority of cases far superior wrestlers to the champions of WWE.

I disagree.

Somoa Joe would destroy Triple H within 3 minutes. Triple H is at best an average wrestler, who is also slow and far too predictable. Somoa Joe on the other hand is a very good wrestler, who is quicker and never predictable.
CM Punk would give Joe a greater challenge. Punk is a better wrestler than Mr Predictable Triple H. Punk would fall into the category of good wrestlers, he is also quick, has a varied moveset, and is less predictable than Trip. Somoa Joe would still win however, but this would be a far better match featuring two good wrestlers and could last upto 20 minutes in length.

This is wrestling. This is fake. When you compare Samoa Joe to Triple H in wrestling standards Triple H is far superior. Triple H draws far better then Samoa Joe and can carry a company and bring in viewers far better then Samoa Joe can, that's a proven. Triple H is far better on the mic then Samoa Joe, and Triple H can have just as good of matches in the style he's wrestling as Samoa Joe can in TNA's style. Triple H has star power, credibility, and a name that Samoa Joe doesn't.. so when you put it all together by a valid comparison Triple H far overshadows Samoa Joe. Your champion is meant to carry a company, meant to keep prestige and credibility with that championship, and most of all to bring in ratings. Mark Henry and the ECW championship isn't a world class title nor on par with TNA's TOP championship which would be compared to WWE's TOP championships which are the WWE/World Heavyweight titles.

The females of the WWE cannot wrestle at all whereas the females of TNA can wrestle, and wrestle incredibly well. The TNA knockout champion Taylor Wilde would kill whoever the WWE Women's Champion and Divas Champion are.

I'll agree with you, the titles themselves are pretty equal and comparable but I think Beth Phoenix (or Mickie James before her) get the win over Taylor Wilde.

WWE's tag team divisions are a joke. They have been for many years now. TNA on the other hand has a very healthy tag team division with so many fantastic teams involved. Robert Roode and James Storm would have no problem in beating the joke team of Ryder and Hawkins. They would have a harder time in beating Dibiase and Rhodes, but they would still win due to the youngsters inexperience.

Both tag team championships in both companys are pretty run down and forgotten. LAX would've got the nod if they were still champions as they're a far more credible and strong tag team in my mind then anything the WWE's had recently. But when you compare Beer Money to Dibiase/Rhodes or the Edgeheads its pretty much a toss up, both championships and their champions are buried.

The closest battle of the champions would be the X-Division vs US/Intercontinental. Petey Williams vs Kofi Kingston or Shelton Benjamin should be an awesome match, and all three of these wrestlers can actually wrestle. I would expect Petey to beat Kofi, mainly due to Petey having greater experience and just having the edge in wrestling ability. Petey vs Shelton on the other hand I see being mega close and very difficult to call. Shelton Benjamin could be the only victor for Team WWE in this Battle of the Champions.

The Intercontinental and US championships are both more prestigious and meaningful then the X division, and I think WWE's champions get the nod when compared to Petey Williams the current champion right now, as much as I love Williams.

Overall TNA are a different class over WWE when it coomes to the Battle of the Champions. If you think otherwise you are mad.

I think you're mad with this statement.
ok my picks

WWE/ World Heavyweight Title > TNA World Title

Why? Honestly, its the way it's booked. Some will argue that the WWE has redundant feuds that last over the span of 7 months, but so does TNA. I think there are two things that really push the WWE above TNA here. 1. In the last year alone, we've seen the TNA champion in the main event of a ppv twice, where he wasn't defending his championship. Like it or not, at least the WWE makes it at the top of their priorities. And 2. honestly, it just seems like the WWE world titles have more presitge? would you be surprised if Jay Lethal won the title tomorrow? I wouldn't.

X Divison Title > US/ IC Title

When the IC title's biggest feud involves Santino, there's a problem. US is a bit better, but I feel the WWE uses their midcard titles as props more than anything. Outside of the Matt Hardy/ MVP feud, can you really think of a good rivalry over either of those titles?

