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TNA Vacates TV Title; Samoa Joe Crowned New Champion


The main page has reported that TNA has officially vacated the TNA Television Championship as Devon is no longer with the company. Tonight's episode of IW will feature another edition of Championship Thursday and four men will plead their case before IW GM Hulk Hogan. Hogan will ultimately decide which two wrestlers will face off for the vacant title. The four men that will plead their cases are Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson, Magnus & Garett Bischoff.

In all honesty, the TNA Television Championship would probably be a step up for all four of these men. While Samoa Joe & Mr. Anderson are both former TNA World Heavyweight Champions, they've both been floating around sort of aimlessly or have been MIA for months on end since their runs ended. Magnus has been in TNA for a while and did well in the tag team ranks. Garett Bischoff is someone that still has a LOT to prove in my eyes as he's really only there because of his extremely well connected old man Eric.

Personally, I'd rather see Magnus come out with the title tonight. Magnus is someone that's young and fresh but also has potential. The fact that it's been so long since Magnus was relevant in TNA as a tag team wrestler does give me a sense that this could be a positive fresh start. As a young star now trying to make his mark in the singles rank, and as someone with a good deal of promise in my eyes, I think he's the one that could ultimately benefit the most from being the champ. Also, I think the title itself could use a fresh champ as a means of starting things back off fresh. I'm not really sure why TNA put the title on Devon in the first place, but I think this is a chance to sort of rectify things.
I've said it again and again — the TV title is supposed to be a stepping stone, which means it either needs to be given to up-and-comers like Magnus, or it needs to be held by main-eventers who've run their course with whatever WHC run they had (Joe, Anderson).

Bischoff doesn't belong. Not even close.
I would actually prefer Samoa Joe to come away with it. He's a credible wrestler in TNA, no doubt. The fans are behind him, so if they're going to keep the TV Title around they'll get behind it as well. I know a lot of people think Joe is too good for the TV Title, but if you want people to care about it, give it to someone they care about.

Bischoff should be a definite no. Anderson, while he's had his moments in TNA, has been pretty much irrelevant for a long time now. He's one of those guys now that can be inserted in any big match and look like a legitamite threat, but really that's all he's there for. Unless they plan on pushing him back up, I don't see him with a belt any time soon. I agree Magnus wouldn't be a bad choice if they want to give him the ball and see how far he runs with it, so I'd put him 2nd on my list of winners.

As a side note, why is Bischoff even in this? What about other BFG Series wrestlers who were more filler than anything? Pope? Robbie E? They're at least more relevant than Bischoff and can put on a decent match... I know the real answer is obvious (last name), but still. If we're lucky, Bischoff's recent time away has at least improved his look and skill.
The best pick to win the TV Title tonight is Mr. Anderson.

Anderson has the skills to lead the mid-card division, with the TV Title being the title that guys go for when they can't go for the World Title. The TV title needs to be TNA's equivalent to WWE's Intercontinental Championship. Guys who are fast rising stars like Magnus, as well as guys who are already over like Anderson or Joe, are all great choices to face for this title.

The reason I say Anderson is because he can bring the value of the TV Title up. If he wins the strap tonight, he can start up a feud win someone like RVD or Bully Ray that can lead into Bound For Glory. The reasoning can be the TV Title. The potential for an interesting build and a great in-ring match is there. Then, they can continue to have feuds with meaning for this title.

I would rather Anderson to have it over Joe or Magnus because they already have a reasoning behind their feud. Would the TV Title add anything to the feud they already have? I don't really think so. Joe vs. Magnus can already go on the BFG Card, and have a meaning. Anderson currently has nothing going on in his career at all. Giving him the title gives him a new reason to matter.

Best choice, Mrrrrrrr. Anderson! Anderson!

EDIT: Just realized I didn't mention Garret in this post. Oh well.
The main page has reported that TNA has officially vacated the TNA Television Championship as Devon is no longer with the company. Tonight's episode of IW will feature another edition of Championship Thursday and four men will plead their case before IW GM Hulk Hogan. Hogan will ultimately decide which two wrestlers will face off for the vacant title. The four men that will plead their cases are Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson, Magnus & Garett Bischoff.

