TNA needs to start seperating the vanilla midets from the stars and potential stars


Dark Match Winner

Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Kurt Angle
Mick Foley
Jeff Jarrett
Mr. Anderson
Kevin Nash
Ric Flair
Team 3D

Potential stars

Matt Morgan
The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Robert Roode
James Storm
Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.

I think if they do that it will help them alot. WWE always makes it clear who the top guys are and who the low card jobbers are and TNA needs to start doing it too.

Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Kurt Angle
Mick Foley
Jeff Jarrett
Mr. Anderson
Kevin Nash
Ric Flair
Team 3D

3D are not stars, unless they're a tag team.

Potential stars

Matt Morgan
The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Robert Roode
James Storm
Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)
Aside from that bit about Hernandez which could be seen as racist, yes these are some potential stars.

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.
Here is where your logic starts to get iffy, if all the top stars are feuding with eachother how does a potential star get involved? Also who would 3D feud with? They're the only tag team you listed as stars.

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something.

AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.
And this is where you really fuck things up, AJ Styles is the most popular person to have come from TNA, how is he unappealing? Shelley and Sabin are the most over tag team in TNA, how are they unappealing? Jay Lethal is feuding with Ric Flair he's getting pushed to the main event, how is he unappealing? And seriously Doug Williams? He's the British equivalent to Kurt Angle, no way in hell should be be downgraded to the undercard.

I think if they do that it will help them alot. WWE always makes it clear who the top guys are and who the low card jobbers are and TNA needs to start doing it too.
You're suggesting TNA make it's most popular homegrown star a jobber? That is fucking stupid, they shouldn't be like the WWE, that's the whole point of TNA. I'll say it again, not being like the WWE is the point of TNA. AJ Styles is hands down the best wrestler around today and you're saying he should job to Jeff Jarrett? What the hell is going on in your mind?
Some advice, close this thread, think about re-opening it, then don't.

You're saying AJ Styles has less appeal then, Double J, Mr Anderson, Nash, and Flair?

AJ Styles As said above the most popular man to come from TNA, he gets a huge pop from the crowd everytime he comes out, and has amazing in ring ability, and his promos aren't 'change the channel' bad.

Double J This must be the only guy to have been around for so long in wrestling and never get a pop, He does not belong as a 'top' guy, he doesn't deserve to be a jobber, that guy should stick to behind the scenes at most.

Mr Kenn.....Anderson Is it just me who thinks this guy is over-rated? Like so over-rated it's not funny? I just find his in-ring work horrific, I mean that's why he was forced to leave the biggest wrestling promotion in the world? His promos are ok, but I wouldn't class them as 'amazing' they're watchable, but then he starts to wrestle.

Kevin Nash Can hardly move now, not good in the ring, cuts a decent promo, will never be TNA World Champion material, so shouldn't be a main-eventer.

Ric Flair Should have stayed retired, out of respect for WWE if nothing else.

So yeah, hope you enjoyed my rant.
What The Fuck Is A Vanilla Midget? Seriously What The Fuck? But back to your thread. Kevin Nash isn't a star as in main event neither is Jeff Jarett or Mick Foley and nor or Team 3-d these are old veterans who float around. Your potential stars are okay I would assume and you left Samoa Joe and Abyss off your star list. Oh and you must be high(joking) if you have A.j Styles on your vanilla midget aka jobber list. Not to mention Jay Lethal is being pushed to the moon.
Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Kurt Angle
Mick Foley
Jeff Jarrett
Mr. Anderson
Kevin Nash
Ric Flair
Team 3D

Potential stars

Matt Morgan
The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Robert Roode
James Storm
Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.