TNA Tag Titles > WWE Tag Titles
See Above

Knockout Title > Women's Title

With the exception of Mickie, Beth, Victoria, Natalya, Melina, and Michelle (which mind you is 6 decent wrestlers spread over 2 shows) WWE can't hold a candle to TNA's Knockouts

All in all, if TNA pretty much wins here, except for the World Title.
ok my picks

WWE/ World Heavyweight Title > TNA World Title

Why? Honestly, its the way it's booked. Some will argue that the WWE has redundant feuds that last over the span of 7 months, but so does TNA. I think there are two things that really push the WWE above TNA here. 1. In the last year alone, we've seen the TNA champion in the main event of a ppv twice, where he wasn't defending his championship. Like it or not, at least the WWE makes it at the top of their priorities. And 2. honestly, it just seems like the WWE world titles have more presitge? would you be surprised if Jay Lethal won the title tomorrow? I wouldn't.

X Divison Title > US/ IC Title

When the IC title's biggest feud involves Santino, there's a problem. US is a bit better, but I feel the WWE uses their midcard titles as props more than anything. Outside of the Matt Hardy/ MVP feud, can you really think of a good rivalry over either of those titles?

TNA Tag Titles > WWE Tag Titles
See Above

Knockout Title > Women's Title

With the exception of Mickie, Beth, Victoria, Natalya, Melina, and Michelle (which mind you is 6 decent wrestlers spread over 2 shows) WWE can't hold a candle to TNA's Knockouts

All in all, if TNA pretty much wins here, except for the World Title.

I'm not curious about or disagreeing with your choices at all, what I am curious about are some of your reasons. You state that there's not been any good rivalries with either the Intercontinental or US title.. yet, Kofi Kingston was defending and feuding with Burchill over the Intercontinental title and now Santino, I'll agree with the US title, but it has been defended regularly and given attention.. but what good rivalries has there been with the X division championship, based around that title? What has Petey Williams done with the X division championship?

And then I just wanted to point out that you said with the exception of Mickie, Beth, Victoria, Natalya, Melina and Michelle McCool (6 decent wrestlers) WWE can't hold a candle to TNA's knockouts... yet who are TNA's knockouts? They no longer have Gail Kim, so that leaves Awesome Kong, Wilde, Roxxi, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, ODB, and Jackie (Traci Brooks and LAX's chick aren't what I'd call "decent" wrestlers, Traci doesn't even really wrestle much) That's only 7 decent Knockouts, and if you add Gail Kim to WWE that makes it even.

Not to defend WWE, but I definitely think people are underrating its mid card titles and overrating TNA's X division championship which has been forgettable and basically meaningless for a long time now.
Knockouts are far greater than Womens/Divas. Much tougher. Much better. They don't scream at the top of their lungs when they're put in a submission hold....

Except the only knockouts that ever wrestle are Kong,Taylor,and Beautiful People. Velvet jobbed in 3 straight matches to tatlor on one night,Kong should be fighting the men seeing as how she's too dangerous to fight the women. She reportedly almost broke Shelly's arm. Taylor is really raw and just came off the indy circuit but she's the best they've got and oh yeah Gail Kim is headed back to WWE. But since this is about champions.

Beth Phoenix > Taylor Wilde

TNA beats WWE in tag teams. I just find it sad that WWE has three times the roster that TNA has and it has half the tag teams TNA has. I'm not saying that those teams don't have talent, but TNA is just better in that category.....

I agree the TNA tag division is better even though its limited to Team 3D who came from WWE by the way, Cage and Rhino throw together team they also took from WWE, MCMG they're pretty good but they job to BG James and Eric Young now apparently, Beer Money another throw together team. While WWE only has Cryme Time and Priceless thats why I give the nod to TNA.

X Division kills WWE midcard. My god. The midcard titles are taken as a joke nowadays. X Division is still major. 'Nuff said

Are you serious?? The X-Division has become a joke and a shell of its former self. Petey hardly ever wrestles on Impact anymore,Creed is very Raw and uninteresting. Lethal and Dutt are wrapped up in a bullshit storyline that should've ended weeks ago. Daniels has a bowl of curry on his head...Joe and AJ are the only ones left and they're in the heavyweight division. While the WWE midcard has Kofi Kingston,Santino,Lance Cade,D-Lo Brown,Shelton,Kennedy,Umaga,Jeff Hardy etc. Santino can work a crowd way better than Petey and Shelton is a better wrestler than Petey. All he has is the Canadian Destroyer and this isn't a who has the better finisher thread. Nuff said

World titles. TNA. Mark Henry, bullcrap. CM Punk, what are they thinking? If they want a face loser to be champion, give it back to Cena. Triple H, that's a good choice. It's been a while since he's had it, but still. Samoa Joe could beat them all. Against Mark Henry, Joe wins in... 3-5 minutes. Easy. Against CM Punk, he'd win in 2 minutes flat. Not a chance. Samoa Joe vs Triple H, a good 10-20 minute fight, hard fought. But Joe would probably win. Probably.