In all honesty, the TNA Television Championship would probably be a step up for all four of these men. While Samoa Joe & Mr. Anderson are both former TNA World Heavyweight Champions, they've both been floating around sort of aimlessly or have been MIA for months on end since their runs ended. Magnus has been in TNA for a while and did well in the tag team ranks. Garett Bischoff is someone that still has a LOT to prove in my eyes as he's really only there because of his extremely well connected old man Eric.

Personally, I'd rather see Magnus come out with the title tonight. Magnus is someone that's young and fresh but also has potential. The fact that it's been so long since Magnus was relevant in TNA as a tag team wrestler does give me a sense that this could be a positive fresh start. As a young star now trying to make his mark in the singles rank, and as someone with a good deal of promise in my eyes, I think he's the one that could ultimately benefit the most from being the champ. Also, I think the title itself could use a fresh champ as a means of starting things back off fresh. I'm not really sure why TNA put the title on Devon in the first place, but I think this is a chance to sort of rectify things.

I 100% agree with you that Magnus should be the one who gets the title. He has heaps of potential in the ring and his mic skills are a lot better then what most people think. If you ever watched the English version of the Gladiators then you will know that Magnus can cut some great promos if given the chance, much better then the ones he has cut so far in TNA and if he gets the Title then I am hoping that TNA will give him some more time on the mic to really help get him over with the fans. As far as who he should face for the title then I would like to see joe. there has been a lot of heat bettween these two as of late and your likely to get a better match out of these two then you would Garrett or Anderson.
Garrett should not be on this list at all if he wins the title I will be pissed off. :suspic:

The person I think should get the TV Title is none other than MISSTERR.ANDERSON! ANDERSON! Hes a former multiple time world champion and at the moment he has nothing going on why not give him the belt and give him a credible challenger at BFG for it?

Samoa Joe and Magnus both could use the belt as well, Joe for the same reason as Anderson, Magnus because hes an up and comer who would benfit greatly from a nice run with the TV Title.

Bottom line I want Anderson to win the TV Title but I think the other 3 have better chances at winning the belt then him...Based off the fact there both have a shot maybe were gonna see Samoa Joe vs Magnus at BFG for the TV Title I wouldnt mind seeing that happen either.
ok, firstly, this isnt a surprise as i didnt see Devon coming back unless re-signed. as for the four contenders. there's 3 who should be involved in this and one who doesnt belong in the discussion. Garrett Bischoff shouldnt even be in the talks to have this match. i personally want to see either Samoa Joe or Mr. Anderson holding this title. 1) the TV title needs to be known as a credible champion, Anderson and Joe are both former champions and both were help make that title known....2) the champion needs to be at least a decent wrestler and both are that. i like Magnus, BUT i want him to chase it, THEN take it. build him up as a threat, then have him take the title, but after the title has more prestige. with that said, my prediction is Magnus wins it and i wont hate it if he won it, but i still rather it be Joe with Anderson as a close 2nd, then Magnus as a close 3rd with Bischoff not even in the running.
I was going to go with Mr.Anderson but I dont see him on Impact consistently and I feel Samoa Joe deserves all the recognition in the world for staying loyal to TNA. I believe he could of went to WWE especially with Austin shouting him out. But sticking to the topic if the Title is defended on TV weekly like intended it would be more interesting. Have Anderson chase after it by always commentating on Joe matches weekly waiting to get his shot. They need to make that title more interesting like having a lottery type drawing weekly to see who the TV title opponent will be.
Whoever wins the TV Title tonight- barring one of those "indecisive match, payoff match at the PPV" finishes- will be indicative of the direction TNA intends to go with the belt.

If Samoa Joe or Mr. Kenderson win the title, they're doing one of two things. Either they're trying to rejuvenate the belt by putting it on someone with some star cache (the more likelier option, IMHO), or they're returning the belt to what it was in its "Legends Title" days- a belt for the almost-top-tier stars to hold that isn't the World belt.