I think if they do that it will help them alot. WWE always makes it clear who the top guys are and who the low card jobbers are and TNA needs to start doing it too.[/QUOTE]

Are you Fucking high!? AJ Styles has no star power?? in the house that AJ Styles biult? the man has won everything gets the biggest pop even as a heel hes a top draw??? You gotta be smoking something good dude. MCMG too?? dude did you just start watching TNA Yesterday are you just crazy??? They are the top Tag team and always have the best matches of the night did you see Victory Road?? best match MCMG vs Beer money..and they are top draw in singles uhh have you seen an ultimate x match with Sabin or Sabin vs Shelly at Genisis in 2008? TEam 3D stars? Really?..Really? Tag team legends yes..but at all..KEvin Nash is have overstay his welcome in wrestling since 1999. the same goes for Ric Flair. and you really think he top stas are a pothead and a drug dealer?? and my god you got Mick Foley up there too?? what di you do go t the TNA website and pick out names you know and put the rest in the undercard..casue clearly this logic is so whacked up....
AJ Styles should be a jobber? Man, he arguably has the greatest moveset of all time and is very over. Few people would argue if I say he's the biggest talent in the world right now, along with Danielson and maybe Punk and Orton. MCMG are also very talented and Daniels has amazing skills, what's your problem with them? You forgot Samoa Joe, but I guess he's a jobber for you, too. I feel the need to vomit when you - on the othe hand - say that Foley, Jarrett, Team 3D, Flair and Nash are the stars and the fifteen years younger future stars should job to them. I wonder if anybody on this forum or anybody in the world agrees with you.
..... wow... just... wow, you're wrong on... well... EVERYTHING, but let's jus go with the most obvious.... TNA = The House That AJ Built, longest running world champ, PWI 500, hmmm let's see where did he place on the list?.... oh, right.... number fucking 1!!!!, has held every belt there is (that he can, sorry no KO belts), is over as face or heel cuz his nickname "the phenomenal one" is exactly what he is, plenty of other shit wrong with your conclusions, but to everyone saying TNA has no direction and doesn't know what they're doing, this jus proves the IWC is def NOT where they should go to get those new directions... and to Dion pothead or drug dealer doesn't equal less talent.... and the fact that hardy is NOT a dealer and that RVD can perform better high than most people can sober is just a testament to how great he really is, but yeah DDP whatever you are on.... stop it... it's obviously harmful to your mind
Some advice, close this thread, think about re-opening it, then don't.

I actually LOL'd at that mate!

This is an absolutely ridiculous thread!

So are you saying AJ Styles, one of the THE MOST POPULAR guys on the roster...who has held more TNA titles than anyone else, has no star potential and should be stuck at the bottom of the card, while old washed up guys like Jarrett, Flair, Team 3D and Foley should be in the main event? Give me a break!

What happens when the "top guys" in your list retire? And it will be soon...there is hardly anyone to replace them, as TNA will have build up hardly any of its own stars, as you have suggested on relying on noone but old WCW and WWE cast offs. FFS, only RVD, Hardy and Anderson are young enough to build the company around, and RVD isnt even a young guy anymore and Hardy has his drug issues. TNA need to push some of the guys you have listed as potential stars NOW e.g. Pope and Wolfe, as guys like Flair and Foley will not be wrestling for much longer.

MCMG are the most over team on the roster, yet you suggest leaving them stuck at the bottom of the card, and have the ancient Team 3D ast he biggest stars??? WHY?? Yes they may be more recognisable now but in a few years they will be gone and the MCMG will have been buried beyond all recovery.
Ok, this is a joke right? It has to be a joke. You put AJ Styles, Kaz, Lethal, MCMG, and Daniels in the jobbers section while putting Matt Morgan in the rising stars section. It's a joke, it has to be... unless you're really that stupid, but I don't think anybody (except maybe GW Bush) can be stupid enough to do this and believe it.

I mean AJ Styles is the best wrestler in wrestling today, and damn well proved it by being the first non-WWE wrestler to reach number one in a very long time. He's the work horse of TNA and the future of professional wrestling... No, scratch that. AJ Styles is a future hall of famer. He's no longer the future, he is the present. Not only is he the only Grand Slam champion in TNA, but he's achieved that stature TWICE! And he's the only triple crowned winner in TNA.

Kaz is now the future, and the two of them make a phenomenal team. With unique styles that clash together and the guidance of the greatest wrestler to ever lace up a pair, the two can become household names. The guy is so amazing that when he was in WWE, he was being groomed as the future of WWE's cruiserweight division. But something happened and he left, that's all I know.

