TNA - PPV Buyrates are at the lowest why?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
TNAs Slammiversary was reported to have drawn just 7000 ppv buys which is lower than the ppv buyrates they were receiving when they were on fox sports. That was on average 1 in 214 viewers on SpikeTV ordering the ppv if they have 1.5 million viewers as reported by pwinsider.

This year so far the ppvs have been of average to below average standard with few good ppv matches that spring to mind. I can think of Sabin v Shelley and Jarrett v Angle at Genesis, Lethal Lockdown and Steel Asylum at Hard Justice.

Many people have been calling Destination X and Victory Road two of the worst ppvs of all time and TNA responded to their low ppv buyrates recently by placing the established names at the top of the card for Hard Justice and disregarding their younger talent which could trend the young guys leaving much like Petey and Sonjay.

If TNA continues to score low buyrates do you think they could go under?
Jesus Christ. This is literally the 7000th time I've had to tell people this.


7 years, 7000 buys, get it?

Hopefully, someone actually listens to me this time. Against All Odds from this year is the lowest buyrate TNA has gotten, and that was somewhere around 18-20,000 buys. Hardly the "less buys than people attend WWE house shows" the latest Mark Madden article seems to think.

TNA buyrates have gone up since AAO. They really aren't in as much trouble in the PPV department as some of you seem to think.
Woooooowwwwww...that's a very clever and funny prank...:disappointed:

18,000 - 20,000 buys is still rubbish regardless...

TNA really needs to go head to head on monday nights...that way, if RAW gets to it's normal level of boring, people will switch over.
Considering Against All Odds was complete rubbish and didn't even include Styles on the card for some reason, you shouldn't be surprised that it got low buyrates. However, ever since then buyrates have been improving. I don't think they ever realease the actual numbers, so it's hard to judge. If TNA keeps improving their project and giving us a reason to be excited for their PPVs like they have recently, the buyrates will improve.
I never read any reports of the 7,000 buys rumor was "just a prank" nor did I find anything regarding it after doing some searching. I would actually like a source.

As I recall, PWTorch reported the story before anyone. Seeing Wade Keller rarely breaks news anymore that should determine he isn't one of those "insiders" that try to pull pranks or purposely provide inaccurate stories if it's a slow week. Not saying the 7,000 buys news is accurate seeing anyone could provide Keller something inaccurate if they are looking to hurt TNA's reputation but I just wanted to make sure we're not purposely being misinformed or fooled by an assumption. But other than that, I never read anyone reporting the rumor as a "prank" because of the 7 year anniversary.

Enough of that. With TNA drawing like over a million viewers per week I doubt only 7 percent of those people orders their PPV's so I'm sure there are more people ordering than what is claimed. Some may argue the fact TNA doesn't release their PPV buys information so this discussion wouldn't have much credibility because there is no accurate information to provide. But let's just take the insiders' word that TNA buyrates are going down, but not as low as 7,000. With the way economy is and with the popularity of streams nowadays (I know I argued the streams weren't a factor before but I changed my mind :)) doesn't determine their fanbase is dropping nor does it determine TNA is going out of business. To be fair 2009 wasn't the year WWE's PPV buys were at a all time high either.
Oh my. While I don't think I ever saw confirmation that the #'s were released as a prank, I also never saw confirmation that the #'s were real, so all we can do right now is specualate.

TNA doesn't release their numbers, so it might get some people to believe that the buys are really low, and they are just to embarassed to release them. Or they might just not feel the need to report them, who knows.

Personally I don't believe that the show did 7,000 buys, being it was one of their biggest events of the year and had the marketing to and promotion to help it, but I do however think TNA should start trying to intise and improve their buyrates.

But as to why TNA's buyrate is so low, or lower than some might want or think is respectable, I think it comes down to the product and the right marketing. If the product(the wrestling/feuds/ect) is really good then I think the viewers would be willing to spend the price. Also TNA needs to market and promote their PPV's better, and with the right advertising they could probably gain a few new fans(to watch Impact or buy PPV's).

