TNA Tarnished Booker T's Legacy ?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
From Wrestlezone Home Page: The Booker T stretcher angle at this past Sunday night's TNA Bound For Glory PPV was the former five time (...five time) WCW champions' curtain call with the company. It's official now that Booker T will no longer be used on any TNA television or PPVs going forward. received word from backstage at the iMPACT! tapings in Orlando tonight that Booker has been more outspoken than ever about his disdain with TNA, going as far as saying his run with the company has tarnished his legacy in pro wrestling. He's telling anyone that will listen that he has been completely miserable as of late in TNA and can't wait for his deal to expire so he can explore his future options.
While it's not official, the word going around is that Booker still plans on possibly heading back to WWE, despite leaving the company in the first place due to the hectic road schedule. Whether or not Booker will return to WWE has yet to be determined, but chances are you'll see the Booker-man back in WWE land sooner than later.
So with all the speculation of Booker heading back to WWE, it now seems official his days with TNA are done. One thing that stood out to me when I was reading this, was Booker's claim that TNA tarnished his legacy. Now I know his run in TNA might not have been that great, but do you really think it tarnished his legacy? I haven't been a fan of the way Booker went from talking with this african accent, and sort of displaying some of the same characteristics of the King Booker character he used in WWE, to adopting this gangsta persona out of no where with no real explanation. And then there was that weird Angle where Joe went apeshit at Victory Road last year, and Sharmell came in to make the three count. Then Booker carried the belt around for a while, when he really wasn't the champion. So do you think Booker should have a legit beef with TNA?​
Booker's just pissed he wasn't pushed to the moon and got a title run. The only person who tarnished his legacy is Booker T.

He should really be worried about the surprise buttsex he's gonna get from Vince when he re-sgins with WWE. He'll probably be the new guy to job to Hornswoggle while Sharmell will, in all possibiblity, will be repackaged as a dirty street hooker.

I guarantee that when Vince is done with him, he'll be begging to job to Hunter again circa Summer 2007.
Did Booker really think that his legacy would be added to by working for TNA? If he did he certainly isnt' right in the head. The only man whose legacy was added to was Sting. Sting was the type of wrestler that they could center the company around. Sure at 50 years old it isn't right to do it but if need be go ahead.

Anways though, I firmly believe Booker T brought it upon himself. How was TNA supposed to do anything for him except lighten the schedule and bring him back down to tag team wrestling. Booker is not the sort of guy you could center your company around. Therefore I wouldn't necessarily say they tarnished his legacy as Booker made a bad decision.

By going to TNA he became a total midcarder....which in TNA isn't very much to have going for yourself. At least if he stayed in the WWE he could be the sort of guy that can be shifted up to the title picture if need be. In TNA he would never get near the World Title. Especially since when he signed up the only men to have the beat were Sting and Kurt.

The only thing TNA did was give Booker a horrible onscreen character and it didn't really ruin his legacy. It jsut added a bad chapter to it. Booker can rebound from it though. Although I would be warry of going back to the WWE as they might shove him onto ECW like they did with Christian. It'd be a shame too as Booker still has some gas in the tank and could still be used in the main event and also helping elevate guys to the main event.
Booker T was very happy when he first joined TNA. He worked with younger stars and seemed like he was having fun again.

It wasn't till he turned heel in Summer of 2008 that he seemed to get a real push. He was given four main event world title matches in a row (one of which he missed), and then got a big pinfall victory over Christian at both BFG and Turning Point 2008. After that was his run with The Main Event Mafia, in which he put over AJ Styles and Samoa Joe.

Then, he won the tag titles with Steiner, in which he held all the way till BFG this past Sunday which he lost WITHOUT getting pinned.

In that time with TNA, he only had one real good match (with AJ Styles at Sacrifice 2009) but was given 2 titles, many main event matches and an important spot in the biggest storyline in TNA history.

AKA: Booker T... I love you... but shut up and go cry to Vince.
Booker T is starting to sound like a little bitch i mean come on book either you want to wrestle in TNA or WWE make up your mind don't switch every 2 years i mean WWE really fucked up your legacy when he first came he was a jobber to the Rock in 2001 didn't get a world title again until 2006 or 2007 i don't know but wow then had the stupid king booker shit where he talked like he was from a different country when the whole world knew he was from Houston okay Booker needs to get his shit together and stop pointing the finger at the company and start pointing the finger at where it needs to be pointed at himself
I think that this is another aspect of Booker Huffman greatly overrating King Booker/Booker T's place in the wrestling cosmos. His legacy is some great tag team stuff with Harlem Heat, a nice run in 2000-2001 as one of the new stars of WCW along with Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett, and a "lifetime achievement" World title run or two as King Booker. That resume is a little better than JBL's, but not leaps and bounds.