Machine Guns are without a doubt the most energetic tag team in wrestling today and they know how to work the crowd. Did you not watch TNA last night? Did you not see the amazing performance they put on with Beer Money? The Machine Guns are proving that they are far more than deserving of the spot that they're in. Not to mention, the guys bust their asses off for TNA not just on televised events but at House Shows, Indy Shows, and Japan. Talk about a tag team that's untouchable, you're talking about the Guns.

Douglas is a technical god, there's nothing more I need to say.

And Matt Morgan sucks, completely. His entire time in TNA has been a complete joke, and the dude looks like a giant Miz with a Mark Henry chinstrap beard.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that Hernandez comment is pretty damn racist... no wait, it's completely racist. Hernandez can draw crowds, he's proven it plenty of times. The guy is just stuck behind that proverbial glass window that can't be broken.

But anyway, this thread was a joke so I guess everything is straight.
I'm sorry, but this thread is fucking garbage. AJ Styles – the most decorated champion in company history, Jay Lethal – the youngest champion in company history, The Motor City Machineguns – the youngest tag-team champions in company history, etc. have no star-power? You couldn't possibly be more wrong.

I don't disagree that guys like Nash still have drawing power, or that they at least have name recognition, and I of all people certainly won't tell you I don't to see them anymore, but you couldn't be more wrong in your list.

Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Kurt Angle
Mick Foley
Jeff Jarrett
Mr. Anderson
Kevin Nash
Ric Flair
Team 3D

Potential stars

Matt Morgan
The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Robert Roode
James Storm
Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.

I think if they do that it will help them alot. WWE always makes it clear who the top guys are and who the low card jobbers are and TNA needs to start doing it too.

Are you seriously going to sit here and say that the stars of TNA right now are the OLD HEADS from WCW and WWE. I mean in your stars category theres not even a tna wrestler. Shit you forgot to mention abyss and somoa JOE and for that "JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU". I mean this is preposterous the fact that you listed AJ as a to quote you "vanilla midget" are you fucking kidding me. Dude where are you getting your info from. Like who is feeding you these ideas. AJ Daniels Joe MCMG built TNA, without them TNA would not have a tv spot right now. It wasnt nash and all them ex Main Eventers. They have had their time. Why do you think nash isnt coming out trying to go for the belt right now. Because he cant he has no reason too. I would put Mr. Anderson in potential stars because he still hasnt found his own. Matter of fact switch up your list because its disturbing. Matt Morgan is fucking terrible as a heel and he really isnt that great of a wrestler. Hes kevin nashs understudy. You forgot brutus magnus too damn your list is sad. And Jay Lethal is blowing off the map right now. He finally found himself and can just be Jay Lethal no more black machismo. Not to mention he can cut a decent promo with good mat skills. OMG i could rant for days about this. Kurt angle Jeff Hardy are probably the only names I agree with. But close this thread because it gets a big :flush:

Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Kurt Angle
Mick Foley
Jeff Jarrett
Mr. Anderson
Kevin Nash
Ric Flair
Team 3D

Potential stars

Matt Morgan
The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Robert Roode
James Storm
Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.

I think if they do that it will help them alot. WWE always makes it clear who the top guys are and who the low card jobbers are and TNA needs to start doing it too.

Dude, were you dropped on your head as a child? It's been said time and time again on here already, but seriously.. You think AJ Styles should be jobbing to guys who are waaaaaaay past their prime? This has to be a joke. Like, are we being punk'd right now? Where's Ashton? Seriously, next time you have a thought and feel the need to share it with the world wide web.. Don't.

Judging by your idea, you want TNA to be exactly what everyone already thinks it is.. A place for old guys to be stars again, while the homegrown talent and new guys are left to be buried in the low card. You're dumb. AJ Styles is beyond over right now. The man is a heel, yet still gets pop after pop. The Motor City Machine Guns are the most over tag team I have seen in years, yet, to you.. They should barely be seen? Not too mention, Kazarian is being groomed by Ric by God Flair, yet.. He too, should be jobbing? You sir, are a moron. But, then again.. I shouldn't even read a thread started by a DDMe fan.

