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TNA: Take Advantage of Chavo!


Getting Noticed By Management
This is a simple thought process of the use of Chavo. First let's start with where I think he would fit well. The Tag Division with Hernandez.

The Tag division in TNA is pretty much on par with the shit the WWE is putting out. Kaz and Daniels have no real connection except their love for wrestling in tight underroos with AJ styles. Their most recent opponents were RVD and Mr. Anderson. Another group of guys who have nothing in common except they were both let go by WWE.

Take Chavo as the mind and Hernandez as the muscle, but keep it normal nothing stupid like Mexican America. Your not winning fans to your cause with racism, That gimmick is over used.

Use the fact that they are both from Texas to your advantage. Throw them in some Texas Mex or similar gear and have them be similar to the Latino heat that made Eddie so famous. the key to this is: KEEP THEM TOGETHER. Now you take them and throw all the stupid mixed tag crap you want at them. At least they seem like a team.
Having TNA's early direction with Chavo move toward the tag team division is a relief to me! As I posted in a previous thread, Chavo and Hernandez together screams tag gold -- and a great opportunity to introduce Guerrero to TNA audiences in a way which is least likely to incite frustration or backlash among the IWC.

With Guerrero's tenure in WWE looming, and the way he was jobbed incessantly up North (even to a leprechaun), pushing him into anything about mid-card or the tag division is not going to settle well with most. This angle allows him to potentially be of tremendous benefit in rebuilding the TNA tag division, regain some credibility and utilize an amazing if under-appreciated pre-existing character (Hernandez).

As for the assertion that Daniels/Kaz have "no real connection," I don't really agree. What connection do MOST tag teams have these days?! They're two individuals who have banded together for a greater opportunity to succeed. Seldom any more do we get teams made of two young wrestlers who find a collective identity, then go for the gold. The days of The Rock 'n Roll Express, the Midnight Express, The Rockers, The Fabulous Ones, The Freebirds, The Road Warriors -- tag teams that traveled the world as TEAMS -- are, unfortunately, gone for now.

The last great tag team that really stuck together, earning a world-renowned reputation was Beer Money. Need I remind anyone that they started with "no real connection" either? The "connection" ultimately proves to be the chemistry any two people develop in the ring, while teaming. I think Kaz/Daniels have a tremendous potential to build such a rapport together.

So do Chavo/Hernandez, for that matter, so it could turn out to be a really fun series of matches, should it come to that!
Yeah I think they would make a perfect team. For what ever reason Hernandez doesn't get over on his own, and this is a really good way to utilize Chavo. This would be a great time to invest more in the tag division as I believe the champions are a good strong team, and there isn't too much else honestly. I agree with PEP3 in that it would not be believable to push Chavo much past the mid card due to all the jobbing he did in WWE. The tag team division is a good place for Chavo, and maybe he will actually get to shine a bit there.
As long as they keep it mid card and I can easily fast forward it, Chavo's cool with me.

At least Gunner's back. New tattoos and everything.
Don't you worry Kizanni because it looks like TNA are going to do exactly what you say with Chavo. Tag with Hernandez. And looks like they will feud with a team of Kid Kash and Gunner which is another good idea becasuse neither are doing anything and they are similar. Wonder what names they'll give to both teams, if any.

As for Kaz and Daniels, they are amazing together and both I believed trained together and obviously crossed paths a lot in TNA. In their most recent outing didn't they have matching outfits? That's the sign of a real tagteam! Haha. I'd like it if the two of them got a name for their team too. "Fallen Future" was a good one someone suggested here, a combination of both their nicknames as well as playing on the fact both never got the main event push they deserved due to Styles banging Dixie (now Claire) lol

Also it's possible Joe and Magnus may be a team again after the series, apparently they won some Japanese tag titles about a week ago when they went to Japan with Daniels.
I hope TNA doesn't screw up Chavo and Hernandez as bad as they did with Mexican America. That was total crap and Anarquia was the drizzling shits. I really miss LAX so I hope this turns out well because it could really help their tag division since Beer Money and the MCMG are gone.
Long ago I said that Chavo Guerrero was a talent I wished and wanted TNA to get, and one that could be very useful to them. I also said that if they did I would want them to team Chavo up with Hernandez and push them as a tag team that could really help elevate the tag team division from its mediocrity right now.

That seems to be exactly what TNA is about to do, and I'm obviously all for it. I think Chavo has all the tools to elevate that tag team to great stuff, and his strengths can certainly counter the weaknesses of Hernandez. Chavo as the leader of the tag team, and the voice of it, with Hernandez as the muscle, is such a perfect fit and SO much better then the horrible team of Hernandez and his previous partner. This is a great start for Chavo, and I certainly think it;s a great way to introduce him into the TNA roster. From here there's always the possibility of him moving on from this tag team and becoming a great singles competitor and finally reaching his potential. Time will tell.
Long ago I said that Chavo Guerrero was a talent I wished and wanted TNA to get, and one that could be very useful to them. I also said that if they did I would want them to team Chavo up with Hernandez and push them as a tag team that could really help elevate the tag team division from its mediocrity right now.

