TNA Talent In 2010: Most Overrated & Underrated


Pretty straightforward question I think. Looking back over the course of 2010, TNA has had its share of high and lows but one thing that's been pretty obvious is that TNA has a roster full of talented wrestlers.

Of all the wrestlers on the TNA roster this year, who do you think is the single most overrated wrestler in TNA and who do you think is the single most underrated wrestler in TNA.
Overrated: Abyss

Think of all the time Abyss was on your TV, then think about how much of that time you actually enjoyed. I'd say that's about as overrated as it gets. I don't think it's his fault because Abyss has a lot more talent than he's given credit for. But TNA booked him horribly with all of the "Abyssmania" crap and then gave him a decent direction with the "THEY!!!" prophesying but just killed it with too much screen time. The stuff with Janice and the backstage mutilations of people was a bit over the top, as well.

Underrated: Robert Roode

I know it was a great year for Beer Money and Roode's part of a major faction, but this guy could be the TNA World Champion. He may be the second-most talented guy on the whole roster after Kurt Angle. As I said in my "2011 Franchise Player" thread, I'd love to see 2011 be the Roode Awakening in TNA and have him take over as the leader of Fortune and eventually become the company's top heel after Jeff overdos... I mean is no longer available.
As much of a mark for Jeff Hardy that I am I would say he was the most overrated. Yes, he is GREAT, but when he was presented with his personal title, the things that were said about him were WAY over the top. He maybe a great Champ, but I can think of much better ones then him.

As for the most underrated in TNA this year....The Pope. I remember him back in WWE, and he bore me. Now that he is in TNA, and has made himself something bigger then what he has ever been, that I have seen, TNA isn't doing much with him. Yes, he is on TV allot, but they are not using him to his FULL ability.

Another underrated guy would have to be Rhino. Here is a guy that defines intense in TNA. Yeah, injuries have hurt him allot, but he should still be one of the top guys at all times.
Matty Matty chicken patty. He main evented the last 2 ppv's and both matches were terrible in both pacing and predictability.. there is no way in hell Morgan can be seen as a legit main eventer right now. TNA seems to think differently. He did need the rub to one day get there but he needs a lot more intensity in the ring and a new finisher to win me over.

Most underrated guy - Douglas Williams

I've seen the IWC crap on him for various reasons but this dude is gold from bell to bell. He's held every title in TNA in his short time there except the world title making him possible the only other triple crown champ in TNA (i didn't want to wiki it but I think I'm right) aside from Kurt Angle with AJ being the only Grand Slam champion.

Team 3D: Having to hear Bubba and Devon cut so many promos where they CONSTANTLY praised themselves drove me nuts. When is the last time Bubba and Devon had a truly great tag team match? I've been watching TNA for about three years now, and I can't remember one epic match they had in that time period. The Motor City machine Guns, Beer Money, and Generation Me were the best as far as tag team wrestling in TNA 2010 goes. They are the ones who provided us with the great matches and jaw dropping highlights. Bubba and Devon were going for a Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels emotional roller coaster style match at Turning Point, but they didn't come through. Team 3D is not the be all end all of tag team wrestling, and I hope Bubba and Devon will realize this some day.

The Pope D'Angelo Dinero: I don't understand why some people go nuts over this guy. He's had a few matches stellar matches this year, but I just don't see the "wow" factor in Pope. His mic work isn't anything special, because he usually rambles. I think he could be a solid upper mid card guy, but I don't think he's this overly talented wrestler who TNA dropped the ball on.


Doug Williams: Williams can wrestle some damn good matches. He might not have the bodybuilder physique and Williams might not have the flashy persona that some other wrestlers on TNA's roster have, but he can always entertain me with his matches. I'm happy Williams is having a run with TNA TV Championship, because he is more than worthy of holding a title.

Generation Me: I'll admit, at first, I couldn't stand these two, but GenMe has grown on me this year. Their feud with The Guns was pretty good, and they did manage to put on a some very good matches. GenMe does a good job at playing these young and cocky punks who don't want to pay any dues in the wrestling business. GenMe is one of the better tag teams in TNA, and I hope to see them back in title picture somewhere down the line.
I agree with Rasha. I was always a big fan of the guy untill he left James Mitchell because it seems like TNA is pushing him down our throats. This year his promos and backstage segments were ridiculous and unrealistic. He keeps carrying around "Janice" which serves no purpose once so ever. I mean do you actually think he is going to hit someone with a board of nails? The Hulk Hogan mania thing was awful. It really made TNA look bad. Now the Immortal " They" angle wasn't to bad but I think it should have been used with someone else other than Abyss. All that and I haven't even mentioned how out of shape he is. A few years ago, Abyss could work a long match and have a lot of stamina and he wasn't as slow as he is now. He needs to lose that weight and get in shape.