Oh, and just for the record: What in thee blue hell is a vanilla midget?
Oh, and just for the record: What in thee blue hell is a vanilla midget?

It was a term Nash and the Klique popularized over a decade ago to describe what they thought were good workers who were often good technical wrestlers, but who they also believed were too small/boring to ever succeed on a large stage – namely guys at the time like Jericho, Lance Storm and Dean Malenko.

It became a running gag for years, and it was revitalized in TNA with the X Division stars. I believe Kevin even used the term a couple times in the early 2005/2006 years of television on iMPACT! when cutting backstage promos about the X Division when he was working with Shelley and Devine with Paparazzi Productions.

In the case of this thread, it's being used to describe anyone the OP doesn't think is a superstar, similar to what Nash was doing over ten years ago.

Jeff Hardy 35...

Rob Van Dam 39...

Kurt Angle 41...

Sting 51...

Foley 45...

Jarret 43...

Anderson 34....

Nash 51...

Bubba 39...

D-Von 37...

Ric Flair estimated date of birth sometime around 25 Bc.....(actually 61)

There are COUNTLESS career altering injuries among all of them combined....yes that includes Hardy and Anderson.... broken necks, backs, blah blah blah and not to mention Kevin Nash no longer has knees -_-. Aside from that...I think you are completely right...these guys should DEFINITELY be leading this company....15 years ago....dude WcW died....let it go I mean don't get me wrong I love the old guard and what they did for wrestling....but the aforementioned wrestlers all started somewhere too....

Now your "midgets"....some of these guys are HUGE names across not only the American wrestling scene but the entire world....Shelley and Sabin are golden....everything they touch is should probably consider watching some of their other matches because it's obvious you just recently started watching things that aren't your old recordings of Nitro.

I will leave you with two things....
1. WWE is notorious for pushing someone and then dropping them so there is not "always" a clear cut of who is a top guy....

2. Joe will kill you
This post may be dumb as hell but to the people saying AJ Styles is a star, you sound just as dumb. Nobody knows him outside of this business. If he and the mcmgs for that matter were truly stars there would have been no need to bring in guys like RVD to push instead. You can't be a star a and be trying to get a rub at the same time. Real stars give the rubs. Do they not?

Jeff Hardy
Rob Van Dam
Kurt Angle
Mick Foley
Jeff Jarrett
Mr. Anderson
Kevin Nash
Ric Flair
Team 3D

Potential stars

Matt Morgan
The Pope
Desmond Wolfe
Robert Roode
James Storm
Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.

I think if they do that it will help them alot. WWE always makes it clear who the top guys are and who the low card jobbers are and TNA needs to start doing it too.


you seriously gotta be a WWE mark trying to stir up the TNA fans with this ridiculous thread, and by reading all the follow-up posts, i see everyone else agrees.

for you to say that AJ Styles should be a jobber, makes me realize that someone needs to slap you twice, (2nd one to let you know the 1st one wasnt an accident) MCMG jobbing? thats just as funny.

why dont you run down to the corner store and buy yourself a clue buddy!
I think I disagree with basically everybody on here with the exception of IDR.

It turned into a "I like these guys but not these guys" vs. "Your guys suck and are old, the other guys you didn't like are wayyy better!" kind of an argument. Basically a microcosm for what goes on between WWE and TNA backers in arguments. Or even as far away from wrestling as Republicans and Democrats do.

Most people can barely say that the other side is right about some things (even if they think they are) because perhaps they feel it will take something away and give too much "power" or leverage to the side they have a few disagreements with.

There's nothing wrong with the "Stars" you listed...that's perfectly acceptable and fine...but as for AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, etc. being jobbers and thrown to the sewer for no reason? I don't get it. It just doesn't make sense. That is where I think you're a lunatic. I was enjoying your post up until you started inhaling bottles of whiskey. Then I lost you at the end.

