TNA, Ric Flair, and the WWE Hall of Fame.


semi-retired from WZ
I originally posted this in the spam sections, but another poster felt that it would be a very good non-spam topic as well.

I posted this in the General Wrestling section rather than the WWE Section since this does involve both the WWE and TNA as companies, rather than the WWE exclusively. It is also unique enough in my opinion to be a separate discussion than the general WWE Hall of Fame thread.

This is not about the Four Horsemen getting inducted into the WWE as a collective unit, but rather the dilemma posed by inducting a group whose leader currently works for TNA. It raised a few questions in my mind, and I am sure that I am not the only one here that kinda scratched their heads at it. How was the WWE planning to handle Ric Flair, due to his current employment situation? Whenever Sting to the WWE HOF topics come up, there is always the argument that the WWE would wait until he was finished with TNA, that they would never induct a current employee of another wrestling organization, because it would give unnecessary publicity to that rival organization. Well, by inducting the Four Horsemen, that kind of negates that argument, doesn't it?

After the WWE aired the video announcing the Four Horsemen as the latest inductees, I immediately had some questions as to how it would work.

-Will Ric Flair show up on WWE Programming along with Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard and Barry Windam despite being under contract with TNA? If so, how would TNA react to a contracted employee appearing on WWE TV?

-Would TNA actually give Flair permission to appear on a competitor's programming? That doesn't seem like that would be in TNA's best interest either, unless Flair plans to work in a few TNA mentions in their induction speech. But that would be really cheap on his part.

-Will Flair be finished with TNA by then, making the TNA connection irrelevant?

-Will Flair NOT show up due to his TNA situation, and leave an incredible void in the ceremony? Would the WWE try to make up some hollow excuse as to why Flair wasn't there, after they featured him prominently in the video announcement?

These are all questions that popped in my mind after I saw that the Horsemen were being inducted, I am curious as to what others think the WWE will do.

As for me, I am leaning right now to believing that Flair would go anyway, regardless of contract situation. I think that if it came down between honoring his TNA contract and being with "the boys", that Flair would pretty much say screw you to TNA and show up, the hell with the consequences. Flair pretty much does what he wants to anyway. I don't think the WWE would pull the trigger on inducting them unless they could have all four as a package deal. Knowing that Flair wouldn't be attending would make it a hollow induction. Not that the other three aren't deserving, just that you cannot disassociate the four Horsemen from Ric Flair. It would seem incomplete, even though Flair is already in as a singles wrestler.

I gotta believe that the WWE has the logistics figured out, and has been in discussions with Flair, and if not officially, certainly through Arn Anderson, to gauge what Flair might do if the Horsemen were inducted, and that if the outcome of those discussions weren't just right, they wouldn't have done it.
I doubt they will even show the Four Horsemens induction on TV. Don't they show like only 3 inductions on TV every year? Edge's induction is definitely gonna be shown on TV, if The Rock is getting inducting, his will be shown and there will be one more (hopefully Macho Man) but I doubt it will be the Horsemen especially since they were never even apart of the WWE, so the main focus of the HOF will not be on them, it will be on the big stars that have appeared on WWE TV. So since this will be a dark induction, I don't think it will even matter to both companies if Flair is there or not.
First, dont think for a minute that McMahon doesnt already know who is going to be present at the ceremony. Vince may or may not feel he needs Flair there to induct The Horsemen but either way he knows who is coming, its not like he would build a program around someone and be unsure if they would even appear. Im sure Vince & WWE have already contacted Flair and decissions, one way or anoher have been made.

Realistically it doesnt make much sense for WWE to induct The Horsemen without Flair being there. Plus, unless they are really stretching for main event draws this year, it doesnt make a lot of sense for WWE to spotlight The Horsemen in their programming unless Flair is a part. Would you induct the NWO without Hogan ? DX without Triple H ? You get the picture.

As far as Flair being allowed to appear but promoting TNA - I think that has zero chance. First, no way Vince takes a chance on his HOF ceremony on WM weekend being cheapened by someone promoting the competition. Second, Flair and Vince by all accounts have always had a very good relationship and it would be a giant slap in the face to Vince by Flair to do that, especially after WWE worked so hard to get Flair out of retirement and join them in 2001, and spotlighted him prominently in the closing years of his career. Vince isnt stupid enough to take a chance on that embarrassment on his programming and I doubt Flair would slap him in the face like that, even less likely since his three best friends in the industry (HBK, HHH, Arn Anderson) all work or are tied to WWE in some capacity.