Underated-Samoa Joe
It took me a while to get used to Joe. I always thought the undefeated thing was ridiculous and that he was a fat samoan who couldn't wrestle untill I begin to watch his matches more closely and go back and watch his work in ROH. The guy has put on some amazing matches and he was involved in the best match in TNA's history with that being AJ vs Joe vs Daniels at Unbreakable 05. Then he had some incredible matches with Kurt Anlge upon Angle's arrival. He was brought it like a badass who couldn't be beat. When Hogan and Bischof took over, they ruined him. They made him get kidnapped and where did that lead to? Nowhere. There was no point at all. He did nothing in 2010 and is continuing to do nothing. He is a former World CHampion and should be treated like one.
Overrated: Kazarian. It hurts me to say this because when he was younger, I was way into him. The guy had so much potential. My biggest problem I have with Frankie is any time they give him a microphone. In a few short weeks Jeff Hardy has even improved on the Mic. It's like he really wants to get that Heel character down. Kazarian has had years and seems to not move one bit. Then, his promos and the like seems to get longer and longer. He is a great example of why we still need managers in Professional Wrestling. Sadly, instead of making him get better, they throw him into an "Elite" wrestling group where he gets to give us gems like that one he gave to Rob Terry a couple of weeks ago . . . :disappointed:

Underrated: It's a tie for me. Three guys on the roster need to be higher in the "spot" conversation in TNA. Douglas Williams, Samoa Joe, and Diangelo Dinero all three have had a rough year. All of them have been parts of big storylines in TNA, but it seems like the storylines either fizzeled out or just really wasn't for them. Samoa Joe tapping out to Jeff Jarrett? The Pope and his endless feud with Abyss? Six guys in Fourtune? At least Williams seems to be heading into 2011 on a hot note with his feud with AJ.
Overrated - It's a tie for me. I know that I said earlier to pick a single guy for each category, but that might honestly be too difficult as there are quite a few guys that could fill up either category. For my pick of the two most overrated in TNA this year, I'm going with Rob Van Dam & Jeff Hardy. These are two wrestlers that TNA fans were literally thrilled to have on its roster. They were major stars in the WWE, both have been much beloved by the IWC but their time in TNA in 2010 has been extremely lackluster. That's just sad when you consider one is a former and the other is the current TNA World Heavyweight Champion. RVD's reign came about during the days of the TNA Ranking System and it killed it right from the start. Lame feuds that generally consisted of one match, which was usually quite forgettable, before moving onto the next guy. Jeff Hardy simply hasn't done...well really hasn't done much of anything before he was champ or after he became champ. What might possibly be the brightest spot of Jeff Hardy's wrestling career in 2010 was the match he had with Kurt Angle. I honestly don't see the fascination with Hardy's heel character. Granted Hardy has gotten somewhat better at cutting promos but some act as though he's revolutionized cutting heel promos. Also, when is the last time you can recall a World Champion as little interaction in building a feud with a contender as Jeff Hardy has with Matt Morgan? All the wrestlers listed by posters thus far are good choices and I was heavily tempted to go with Abyss myself. Since others have pretty much said all there is to say about Abyss, I figured I'd take a bit of a different route.

Underrated - Like most others so far, I'd have to go with Douglas Williams. Williams has good personality, he can talk on the mic, he understands ring psychology, can legitimately wrestle and has highly entertaining matches. Quite honestly, I don't really see what's not to like about Douglas Williams. I think that Williams has had a pretty decent year in TNA. He had two good runs as X Division Champion and is really the best guy to hold the belt over the course of the past 2.5 years. He actually made me sorta give a rat's ass about the X Division again. His time in Fortune was kind of a bust as he just didn't really fit in but he's ending 2010 on a high note with a hot feud with AJ Styles for the TV title.

Jeff Hardy: Without a shadow of a doubt, this man's capture was the biggest coup for TNA. They finally had a bondafide draw from WWE, and boy did his matches suck. With that one exception of a good match with Angle, he has constantly botched moves, botched chair-shots and has been an all-round liability because of his court issues. Used to be a fan, but honestly this just goes to show how much WWE, and the guys there made this guy look good. As Uncle Sam said : He is nothing without the machine.


Samoa Joe: They have ruined Joe by putting him in a limbo after limbo this year. This man has good persona and stature, works great matches and has no problem delivering good promos. It's the intensity people, not everybody has to be whoopdy-doo on the mic like The Rock. I hope he has some of his relevance restored the next year.

Honorable shout-outs for underrated: Beer Money. (while not exactly under the radar, I speak of them as singles competitor)

I dig both these dudes. In Roode I see so much of Triple H. He has that mean mean attitude, and that certain swagger that can make him a top ME heel. James Storm is just entertaining. I wish they would let him talk freely on the mic. He is a joy yo behold really, and has a unique look and way about him. Plus he sure can go in that ring. I look forward to their singles career, in whichever company those maybe.
I'm going to go with someone who might not be a popular choice. A lot of people talk about Robert Rude and say he is a great wrestler, and I couldn't agree more, he was the first person who sprung to mind. But I think a lot of people forget about the other half of Beer Money, James Storm. He has good mic skills, he's good in the ring, he has the best catch pharse in wrestling today, and he has a rebel like character that would make a great face. He mightn't be the most underrated but he is a honorable mention.