As for the term Vanilla Midgits. I like it. While I don't agree that Jericho was one...I do agree that Benoit, Malenko, Mysterio, etc. ARE and have always been Vanilla Midgits.
Jeff Hardy


Rob Van Dam

Moderately. He does have some drawing power, I'll give you that. But he is arguably the biggest joke of a TNA World Champion this side of Mick Foley. I mean, he is good in the ring, sure, and he is one of the few that has managed to get over on good ring work alone. But his promos are nothing to impress (at least Benoit, Malenko, Danielson, Styles, and others who got over on ring work alone could talk), his championship reign has been lackluster, and he has posed me nothing to remember since he even entered TNA, other than his theme music.

Kurt Angle


Agreed, but for how long? He is losing that step in the ring, for sure. He is getting older, and that star power is fading, along with the amount of storylines and fueds he has left to run. He is a star, but for how long can you rely on him?

Mick Foley

No. Foley has ran his course in not only TNA, but the business as a whole. I'd like to see him have one last great match at Hard Justice, and then call it quits.

Jeff Jarrett

The man founded the company, helped create good storylines and an interesting shows through the beginning, and carried the championship many times while proving he can draw. That being said, I believe it is time for him to either hang up the boots, or assume the position of putting over new stars.

Mr. Anderson

No matter what Orton thinks about him, I'll agree he is still a star. Though I think he is overrated, but that is a different story.

Kevin Nash

You fail. Officially. You mentioned Kevin Nash as a star. He should either be a manager or be gone, and that is the only way he can still help. He cannot go in the ring, he is no longer interesting in wrestling, and he is in no way a star.

Ric Flair

Wow. You consider Ric Flair a star. You do realize to be a star you have to be able to still wrestle, have charisma, and have the potential to main event shows and draw, right? Flair still has charisma and mic skills, but he can not wrestle as good as he used to and shouldn't even try to go in the ring. And I guarantee you if he was to main event Bound for Glory he would not draw a dime, at his age and shape.

Stars, really? So I suppose if we were to have a tag team main event on Impact, Team 3D vs. Ric Flair and Kevin Nash in a steel cage or street fight would draw more than The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money or Generation Me in an Ultimate X match? Yeah, can we get a poll on this. Dixie, Hogan, Dreamer, Russo, whoever is booking, can we test this?

Potential stars

Matt Morgan

Losing his appeal to me, but he still has potential.

100% agreeed

Desmond Wolfe

See Pope

Robert Roode

See Pope

James Storm

Once again. See Pope.

Hernandez (he can draw in a mexican audience if marketed right)

Hernandez sucks. He is supposed to be the best big man. Because of his agility. Yeah, Taker, Vader, and Bigelow were all bigger and more agile than Hernanadez. They also, you know, had a personality. Hernanadez is DPC for life. Ask IDR what DPC means.

What TNA has to do is make a clear seperation on the card. Make those guys I listed above all feud with each other and it will help those potential stars eventually make it into the star group.

So if your potential stars never fued with your actual stars they'll make it into the main event. Or maybe, eventually, the stars could actually do the job and put over a potential star, getting him to the main event. But that would, you know, make sense, and sense this is your post we can't have that, can we?

Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something.

If your definition of "vanilla midgets" is what I think it's going to be, I'm about ready to reach through my computer screen and rip your head off. By the way, you do know people like jericho and Benoit were referred to as "vanilla midgets", right? Yeah, they can, and some will, be stars.

AJ Styles

So, arguably the most over wrestler in TNA's history, an original of the company who has managed to constantly be over there for 8 years, a four time Triple Crown winner, a two time Grand Slam Champion, the longest reigning TNA World Champion in history, #1 in the 2010 PWI 500, and a four-time World Champion, among other things, is a vanilla midget that belongs in the lower card. I wish I had a facepalm meme, but this will have to do:


You know what, there are other points in your post I disagree with, but I can't bring myself to debate them. If you are seriously stupid, there is no hope for you. At all. So, for the sake of ending this post, I want you to read this again.

