TNA Stalling For A Savior?

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DAMN My Ex-Gf just got implants!!!
The big surprise for TNA's Slammiversary that Dixie Carter teased on Twitter last month was, as far as TNA was hoping, going to be Paul Heyman but a deal couldn't be reached. Tommy Dreamer was then assumed to be the surprise after he debuted.TNA is really hoping Heyman will appear at Victory Road. TNA officials expect Heyman to come to their company but the bottom line is he has not agreed to yet. TNA wants him, expects him to come in and are willing to give him almost anything he wants.It's said that TNA's condition internally has gotten much worst over the past few weeks. The feeling is that they need a savior and nobody can think of anyone else but Heyman.

This is a report from
I find this very interesting does this mean that Tna doesn't know what to do with the deception and ecw angles? Im sort of confused because impact has been good recently although Tna leaves a ton of unanswered questions. Does this mean Hogan and Bischoff have failed and now need Heyman as their savior? Thoughts.
They also said ''gen-me'' was not under contract anymore and they are!they also keep saying that there's low morale yet ''Matt Morgan'' asked when have any of these internet reporters have ever been in our lockeroom. and if there such low morale why are TNA talents contining to sign long term contracts!
They also said ''gen-me'' was not under contract anymore and they are!they also keep saying that there's low morale yet ''Matt Morgan'' asked when have any of these internet reporters have ever been in our lockeroom. and if there such low morale why are TNA talents contining to sign long term contracts!

Yeah I often wonder how much truth there really is in any of these online reports? The shows have gotten progressively better over the last month or so, so I don't think morale is as bad as everyone is wanting us to believe.
Everybody knows that TNA needs a saviour, the problem is it is not Paul Heyman. The Pope and his congregation will lead TNA to the promised land. Grab The Pope's hand and he will show us all the power of his ways.

Sorry. What can I say. The man's gospel touched me, but not in a christian preacher type of way.

Either way I dont think anyone could say bringing in Heyman would be a bad move. My only question is if he still has it. After so many years away from the books it's too easy to lose a step. To me it seems like Bischoff is finally starting to work of the rust as the shows keep getting better. TNA doesn't need a saviour (except the pope) yet. They need to see how good Eric is once all of the rust is gone first. Bringing in Heyman right now could just lead to another rusty booking period and that's not what they need right now.
The big surprise for TNA's Slammiversary that Dixie Carter teased on Twitter last month was, as far as TNA was hoping, going to be Paul Heyman but a deal couldn't be reached.

Dixie said that there was going to be a "nice" surprise at Slammiversary, but admitted that it wasn't the BIG surprise she had talked to Spike about.

Obviously that "nice" surprise was Dreamer making his on camera debut.
I don't see why TNA is solely relying on Paul Heyman. Don't get me wrong, he's brilliant and he's done only great things in starting up ECW and with his work back in WWE. But if the man doesn't want to come back, then just move on. He's obviously doing his own thing right now and bringing him to TNA would be nice but isn't necessary.

Im not a big Russo fan, and creative does have problems with continuity, but right now I really feel TNA is putting out a good product. Slammiversary was good and iMPACT has been really solid the last few weeks, and Victory Road is shaping up to be a damn good PPV. I don't know why everyone is acting like TNA is in crisis mode or something with all the low morale articles and such, because that isn't correlating to what im seeing with solid shows on iMPACT week in and week out.
Its Meltzer and his anti TNA news. Matt Morgan called the morale issue BS on twitter. Not to mention iMPACTs improved a lot over the last couple of months and they just broke their live attendance record last night. Heyman may be coming to TNA but hes not gonna be seen as the holy savior of the wrestling world.
This is TNA's problem..they are acting deperate, they are now paying wrestlers only when they make appearances and are doing what ever they can to get something big coming in every month...

They have started these angles but with half the story written, they don't even know where they are going with the story, so they are hoping for Heyman to come in and fix the puzzle for them...

It's always Dixie on Twitter, she must be on it 24/7 on her mobile..she always bigs something up, and it ends up being small as well...
Dont know about a savoir, but i know im getting tired of the whole "big surprise" business it really makes TNA look bush league. Why not just say nothing then people wont be expecting anything and will be actually surprised.
I'm not putting too much stock in all this. I've heard the "this is going to change TNA forever" stuff from Dixie Carter for so long that it hardly has any meaning now. The reality of what TNA actually shows almost never lives up to the hype, not even close.

Could Paul Heyman, if he ever does make his way to TNA, be the one to turn things around? Who knows. I'm not going to wet myself if it happens because there've already been enough "false prophets" if you will that've come to TNA and have failed to lead it to the Promise Land. When it was announced that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were headed to TNA, many believed that TNA's time was about to hit and that Bischoff and Hogan were going to take TNA to the next level.