No way Triple H is a legend in the wrestling buisiness. Joe's name shouldn't even be spoken in the same breath as Triple H. CM Punk is even with Joe in talent but Punk is more over his character is more interesting and his title reign isn't a failure like Joe's. Joe was a breath of fresh air from Total Nonstop Angle but at this point his reign has to be considered a failure. He should have dropped the belt to Booker T at Hard Justice a Booker/Sting match at BFG is far more appealing than a Joe/Nash match. Finally...Mark henry I'll give you Joe over Henry but he's not total crap he's given aalot to the buisiness and he deserves this run. You can't take that from him,Micheal Hayes can't take it from him and Matt Hardy won't be taking it from him...anytime soon.

So that's it in a nutshell. WWE > TNA.
I'm not curious about or disagreeing with your choices at all, what I am curious about are some of your reasons. You state that there's not been any good rivalries with either the Intercontinental or US title.. yet, Kofi Kingston was defending and feuding with Burchill over the Intercontinental title and now Santino, I'll agree with the US title, but it has been defended regularly and given attention.. but what good rivalries has there been with the X division championship, based around that title? What has Petey Williams done with the X division championship?

And then I just wanted to point out that you said with the exception of Mickie, Beth, Victoria, Natalya, Melina and Michelle McCool (6 decent wrestlers) WWE can't hold a candle to TNA's knockouts... yet who are TNA's knockouts? They no longer have Gail Kim, so that leaves Awesome Kong, Wilde, Roxxi, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, ODB, and Jackie (Traci Brooks and LAX's chick aren't what I'd call "decent" wrestlers, Traci doesn't even really wrestle much) That's only 7 decent Knockouts, and if you add Gail Kim to WWE that makes it even.

Not to defend WWE, but I definitely think people are underrating its mid card titles and overrating TNA's X division championship which has been forgettable and basically meaningless for a long time now.

Maybe you have a point. Perhaps it's just a decline in mid-card wrestling in general. Back in 2006 we had Styles, Sabin, Senshi, Joe, and Daniels feuding over the X-Division Championship. At the same time, we had JBL, Kennedy, Finlay, and Benoit feuding over the US Title and Nitro, Hardy, Benjamin, and RVD feuding over the IC strap. Maybe the midcard title scene has just died down a bit over time, but you can hardly count Kofi and Santinos feud a feud. It was nothing more than a way to elevate the Beth/ Santino deal and get the strap back on Phoenix. I'd take Petey's matches with Lethal and Creed over Kofi's 3 week television feuds with Burchill.

And for the women's titles? Yes, I do agree they're almost even. But the thing that strikes my attention most though, is TNA's willingness to put women's wrestling towards the front of their promotion. They're constantly finding new ways to be unique be it street fights or otherwise. Gotta believe TNA cares more about their division than WWE does.
Maybe you have a point. Perhaps it's just a decline in mid-card wrestling in general. Back in 2006 we had Styles, Sabin, Senshi, Joe, and Daniels feuding over the X-Division Championship. At the same time, we had JBL, Kennedy, Finlay, and Benoit feuding over the US Title and Nitro, Hardy, Benjamin, and RVD feuding over the IC strap. Maybe the midcard title scene has just died down a bit over time, but you can hardly count Kofi and Santinos feud a feud. It was nothing more than a way to elevate the Beth/ Santino deal and get the strap back on Phoenix. I'd take Petey's matches with Lethal and Creed over Kofi's 3 week television feuds with Burchill.

True, the mid card may be declining, that's certainly debatable, but the fact is is that the X Division championship is worthless now and has no credibility, prestige, or importance at all. The Intercontinental and US championships are both still credible championships and given importance on the shows, defended frequently and their champions shown regularly and built around where as Petey Williams is doing nothing, has been doing nothing, and you could basically forget the X division championship is even around. I don't see how TNA could get the nod when comparing the two companys.

And for the women's titles? Yes, I do agree they're almost even. But the thing that strikes my attention most though, is TNA's willingness to put women's wrestling towards the front of their promotion. They're constantly finding new ways to be unique be it street fights or otherwise. Gotta believe TNA cares more about their division than WWE does.

