TNA: The Asylum Years; Coming Sept. 21


Lord And Master
Staff member


TNA Home Video will be releasing a "best of" DVD featuring the best TNA matches in the TNA Asylum in Nashville. From Jarrett/Raven/Styles to Jeff Hardy's debut, it's the best of TNA's first home. This seems like a very nice treat. It has great list of matches too. The 2 disc set is set to have about 25 matches in it (click link to view list).

What are your thoughts on this nice thing? Any matches (from the Asylum) you feel were left out? Do you think the choices were good?

I think it sounds great. I know it goes from PPV #3 onward, but it's a shame the first two shows don't get a mention seeing how this is essentially a "history of TNA" DVD. All in all, I hope I can find a retail store to buy it.

Yea, that is pretty damn cool... I went to three shows back when they were still doing the weekly tapings...

A lot of good things happened back then and it'll be cool to see it covered on DVD...

I think one f my favorite moments was the debut of Raven... It was awesome to see him back in a main event spotlight again...
I think it's a fantastic idea, personally, just as I said it would have been months ago when another user posted a thread asking whether or not it'd be a good idea to market TNA's "Asylum days".

I'm really glad they're including the AJ/Low Ki/Lynn match as well as Jarrett/Raven/AJ, but I'd have loved for them to have included the very first Gauntlet for the Gold match that crowned Shamrock the first ever NWA/TNA World Champion. That's one of the most important matches in the companies history, but otherwise it's a fantastic gathering of some of the best matches from the time.
This is great, it seems like so many of the anti-TNA people have no knowledge of the early years of TNA, so maybe this will help educate them. I am a little surprised that out of all the people they could have mentioned on the front of the box why they went with Chris Harris. Not to bash Harris, as he was a pretty big part of TNA during this time frame, but it seems like they would go with someone either with TNA now, or a better known name from WWE/WCW that more casual fans would know. Or the New Church for that matter, but I digress.
Wow,I didn't know they were even doing this. They'll actually get my money again for this. I was there for A LOT of those shows and I'm glad they're finally acknowledging the Asylum years. The Raven/Jarrett,Styles title match was one of the biggest reaction's I've seen from TNA but is largely overlooked. The entire crowd expected Raven to get the belt but when AJ took it, forget about it. That place exploded.
its good TNA is acknowledging where they came from and when they had a sense of direction, surprised hogan and bischoff didn try and stop this DVD being realeased as they dont even seem to care about TNAS routes and they have prob never watched an episode of TNA before they came. Atleast back in the asylum TNA had direction and awesome matches that lasted more than 5mins.
I'm glad this is coming out to give fans who have not seen these matches a way to see them. I would have liked to see the AJ, Kaz and Michael Shane Ultimate X match on there. That match has always had a place in my heart since I was there for it. But unless this has something other than matches on it I don't see myself picking it up. I have all the Wednesday night PPVs on DVD already. I guess if it goes on sale and I can find it for under $10 then I would pick it up. But really that would be just so I could have a these matches in a better quality.
I have never purchased a TNA DVD before. However I'm actually very interested in this and looking forward to seeing this DVD. I didn't watch many of the weekly PPV's back then, but the ones I remember were pretty good. The X Division back then was amazing. Those guys were doing things that I had never seen before. I enjoyed TNA a lot more back then than I do now. It was fresh and original now their more like a cheaper version of WWE and WCW. It'll be great to see the old days.
I think this is a great idea and I really like all the matches that have for the Dvd it will be nice to see some of the old Asylum matches again. Great Dvd that I will defiantly add to my collection of TNA Dvds.

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