TNA sign Thea Trinidad (Divina Fly); Set to Debut This Week

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to various reports, including the breaking report from PWI, TNA have signed a new Knockout to the roster — Thea Trinidad, who works as Divina Fly — to a deal following a successful tryout she had a few weeks back.

Their report indicates that she is an "extremely gorgeous" and athletic Latina.

This image (obviously taken by TNA's photographer Lee South) has also surfaced:


Admittedly, I know nothing of this woman or her work.

Anyone care to shed any light on the situation?

Additionally, your thoughts on the signing?
When I saw the post, I immedetaly (Not spelled right) thought they are trying to replace Kong, since she's set to make her debut any day now in WWE. But when I saw the picture, I was extremely shocked. First of all she's already my new favorite knockout, she's GORGEOUS!!!!! Secondly, while I've heard nothing about her, I can already see the storyline that Russo will devise for her. She will be a "family member" of Sarita in her feud with The Beautiful People. If you think I'm hinting at the fact the are both latinas, you would be correct, not a racist, hell I'm mexican myself, but it is Russo and we all know what goes on in his head. But until TNA signs another monster Knockout, the division will suffer imho
Shes pretty but less be honest this is TNA. She'll be hot for like 2 or 3 months then get the baackseat treatment like all the other knockouts.
She used to be a waitress over here in long island, she always talked about wrestling and how this was her dream. she is on facebook and myspace if you just search Divina Fly you will easily find her. if TNA gives her a decent shot she will definitely do well.
why does the division need a monster? I never watched Kong, but I'm glad she's gone. what the division should have and does have is attractive women who can wrestle. maybe Kong fit that as someone who could wrestle, but my goodness it was ugly as F!

I search on youtube for Divina Fly, and there was one of her with a match against Candy Cartwright. I don't know if it's the ring/ropes they are using for that promotion, but damn the girl is barely taller than the top rope.
not sure how to link youtube, but it's the first video under Divina Fly.
why does the division need a monster? I never watched Kong, but I'm glad she's gone. what the division should have and does have is attractive women who can wrestle. maybe Kong fit that as someone who could wrestle, but my goodness it was ugly as F!

Exactly except I've seen Kong wrestle, but anyway I'm not sure about the rest of you, but after watching half naked men wrestle for the majority of the show I like to watch some attractive women, instead of Awesome Kong atleast.

But back on topic, she's hot so she has half the skills needed for a woman wrestler in my book. I really can't comment on her wrestling ability, guess I'll just hope for the best. But IMO, I'ld prefer Thea Trinidad without even watching her wrestle, than Awesome Kong.
Kong destroyed the Knockouts division. Absolutely demolished it. You can only take a David v. Goliath story so far before people eventually tire of Goliath killing everything in his (her) path, or tire of David continually beating him (her) against the odds.

Kong was fantastic in her debut and for a good year+ following, but once she ran through the entire division without anyone really putting her down (Taylor Wilde's fluke victories don't constitute as putting her down), she killed whatever was left of the division.

It took TNA months to rebuild the damage her booking caused.

In essence, she Goldberg'd the entire (Knockouts) roster. Imagine a guy running through the entire main event scene on the male side in the course of a year, beating every one of them in the process and you'll have an idea as to what Kong did to the Knockouts.
Kong destroyed the Knockouts division. Absolutely demolished it. You can only take a David v. Goliath story so far before people eventually tire of Goliath killing everything in his (her) path, or tire of David continually beating him (her) against the odds.

Kong was fantastic in her debut and for a good year+ following, but once she ran through the entire division without anyone really putting her down (Taylor Wilde's fluke victories don't constitute as putting her down), she killed whatever was left of the division.

It took TNA months to rebuild the damage her booking caused.

In essence, she Goldberg'd the entire (Knockouts) roster. Imagine a guy running through the entire main event scene on the male side in the course of a year, beating every one of them in the process and you'll have an idea as to what Kong did to the Knockouts.

No offense, but are you on crack? Awesome Kong was one of the reasons the Knockouts Division excelled and became what it did. Kong and Gail Kim put that division on the map and if they hadn't been there, and others had been in their place when the division started, it could've very easily flopped and died before it even had life.

During Kong and Kim's time, when they were feuding and Gail Kim was the brave face trying to oppose the mammoth Kong as champion, the Knockouts were the hottest thing on TNA television. They were the ratings grabber, and they were what people were interested in more then anything else on the roster. Awesome Kong is an "attraction", and people want to see her because she's exactly what no other Knockout of Diva is. She's like the Andre the Giant of women's wrestling, and if used properly she will always be an asset.