So, I really can't comment on the whole 7,000 thing, since I have never heard official word. But regardless of the # of buys, TNA needs to countinue finding ways of getting more viewers and more people willing to buy their PPV's.
It's ridiculous to think Slammiversary did only 7,000 buys. They had an all-time low at a little under 14,000 for one of their crappy PPV's earlier in the year when the main event was Angle vs Sting vs Brother Ray vs Devon. After that event the buyrates were better, it's not like they continued to drop. So It's unrealistic to believe that one of TNA's most popular PPV's would come in at half of TNA's previous all-time low buyrate. If the report had the buyrates at 11,000-12,000 I would have my doubts if that was true, but at least that would be somewhat believable or realistic. But 7,000 is so low that it's not even realistic. That would be like someone reporting that a WWE PPV did 60,000-70,000 buys, when the all time low for them has been 150,000 buys or so.

That and if I'm not mistaken I read it was a prank by TNA management in the Observer, I'll go see if I can dig that up again.
I think the economy has a lot to do with it. Plus the fact that wrestling fans are becoming more attracted to UFC and MMA everyday because of Brock Lesnar, and Lashley

I know UFC and TNA are totally different things with a different fan base, and they dont compete in the entertainment aspect. I'm sure they compete with fans wallets though, if there are people only willing to have one PPV of any kind in their budget for the month. I probably would have purchased Victory Road if I wasnt already spending my 50 bucks to watch UFC 100 with Brock Lesnar that month. Also another reason there seems to be a lot less buys than people who watch it every week is that when theres a PPV people are inclined to invite all thier friends over and watch it as a big group instead of all watching it in their own homes like an episode of Impact.
I think it is also a safe assumption that TNA is having the same problem in dealing with Illegal Streaming that WWE has. The problem is that it will hurt TNA a Hell of a lot more since TNA is a lot smaller company.

I don't know if TNA is as on top of this as WWE has gotten the past several months. Quite frankly, it took WWE quite a while to get with the program on what a threat this is to their buys. I just don't know if TNA has caught on yet and has measures in place to shut down the streams as their PPV's are airing.
The 7,000 Buys was a completely false statement

One thing that ticks me off is when people say that TNA buyrates are down or something along those lines. From what I understand, the buys are HIGHER than 2004 and 2005, below 2006 and 2008 and along the lines of 2007. One could credit the economy for that since everything is being hurt by it.

I hear about Against All Odds scoring a very low buyrate, which I believe is true but has been echoed by many PPVs in 2007 and 2008. I was actually sent a list of PPV estimates up until Victory Road of this year, which I would be happy to post, and that list doesn't reflect horrible buyrates.

And by the way WWE scored I believe 60,000 buys for December to Dismember
well i think the matches are good but those endings really make you go like man wtf are they doing the only good ppv was lockdown it was great watch it when you got the chance but i only feel as tho if tna explores out of the impact zone there good but wehile there in the impact zone there not thinking clearly.
The 7,000 Buys was a completely false statement

One thing that ticks me off is when people say that TNA buyrates are down or something along those lines. From what I understand, the buys are HIGHER than 2004 and 2005, below 2006 and 2008 and along the lines of 2007. One could credit the economy for that since everything is being hurt by it.

Thank you!

And by the way WWE scored I believe 60,000 buys for December to Dismember

Oh yeah I was simply using those numbers as hypotheticals, I actually don't know the WWE all-time low in PPV buyrates, just used hypothetical numbers. I'm not shocked December to Dismember was the lowest buyrate though.

TNA is doing fine right now financially, and have been posting PROFITS for the first time in company history recently. Can we please curb the blind TNA hate?
A simple answer to the question posed by the OP is... everything is down right now, everything is at it's lowest.

Our economy is shit right now in the states, less people buying PPV's, less buyrates. Just because they are at a all time low does not mean business is horrible, it just means it's not as good as they want, but hell they are still making a profit. TNA is doing fine. Their buyrates will never compete with the WWE's, but they will go up and down like the WWE's. It's nothing to try to pick a part really. Though another reason is exposure, if TNA could get it's product out there as much as the WWE does, then buyrates would improve slightly I am sure.
Jesus Christ. This is literally the 7000th time I've had to tell people this.


7 years, 7000 buys, get it?

I hadn't heard that. But yes, I do get it. It's not quite that complicated to confuse me.

That's actually brilliant. A prank that amuses the people he came up with it, but one that makes the company look like shit. To think, I thought TNA was poorly run.

I would've exaggerated and said 70,000. It's more, natch. And that'd make it look like it was TNA's biggest drawing show in history.

Although you have got to hype your seven year anniversary some how, it is a biggie.
I feel TNA is doing so well but yet it is not showing in the buyrates. I mean some of there PPVs are far better then WWE. They are action filled and great for any fan. I can not understand why the PPVs can not do far better.
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