That's only because everything else in TNA isn't drawing ratings, especially the top stars that SHOULD be drawing the ratings so they have no choice but to depend more on the women and push them to a greater degree. WWE doesn't have that problem, the women aren't anywhere near their main or top draws in ratings every week so they don't need to push the women to the length TNA does. That's a sad thing really for TNA, but its a good thing for women's wrestling and fans who enjoy it. I'd still put Beth over Taylor Wilde though, simply because Beth seems much more "known" and credible in my eyes as a character and wrestler. Even though Wilde's the Knockout champion she still has that feel of being a relative unknown to me and unproven.
True, the mid card may be declining, that's certainly debatable, but the fact is is that the X Division championship is worthless now and has no credibility, prestige, or importance at all. The Intercontinental and US championships are both still credible championships and given importance on the shows, defended frequently and their champions shown regularly and built around where as Petey Williams is doing nothing, has been doing nothing, and you could basically forget the X division championship is even around. I don't see how TNA could get the nod when comparing the two companys.

That's only because everything else in TNA isn't drawing ratings, especially the top stars that SHOULD be drawing the ratings so they have no choice but to depend more on the women and push them to a greater degree. WWE doesn't have that problem, the women aren't anywhere near their main or top draws in ratings every week so they don't need to push the women to the length TNA does. That's a sad thing really for TNA, but its a good thing for women's wrestling and fans who enjoy it. I'd still put Beth over Taylor Wilde though, simply because Beth seems much more "known" and credible in my eyes as a character and wrestler. Even though Wilde's the Knockout champion she still has that feel of being a relative unknown to me and unproven.

I must say, against my will, im inclined to agree on the state of the X Division. But at the same time, I also insist that ALL the mid-card titles are being used solely as props. One thing that can be said though. The X Division title is arguably what made TNA. Granted, the IC strap helped elevate wrestlers to main event status, but can you honestly say that what brought in viewers in the first place was the Intercontinental Championship? Or the US title? The X Division title will always have that place, because it marked the greatest wrestler in TNA's greatest asset. The IC and US title make main eventers. The X Division doesn't need to. No matter what, it'll always be a draw. Think I'm wrong? Put the strap on AJ and see how it varies by comparison to Kofi and Santino. I'm not trying to argue that the X Division title has more of a legacy than the IC title. I'm speaking in terms of importance within the company.

And for the Women's title. Using Taylor as an example of the potential of the Knockouts Title is like saying CM Punk is the potential of the WHC. The current champion doesn't necessarily represent the division as a whole. If Kong or Gail Kim was champion, would you feel the same way? Taylor just seems to be the whipping girl for thoughts on a division shes barely been a part of since it's inception.
now looky here, this is what i think

joe vs. hhh- draw, because joe is not the best wrestler, i dont know why people say omg samoa joe, best wrestler, he's not he and hhh are tied.

joe vs, cm punk, this match is even beter than before but i se joe winning this won

joe vs, henry- henry. BLACK POWER MUTHA FUCKAS

x divison vs, us/I-C title- i se peetey, he's a good wrestler, beating kofi, and losing to shelton, but peety vs benjamin would be awesome,

tag team, ok, the wwe tag team divison is not dead, sure it hit a rough patch but come on! first of all, who came up with the name beer money inc, so tna'ish so retarted, so... MIKE TENAYY. any wo is see beer money taking hawkins and ryder, but losing to team priceless.

womens- simply put. wilde sucks mickie wins
joe vs. hhh- draw, because joe is not the best wrestler, i dont know why people say omg samoa joe, best wrestler, he's not he and hhh are tied.

Triple H and Samoa Joe are not tied. Triple H is a legend in pro wrestling. Samoa Joe is a failure at world champion. Triple H would sell out the Garden. Joe can't even fill up the Impact Zone. HHH > Joe

joe vs, cm punk, this match is even beter than before but i se joe winning this won.

Joe and Punk were both great in ROH. They are both legends on the indy circuit. I'm very proud of the success these 2 men have accomplished at this point. It's a wash for me. Punk has been intriguing as champ. But at least Joe ended Angle's reign of terror. Even though TNA needed a star like him to have a lengthy reign to build that title's credibility. Joe = Punk

joe vs, henry- henry. BLACK POWER MUTHA FUCKAS.