If Magnus wins, they're turning it into TNA's edition of the Intercontinental Title, which is the result I'd most like to see. A second-tier title that's not as insignificant as the X-Division Title (AA not withstanding), which builds a performer up to the possibility of performing in main events.

If Garret Bischoff wins, TNA just doesn't give a shit. It'll either be used as a comic relief belt or a prop in some overwrought storyline involving Eric Bischoff's return to television (Please God No No No No No.)

Of the four people, I think Magnus needs the belt most. You can kick either Joe or Kenderson into the main event, and people will buy it. Garret Bischoff is a dead project. Magnus is the guy most in need of a build right now.
I want to see either Joe or Magnus come out on top tonight. Matter of fact it would be the perfect set up to restart the teased feud between the tow of them. I'm with the masses in saying Garret shouldn't be involved in this whatsoever. Otherwise any of the combatants could do well with the strap.
My Money Is On Magnus....... He's Long Over Due for a single title!!! plus i would have Joe chase the title and Magnus vs Joe for the tv title could help get the title notice!
Prediction: The match will be Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson with Magnus costing Joe the title. I honestly can't forsee it any other way. This gives fuel to the Magnus/Joe feud and creates a midcard champion who can have a token title defense at the PPV. Two birds, one stone.
Joe/Anderson was a solid match-up and probably the best possible scenario to crown a winner among the choices, but the finish was a little anticlimactic for me. Doesn't matter all that much, just a small dip in the ride, but Joe winning is likely the right choice. He has a propensity for being able to build a feud out of nothing, much like AJ, and can make even the worst workers look great.
Joe/Anderson was a solid match-up and probably the best possible scenario to crown a winner among the choices, but the finish was a little anticlimactic for me. Doesn't matter all that much, just a small dip in the ride, but Joe winning is likely the right choice. He has a propensity for being able to build a feud out of nothing, much like AJ, and can make even the worst workers look great.

I am hoping the choke out was just the hint of what kind of Joe we will be getting during this stretch. He seems to be getting a much better shake with Lagana in control.
Joe/Anderson was a solid match-up and probably the best possible scenario to crown a winner among the choices, but the finish was a little anticlimactic for me. Doesn't matter all that much, just a small dip in the ride, but Joe winning is likely the right choice. He has a propensity for being able to build a feud out of nothing, much like AJ, and can make even the worst workers look great.
Personally I loved the ending to the match. All night long Hogan made t clear that Joe was absolutely dominant and the final segment before the match showed it the most. Then Joe beats Anderson by literally choking the life out of him for 2 minutes. If that doesn't establish him as a dominant champion nothing with.

The odd part though is the fact that what Joe got wasn't the TV title we're used to see with the bright red strap and the nice broad and colorful design. It was the old, flat World Heavyweight Champion he won back in 2008 that was last seen held by Eric Young running around in his underwear looking for Scott Baio.
I never even noticed at the time what belt it was.

maybe Devon still has the red belt? maybe because TNA was apparently still in negotiations with Devon up to the last minute they couldn't get the red belt from him, or have enough time to make a new belt?
I imagine they will either get the red belt back, or come up with a new title belt. I can't imagine they keep Joe using the black belt that actually says "world heavyweight champion" on the belt.
I will really enjoy seeing Joe defend this belt choking people out along the way. I think he is a perfect choice to start defending the belt each week again. I wanted to see him win the BFG series, but since he didn't I think this is a good way to get him seen each week in good quality matches.
I think it's a good move to put the strap on Joe.

Samoa Joe is over with the TNA fanbase, he always has been. He seemed to be drifting aimlessly for the last couple of years but in the last few months Joe has really impressed me. He has been having better matches than he has done for a long time, and looked a real threat in the BFG series, so much so that I was disappointed when he was eliminated.

As he isn't in the World Title frame for BFG and not doing anything in relation to the Aces & 8s storyline, I am glad to see TNA put the TV title on him. I think he will do a great job with the belt. He can put on good quality matches with pretty much anyone, and will bring some crediblity and prestige back to the title. I hope to see him having a good feud with either Mr Anderson or preferably Magnus for the belt, and hopefully putting it on the line at BFG.