I'll probably catch some shit for this but I think it needs to be said. I know a lot of people think that Paul Heyman is this extraordinary genius, this visionary and all that. But if he was that smart, why did ECW go belly up? I know, I know there'll be the whole thing about Heyman being great creatively rather than being a great businessman. Ok, that's all well and good, but I never really cared for ECW all that much quite honestly. Hardcore wrestling doesn't do much for me and just because an angle or match or story is controversial doesn't mean that it's good. Although, it doesn't take a lot to impress some. A few dirty words thrown out here and there, some women running around half naked and that's quality to some.

I don't know how accurate some of these online reports are. Some are dead on sometimes while others couldn't be further from the truth. I've no doubt that if Heyman were to show up in TNA that you'd have a hefty number of the IWC already planning for WWE's downfall, for every match and angle and all that to be some epic just like when it was announced that Hogan and Bischoff were coming.

If Heyman does come to TNA, I hope he can get me excited about TNA again. But, I'm not worried about what he did 15 years ago. I know about ECW and all that but ECW is the past and this is the here and now. Letting past accomplishments carry them through has been a big enough problem in TNA already. Just because Heyman had the goods 15 years ago doesn't automatically mean that he's got the goods now.
I don't see why TNA is solely relying on Paul Heyman. Don't get me wrong, he's brilliant and he's done only great things in starting up ECW and with his work back in WWE.

This man worked miracles with Smackdown by getting the WWE B show onto the best weekly program in 08 or 09 so by that thinking TNA must want him as they do with everyone else (Hogan or Flair twenty years past prime).

I agree with a few of the poster here that TNA is getting worried because they did not come close to betting the WWE. Well FCUK it they did five times better than I could do or any of you TNA basher could do!! (expect WWE)

TNA morels are not bad the wrestlers are signing long term contacts like Brutus Maguns (who has not been on impact since January maybe) so yeah TNA is doing okay for Locker room happiness but what do anyone who is not in there know??
TNA is relying on Heyman because they are panicking. They signed Hogan thinking he was gonna bring in ratings, and in 6 months he hasn't. They thought signing guys like Hardy and RVD would bring in fans, and it hasn't. Their though process now is telling them if they bring in Heyman, things will get better.
I haven't logged into these forums in a long time but I feel I can shed some light on the conversation. TNA IMPACT and the Pay-Per Views have been very good lately and Kurt Angle said in a recent interview that he not only wants to retire with TNA but also head creative after he retires so in my opinion TNA should be on top of the world at this point. Here is what I see:

1) From what I have heard Vince Russo has said publicly that he is burnt out being the Head of Creative. He is wanting to become Executive Producer of IMPACT! but will take another job in the front office of TNA.

2) Eric Bischoff from what Hogan said on a radio show I listened to is the Middle Man. He helps in the creative meetings and filters out anything he doesnt like. He then takes what he does like to Hogan for final approval and if Hogan likes it then it gets put on the show, if Hogan doesnt like it then the idea is scrapped. Bischoff seems very happy in this role as it gives him time to work with his production company.

3) Jeff Jarrett as Vice President of TNA/Creative has been relegated to booking TNA House Shows and running those for the organization and seems happy not having to write the entire product while just being able to book the show on the road.

Now knowing these three things Russo can't be moved until a replacement is found and Bischoff doesnt seem to want the job writing the show, and Jarrett doesnt seem to want the job back even if he would be asked to take it back. So rather than the desperate state these writers are making it out to be it seems like TNA is just trying to hire the best man for the job so that they can give Russo his wish to move him elsewhere within the company. Heyman is easily the best wrestling mind out there and it would be tremendous if TNA could give him full control of IMPACT! as well as the rumored 2nd show that TNA hopes the ECW Invasion angle will produce.

This is just my in depth thought on the situation. Maybe you people will agree.
I'm not putting too much stock in all this. I've heard the "this is going to change TNA forever" stuff from Dixie Carter for so long that it hardly has any meaning now. The reality of what TNA actually shows almost never lives up to the hype, not even close.

Could Paul Heyman, if he ever does make his way to TNA, be the one to turn things around? Who knows. I'm not going to wet myself if it happens because there've already been enough "false prophets" if you will that've come to TNA and have failed to lead it to the Promise Land. When it was announced that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were headed to TNA, many believed that TNA's time was about to hit and that Bischoff and Hogan were going to take TNA to the next level.

I'll probably catch some shit for this but I think it needs to be said. I know a lot of people think that Paul Heyman is this extraordinary genius, this visionary and all that. But if he was that smart, why did ECW go belly up? I know, I know there'll be the whole thing about Heyman being great creatively rather than being a great businessman. Ok, that's all well and good, but I never really cared for ECW all that much quite honestly. Hardcore wrestling doesn't do much for me and just because an angle or match or story is controversial doesn't mean that it's good. Although, it doesn't take a lot to impress some. A few dirty words thrown out here and there, some women running around half naked and that's quality to some.