Thats ridiculous first of all it would be appreciated if that type of language wasn't used in a forum like this. Youre gonna offend someone eventually. Also Henry is not better than Joe. Henry deserves this reign. He has given alot to the buisiness. Joe > Henry.

x divison vs, us/I-C title- i se peetey, he's a good wrestler, beating kofi, and losing to shelton, but peety vs benjamin would be awesome.

Petey vs Shelton would be awesome. Kofi isn't even IC Champion. Santino is. He probably was at the time of your post. I'll give you that. Shelton is a batter wrestler than Petey. Petey's only known for his finisher. That's all.

Midcard > X-Division

tag team, ok, the wwe tag team divison is not dead, sure it hit a rough patch but come on! first of all, who came up with the name beer money inc, so tna'ish so retarted, so... MIKE TENAYY. any wo is see beer money taking hawkins and ryder, but losing to team priceless..

Beer Money = Priceless but > Hawkins & Ryder. Beer Money is a throw together team. Priceless is inexperienced but has loads of potential. Hawkins and Ryder have noone to feud with. Plus they are boring.

womens- simply put. wilde sucks mickie wins

Mickie and Beth are both better than Taylor. As good as Taylor is. I can only hope she sucks.

Simply put WWE > TNA.
I must say, against my will, im inclined to agree on the state of the X Division. But at the same time, I also insist that ALL the mid-card titles are being used solely as props. One thing that can be said though. The X Division title is arguably what made TNA. Granted, the IC strap helped elevate wrestlers to main event status, but can you honestly say that what brought in viewers in the first place was the Intercontinental Championship? Or the US title? The X Division title will always have that place, because it marked the greatest wrestler in TNA's greatest asset. The IC and US title make main eventers. The X Division doesn't need to. No matter what, it'll always be a draw. Think I'm wrong? Put the strap on AJ and see how it varies by comparison to Kofi and Santino. I'm not trying to argue that the X Division title has more of a legacy than the IC title. I'm speaking in terms of importance within the company.

I think you're wrong, yes. Definitely. I think your logic here is extremely flawed. AJ Styles wasn't strictly a star of the X division he's always had the ability and potential to be a star in wrestling as a whole and he's been a World champion several times. What the X division WAS and what AJ Styles was when he was a part of the X division is nothing related to what it is now, which is what this thread's refering to. You're telling me the X division draws? I'd love proof that beyond guys like Styles, Daniels, and Joe (who were never limited to the X division and always had the ability to be stars no matter what division or place in TNA they were or would be) the X division has been a draw recently. I'd love proof that guys like Jay Lethal, Petey Williams, and any other recent champion has been a draw rating-wise or otherwise. Styles is a whole different story then Petey Williams, and the importance of the X division right now is NOTHING related to the importance of what it once was. The X division has no importance now within the company and that's proven by the way its used, by the way the champions used, each and every week on television compared to how the Intercontinental and US titles are used on WWE television. So I think your argument here is very flawed and doesn't hold up, personally.

And for the Women's title. Using Taylor as an example of the potential of the Knockouts Title is like saying CM Punk is the potential of the WHC. The current champion doesn't necessarily represent the division as a whole. If Kong or Gail Kim was champion, would you feel the same way? Taylor just seems to be the whipping girl for thoughts on a division shes barely been a part of since it's inception.

Kim's no longer in TNA so therefore she can't be used as an argument for the TNA Knockout championship being better. Taylor is the best option TNA has right now when you look through its Knockout division, aside from Kong, so if you take out Taylor and replace her with anyone else.. the Beautiful People, ODB, Roxxi, Jackie, Traci, I don't think the Knockout championship would compete with WWE's champion in Beth or Mickie James when she was champion at all. Kong is one person, one champion, if she's the only one who can carry the knockout division as champion then that's not a nod for TNA over WWE and their champions at all.
okay, I am a huge WWE fan, have been for 20 years. Having said this, I am starting to really enjoy TNA. So I am going to try and be as unbiased as I can be when i discuss this.