I'm also really pleased that Garrett Bischoff didn't win the belt. When he was named as one of the 4 choices that Hogan had to pick from I was worried we would see Baby Bisch come out as TV Champion, so I'm glad that didn't happen.

But, yeah...Joe as TV Champion works for me. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does.
I thought Joe & Anderson had a solid match, a few sloppy spots here and there, but an overall good effort. Surprisingly, the live crowd wasn't nearly into the match as much as I figured. They showed more reaction to that kid's Gut Check segment than this match.

As for whether this was a good move, only time will tell. I'm not really sure what to think. On one hand, I'm optimistic that that TNA will make good use of the title by putting it on Joe. At the same time, TNA has put Joe in a lot of situations over the past several years that've looked promising in the beginning only to be extremely lackluster when it's all said and done. All in all, Joe has kind of floated around, pretty aimlessly in fact, for several years within the mid-card doldrums in TNA. While I've still go that little bit of optimism, I'm not getting my hopes up.

While using the original TNA WHC belt as a substitute for the TV title was a little lame, it probably couldn't be helped if Devon still has possession of the actual title. Even though I doubt this will happen, I wish TNA would just bring in a completely new title and retire the red one. The red toy belt almost seems as though it's generally cursed with irrelevancy and has been since its inception.
Call me a nitpicker but I thought the match was great until the ending. Just like Jack-Hammer said, the crowd reaction to Joe's win was more quiet than we probably expected.

My opinion is that it stemmed from the over-exaggerated choice of ending that had Anderson sitting in the rear-naked choke for almost five straight minutes before finally passing out. Let's face it... by now, we've all seen the classic Wrestlemania 13 match between Bret Hart and Steve Austin. Over the years, we've seen the ending duplicated every now and again where an opponent refuses to tap out and will "pass out" from either the pain or the effect of the submission hold. Now, unless the victim can legitimately be looked at as a tough competitor to the point where they'd be able to take on this kind of pain, this ending type is nothing more than an ego boost and bad booking, in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that a rear-naked choke is a legitimate MMA hold and for a company such as TNA who likes to teter on the boundaries of reality versus the pro-wrestling world, they should know better than to think a wrestler could sit in a rear-naked choke for five straight minutes before passing out. Too much time passed from when Joe locked it in until Anderson finally went limp and I think it took the wind out of the sails of a pretty decent match.

In addition, there were some sloppy spots (especially towards the end,) but I think the right guy came out on top. Joe really needed to take a step back, gain a midcard title, and be given a chance to elevate its prestige. The Television title is a championship custom-made for a superstar who can put on good and exciting matches on a weekly basis. Joe is a perfect candidate for this type of ideology.
I was glad to see Garrett did not get picked for the title but did anyone else notice the look he shot hogan when he turned back to Anderson and Joe?? Something that keeps coming to mind for me is that ... Aces & 8's said you dont know who we are or where we will show up at ... SO FAR .. we have only seen their eyes and arms (unless i missed a segment) but whats the chances of Garrett being a member of Aces' and 8's???
I think Magnus is a better selection, have him and Joe have some incredible matches or it and let them trade it back and forth with a few apperances from other guys,
Call me a nitpicker but I thought the match was great until the ending. Just like Jack-Hammer said, the crowd reaction to Joe's win was more quiet than we probably expected.

My opinion is that it stemmed from the over-exaggerated choice of ending that had Anderson sitting in the rear-naked choke for almost five straight minutes before finally passing out. Let's face it... by now, we've all seen the classic Wrestlemania 13 match between Bret Hart and Steve Austin. Over the years, we've seen the ending duplicated every now and again where an opponent refuses to tap out and will "pass out" from either the pain or the effect of the submission hold. Now, unless the victim can legitimately be looked at as a tough competitor to the point where they'd be able to take on this kind of pain, this ending type is nothing more than an ego boost and bad booking, in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that a rear-naked choke is a legitimate MMA hold and for a company such as TNA who likes to teter on the boundaries of reality versus the pro-wrestling world, they should know better than to think a wrestler could sit in a rear-naked choke for five straight minutes before passing out. Too much time passed from when Joe locked it in until Anderson finally went limp and I think it took the wind out of the sails of a pretty decent match.