Matt Morgan, he is a good midcarder, but to think of the past two ppv main events and how fuckin bad they were, there are sooooo many wrestlers who should of been put in that position over Morgan, the only reason he was put in that position was because he is fuckin' huge, and cos anderson was out of course

I really Like the Pope but recently I've been starting to think he is a Tad Over-rated I still really like him but right now I see him as a Solid Mid to Upper Mid Carder but I used to think that he was a future Main Eventer. I still think that that can happen after his feud with Abyss which was not Interesting, he needs to have better matches and feuds again for me think he is a Main Event Talent.


Doug Williams this guy is phenomenal he made for a pretty good X-Division, puts on Excellent Matches and now that he is TV Champion he is actually making the Belt Worth something through his feud with AJ and the excellent matches they have had.
I have two guys that I have to give this to.
1. Doug Williams. I know everyone just loves this guy but I don't see it. Yes he can work a match but Jesus this guy does not have IT. Frankly he bores me because he has no character. I never understood him being Fortune because he just didn't fit in. Flair would never party with that guy.

2. Ken Anderson. I was very big on this guy. When he crossed the line I thought it could be big. I think Ye is ok but he is very overrated as a babyface. Heel Anderson different story.

There are plenty more on the TNA roster maybe too many to get into. Ie, Hardy,Morgan,Abyss,Hogan,Jarrett.

Robert Roode. This guy has it. I hate to say it but this kid will never reach his full potential with the current creative team. He has been good in every role he's played for the company. Team Canada, Robert Roode Inc. and his current role. He's money a true home grown talent that could carry the company. Sadly a guy like this is over looked for a future convict. That's why TNA will never turn the corner.
Overrated by TNA:

This honor has to go to RVD in my opinion. I never understood what was so great about RVD in the first place itself. He is merely a charismaless spot monkey with a cool taunt. Yet earlier this year he was pushed in TNA as the second coming of Stone Cold or something. Hogan said that it was like losing the president or something of that sort when RVD was injured by Abyss. I don't think RVD deserved that kind of push at all. He also made AJ Styles look like a joke and proved to be an arrogant cock backstage so he doesn't get any points from me.

I'd also like to say Jeff Hardy but I guess his push was justified in the sense that he had never been heel and it was worth to try it out once.

Overrated by the fans

I never got the appeal of Samoa Joe. He is a good wrestler but there are lots of those in TNA. Yet people somehow want this fat dude to be the face of TNA. Why? Just because he got over as a badass sometime back which is generally an easy gimmick to get over with. He has no noticeable mic skills to speak of and yet is simply adored by the fans.

Underrated by TNA

I'll go with Brian Kendrick. He can talk as well as go in the ring but yet he is doing absolutely nothing. Last time I checked he was hanging about with EV2 which was doomed from the moment they started out. The guy has no direction heading into 2011 and I feel that that really should not have been the case.

As for Robert Roode whom many of you have picled, I do not feel he is underrated. Its just that Beer Money is doing so well that TNA do not want to break them up at the moment.

Underrated by the fans

I see that most of TNA fans have soured a bit on The Pope. But I do feel that he has the talent to be a big player one day. He can talk pretty well and he was pretty hot at the start of the year. Even when he returned from injury he cut a very good promo against Kurt Angle. He can go in the ring against a good opponent. My problem is with the way he is being booked. Was there any reason to turn him heel? Or is he a face and going to come up with some incredible plan? Really don't know what TNA are doing with Pope.

Abyss is the easy answer here, but everyone and their mother knows that he is terrible so I'm going elsewhere with this one. My choice is Rob Van Dam. I've never been a fan of RVD and have never looked at him as a top guy. TNA put RVD in the top spot and I just couldn't buy into it. He "loses" the title and now he is just lost in the shuffle and it seems as if they have no idea what they want to do with him. His ring skill to me look like they have gotten worse than they've ever been and he looks somewhat out of shape compared to what he use (might just be me that sees that though).


Much like Abyss many feel Samoa Joe would be the answer here so again I will go elsewhere. I'm gonna go with James Storm. When I look at James Storm I see future main eventer. He has quality mic skills and is better in the ring than many seem to give him credit for. He is pretty agile for a guy his size and while he doesn't have that main event body, he has the main event skills. I put him on the same level as Robert Roode and many see him as a future world champ.
Mr Anderson. I just don't understand what people see in him. His matches are not that exiting. And his promos are so over the top that I just cannot listen to them. They seem so fake and forced. Thus it is difficult for me to take him seriously.

Amazing Red. He appeared at last two Impacts and TNA just humiliated him. I did not like it at all. I think that tna should at least give him a chance and try to put him im some angle.

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