Will Flair appear ? I dont know. Will he tape an interview segment but not be there live with the others ? Maybe - One thing is almost certain, Vince already knows the answer.
I doubt they will even show the Four Horsemens induction on TV. Don't they show like only 3 inductions on TV every year? Edge's induction is definitely gonna be shown on TV, if The Rock is getting inducting, his will be shown and there will be one more (hopefully Macho Man) but I doubt it will be the Horsemen especially since they were never even apart of the WWE, so the main focus of the HOF will not be on them, it will be on the big stars that have appeared on WWE TV. So since this will be a dark induction, I don't think it will even matter to both companies if Flair is there or not.

Unless they put in The Rock, what name in wrestling industry is bigger than The Horsemen going in this year ? Edge was not bigger than The Horsemen at their height, guys like Hogan, Austin, Dusty, are already in. Serioulsy doubt they dont show The Horsemen inductio on TV, if anything its likely to get a lot of ppl to watch who normally bypass this event, which would be a good promotion for WM, maybe pop a few extra buy rates
This might even be a big F U to Flair from Vince. Vince gave him this huge send off ending at Wrestlemania and he turns up in another organisations and wrestles. I'm not a WWE or Vince mark by far and Flair on many occassions said that he was offended that Vince wanted him to retire, but Vince can be a vindictive s.o.b. and this very well could be him just giving the finger to Flair.
This might even be a big F U to Flair from Vince. Vince gave him this huge send off ending at Wrestlemania and he turns up in another organisations and wrestles. I'm not a WWE or Vince mark by far and Flair on many occassions said that he was offended that Vince wanted him to retire, but Vince can be a vindictive s.o.b. and this very well could be him just giving the finger to Flair.

I thought about that...but, the amount of backlash that Vince McMahon would get for inducting the Four Horsemen without Ric Flair being present would be ridiculous. If it's just flipping the middle finger to Flair, I really don't think it would be worth anywhere near the amount of grief he would get. Sometimes the end result just isn't worth the effort, you know?
Not sure about how they could handle flair on tv while being with TNA but maybe since he is not wrestling or promoting the company there would be some kind of loophole??? One thing I know for sure is that Flair doesn't have any serious heat with wwe as he was there in the audience when Shawn Micheals was inducted last year and also backstage hanging out with everyone. Still they didn't show him on tv. Maybe Vince and Flair know something that we don't?
From JR's twitter:

Will Flair be @ ceremony? Wouldn't surprise me. TBD.

How can Flair b @ HOF when he is with another company? Easily. It would indirectly get TNA more publicity. Already has.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Flair at the Hall of Fame ceremony. Him not being in the inducted with the Four Horseman would not look and feel right. And besides, I don't think Vince and Flair have any heat with eachother, he allowed Flair to be at the Hall of Fame ceremony last year, and he was on a video on
I am a bit surprised the Four Horsemen are going in. But I guess this is a wrestling Hall of Fame, so why not? Shouldn't they really talk about all the different formations that happened, which would probably not be brought up since that would include Benoit? And I can't see how you couldn't induct the group without Flair.
All I can say to this is just wait and see. Giving your obligatory comments of Vince's perspective on this is absurd. I'm just glad The original Horsemen are being inducted - this is my favorite stable of all-time. With or without Flair present I'm glad they are receiving proper recognition.
WWE are trying to make this Wrestlemania the biggest and best yet, so I doubt Vince is going to use the Hall of Fam,e ceremony to settle personal feelings.
Ric Flair was at last years Induction ceremony when HBK was inducted. There is no reason Flair wont be present this year. With Barry Windham still recovering from his heart attack, there is no guarantee he will be healthy enough to accept his award in perosn either. My guess is that JJ Dillon, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard will be there, Flair is already in the HOF and even though it would be great to see them on stage together, good chance it will not happen. As another poster stated, Vince would not have announced this if plans were not set for FLAIR to be able to appear. Hell, knowing Flair and the bridges he burns and how his word means nothing anymore, I expect him to show up whether hes under TNA contract or not, Vicne would foot the ball just to give the finger to TNA.
I am a bit surprised the Four Horsemen are going in. But I guess this is a wrestling Hall of Fame, so why not? Shouldn't they really talk about all the different formations that happened, which would probably not be brought up since that would include Benoit? And I can't see how you couldn't induct the group without Flair.

I'm assuming you were not old enough to remember them in the late 80s? They basically livee their gimmicks in reality. This stable paved the way for a nwo, D-Generation X and so on. The last version of them in WCW is bland compared to the original as Dean Malenko, McMichaels and Benoit lacked the jet flying image that the original group did. YouTube some of their matches and promos - they held the major titles back then. Please educate yourself on this group and then you won't appear so dumbfounded as to why they're being inducted.
First, dont think for a minute that McMahon doesnt already know who is going to be present at the ceremony.

Correct. This isn't the kind of thing McMahon would leave to chance, announcing to his staff that they'll "figure it all out later." No way, no how.

