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tna tag division

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Dark Match Jobber
Ok i really do enjoy some of the tag teams they have going on in the tna tag division. My question is what current tag team would you like to see tna breakup or repackage and what tag teams would you like to see form either in the guys or knockout divisions?

I would say that i would want the mcmg to at least be repackaged. This current storyline they are running with them is annoying and it waste them as talent. These two guys are incredible, but yet they sat at ringside for almost an hour on impact.

I would like to see LAX reform. I would love Roxxi and Dafney to form a team called the Queens of Extreme. Other than that i would love for Stevie and Rhyno to team and run a storyline about remembering the hardcore days. (I loved ECW can you tell) But some other potential are Kip James and Jethro Holiday because both are good tag wrestlers in the past and i think they would work well together.

Anyway would love to here your thoughts on this topic.
I would love for LAX to reform! They were one of the main reasons that I would watch TNA and even when they both were going ona singles run I was still a fan. Have you noticed that I like Homicide and Hernandez?? And then you even have the Womens Tag Division. The WWE needs something like this because the Knockouts could kick a Divas ass anyday. (Except Trish, Gail, Beth, Mickie, Maryse, Michelle, Melina and Alicia) the WWE Divas cant perform. So I would like the Queens Of Extreme. I would also love to see Awsome Kong and Rhaka Khan team up. Repackage the Motorcity Machineguns. They need help. Keep pushing the British Invasion and have them feud with LAX!
That might be abit hard at the moment seeing as Homicide smashed him in the back with a chair less than 1 week ago. As far as the Tag-Division in TNA they have a pretty sound one for how small that division actually is. Beer Money are a great team and a simple yet effective concept. team 3D have been one of the most dominant tag teams in every promotion since joining together and The British invasion have Doug Williams. TNa might need 2 or so more teams to branch out a division that could really help their pomotion.
I would love to see Kip james with differnt name team with Jethro Holiday!! Kip once was a cowboy back in the day. The MCMG are great as is TNA just don't use them. I can't figure out why? Stinner and Booker needs to break up. Beer money should stay a stable and go into singles compation. Lax should go away. Have you noticed that I HATE Homicide and Hernandez?? WE is great, they need to form a secont tag team within the stabel to give the guys there somthing to do. AJ styles needs to find a partner and start a team.
Thats what i think but TNA tag tean is not bad as is.

the only thing i can really think that they can do is to start using the MCMG properly. they are a great team, dont need repackaging. they just need to be used. this crap they have going with them now is a joke and pissing me off. the MEM needs to break-up and Steiner needs to be fired!
as for new teams....i would reform the A.J. and Daniels team. they worked great as a team back in the day...even bring back elix skipper and reform XXX with A.J. replacing LowKi
Leave BeerMoney alone..they are great together.
Nothing with Kip...he needs to go the same route as B.J. and Cornnette and get canned.
they need to get Angel Williams visa crap straightened out and get her back with TBP
Roxxi shouldn't team with Daffney...Roxxi needs to go back to what she was like in Shimmer and possible team with Sharah Stock(Sarita) both have wrestled for AAA i believe

might think of some more but can't at the moment
I love tag team wrestling, its the main reason why I watch wrestling, its the main reason I'm not that into WWE at them moment, and its the main reason I love TNA at the moment.

I will however say it could be allot better. MCMG don’t need re packaging, they just need a push. I like the fact that they are trying to make them a TNA style DX/IN you face funny tag team who can get it done in the ring, it could be good...however they need to either go all out, or not bother. This half arsed attempt at the minute isn’t getting them anymore over with the fans, and its wasting their talent by not having them wrestle.

LAX should stay singles at the moment. Homicide can do good things with world elite, and have a decent feud with Hernandez. Hopefully Hernandez can go on and have a decent feud for the title. They have been in the Tag title picture on and off for so long now, its nice they are getting singles action, it should freshen them up a bit.

Lethal consequences are a great team. I honestly think they have the in ring talent to be as good as MCMG, sure they aren’t as good on the stick, and Lethal is still stuck behind his stupid Savage gimmick, but with a bit of repackaging they could be great.

British Invasion, Beer Money, Team 3D, are all great and should carry on doing what they are. Team 3D have done an excellent job in propelling British invasion (and with the help of LAX) Beer Money, props to them for that.