If anything the Beautiful People and the change in direction in what the Knockouts division has become from what it once was is what destroyed the division. It's still hasn't returned to the heights it once was. I watched the elimination Knockouts match last week (I think, or the week before), and once it came down to Angelina Love and Sarita the crowd was dead. There were long minutes of utter SILENCE. No one cares about the Knockouts division when they're wrestling now. That was never the case before when Awesome Kong and Gail Kim were around.

Here's a video of Divina Fly, though. Everyone can judge for themselves her potential. I think it is likely she'll come in connected somehow with Sarita, although you never really know what TNA is going to do.
No offense, but are you on crack? Awesome Kong was one of the reasons the Knockouts Division excelled and became what it did. Kong and Gail Kim put that division on the map and if they hadn't been there, and others had been in their place when the division started, it could've very easily flopped and died before it even had life.

During Kong and Kim's time, when they were feuding and Gail Kim was the brave face trying to oppose the mammoth Kong as champion, the Knockouts were the hottest thing on TNA television. They were the ratings grabber, and they were what people were interested in more then anything else on the roster. Awesome Kong is an "attraction", and people want to see her because she's exactly what no other Knockout of Diva is. She's like the Andre the Giant of women's wrestling, and if used properly she will always be an asset.

If anything the Beautiful People and the change in direction in what the Knockouts division has become from what it once was is what destroyed the division. It's still hasn't returned to the heights it once was. I watched the elimination Knockouts match last week (I think, or the week before), and once it came down to Angelina Love and Sarita the crowd was dead. There were long minutes of utter SILENCE. No one cares about the Knockouts division when they're wrestling now. That was never the case before when Awesome Kong and Gail Kim were around.

Here's a video of Divina Fly, though. Everyone can judge for themselves her potential. I think it is likely she'll come in connected somehow with Sarita, although you never really know what TNA is going to do.

Now read the rest of my post, guy. Every match with Kong was David v. Goliath — I said people grew tired of it, not that it never mattered.

Yeah, at the start she was on fire and for a good year she helped to define the entire division, but she ran through everyone on the roster and eventually grew extremely stale as a result.

As for no one caring now, if that's the case, why do the Knockouts still draw the highest rated segmetns on iMPACT! every week if no one wants to see them?
I've seen her work some matches live in Queens, New York where she is from for a couple indy companies here in New York and I was pretty impressed by her work in the ring. Physical she is Very attractive and her looks kind of remind me of a cross between Layla and Trish Stratus. I think that she is good signing, that adds more depth to the Knockout roster with another talented in-ring wrestler. Looking forward to seeing her get a chance in TNA.
Exactly except I've seen Kong wrestle, but anyway I'm not sure about the rest of you, but after watching half naked men wrestle for the majority of the show I like to watch some attractive women, instead of Awesome Kong atleast.

this is one of the main reason I love the women wrestling.
I'm not saying guys who watch the men wrestle all the time and don't want to see the women are gay. I would imagine there is a LARGE audience that looks forward to seeing the half naked women in the ring. now I do think the women should have some wrestling ability.

can this new girl use the name Divina Fly? or I imagine TNA will come up with a new name for her. I wouldn't mind seeing her team with Sarita. it could give another team that can wrestle for the women's tag team titles. I wonder if there could be any chance of when Winter/Angelina lose the titles that Winter and Mickie James could team up. you could then have 4 teams. Angelina/Velvet, Madison/Tara, Mickie/Winter, and Sarita/Divina. maybe ven have Daffney team with Tessmacher for yet another team? there are a total of 10 Knockouts now.

just now checked TNA employees wikipedia page. this new girl for now is listed as Divina Fly. but I know that can change because Tommy Mercer was listed as Little Red for awhile before changing to Crimson.
Now read the rest of my post, guy. Every match with Kong was David v. Goliath — I said people grew tired of it, not that it never mattered. Yeah, at the start she was on fire and for a good year she helped to define the entire division, but she ran through everyone on the roster and eventually grew extremely stale as a result.[/

I did read that, but Awesome Kong was never stale. She was still getting huge reactions from the crowd everytime she was involved in something, right up until she left. She never got stale, people never lost interest in her, and the division didn't plummet until she was gone.

As for no one caring now, if that's the case, why do the Knockouts still draw the highest rated segmetns on iMPACT! every week if no one wants to see them?

Because it's TNA! :lmao: It shows the problems with their product when the Knockouts are STILL the highest rated segments and they have all those stars and talents on their roster.

My proof is right here. Listen to the crowd reactions; extremely long stretches of silence from the crowd except for one guy making a lame chant. One guy shouting and reacting. The front row is just staring, bored. Even when Angelina Love won the match the reaction was minimal at best. People seem interested in their segments, they even seem interested in their entrances (no surprise with the Beautiful People's), but once the bell rings and the wrestling starts people don't care. They just stand there (as the crowd proves in that video) waiting for the match to be over.