There are several possibilities, the most alluring of which is that Flair's TNA contract is expiring by the time the HOF ceremony rolls around, freeing him to appear, whether he's actually coming back to WWE or not. If he was, perhaps he could sign a Legends contract which allows more flexibility than regular contractors .....specifically speaking, that Flair could book himself for outside appearances while still showing up at WWE events. We read that this was a point of contention when Flair last left WWE.

Another possibility is that Flair will attend the WWE ceremony while still an employee of TNA. On the surface, this sounds absurd because it would amount to McMahon giving free publicity to his competitor. It would be like saying: Come watch Ric Flair at the HOF ceremony.....and if you like what you see, you can catch him Thursday nights on Spike TV! It's ridiculous, but with the all-time legendary status of Ric Flair, who knows?

Or, WWE can announce in advance that the other three members of the Horseman will appear at the ceremony, but Flair will not. If they choose this last one, they had better not make it a tease, in which they leave the possibility open that Flair is showing up, only to announce a day or so before the event that he isn't coming. That would piss off a lot of people......and it's totally unnecessary.

Do what you want, Vince, but let us know one way or the other.
Man hopefully by the time the HOF rolls around Flair will be out of the sinking ship that is TNA so he can induct the horseman. Otherwise I don't think they will even be allowed to mention his name like HBK wasn't last year! That would suck and you know it. If he can't indcut them, then I say Dusty Rhodes will do it. Even though they are synonymous with nwa, all of them had at least moderate success in wwe. Don't forget JJ Dillon at one time was Vince's right hand man. Blanchard and Arn ended Demolition's long title reign. Windham was a tag team champion during the mid 80s boom period.
Just would be interesting to see Ole Anderson on the camera once more as he has stayed away from the business aside from a book of his I read a while back. Which everyone should read by the way.
Regarding Ric Flair, this will be the first time WWE has ever inducted someone contracted to a rival promotion into their Hall. Sources indicate that Triple H called Ric Flair on January 9th, before RAW aired and informed him of the Horsemen induction. Flair was at the TNA Impact tapings in Orlando.

It appears key people in TNA weren’t aware of the induction until it aired on RAW. As of January 10th, no officials in TNA had spoken to Flair about it. Ric Flair and Vince McMahon do talk so the idea of inducting the Horsemen was likely brought up in the past. It’s been discussed internally ever since WWE made amends with JJ Dillon and Arn Anderson alone was expected for the Hall of Fame in Atlanta last year.

WWE wants Flair to be there and likely wants him to be involved in the Network when it launches.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
I don't think Flair will show up on WWE programming other than the Hall of Fame ceremony itself. WWE know that Flair is working with TNA and perhaps this is a chance for him to redeem himself from tarnishing the sendoff he got by coming out of retirement to work with TNA. TNA will likely give Flair permission to participate in the ceremony but not appear on Raw or Smackdown. You cannot induct the Four Horsement without Flair. They would not have announced the induction if Flair was not going to be involved somehow so obviously some type of agreement had to have been arranged. I dobut Flair is leaving TNA anytime soon so if we see him at all it will be during the ceremony itself. If for some reason Flair IS leaving TNA then this is a great way to bring him back to WWE while also fixing the tarnishing of his retirement sendoff. It will be interesting to see what happens because it will also help determine which federation he continues to work with.
Personally, I believe this might be an olive branch between the two. Despite being in attendance at the HoF ceremony last year, Naitch was ignored. Given his relationships with both HBK and HHH, that must have hurt.

No disrespect to JJ, Tully and Barry, but there were only two constants in the 4 Horsemen - Arn and Ric. Plus, Flair was always the spearhead. It would be nonsensical to induct them without him; akin to inducting the '92 Bulls without Michael Jordan, the '89 49ers without Joe Montana or the '96 Man Utd team without Eric Cantona.

TNA, to my knowledge, have always been very understanding of talent going to WWe events. I can't imagine them having any objection to this, but I don't see Ric plugging them either (that would be very cheap and a slap in the face to the legacy of the Horsemen). Given his outspoken nature though, I wouldn't be surprised at some sort of reference to their fallen Horsemen.

Finally, this could be the opening of the door for Ric to return on either a legends contract or as non-wrestling talent.

I would actually be shocked not to see Ric and a partial appearance would look as hooky as the Bret induction (were he only attended the actual HoF event).
Can you induct the New World Order without Hulk Hogan??

Can you induct D-Generation X without Shawn Michaels??

Ric Flair will show up at the WWE Hall Of Fame and TNA can react anyway they want, it doesn’t matter and that’s the bottom line.

If TNA doesn’t give Flair permission, I think Flair would purposely get suspended or even quit Orlando Championship Wrestling…and then walk into the Impact Zone the next night as if nothing happened. I hope Flair mentions TNA in some form or fashion, but I think Vince and company already have his speech written up.

Flair may or may not be finished with the TNA, but that itself is irrelevant until after the Horsemen are inducted.

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