So, arguably the most over wrestler in TNA's history, an original of the company who has managed to constantly be over there for 8 years, a four time Triple Crown winner, a two time Grand Slam Champion, the longest reigning TNA World Champion in history, #1 in the 2010 PWI 500, and a four-time World Champion, among other things, is a vanilla midget that belongs in the lower card.
Well this was interesting? How are Aj Styles and Christopher Daniels "vanilla midgets"? Put those 2 one on one and you will have one of the greatest matches you could possibly see! AJ is over, has great mic skills and is one of the best there currently is. Daniels is a top contender in the industry who should be TNA champion more than anyone else, and yes he should be brought back.

Sabin and Shelley are the best tag team in TNA mainly because they are just so fast, you can't really expect anything from them. And Doug Williams is obviously an amazing technical wrestler who could go toe to toe with Kurt Angle hands down if he ever gets propelled to the main event.

And Jay Lethal. I don't like the guy but he just beat Flair so he's obviously not a "vanilla midget". Dude you need your head examined. BUT KEEP IT UP! :rolleyes:
Dear Lord! It came from the year 2003!

You consider Team 3D, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley, Sting and Ric Flair top stars? For 3 years people have wanted TNA to shed those guys away from the main event. Now you want them back? And AJ Styles? Oh, he's a vanilla midget? You mention the entire main event and mid-card and leave out AJ. So rather than making this thread about you not liking AJ Styles, you generalize the thing and confuse us all?

DDPandNWOfan said:
Stick the vanilla midgets in the x division or something. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Shelley, Sabin, Amazing Red, Daniels (if he comes back), Jay Lethal, Homicide, Suicide, Generation Me, Shannon Moore and Doug Williams should stay in the low card. They have no star potential or appeal to a casual audience and should stay away from important feuds.
According to who? AJ Styles is a heel who gets massive pops every time he comes out. iMPACT! Zone or not. Jay Lethal also. Everyone else is already in the mid-card so I'm just scratching my head thinking why point it out.

I'm not sure about it, but I think there is a ranking system to tell you who's in the main event and who's not.

By the way, where does Samoa Joe fit in all of this? is he in a twilight zone or something? I mean he does sell merch and gets a steady pop, but... ummm... Unmentioned here. But I really doubt a 270 pound man classifies as a "vanilla midget".
LOL at the people bashing me because I told the truth about AJ Styles. He IS a vanilla midget. Meaning a small guy with a boring look and no personality. The guy is absolutely NOT a star and he's not over with anybody. The iMPACT Zone fans are TOURISTS. They get in for free so it doesn't matter who they cheer for. They give everybody a pop so no one pays attention to them.

They still pop for guys like Nash and Flair, but do you guys bring that up? Of course you don't because it doesn't help YOUR arguement.

The guys I listed are all proven stars in front of real crowds. Whenever TNA goes on the road and has PPVs away from the iMPACT Zone guys like Nash outpop AJ Styles so much it ain't even funny.

Put AJ in WWE and you get Evan Bourne or Kaval or Danielson all over again. Wrestling ability does NOT sell itself. You have to be able to carry a feud one way or the other and guys like AJ can't do it.

As for Jay Lethal take away his Flair impersonation and the guy is nothing. Lethal being Lethal is boooooooring. He's as bad as Charlie Haas was a couple years ago.

Also how the hell was my comment of Hernandez racist? It's a known fact that mexican wrestlers have more appeal to mexican fans. That's why Rey Mysterio gets pushed in WWE is because he draws mexican fans. Without the mexican audience he would never get past the mid-card.
This post may be dumb as hell but to the people saying AJ Styles is a star, you sound just as dumb. Nobody knows him outside of this business.
What? Outside of this business? Should they be talking about AJ somewhere other than wrestling? Sure thing I'll tune into the Tour De France and see if they mention Hulk Hogan yeah? Stupid is as stupid does.

If he and the mcmgs for that matter were truly stars there would have been no need to bring in guys like RVD to push instead. You can't be a star a and be trying to get a rub at the same time. Real stars give the rubs. Do they not?