In five years no one will give a crap what he did in TNA. Heck, in five years no one will remember he was in TNA without checking Wikipedia.
I don't see Vince hiring him back for nothing more than maybe ECW or Smackdown to push new stars. He'll never get a title shot again, and I don't think Vince will take Sharmell, she isn't hot enough to be a diva that doesn't wrestle, and she can't wrestle. I don't think his stock is high enough right now after being the gansta sounding, wannabe african king. TO me I think Booker T is a joke, the King gimmick went to far and lasted to long, He did nothing in TNA, he never helped build any new stars and I think when Vince tells him sure he can come back and job to the new stars he'll go somewhere else where his 40+ somewhat star power name will keep him in a relevant feud. He should have stayed in TNA on the MEM coat tails. I don't see him making it in WWE without a tag partner or really anything, I think it's time for him to retire. We know Vince isn't going to bring him in and throw him in any main event spotlight, and I really don't think he'll let him on anything more than ECW.
Screw Booker. He couldn't handle the WWE, and TNA gave him an alternate means of earning a living. He repaid them by publicly pissing and moaning about the company whenever he got the chance.

As for how TNA used him, well what exactly was Booker bringing to the table that would make him worth using other than a name? His performance in TNA certainly shouldn't have earned him a championship run. Guys like Sting and Angle are more recognized than Booker, yet they still go out there week after week and bring there 'A-game' to entertain the fans and put over new talent. Booker didn't. I'd go so far as to say that Foley, Steiner, hell even Nash, put a lot more into there promo's and matches than Booker does nowadays. Steiner and Nash are practically crippled and they still bust there asses to put on the best matches they are capable of wrestling. We all know what Booker is capable of, yet for some reason he didn't care enough to try.

If Booker wasn't happy in TNA, that's his business and he certainly has the right to leave. I just wish he had done it a long time ago. There are/were a lot of veterans in TNA that would probably love to be in the MEM and get the screen time that goes along with it, like Rhino, Kip, BG, Raven, Shane Douglas, etc. Not to mention young guys like Sonjay and Petey Williams who were released during the time that Booker T was with TNA. Obviously Booker wasn't responsible for these performers misfortunes, but it had to have been a drain on morale for good workers to get overlooked or released while a guy who was bringing practically nothing to the company except a name and a bad attitude was given preference in airtime and pay, not only for himself but for his wife as well.

As for Booker's legacy, I've got to agree with the other posters. Booker hurt his own legacy. He could have gone into TNA and used his star power to be a positive influence on the locker-room and the company. He chose not to.
...What legacy?

King Booker? Booker/Goldust tag-action? G.I. Bro?

Or does it really all come down to being a 5 time WCW Champion and 7 time WCW Tag Team Champion, with Stevie Ray? (not counting the 2 times he won them after the WCW buyout)

Sure he won a world title or two in his 6 year stint in WWF/E... so really his main claims to fame all came in WCW, a company that has been gone since 2000, wow. That really meant a LOT more... when it wasn't a decade ago.

Booker's good but let's be honest in 2000 he was just a 2nd rate Rock, hell they even took his finisher. What was the point in that (other than that axe kick looking completely ineffective)? Ooh, he modified it! He lands on HIS knees! When he got to the WWF he expected to be the new hot shit but Vince had other ideas... job to the Rock, rub in that WCW was the weaker brand. He floundered in mid-card hell for what 5 years?

What did he really expect to happen when joining a roster so filled with big egos? Did he really think they were going to let his raspy-ass voice outshine Sting, Kurt Angle, or Kevin Nash? REALLY? Nash? Isn't he the same guy that was allegedly keeping everyone down in WCW? And complaining about tagging with Steiner? Stevie Ray and Rick Steiner aren't coming back full time anytime soon so what's the big deal? Sure Steiner has the finesse of a lawn gnome but it's not like Book's in his prime anymore either is it? Hell, really it's been so long that most of today's fans likely don't even remember Harlem Heat, especially since WWF/E never mentioned it or focused any work or DVD stuff on it.
In the words of WWF'ingE, Good luck in your future endeavers, Booker. What legacy should be recognized here. Your titles that in truth are a prop in a story that someone else wrote? The fact that you were so disgruntled in WCW that it was you that asked for a character change from the Harlem Heat days. The fact that you were presented with the WCW World Title on the very last Nitro only to go to WWF'ingE and made into a clown time after time after time? The fact that you didn't like the way they made you look like a clown and then wouldn't even consider making your little rinky-dink school in Texas a WWF'ingE farm club, so "I'll just go someplace where they will respect my tremendous talents", only to finally face the truth that you never were more than a mid-carder and a comic relief act...tell me he didn't just say that. Or maybe it's that you took time out of your day to explain to Kurt Angle his job and yours in TNA was to help build and put over the stars of tomorrow, not to be hogging the spotlight yourselves (which is something that Angle seems to clearly understand).