I don’t even mind Steiner and Booker at the moment, as long as they are willing to put people over like team 3D do, keep them together. Unfortunately I see them splitting after Bound for Glory, as I can see MEM on its way out then and I think Angle/Nash/Booker/Steiner will all feud in and amongst them selves for a few months leaving the titles to be passed around the younger blood.
I think the tag division in TNA has gotten kind of stagnant lately. Scott Steiner and Booker T, in my opinion, bring nothing to the tag titles and I'd like to see them put onto someone else. It's kind of the same with the Dudleyz. Yeah, they've won oodles of titles all over the world and that's great and all, but I've seen them for so long in the tag title scene of one company or another that I'm just tired of them.

The MCMGs need to be repackaged or broken up because I hate what TNA is doing with them. As a team, they've wrestled once on Impact in maybe 2 months in a handicap match against Abyss, in which they jobbed. As far as the British Invasion goes, I dunno. Williams and Magnus are talented wrestlers, but there's been no character development with them. I can't remember if I've ever really seen either of them do a promo. Also, I think TNA needs to send the IWGP Tag Team Championship back to New Japan. After No Surrender, counting the IWGP straps, TNA will have 3 tag team titles and that's definitely too many.

Lethal Consequences needs to be repackaged as well. Jay Lethal's rip off/homage or whatever you want to call it of the Macho Man gimmick is as stale as it gets. He's been doing it forever and it's time to move on. As for Consequences Creed...I dunno what it is about him really. He's fast and agile, got some good moves but I'm just not really into the guy. Maybe he just doesn't have that "it" factor, I dunno.
TNA have such a good Tag Team division! In a way it reminds me of the old Carolina days with all these great teams in the same territory.

I would say give MCMG a proper push (The best team I have seen in YEARS!)
Reform LAX
Bring back the Voodo Kin Mafia - I'm not a Billy Gun fan, but I did like the Outlaws/VKM
Have Foley/Abyss team up.
Split the British Invasion from the World Elite
Reform AJ/Tomko
Bring in Lance Cade and reunite him with Trevor Murdoch.
TNA have such a good Tag Team division! In a way it reminds me of the old Carolina days with all these great teams in the same territory.

I would say give MCMG a proper push (The best team I have seen in YEARS!).

I agree they should get some sort of a push. They're good, but not the best.

Reform LAX

Not gonna happen seeing as how Dixie Carter is a big fan of Hernandez and that he's slowly being pushed to the main event scene. Also, very unlikely seeing as how Homicide is now part of the World Elite. Besides, LAX is just stale and boring. They've already done everything in TNA as a team, there's just nothing left for them.

Bring back the Voodo Kin Mafia - I'm not a Billy Gun fan, but I did like the Outlaws/VKM

BG James was just released from TNA and Kipp has absolutely no credibility whatsoever anymore. The way TNA has used him the past year or so has been abysmal. Besides, TNA doesn't need anymore over the hill former superstars cluttering up the roster even more than it already is.

Have Foley/Abyss team up.

Horrible idea. Foley is just so worn out that he just can't do it anymore. Well, he can but he shouldn't because most of his matches are pretty awful now. Abyss is only entertaining if he's in a hardcore type of match.

Split the British Invasion from the World Elite

Eh, I don't care either way about them really. They're talented in the ring, but they're mostly just going to stand around and look snotty like Kyohsi and Basshir while EY cuts a promo.

Reform AJ/Tomko

Good lord, why? Tomko was a boring, one dimensional heel that offered no entertainment value at all. Styles was reduced to the level of a court jester during their time as a team. Styles is currently in the main event scene in TNA and that's where everybody eventually wants to end up.

Bring in Lance Cade and reunite him with Trevor Murdoch.

TNA could use a few more teams, but Cade and Murdoch are a perfect example of why the tag division in the WWE has been dead for the past several years.
^ Yeah, I'd rather that AJ and Daniels teamed up than AJ & Tomko.

However, AJ & Daniels are both singles stars in their own right (Both will be World Champions), and Tomko isn't really. So teaming him back with AJ would be good for him, provided AJ is in a serious role.

I liked them together. Opinions differ however.

Abyss & Foley could work I think.

I know all about BG James and Hernandez, but that is my initial idea for the team scene in TNA.
I have to also add that I would love to see the Motor City Machine Guns used properly again. They really are talented and are great competitors. The fact that they are on the mic and being "Comedic Relief" just feels totally wrong. I wish they would even go after the IWGP titles that The British Invasion seems to have forgotten that they have as the belts are never used.
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