TNA too many wrestlers?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just on TNA's website and counted just about 60 wrestlers that are regularly on TV that get crammed into a 2 hr a week time slot. This is not counting Ken Anderson and Elijah Burke who should be getting tv time once they arrive also. I went to WWE website and Smackdown and RAW both average about 35 wrestlers for each show. Does that show that TNA needs to trim off some fat? No wonder they have to build all these huge stables or factions. Its to get everyone on tv. No wonder theres so much confusion with story lines and nobody can keep up, or story lines get dropped by the wayside. Hell even the writers must have ADD having to think up stuff for so many people. No wonder.

What would you suggest they do about this? Try to get a second show? Would you watch another 2 hrs a week if they provided it if it meant less confusion in the long run?

Should they fire some people? I mean that sounds easy to get rid of people that suck, but keep in mind you still need a few jobbers around to make people look good.

We all agree that TNA needs to get their ducks in a row with their people, so what would you do? Make more stables? Tag teams? Fire some people? who would go? Interested in hearing ideas.
I think TNA needs to trip some of the fat and they really need to stop picking up ex WWE guys to give their roster "strength". The fact that they have all these ex WWE guys hurts them. Looks at most of there ME. Its WWE almost all the way. They need to cut some people and build up their people that are not from WWE.

They say that they are growing but they are pretty much even with ECW and ECW doesnt have that big of names and is only an hour. They are a two hour show with big names and they cant get outstanding ratings.

They need to cut people and work on certain aspects like the X Division which has kind of fallen off and taken a back seat to the heavyweights. Hell the X Division is what made TNA i the first place.
well they have two big factions with about 5 or 6 poeple in it the
the world elite.
the stables
1.the hot chicks (sky ryne and love thats what i call them) 3d money
4.steiner and booker
oh i didnt count lax cos right now there not tag team right now cos there being single wrestlers

so there u go world elite has 6 poeple in it!
the mem has 8 members

fire some poeple break up mem or cut less people out of the mem.
and NO they shouldnt have another show they just need to cut down on there wrestlers and hire the guys they never use theres no point keeping them around if u dont use them
They do need to trim the roster abit, but not much... you say the fed has about 30 people on each roster, well... maybe thats the WWE's problem they have too little people on the roster... on raw when you say whos a main eventer right now.. all you really have is Hunter, Cena and Orton... when you say whos a main eventer in TNA... there is a long list of them... and you can say that a main eventer in TNA is a jobber in WWE... but who cares... a main eventer in ECW besides Rob Van Dam were also jobbers in WWE main eventers in WCW besides Goldberg and Scott Steiner were jobbers in WWE and eventaly Booker T managed to mae it back to the top after turning British.

TNA would benifit from more TV time another show... but they would also benfit from better writing, and No Vince Russo... but thats not gonna happen any time soon.

and people say that TNA is on par with WWE Tuesday Night Heat, but they're not really... sure the ratings are up there with them... but the fact of the matter is TNA each week has about 1,000 people in the building that dont have to pay to get in there... so they're making Zero profit on tickets where as Tuesday Night Heat has a strong weekly crowd in the 10,000 plus region.

so TNA might be able to beat Tuesday Night Heat in the ratings on an off week... but they still dont draw as much money as Tuesday Night Heat.
I think you were a little off in your count to say they have 60. I just went over to the TNA roster page, and they do have 61 profiles listed, but that includes about a dozen of non or very rare wrestlers like Don West, Mike Tenay, J.B., Jim Cornette, Lauren, So-Cal Val etc. Plus BG. James and Kip James are listed in that and they have a match like once every six months. And if you take for managers like Taz, Sharmell, Jenna you are really looking at less than 50 people they have to get in regularly, including the womens division. Plus since TNA has a really good tag-team division, it makes it easier to fit more people in compared to a roster filled with mostly single stars. And when you compare that to the size of the WWE rosters, sure they may only have 35 or so per brand, but they still have a lot of cross-over between SD and Raw. Look at the main event from RAW this past week you had Jericho and Big Show vs Cryme Tyme. 3 of those 4 people are suppose to be Smackdown guys. Plus since all the PPVs include all three brands they have like 70 people fighting over a spot on the card.
So personally I think TNA is right where they should be with the roster right now.
well they have two big factions with about 5 or 6 poeple in it the
the world elite.
the stables
1.the hot chicks (sky ryne and love thats what i call them) 3d money
4.steiner and booker
oh i didnt count lax cos right now there not tag team right now cos there being single wrestlers

so there u go world elite has 6 poeple in it!
the mem has 8 members

fire some poeple break up mem or cut less people out of the mem.
and NO they shouldnt have another show they just need to cut down on there wrestlers and hire the guys they never use theres no point keeping them around if u dont use them

Why would you break up MEM if you're looking for room on a roster. That only makes the situation worse. MEM is a good way to contain other main event stars like Booker, Steiner, and Nash from roaming about the TNA roster trying to find a spot. MEM has been a very useful way to contain those guys while giving other guys a chance.