In addition, there were some sloppy spots (especially towards the end,) but I think the right guy came out on top. Joe really needed to take a step back, gain a midcard title, and be given a chance to elevate its prestige. The Television title is a championship custom-made for a superstar who can put on good and exciting matches on a weekly basis. Joe is a perfect candidate for this type of ideology.
I disagree. I feel the ending was the best way to go to establish Samoa Joe as a potentially dominant champion. Anderson flopped all over the ring to grab the ropes but Joe simply kept maneuvering away from them and maintaining dominance. Playing on the earlier segments that were practically Hogan saying Joe was a wrecking ball up until the match itself.

Was the match good? No. Anderson was pretty sloppy transitioning a few moves and Joe clearly missed his turnbuckle soccer kick. But if you wanna establish a new champion, no better way to do it than by killing the champion dead. And that's what Joe did by basically having Anderson grasping for air for 2 minutes with no way out.
Does Devon still have physical possession of the only copy of the TV Title? That sounds practically foolish to me. First, as we saw when the TNA World titles were stolen a couple of months back, there should be a couple of copies. Shit happens, things get lost, and there's nothing wrong with having a knockoff version to cover your ass for when shit does happen. On that note, since when were promotions letting their performers leave the event with the physical belts? I thought major promotions had stopped doing that all the way back when Alundra Blayze/Madusa left the WWF with the Women's Title, and the lesson was repeated when WCW paid Mike Awesome to try and appear on WCW television with the ECW title. (How'd that work out, Mike? Did you.... hang around in WCW for long?) It sounds a bit implausible to me that Devon could leave contract with the only existing copy of a title in his physical possession, and sounds more like an attempt at rebranding. If that is the case.... jeeeeeeesus. What a foolish and easily preventable move.

On to the match- thank you, TNA, for not putting Garret Bischoff anywhere near this thing, first off. Shane McMahon he is not. Joe and Kenderson was a good match, botched spots aside- but that ending.... ugh. If you've got a rear naked choke in for as long as Joe did, you're doing something wrong. It's not a hold which works through overstretching a muscle or manipulating a joint, but a hold which works by preventing the flow of oxygen to the brain. Fifteen seconds is about all it takes. (It's not oxygen debt itself that causes unconsciousness, but the sudden change in the amount of oxygen reaching the brain.) Outside of the Impact Zone, TNA fans tend to be a bit more knowledgeable, and that's something people have picked up on. If you want to do the "I won't give up" option, it doesn't work as well if your audience knows what the jig is.

Also, Impact Zone fans are easily the worst fans in all of professional wrestling, and I'm including the "Super Dragon!" guy. Apparently TNA can't afford to be doing a road tour, but go to a two-minute tape delay and dub in some canned heat, if anything. Those fans absolutely kill great matches.
I disagree. I feel the ending was the best way to go to establish Samoa Joe as a potentially dominant champion. Anderson flopped all over the ring to grab the ropes but Joe simply kept maneuvering away from them and maintaining dominance. Playing on the earlier segments that were practically Hogan saying Joe was a wrecking ball up until the match itself.

Do you realize what you wrote here? If anything, having Anderson flop around the ring for close to five minutes makes Joe look WEAK; not dominant. It basically means that he doesn't know how to apply a rear-naked choke properly. And considering that TNA is trying to blend the boundaries between their brand of pro-wrestling and legitimate fighting, this looks completely stupid.

Listen, I get it... Anderson wanted to look strong, even during a big loss like that. But let's face facts here; he must have been on some kind of an ego boost to think that battling a rear-naked choke for close to FIVE minutes gives credibility to both him AND Samoe Joe. Anderson made Joe look like shit, period.

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