Now watch this:

If anything it's the opposite. Their entrance reactions were toned down, and then once the match started the crowd broke out right away into a "Kong" chant. And from there the crowd was hot and into the match the entire time: loud boos, crowd all clapping loud for Kim when she's in trouble, and the last three minutes the crowd was HOT and EXTREMELY into the match.

Then Gail Kim wins and RETAINS her title, making your point about the David vs. Goliath story kind of moot, and the crowd erupts into a big pop for Gail Kim.

Watch the reaction Angelina Love gets in winning a match and the reaction Gail Kim gets in winning a match.

And now this, Awesome Kong is a face (if you can call her that) and it's 2010 and Kong's been in TNA for YEARS at this time!

As you can see the Beautiful People's entrance gets little reaction from the crowd. The only reason the ratings show people watch the Knockouts and them now a days is because guys want to see the beautiful woman as eye candy and want to see them bend over and tease being lesbians.

Hamada and Velvet Sky start the match and the crowd doesn't care at all. It's the same lackluster, bored reaction the whole time as last week's TNA Impact example got. But the moment Awesome Kong gets tagged in? The crowd sits up and stirs to life. The crowd starts chanting. Yeah, she was VERY stale, wasn't she? Years later the crowd didn't care about her at all anymore and were bored, right? I think not. You, guy, are wrong.

Now, let's get back on topic, shall we? Although, there's not much to talk about when it comes to Divina Fly, since she's not exactly well known and it's impossible to really know how (or if) she'll be adding anything to the Knockouts division when she does debut and in whatever role she does.
On the Feb. 3rd edition of impact sarita said in a backstage interview that her cousin "rosita" will be debuting next week. Wow I'm so physcked for this and abviously so is the rest of these forums. No but really what do you guys thing of this? I havent heard any word on TNA signing a new girl so does anyone know who she is or anything?
She is an Indy wrestler by the name of Divina Fly and is 20 years old. She is Amazing Red's cousin. She very much has Amazing Red's style of wrestling. She is a high flyer. From the few matches on youtube I've seen of her, she is good in the ring. Very good looking too.

I think she will be a great addition to the KO division. Smart move by TNA to stick her with the much experienced Sarita, she will learn alot from her. Also another KO tag team to go after the titles.
She is an Indy wrestler by the name of Divina Fly and is 20 years old. She is Amazing Red's cousin. She very much has Amazing Red's style of wrestling. She is a high flyer. From the few matches on youtube I've seen of her, she is good in the ring. Very good looking too.

I think she will be a great addition to the KO division. Smart move by TNA to stick her with the much experienced Sarita, she will learn alot from her. Also another KO tag team to go after the titles.

Until I read this, I knew nothing about her. But based on your description, I agree with you that she would be a great addition to the KO Division. It sounds like she and Sarita could go for the KO Tag Team titles (giving the belts somewhat of a reason for people to care about them) or she could break out on her own and go for the KO title. She sounds like someone who could easily transition between the singles and tag team division. I think I can say I look forward to her debut.
I haven't seen her wrestling, but i guess from the descriptions mentioned above she will be great for the Knockout division. Also she could act as a valet for Amazing red, if Tna wish to use her in that capacity.
I have seen pictures of her, and she is very attractive. But I think it's funny how Amazing Red's family, real or not, have pretty much surpassed him without doing anything. Not to take away from Red or his amazing abilities and accomplishments.. but look at it. Crimson, his "little brother" comes in, put's Jarrett in his place, then becomes the spokesperson for, and eventually a member of the Rebellion against Immortal with Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Fortune, and Anderson. Now I'd love to see Red join up with them, but as far as people who will actually get in the ring and wrestle, the Rebellion already outnumbers Immortal. Now his real life cousin is coming in, and forgetting that she's already good looking and talented, she's gonna be paired up with probably the most interesting and exposed knockout at the moment in Sarita. Poor Red.

Okay, enough rambling. I'm up for anything that's gonna help the Knockout division at this point. I really thought Mickie would inject some life into it, but she's just fallen in with the rest. I really blame the tyrannical reign of Madison Rayne. Since taking the belt at Lockdown last year, she's probably been without the belt for a total of 1 week. If Sarita and Rosita can put on exciting high flying matches that bring excitement to the KO Division, it can only be good.

So in short, this Thursday I'll be looking forward to the next step of the Rebellion, the next X-Division qualifier, and the debut of Rosita.
TNA really needs to stop blowing money on signing new talent. They have enough talent now and the roster is starting to get too big. If TNA keeps signing talent they will have to split the roster like WWE did when Vince first brought WCW and I hate the idea of TNA splitting the roster because I didn't even want WWE to do it in the first place because it sucks, and it's boring to watch. Tna needs to focus on saving money to take Impact on the road every week and have Impact become a live weekly show. It's time Impact goes on the road for good. TNA cant keep Impact in Orlando forever.

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