And yes, TNA has lots of people on their roster, but you can't count the announcers, refs, valets, and non-regulars like Sharkboy & BG James. So really, it's down to about 50.
You have to remember though that TNA is really nothing more than the most successful TERRITORY on the Independent Circuit. If you want to judge roster size you should look at other independent companies rosters not that of the most successful national/international company.

I honestly think that the best example of how to make an Indy Roster a success is to look back to the 80's and Jim Crockett Promotions. They had about 40 wrestlers on their roster and were without a doubt one of the most talented rosters in wrestling history with many future Hall of Fame talents. Hell at least ten people on their roster are in a wrestling Hall of Fame or will be there in the future.

Crockett Productions showed that it isn't about how many people you have on your roster it's about the quality of talent you have. TNA has a lot of quality talent on their roster that have a great future, however they also have Kiyoshi and his two jobbers beside him, Shark Boy which I like but he isn't star quality. TNA has too many people like that which is not a good thing for the company. TNA does need to trim some fat both on the active roster and in creative.

Remember that Jobbers are good as long as they are entertaining. Once they stop being entertaining jobbers lose their effectiveness.
I was just on TNA's website and counted just about 60 wrestlers that are regularly on TV that get crammed into a 2 hr a week time slot. This is not counting Ken Anderson and Elijah Burke who should be getting tv time once they arrive also. I went to WWE website and Smackdown and RAW both average about 35 wrestlers for each show. Does that show that TNA needs to trim off some fat? No wonder they have to build all these huge stables or factions. Its to get everyone on tv. No wonder theres so much confusion with story lines and nobody can keep up, or story lines get dropped by the wayside. Hell even the writers must have ADD having to think up stuff for so many people. No wonder.

I'm going to just point out that of those 60 you counted, 3 are announcers, 2 are BG James and Kip, 1 is Hector Guerrero, 1 is Jim Cornette, 1 is Lauren, 4 are managers (Sharmell, Tazz, Saeed, Jenna), 2 haven't been seen in months (Hemme, Sharkboy), 1 is Jeff Jarrett and who knows when he'll be back, and finally, 1 is Jesse Neal, who I don't know if he ever really counted. So we started with 61, 16 of who aren't actual wrestlers, and you're down to 45. Do the same thing with the WWE rosters, who on average have 35, and here's the breakdown: SD has 30 on the page, 8 of who are injured or announcers (22), Raw has 35, 7 of who are announcers or have been absent (28), and ECW has 19, 1 is Tiffany, then the 2 announcers, Tony Atlas who is gone, Josh Matthews, and Tony Chimel (14). Granted ECW has a lot of new faces with this initiative, so we can say they have about 19. Just want to point out three things: a) The average roster size isn't 35 per show, b) you obviously didn't look at the roster, just saw a bunch of pictures and got overwhelmed I suspect, and c) just because WWE does something, even if you were right about anything you said, doesn't mean it has to be that way. Trim fat? Bring in more. Things are much less likely to go stale, and with factions, storylines can go on for longer while keeping relatively fresh matchups

What would you suggest they do about this? Try to get a second show? Would you watch another 2 hrs a week if they provided it if it meant less confusion in the long run?
If they did a second show with brands, they'd have 22 wrestlers on the roster per show/brand. If they had a second show but not set up "brands", that would be different, and what I would rather see. Having less people on a roster is much much MUCH worse than having too many. It's really not that confusing at all, and you get more variety in your matches, instead of, oh I don't know, HHH vs Orton vs Cena or some sort of variation consisting of those 3. [/QUOTE]

We all agree that TNA needs to get their ducks in a row with their people, so what would you do? Make more stables? Tag teams? Fire some people? who would go? Interested in hearing ideas.

