TNA UK rating - Beats RAW


Dark Match Jobber
In the U.K. for the week ending 8/2, Impact was the highest rated pro wrestling show with 70,000 viewers, and did 50,000 on a replay broadcast. Raw did 57,000 viewers for a replay for its highest rating of he week. Smackdown's first airing did 45,000


People are getting hooked on the Russo product. This is great.
What times did they air at. If I remember correctly, I heard that Raw airs at some crazy timeslot over there in some places.
It is the same here in Australia, TNA Impact! outrates RAW, Smackdown! and ECW easily on a week to week basis, ever since they began showing it on fox8. RAW doesn't even come close to Smackdown! over here which just goes to show, outside of America WWE is being beaten, and being beaten good.

TNA over the past couple of weeks has picked up it's game dramatically and the catalyst of it's rise was last week with the masive backstage brawl, all in brawls will always draw ratings, if done correctly.

But back to the original thread, there is no real suprise that TNA beat RAW in the UK because WWE and TNA are most likely on the same channels (correct me if i'm wrong, that's just how they do it over here in Aus') compelling product + good advertising = ratings
Come talk to me when Impact isn't filmed in a venue in which all of the audience gets in for free.

And you might want to save on the "Getting hooked on the Russo product" comment TNA Rick, considering Russo's creative control has gone down drastically since Jarrett has been on his leave of absence. Last weeks show was the last one that was reported to me an "All Jarrett-Russo" booked show. So I'd calm down if I were you, Russo may very well be on his way out.
I'm not ripping on TNA, I really enjoy it. But I want to know what time TNA is on compared to TNA and what channel. I highly doubt that TNA is actually more popular over there, but I could be wrong.

BTW, it wasn't because of Russo.
Raw airs twice...once live (2am tuesday) and the repeat is at 10pm on a friday night.

The channel Raw is on costs £18 extra a month whereby the impact channel is on the basic package so people who don't have the sports channels can save £20 and watch TNA. Hardcore fans will watch it live so wont watch the repeat. I wonder what the rating would be between the two.
I Sky+ the live show and watch it on the Tuesday morning. I'm actually impressed that 50,000+ people watch RAW live at 2 in the morning till 4.
It is the same here in Australia, TNA Impact! outrates RAW, Smackdown! and ECW easily on a week to week basis, ever since they began showing it on fox8. RAW doesn't even come close to Smackdown! over here which just goes to show, outside of America WWE is being beaten, and being beaten good.

TNA over the past couple of weeks has picked up it's game dramatically and the catalyst of it's rise was last week with the masive backstage brawl, all in brawls will always draw ratings, if done correctly.

But back to the original thread, there is no real suprise that TNA beat RAW in the UK because WWE and TNA are most likely on the same channels (correct me if i'm wrong, that's just how they do it over here in Aus') compelling product + good advertising = ratings

I would love to know where the information for this came from. Being in Australia and all, just want to know where the sources are from, because I can't find them. And because you know, they show WWE all weekend, and show Impact! like twice a week. And because Smackdown! is so much superior to most other wrestling programs. Actually scratch that, right now, it is FAR superior to all other wrestling shows today.
I Sky+ the live show and watch it on the Tuesday morning. I'm actually impressed that 50,000+ people watch RAW live at 2 in the morning till 4.

erm it says 57,000 on the give no figures about live.

Nor what the source was
So, the only things we can use for comparison are the replays, seeings as that's the only figure you give for both shows. Therefore, if these ratings are correct, Raw has 57,000 replay, TNA has 50,000...How does TNA beat Raw?
so Raw on thursday 21:30 drew 57K whilst Raw on Tuesday live drew 50K....Impact on Saturday at 21:00 drew 70K Add to the fact that Impact airs on Bravo which is on your basic package with sky makes it obvious that it will get more viewers (ie those who don't have sky sports which wwe airs on).
my source was BARB which is the UK TV ratings website

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