That seems to be exactly what TNA is about to do, and I'm obviously all for it. I think Chavo has all the tools to elevate that tag team to great stuff, and his strengths can certainly counter the weaknesses of Hernandez. Chavo as the leader of the tag team, and the voice of it, with Hernandez as the muscle, is such a perfect fit and SO much better then the horrible team of Hernandez and his previous partner. This is a great start for Chavo, and I certainly think it;s a great way to introduce him into the TNA roster. From here there's always the possibility of him moving on from this tag team and becoming a great singles competitor and finally reaching his potential. Time will tell.

As far as I'm concerned, Chavo with Hernandez is better than Hernandez and either of his two previous partners, both of whom struggled mightily to carry the team, as it was quite obvious Hernandez was incapable of doing so himself. Mexican America flopped because of the lack of an inspiring leader and LAX 2.0 flopped because once Konnan bailed, the team failed to remain inspired and eventually fizzled out.

I'm with you here, though. Chavo should add a much, much needed presence to not only Hernandez, but help to rekindle a lot of the lost luster in the now devoid and desolate tag division.
As far as I'm concerned, Chavo with Hernandez is better than Hernandez and either of his two previous partners, both of whom struggled mightily to carry the team, as it was quite obvious Hernandez was incapable of doing so himself. Mexican America flopped because of the lack of an inspiring leader and LAX 2.0 flopped because once Konnan bailed, the team failed to remain inspired and eventually fizzled out.

I'm with you here, though. Chavo should add a much, much needed presence to not only Hernandez, but help to rekindle a lot of the lost luster in the now devoid and desolate tag division.

I will entirely agree with you that Chavo with Hernandez is better then Hernandez with either of his previous partners. The original LAX was great, but that had a great deal to do with the freshness of the teams concept and Konnan as their mouthpiece. Hernandez and Homicide by themselves were still good in the ring and as a team, but certainly had huge weaknesses without Konnan. Mexican America was just horrible on all fronts.

Chavo, I feel, can be the best partner Hernandez has had so far and can get it done both in the ring and on the mic. I'm looking forward to what they do, potentially, in the tag team division. It certainly won't be as stale as it has been for a while now.
Pairing Chavo with Hernandez could be beneficial to the tag division. Wasn't a fan of Mexican America, but putting Hernandez together with another established vet will revitalize the division and build to another feud with Daniels and Kaz down the road, providing they are still the champs. But I do like that Kid Kash and Gunner are potentially gonna be a team. So far I like that TNA is putting some focus back on tag team wrestling.
Well, the beauty here, is that much like the original LAX (with Konnan), they'll be coming into a division badly in need of them, so by virtue of the nature of supply/demand, they'll be a total breath of fresh air, even if there are still kinks in the team itself that need to be ironed out over time.

I'll say this much, though — it's a helluva start. Much as guys like Magnus/Joe performed admirably as a tag team, they never gave us even so much as an inkling of a reason to care or understand why they were even a team. I can't stand throw-together teams, and they were the height of that philosophy.
having chavo and hernandez as a tag team would be a great idea. there is no real tag team's in tna and with both of them being former tag champions it would be the smart thing for tna to do. also with them being a tag it would not stop them competing in other divisions. hernandez could challenge in the tv title division while chavo could help revive the x division. all tna have to do know is bring in/ create some more teams to make the division worth watching again.
Its a great idea because Chavo is a good tag wrestler in his own right (like when he was tagging with Eddie) and Hernandez has been doing bugger all for a while now.

This will be very reminiscint of LAX. Now I wasn't watching TNA when LAX were around but from what I can gather they were brilliant as a tag team, meshing the speed of one wrestler with the strength of another.

Its also good for the tag team division which is essentially Kaz and Daniels at the moment.
Chavo & Hernandez being part of the tag team scene in TNA right now can only help. Given that TNA, for all intents and purposes, no longer has a tag team division, I don't see how it can hurt. Aside from Daniels & Kazarian, there really hasn't been even a semi-formal tag team in TNA for several months.

Using Chavo in the tag team picture can be a good way to use him. As long as TNA doesn't try to push Chavo to levels above his ability. He can be a solid contribution to the tag team or mid-card pictures, but he's no main eventer. He may be a Guerrero but, in terms of accomplishments & star power & personal legacy, Chavo is most definitely the runt of the litter. He hasn't been a mega star in Mexico like his father & uncles were, nor does he have the overall ability that Eddie had. If TNA keeps Chavo where he can be of use, then I've no problems.
I don't know I think it's bit of a waste to bring in Chavo with all the bells and whistles and then have him only serve as the tag-team flunky for Hernendez. It's like TNA don't know what to do with Hernendez, they're afraid to push him in singles so they keep giving him different partners. They should figure out what they have in their hands with Hernendez is he good enough to be a single wrestler or not? If not, then fire him. If they see something in him then give him a TV title shot, it's time for him to fly on his own. I'm afraid Chavo and Hern will be paired and become another cliche hispanic tag-team like TNA always does and we'll be tired of their act rather quickly.
tna has to tread likely cause im sure the tna brass is mindful of the fact that things like the kerwin white debacle and the hornswaggle feud done a lot to hurt chavo's star and his value. I mean we got over Pepe and I hope to see the return of the WCW chavo if possible. He is going to have to establish himself in the tag team division in unison with his singles journey. Tagging with a prominent TNA star will take attention from the fact that Chavo was misused by WWE and that a quick rise in TNA might hurt TNA's image because of ongoing controversies over the lopsided transition of some promotion jumping wrestlers..

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