I don't know who "we all" are, but if we can speak on behalf of everyone, then we all agree that TNA knows what they're doing and is doing a great job. Of the 69 guys (used from math above) in WWE, they are able to have four tag teams. Yes, you read that right: Legacy, Hart Trilogy, Cryme Tyme, and Jericho/Big Show. I'd hardly count the last, but when Colons were a team, Cryme Tyme was a comedy act, and before Hart Trilogy, there was Miz/Morrison, so it'll come back to 4 more or less. I don't know if I'd count Jericho/Big Show, or even Edge/Jericho, just because they're main eventers and there's enough midcard talent to throw together a respectable tag team division. In TNA, we have MCMG, British Invasion, 3D, Lethal Consequences, Beer Money, and Booker/Steiner. Now, they can also have LAX return, and one could consider Bashir and Kiyoshi. Tag Teams allow for a company to showcase more talent without taking up more time for singles matches. This is something WWE should do (somewhere along the lines they forgot this, and when a tag team starts to work, they split it up).

What TNA should do is simple: keep hiring. If something doesn't work, move on (Jethro Holliday/Trevor Murdoch isn't on the roster page). The older guys are good to have around for rubs, viewer recognition, and to teach the younger guys the tricks. Rhyno may not be on air, but he's someone respected and good to have around. Then there are the jobbers people love, like Shark Boy. How many people love Kung Fu Naki or Jamie Noble? They had the Japanese faction with Kiyoshi as leader and a tag team No Limit, but the tag team got cut because nobody cared. The thing is, even with all of these people in 2 hours, you seem to be the only one confused, because they get rid of the guys who don't draw a response. Someone mentioned getting rid of jobbers like ODB and Sojo Bolt. Is that even anything? First of all, ODB is there at the moment to help elevate this Santino-like character, but hopefully they pull the plug on it. She's absolutely loved by the fans. She got bigger pops than Gail Kim or Taylor Wilde did as champions (Dare I say the reason why they put her with Cody?).

Nobody is confused. It gives TNA more leeway and diversity in their storylines. If something works, they can run with it, and if something doesn't, they can quickly go away from it, rather than jam down our throats something awful that we've see a thousand times (cough Orton vs HHH vs Cena or some combination of that).
and people say that TNA is on par with WWE Tuesday Night Heat, but they're not really... sure the ratings are up there with them... but the fact of the matter is TNA each week has about 1,000 people in the building that dont have to pay to get in there... so they're making Zero profit on tickets where as Tuesday Night Heat has a strong weekly crowd in the 10,000 plus region.

so TNA might be able to beat Tuesday Night Heat in the ratings on an off week... but they still dont draw as much money as Tuesday Night Heat.

How well do you think ECW would do if it wasn't paired up with Raw and Smackdown? Are those 10,000+ fans paying for ECW, or is ECW just the appetizer to what they'd pay to see anyway? I'm not saying you're right or wrong, just viewership matters a lot more in this case because ECW isn't on its own and never has been, and had it been, I would bet it would fail miserably. No one is going to pay for 45 minutes of rookies, or at least not enough where it would matter.
I don't think they have to many wrestlers I just think they have to many older talents. Take a look at most TNA ratings the MEM segments are usually one of the lowest rated segments of the show. Now I know the MEM guys sell tickets and PPV's but TNA is in a weird spot right now where it seems there other talent is drawing better quarter hours but you can't be sure it they can draw PPV numbers. If it was me I would slowly start moving out some of the older guys like Nash, Steiner, The Dudleys and slowly start moving up Morgan, Daniels, and Beer Money while giving some new guys the Morgan, Daniels and Beer Money spots.
cut the old WCW and keep WWE... Lashley, Umaga, Kennedy, and now Burke would be much fresher and entertaining to watch than aging stars like Sting, Nash, and Steiner.... also need to tone down Mick and Jarrett
I honestly don't know how TNA gets virtually everyone on their roster in the IMPACT program. I believe they pay by appearance, don't they? So if they don't appear on TV, then what? I am thinking about guys like BG and Kip James and Shark Boy. They haven't been on TV in a long time unless TNA is trying to revamp their characters. Even then, though, they're taking up roster space and soon there will be more added with Elijah Burke and possibly Kennedy coming over. Also, Umaga is still out there. Can you imagine an Umaga/Samoa Joe tag team with Taz as their advisor? OUCH!!! I am afraid that TNA is getting too big for its britches especially considering the fact they only do one TV show. They have enough talent to do another show but I'm not sure it's in their cards right now. They could do a second show that only goes for an hour to try it out and if it doesn't work then pull it.
I was just on TNA's website and counted just about 60 wrestlers that are regularly on TV that get crammed into a 2 hr a week time slot. This is not counting Ken Anderson and Elijah Burke who should be getting tv time once they arrive also. I went to WWE website and Smackdown and RAW both average about 35 wrestlers for each show. Does that show that TNA needs to trim off some fat? No wonder they have to build all these huge stables or factions. Its to get everyone on tv. No wonder theres so much confusion with story lines and nobody can keep up, or story lines get dropped by the wayside. Hell even the writers must have ADD having to think up stuff for so many people. No wonder.