Aside from one of those being a tag team, also that's a lie that you can't be a star and get the rub, Goldberg was a star, when he beat Hogan he became a bigger star.

LOL at the people bashing me because I told the truth about AJ Styles. He IS a vanilla midget. Meaning a small guy with a boring look and no personality.
He's 6 feet tall and has a personality, what exactly do you classify as an "interesting look" because I somehow doubt that Jeff Jarrett has one.

The guy is absolutely NOT a star and he's not over with anybody. The iMPACT Zone fans are TOURISTS.
Tourists who bring wrestling signs to the arena, wear the merchandise and somehow know every wrestler there. Okie dokie.

They get in for free so it doesn't matter who they cheer for. They give everybody a pop so no one pays attention to them.
They don't get in free, try again.

They still pop for guys like Nash and Flair, but do you guys bring that up? Of course you don't because it doesn't help YOUR arguement.
Actually that hurts your argument, as according to you they cheer for anyone. So if they cheer for anyone then maybe they cheer for over the hill legends just because they can. Uh-oh see how your failed logic is working against you?

The guys I listed are all proven stars in front of real crowds. Whenever TNA goes on the road and has PPVs away from the iMPACT Zone guys like Nash outpop AJ Styles so much it ain't even funny.
Bullshit, at Lockdown no one in Georgia gave a fuck about Nash vs Young. AJ got the biggest cheer that night. Same thing at BFG last year, AJ vs Sting, AJ got cheered. No one cheered during the Legends title match, featuring KEVIN NASH!!!

Put AJ in WWE and you get Evan Bourne or Kaval or Danielson all over again.
No you don't. Evan Bourne is nothing more than a Shooting Star Press. Low Ki has a monotone, Danielson had personality, he was great. AJ has multiple personalities, he's the pissed off underdog, the cocky heel, the lackey that he played years before. To say AJ is unable to cut a promo is ridiculous, he's quite skilled moreso than Jeff Hardy, who you happily named as a star.

Wrestling ability does NOT sell itself. You have to be able to carry a feud one way or the other and guys like AJ can't do it.
So if wrestling ability doesn't sell itself then why do guys like Jeff Hardy make your list? Jeff cuts some of the worst promo's in wrestling, yet he's a star? How's that work?

As for Jay Lethal take away his Flair impersonation and the guy is nothing. Lethal being Lethal is boooooooring. He's as bad as Charlie Haas was a couple years ago.
No he really isn't, as unlike Charlie Haas, Lethal can actually talk and not come out sounding like a whiny bitch. Lethal is funny, his Black Machismo gimmick was hilarious, his insults directed towards Flair are also hilarious. So what if his gimmick happens to be about taking the piss out of other wrestlers by impersonating them? Steve Austin came into ECW pulling the same deal with Hulk Hogan, went so far as to call himself the Steve-a-maniac, it was funny then and Jay Lethal's impersonations are funny now.

Also how the hell was my comment of Hernandez racist? It's a known fact that mexican wrestlers have more appeal to mexican fans. That's why Rey Mysterio gets pushed in WWE is because he draws mexican fans. Without the mexican audience he would never get past the mid-card.
Well, Shawn Hernandez was born in the USA, he's of Puerto Rican heritage and Mexican heritage and to imply that Mexican's will like him solely because he is of Mexican descent is pretty fucking ignorant. Rey Mysterio appeals to the latino crowd, sure but part of that is because he's Rey Mysterio, you think Alberto Del Rio is going to draw more lation viewers when he debuts on Smackdown? I doubt it.
LOL at the people bashing me because I told the truth about AJ Styles. He IS a vanilla midget. Meaning a small guy with a boring look and no personality. The guy is absolutely NOT a star and he's not over with anybody. The iMPACT Zone fans are TOURISTS. They get in for free so it doesn't matter who they cheer for. They give everybody a pop so no one pays attention to them.
The St. Louis fans are not tourists. The Philadelphia fans are not tourists. The Las Vegas fans are not tourists. The Atlanta fans are not tourists. These are all locations where TNA has held televised events. Why does AJ out-pop The Pope in TNA Lockdown? Why was the crowd split during his match with Sting in Bound For Glory? In Stings own home town? TNA does house shows outside the iMPACT! Zone. I'm pretty sure that if AJ Styles wasn't getting reactions there, he wouldn't be where he is now.