I don't know how accurate some of these online reports are. Some are dead on sometimes while others couldn't be further from the truth. I've no doubt that if Heyman were to show up in TNA that you'd have a hefty number of the IWC already planning for WWE's downfall, for every match and angle and all that to be some epic just like when it was announced that Hogan and Bischoff were coming.

If Heyman does come to TNA, I hope he can get me excited about TNA again. But, I'm not worried about what he did 15 years ago. I know about ECW and all that but ECW is the past and this is the here and now. Letting past accomplishments carry them through has been a big enough problem in TNA already. Just because Heyman had the goods 15 years ago doesn't automatically mean that he's got the goods now.

I wasn't a fan of ECW because they rarely had a tv deal, one day they on tv, next they are not..I am not sure if people watch the rise an fall of ECW, but some say Heyman was a good bookie but terrible business man...Also the whole ECW thing with Tommy Dreamer and other guys, them guys arent the top drawing wrestlers i mean come on, do we really need Heyman??
Maybe they need one since TNA is starting to look like WCW pre-Fingerpoke. For Heyman coming back, its a matter of does he want to. Heyman's having fun just being a blogger and going by his rules. I don't know if despite all the great times he had and did for the industry, come back that first love that left him stunned the first time and heartbroken the second. And then there's that project that Tod Gordon and him are working on. How will effect things.

If we're looking at a company in which none of the top guys want to step up to a leadership role (Jarrett, Hogan, Bischoff) or can't (Russo and I doubt Foley would want to drive either) and depending on the so-called "next big thing", then this could spell serious trouble for TNA. Personally, I think they already have the answer in Angle.
I think if ''Heyman'' does comes in , (if he's not already signed, could be dixie's big surprise) we might see Dreamer,Raven,Stevie, and Kevin Sullivan on his writing team.And this could be a great writing team, with the talent they have to work with and nobody looking over their shoulders. this could be something special, All these guys have great minds for the business,They're really smart and forward thinking guys.
I just wanna know who the hell writes that crap?! If TNA is really desperate then it is uncanny how well rhe booking is then. A booking team with an uninterested leader and lack of workers, yet they pull out the best writting of the year. Then there's the "locker room morale" being low. Really? Who is Meltzer consulting? Homicide? It seems like total BS, especially with TNA workers publicly pointing it as false and how workers have been signing long term contracts left and right. Or are those reports also inaccurate? Dixie may be a mark, but she's not an idiot in overall business. No person with high positions in a company of any kind would be stupid enough to promise something that's not there. It's business, not politics. A company has to show how strong it is. Happy camp employees signing long term contracts and big time names sticking around doesn't exaclty point to a failing company.
What is this? The 800th report that contains 0 facts from F4W? This is the same site that said Samoa Joe was going to quit TNA because his friend's catering company didn't get hired. And the one that said AJ was angry about not being world champion sooner and just about every other crock of shit rumour that has 0 basis to it. Load of shit. Already this thread is packed with ******s who believe this shit without so much as a thought that it could be wrong. TNA isn't panicking, they don't need Paul Heyman and these reports are bullshit.
Could Paul Heyman, if he ever does make his way to TNA, be the one to turn things around? Who knows. I'm not going to wet myself if it happens because there've already been enough "false prophets" if you will that've come to TNA and have failed to lead it to the Promise Land. When it was announced that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were headed to TNA, many believed that TNA's time was about to hit and that Bischoff and Hogan were going to take TNA to the next level.

I'll probably catch some shit for this but I think it needs to be said. I know a lot of people think that Paul Heyman is this extraordinary genius, this visionary and all that. But if he was that smart, why did ECW go belly up? I know, I know there'll be the whole thing about Heyman being great creatively rather than being a great businessman. Ok, that's all well and good, but I never really cared for ECW all that much quite honestly. Hardcore wrestling doesn't do much for me and just because an angle or match or story is controversial doesn't mean that it's good. Although, it doesn't take a lot to impress some. A few dirty words thrown out here and there, some women running around half naked and that's quality to some.

You make some good points, but here's the thing, Bischoff and Hogan haven't even begun to unfold everything they have in mind. I know that people were expecting a big immediate change, maybe because that's what was promised....but wrestling doesn't work that way. It's gonna take time, well more than a year even, until TNA becomes what Bischoff truly wants it to be.

As for Heyman, the reason people say he's so smart but ECW still failed is the pure miracle that he made a wrestling organization that had no budget and very few good wrestlers become well known in the wrestling world. He made something out of nothing. That's why he's thought to be smart. Honestly, I never really cared for ECW, but I did enjoy WWE more than ever before when Bischoff and Heyman were the GMs and writing for the shows. So, we shall see.
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