You took your eyes off the big picture Mr. Huffman. The only advice I can offer for your "future endeavers" is what I believe The Rock gave you once on RAW..."Know your damn role".
I agree with Booker, TNA made a huge announcment of Booker joining Total Nonstop Action and was even named biggest suprise of 2007 but what has he done while at TNA he debuted a new title the Legends Championship he then got in a boring feud with Robert Roode and then he wasted 18 months of his wrestling career in Main Event. The fans wont be remembering Booker T for his 5 time WCW World Championships or as King Booker he will be remembered as the 5th member of Main Event Mafia Booker come back to WWE to make your legacy right.
I don't think anybody should judge Book and take the "TNA tarnished my legacy" comments as fact until you actually hear him say it. Chances are, more often than not, that he never said such a thing.

I don't know Booker T personally and never will, but my belief is that Booker T first joined TNA wrestling in 2007 because he saw a company on the rise with some fresh young talent and he came in solely to help the younger talent get over and improve the product.

Booker T runs his own promotion down in Houston where he's trying to give young guys a shot to make a name for themselves, and he wanted to do the same in TNA by giving the guys he worked with a rub by feuding or teaming up with Booker T.

Unfortunately, TNA booking hasn't done the best job in the last couple years. I believe that if Booker T does wind up going back to the WWE, the sole reason he will do so is for the money and the fame. Times are tough with the economy, Booker wants to work with a company that makes money. WWE whether you like it or you don't is a cash cow. It makes sense.

I know that there is a number of fans that prefer TNA's product over WWE, but the fact is that in the eyes of the majority, TNA is still just considered the minor leagues as compared to the WWE. Why would a guy like Booker T who's going to be a top star where ever he goes stay and be unhappy with the #2 promotion when he could be in the same boat with #1?
I am a fan of Booker T but after hearing what he said about TNA ruining his legacy, well that, to me, makes him seem like he has a big ego. He left WWE cuz they wouldnt let him sit in on creative meeting because he didnt want to get buried by HHH, so he got mad and left. So he goes to TNA....well when he went to WWE in 2001 he seemed to have the same type of run he did in TNA, main event scene for a few months, down to mid-carder and then tag team....they only gave him a world title run in 06 cuz batista was injured....him complaining about TNA kinda makes me lose some respect for him as a fan

granite, that is only if he really did make those comments and its not shameless reporting by liars
Eh? What legacy? Booker is one of the most overrated wrestlers that i can recall. Yes, he's great in the ring, but what has he ever actually accomplished on his own? Sure, he's a 5 time WCW Champion. The problem here is that he won four of them when there was no one left to put the belt on. WCW was in a complete free fall at that point and they knew they were dead. He won a watered down title that meant absolutely nothing at the time. He won ONE WWE world title in a reign that was more or less a failure. Do you remember anything about it? I barely do and the bit I remember was due to my reviews. Other than that he's done nothing but have meaningless midcard title reigns that are so jumbled together that you can't separate one from another. He's just not that big of a star. He wants to complain about TNA ruining his legacy? How about looking back at his time of doing bad comedy bits with Goldust? That's where he died for me.
I don't really get how it could sully his legacy... in fact I never really thought much of booker after...2004 I think it was when I realized how mediocre this man was.

He was okay in the ring and sometimes funny on the mic but I really never saw much in him. I did miss most of WCW so maybe I missed something, but really I don't see too much to tarnish.

I hope Vince bitchslaps the turncoat POS (whoever used the term TNA turncoat...I like it)

Just My Opinion
The only thing that ever will tarnish Booker T's legacy is his BS run in WCW.... When he was champ it was down hill and the Misfits or what ever type of soldiers they were story line was terrible. That will tarnish his legacy... Oh cant forget get him getting punked out by the rock on many occasions. ...
If you look at Booker T'S career you will see that the only reason the guy is considered a main event talent is because of is WCW Championship run. If it wasn'T for that he wouldn'Tt have been push the way he was in the WWE and TNA wouldn't even have considered bringing him in.

Personally i don'T know that guy but from what i read, he got a major ego problem, he left the WWE because he wasn'T treated like a big name star and wasn't getting the same treatment as HHH, HBK and Undertaker. Now he'S leaving TNA because for the same reason. Booker isn't and never will be considered a legend in this sport. Sure he won a lot of championship and he pretty good in the ring but most of his career was him being at the right place, at the right time. Everything that happen to him was only because the was nobody else.

Booker T's legacy is that he was a lucky guy and TNA didn'T tarnished is legacy, it's just brought it up to everybody's attention that the guy is no better then any other upper mid card guy and got lucky to get a main event push.
Booker T tarnished his own career by going to TNA and involving himself in selfish and crude activities.