Your right,they have way too many wrestlers for just a 2 hour time slot,and it's getting annoying.Great wrestler's like Lethal Consequences,the Motor City Machine guns and Amazing Red aren't getting enough time on Impact.Only the MEM are guranteed time each week,and they get too much.They have endless promos,3 or 4 each week.It's quite annoying.You're right about trimming the fat,TNA need to release some wrestlers.But if these wrestlers are on per appearance deals,what's the point.Just use them when you want.Like Jethro Holliday,use himwhen you want and pay him for that.let him work the indies afterwards.The confusion with storylines isn't just to do with the roster,but the writers do a pretty sht job too.

What would you suggest they do about this? Try to get a second show? Would you watch another 2 hrs a week if they provided it if it meant less confusion in the long run?

A 2nd show would help out in that way,but in other ways it wouldn't,like price and expenses.But if they get a new show,they will inevtably get a few more wrestlers.And that would leave absolutely no space on ppvs for everyone,as they barely have it now.

Should they fire some people? I mean that sounds easy to get rid of people that suck, but keep in mind you still need a few jobbers around to make people look good.

They have jobbers,but they also have shit people like Kiyoshi who aren't even jobbers.they need to go.

We all agree that TNA needs to get their ducks in a row with their people, so what would you do? Make more stables?
Already too much.

Tag teams?
Same.The mem and 3d don't seem to want to give up their space.

Fire some people? who would go?
Yes,like Kiyoshi,Bashir,Holliday,Steiner,Nash,Booker and lots of the knockouts.They have way too much.
I know what you mean...they have a lot of guys, and 2 shows would be pretty good....however it's waaayyyyyy too early for that...TNA needs to gain more popularity before it gets a 2nd show.....i'd say at least 2-3 years
I don’t think the actual roster is as big as the thread implied so its not as big a problem as is being portrayed, but still there’s a few possibilities here. One: They could keep a relatively large roster like they definitely have now, keeping their main event stars and those in prominent storylines on every single show, every week, while using the remaining talent every other week or as needed which is exactly what TNA is doing. This keeps some talent fresh because they’re not on television every single week and people may get excited when they do see those wrestlers who they don’t get to see as often as some of the more regular, bigger stars. The downside is obviously that they’re not visible every week and they can lose momentum or be dismissed by fans who don’t see them all the time and therefore have a reason to not get attached to them.

Two: They could try to get another one hour show to promote and showcase the talent that doesn’t get as much television time or exposure on the regular, two hour Impact. Although I really don’t see how TNA is in a place where they should have a second show, since Impact isn’t doing any wonders in the ratings department and definitely needs a hell of a lot of work in itself. So this option is out of the question to me.

Three: Finish up the Main Event Mafia storyline, use the older and bigger names to give your younger talent the rub and put them over, and then get rid of all of that old and unneeded talent once you’ve taken advantage of their use. Most of the Main Event Mafia is past their prime and shouldn’t even be around or getting the spots of upcoming stars, and then you can cut the fat by getting rid of the low end talent that are useless. Look at the entire stable consisting of Eric Young, the British Invasion, etc. That entire stable has been thrown together because TNA has too big of a roster and has nothing to do with these people. The British Invasion are fine and I think should be kept around, since Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams are both great talents. Eric Young is expendable to me, the only reason he’s still around where someone like Petey Williams isn’t is because of his backstage friends. The Mutoh protégé could easily be cut since they’re not doing a thing with him to any degree, and even Davari whose got lots of talent isn’t being used and could easily be cut because of it (which is a shame).

And get rid of those two security guards. Why are they even around? There’s cutting some fat.
TNA has way to many guys and not enough TV time to get them all on TV. TNA really needs to stop getting ex WWE wrestlers because thats whats really hurting them. Most of the ex WWE guys they have are all going to retire within a couple of years so they're basically digging their own grave because they don't invest in their own guys other than AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Seriously they really need to start pushing some of their younger guys because this is very reminiscent of WCW, older guys would be in the main event scene and they would never push the younger guys which is what drove them to the WWF.
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