They still pop for guys like Nash and Flair, but do you guys bring that up? Of course you don't because it doesn't help YOUR arguement.
Neither of these guys wrestle full time. Because they can't.
The guys I listed are all proven stars in front of real crowds. Whenever TNA goes on the road and has PPVs away from the iMPACT Zone guys like Nash outpop AJ Styles so much it ain't even funny.
I bet you don't even go to house shows. What real crowds are you talking about? The fan's in attendance at St. Lous for Lockdown? I remember "AJ" chants there. Loud ones. The fans in Irvine who were split with AJ and Sting? Their home town hero? Define what a "real crowd" is and we might have a reasonable argument.

Put AJ in WWE and you get Evan Bourne or Kaval or Danielson all over again. Wrestling ability does NOT sell itself. You have to be able to carry a feud one way or the other and guys like AJ can't do it.
All getting steady pushes. Expect Brian Danielson. Who was fired. Yet the last two PPV's ended with "Daniel Bryan" chants. I guess those WWE fans weren't a real crowd.


My God. What idiots. Fans wanting a "vanilla midget" as opposed to the tall and mighty Wade Barret.
As for Jay Lethal take away his Flair impersonation and the guy is nothing. Lethal being Lethal is boooooooring. He's as bad as Charlie Haas was a couple years ago.
Everybody else things otherwise. He only did the impersonation on two occasions. Then he got serious. The dude speaks. A lot more than what Haas ever did.

Also how the hell was my comment of Hernandez racist? It's a known fact that mexican wrestlers have more appeal to mexican fans. That's why Rey Mysterio gets pushed in WWE is because he draws mexican fans. Without the mexican audience he would never get past the mid-card.
You mean the kids, right? Last I checked kids buy his masks, not Mexicans. He hugs kids on his way to the ring. Not Mexicans.

Your little theory on "vanilla midgets" and identifying talent, is not only prejudice, but moronic. Why in the blue hell would guys like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Kevin Nash waste time breeding these "untalented and uncharismatic" guys, if they saw no value in them? Ric Flair is extremely high on AJ Styles and Jay Lethal. Just as he was for Batista and Randy Orton. I seriously doubt, he doesn't have an eye for talent.
What? Outside of this business? Should they be talking about AJ somewhere other than wrestling? Sure thing I'll tune into the Tour De France and see if they mention Hulk Hogan yeah? Stupid is as stupid does.

That's exactly what those who run tna want. They would love for people to talk about AJ everywhere. That can only be a good thing. True stars are known by everyone regardless if they are a fan or not. Outside of wrestling fans nobody knows AJ Styles.

Aside from one of those being a tag team, also that's a lie that you can't be a star and get the rub, Goldberg was a star, when he beat Hogan he became a bigger star.

Exactly how did him beating hogan make him bigger star? Where did that put him after that? In my opinion, the win over hogan was the peak of Bill Goldberg's popularity. after that he really wasn't nothing special. he never went farther than that
WTF HE SAID AJ FREAKIN STYLES SHOULD JOB AND THE MCMG AND NASH SHOULD BE A STAR DUDE, WTF ARE U SMOKING IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO EVEN START LOOKING AT TNA, HE IS THE GUY THAT YOU SHOULD RECOMMEND THEM TO SEE...... its obvious by this post u dont watch tna, but by the looks of it doesnt even look like you`ve been watching wrestling in the past 10 years, News flash 90`s was a steriod era big guys dont dominate the scene anymore and half those guys you named as stars are wayyy past there prime. Shame on u but i i will hae to samaybe joe should be on the vinalla list cause joe bores the new Fans. I had to non wrestling friends to watch him and they almost fell asleep on his matches the recent ones i mean.

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