Tag Teams- WWE hasnt had a legitimate tag team division since the Dudleys/Hardyz/E&C were feuding in 2000. I really wish they would get there butts in gear and make the Tag Team division what it used to be. I really like Dibiase&Rhodes, but the loss to Cena/Batista was pointless and had no effect on the Cena/Batista feud. The only good thing that came out of this was that Priceless won the belts back.. But then WWE decides to have Cena beat them the next week? WAY TO GO WWE.. Im not even going to comment on Smackdowns tag teams, because they are horrible. TNA is far superior in the Tag team division. Team 3D can still hang and have good matches, and Beer Money and LAX are the two best teams in wrestling period. TNA wins this by a landslide.

Womens/Knockout/Diva- As far as who i like currently as the champion I would choose Beth Phoenix over Taylor Wilde. But in overall womens wrestling, I would say TNA has a slight advantage (we'll wait and see if WWE gets Gail Kim). So I'm going to side with TNA on this one, they just have more competition and better wrestling than the WWE women.

US/IC/X division- I give this one to WWE only because of Shelton Benjamin, I am really excited that he is in the main event at Unforgiven and now he is going to get a chance to show what he is really made of. Santino is good for laughs. Kofi is a star in the making, and I'm interested to see what WWE will do with Kendrick. TNA's X division seems weak at the moment. Petey Williams is awesome, but I am really getting sick of his feud with Creed. Dutt/Letal are kind of being put above the X division belt which is not good for Petey's reign. So WWE wins this one.

World Title- Ok, This one is kind of tough. At first I thought CM Punk was going to drop the belt to Batista right off, didnt happen, than I thought well JBL is due for a reign so I figured Punk would lose at Summerslam, didnt happen, and Punk finally got a clean win at Summerslam which really helps out his title reign. Triple H has had a very solid run beating the likes of Orton/Cena/Edge/Khali. I'm very interested to see him against the new talent (Benjamin, MVP, Hardy, Kendrick). But I think this reign has been his best to date. Samoa Joe has been a very good champion as well. Beating Angle at Lockdown was a big boost in his career. I think TNA waited a bit to long for Joe to be champion but thats alright. I really like what TNA is doing with the Joe/Booker feud. Throwing Sting in the mix is cool too. I hope it leads to a showdown between Joe and Sting at Bound For Glory. But overall I think that the WWE is better. Only because of the competition the World Champions have to face. Punk has Cena/Batista/Jericho/JBL/Kane/Orton... HHH has Taker/Edge/Khali/MVP/Hardy etc.... TNA has very few main eventers that i think are capable of being good world champions. So I'm going with WWE on this one.
I am a definite fan of both. But TNA takes it with this one.

Knockouts are far greater than Womens/Divas. Much tougher. Much better. They don't scream at the top of their lungs when they're put in a submission hold...

TNA beats WWE in tag teams. I just find it sad that WWE has three times the roster that TNA has and it has half the tag teams TNA has. I'm not saying that those teams don't have talent, but TNA is just better in that category.

X Division kills WWE midcard. My god. The midcard titles are taken as a joke nowadays. X Division is still major. 'Nuff said

World titles. TNA. Mark Henry, bullcrap. CM Punk, what are they thinking? If they want a face loser to be champion, give it back to Cena. Triple H, that's a good choice. It's been a while since he's had it, but still. Samoa Joe could beat them all. Against Mark Henry, Joe wins in... 3-5 minutes. Easy. Against CM Punk, he'd win in 2 minutes flat. Not a chance. Samoa Joe vs Triple H, a good 10-20 minute fight, hard fought. But Joe would probably win. Probably.

So that's it in a nutshell. TNA > WWE.

Fait enough, the women's division is weak in WWE right now. But thats not their main draw. If TNA wants its women to be the main draw, thats fine they can float around 1.0 on the Nielson ratings.

As for the midcard being a joke? Last time I checked, Shelton Benjamin was United States champion, putting on fantastic matches on free TV with Jeff and Matt, Finlay, Kennedy, and whoever else.Kendrick is now in the midcard as well, and that's just smackdown. The midcard on Raw? Technically Jericho and Shawn Micheals are midcard right now. Kane and whenever he returns Mysterio as well. Kofi Kingston is a hell of an athlete, and no matter what, Santino is always entertaining to watch.

The tag titles are really weak for both. LAX was the shit, and a legit tag team. Beer Money need to be singles stars, plain and simple. I guess it's a backhanded compliment to both men, but it's jsut too forced to watch them together. Reminds me of Rated RKO.

My friend, maybe you don't watch that much wrestling, but last time i checked, Samoa Joe did face CM Punk, and the shortest match they had was 46 minutes.
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