Tna Sucks

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Hey LWWE15 do you remember me? I think you know me as King Jericho or wrestlingtaker
Ill kick your ass for sayin Jeff Hardy sucks **** you bastard!!!!!!!! ill find you and hunt you down until i hear your screams and the shrivels of pain from your mouth MuhaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bitch
tna is hellla weeeeeeeeeeeeek................they think jus kus they hav mor sides in the ring that makes them reell good wrestlers well they reelly suk badly!!!
What are you talking about, people try to stay on topic here, TNA is not a looser fed, TNA is a future fed, read my column on that, TNA is the future because of talent, niceness to wrestlers and pushing real talent except for the Sting and Jarrett bits.
And you are being banned when a mod sees that post you made. The fact is TNA IS the future, WWE is not, it takes someone who appreciates good wrestling and not fake wrestling to understand that.
Ill kick his ass TNA is actually in some way BETTER than WWE and its not because it has a 6-sided ring for ******ed people who want to say that but because it is somewat fake but it's not planned down and the action never stops so we they make us want more action instead of giving the wrestlers 7 after match celebrations
All you tna marks except (xtriplehhhx) should accept that WWE will always be better than tna
I agree with wrestlingtaker in a way there, but one maybe in like 5 - 10 years TNA will go side by side with WWE, but we can't know for sure.

Why does averybody either hate WWE or TNA? Why not watch the both of them. They are better than eachother in different ways. TNA has better cruisers and is more hardcore. They have funnier special matches, but WWE got the legends, the fans and the better heavyweights.

There is the different. They are both good. They have the same level.

The ones who hates TNA is brainwashed by McMahon. The ones who hates WWE is tired on the McMahon bullshit. What if you look at the wrestling instead. Give a shit in McMahon and what averyone else says and watch the programs instead.
/\ Go be gay somewhere else. Ill only be a WWE fan and will never be a fan of "Tna" and WWE is better than tna in every single way
wrestlingtaker said:
/\ Go be gay somewhere else. Ill only be a WWE fan and will never be a fan of "Tna" and WWE is better than tna in every single way

I have a better idea--why don't YOU go be gay somewhere else. Is anyone else getting tired of this fuckin' ****** constantly posting his stupid WWE/Taker shit? Look, for the last time, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE TNA FORUM! You want to masterbate to photos of the Undertaker or praise the WWE, fine. GO DO IT IN THE WWE FORUM! This foruim is for talking about TNA. What its doing well, what it can improve on, etc. Since your obviously to stupid to know how the difference between wrestling and entertainment, you don't belong here.
mystyk said:
I have a better idea--why don't YOU go be gay somewhere else. Is anyone else getting tired of this fuckin' ****** constantly posting his stupid WWE/Taker shit? Look, for the last time, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE TNA FORUM! You want to masterbate to photos of the Undertaker or praise the WWE, fine. GO DO IT IN THE WWE FORUM! This foruim is for talking about TNA. What its doing well, what it can improve on, etc. Since your obviously to stupid to know how the difference between wrestling and entertainment, you don't belong here.

Why would people want to talk bout tna SUCKS
Umm listen to yourself ****** like i said WWE somewhat lacks action and we will always know who wins but TNA is action-packed and we get lost in the action so we wont really are who wins a match and the WRESTLERS in TNA are actually healthy rather than the SUPERSTARS of WWE who half the Lockeroom take roids and anyway TNA has The NWA world and tag championships
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