When I saw Booker in WWE, I thought "Hey, that guy from Harlem Heat." And guess what, I still think that to this very day. The "King Booker" and "Royal" thing never did it for me.
Booker T wouldn't feel that way if he had got a title. I think he has a pretty good legacy still. he's been in the business a long time and has been winning championships since the early 90's. he's been in many big matches has been hurt very little in his career, and is still able to work a full schedule. It is a shame that he didn't get the strap in TNA because Christian had it 2 times and was there for just a year longer than Booker. Even Mick Foley who is well past his glory days got the title. His legacy is tarnished slightly but nothing that van't be fixed. He can go back to WWE and capture the ECW title... oh wait that's not any better. Yeah booker messed up. (but if you come back to WWE don't bring Sharmelle)
Booker just seems to be so bitter now, and he definitely seems to be over-inflating his place in wrestling history, I'm sorry but he doesn't have much of a legacy to speak of, only the Ric Flair's & Shawn Michaels' of wrestling really leave a lasting legacy, Booker may have had 40+ title reigns combined in his career, but how many of them were truly memorable?

Also, bear in mind, this is the guy who bitched about having to put over Triple H at Summerslam 2 years ago, lord knows why, since HHH was making his grand return from injury and he is/was actually a draw, which Booker never has been, also wasn't there some issue with the wellness policy? I guess his issues with WWE will disappear now that he needs a job.
I wonder what Vince will do with him honestly. Booker complained about jobbing to the returning Triple H and he thinks he's this great wrestler like Flair and Michaels. He's a good worker and all that, but he's nowhere near the level of those guys. He never will be. He's had a lot of title reigns, but nobody can really pick one that was all that great.

TNA in my opinion did somewhat give him the shaft during his stay there, but Booker should've just kept his mouth shut. If he wanted to get more power or something, he should've tried harder to get the fans over with him. His style hasn't changed that much in such a long time. As for his legacy, he doesn't have much of one. Good wrestler for his time, but nothing special.
Booker T was very happy when he first joined TNA. He worked with younger stars and seemed like he was having fun again.

It wasn't till he turned heel in Summer of 2008 that he seemed to get a real push. He was given four main event world title matches in a row (one of which he missed), and then got a big pinfall victory over Christian at both BFG and Turning Point 2008. After that was his run with The Main Event Mafia, in which he put over AJ Styles and Samoa Joe.

Then, he won the tag titles with Steiner, in which he held all the way till BFG this past Sunday which he lost WITHOUT getting pinned.

In that time with TNA, he only had one real good match (with AJ Styles at Sacrifice 2009) but was given 2 titles, many main event matches and an important spot in the biggest storyline in TNA history.

AKA: Booker T... I love you... but shut up and go cry to Vince.

I agree with that 100% I really didn't think his run was that bad bar not getting the big title... which you knew he honestly never would unless it was maybe 6months to a year down the road.. really just needs to grow up he left wwe for a few reasons i believe including vince wouldn't help with his wrestling school in some way or another.. i expect him back in the E and on ECW once Christian finally gets put on smackdown he can finally get a run at the laughable title
first off how can booker t's legacy be tarnished. this man has won multiple world titles in multiple companies. he's headlined some of the biggest shows in the business and is part of one the greatest tag teams ever. yea his gimmick has been switched up a few times and yea the accents were corny but there is no denying wat he has done. he may be acting bitchy about where tna went with him and i can understand everyones view on that. but personally i didnt like how tna used him at all. there's a lot of talent in tna but he basically became shit standing behind kurt and the mafia. i would of loved to see book turn on them for watever reason. so yes i think tna misused him but i do not think his legacy is tarnished because of it.
Honestly, booker lowered himself by going to TNA. TNA is not to be taken seriously so idk what he expected when he went over there. So now that he made that decision he's gonna have to live with it. I dont think it tarnished his legacy cuz regardless of how u look at it, Booker (next to The Rock) is still the most successful black man in wrestling history. On top of that he can STILL perform circles around just about anybody in wrestling today. But honestly idk what he expected when he went to TNA das on him...*KING BOOKER COME BACK TO RULE YOU SMACKDOWN KINGDOM!!!!* lolz
ummm, wat the hell r u guys talkin about sayin he wanted to sit in on meetings and all that crap, where did u hear that? He left after he was wrongfully suspended. the company didnt take up for him and he felt disrespected. yea, chances are he didnt like triple h cuz trips is known for his massive ego, but anyways ive found him to be more entertaining in tna cuz he says the stupidest shit and it doesnt make sense. hes the funniest guy in tna with the mannerisms and comments, and hilarious commentary. i jus hope he comes back to the E and does sumthin meaningful if he does come back
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