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TNA Needs To Add A New Announcer To The Booth


I Had Sex With The
I don't care if they replace Tenay, or add a third guy to the booth, but he is so emotionless it makes Kahli seem charismatic.

He no sells every big moment. In wrestling the announcers are supposed to build up to the big finish, they are supposed to call the finishing move, they're supposed to react to the cheap wins. Tenay (and to an extent, Taz) do none of those things.

For example, the X-Division title match, I had my back turned to the TV and had no clue Aries won. The closing commentary was "and Aries drops him on his head"....."and we have a new champion". I didn't know what move he hit until I rewound it, I still don't know the name of the move. It was terrible.

As for the World Title match, when Hogan comes down and interfered you would think Tenay would flip out. I think of JR screaming "THAT DAMN HOGAN". That's what I want to hear. Instead, Taz and Tenay were just sitting there. Then Angle gets the win. Tenay's reaction? Little to none. A very similar reaction was heard during the Knockouts Title match (which was basically the same finish).

I know this was kind of a mini rant, but I have some questions.

1.) Do you agree with adding a new announcer?
2.) Should he replace Tenay, Taz, Both, or be added to the duo?
3.) Do you think the lack of emotion hurts the Product?
4.) Do you have any realistic suggestions for a new commentator?

Most people don't answer their own questions, but I will:

1.) Yes
2.) Add him to the duo. Taz is ok, and Tenay can be decent at calling action, but he can't tell a story
3.) Yes, very much so. It makes it hard for me to get into it.
4.) In the short term they can try bringing back Don West or maybe JB. I think they should try grabbing Joey styles from WWE is he becomes available.
Commentary is AWFUL. It totally kills any big moment. Roode won the fucking series and the most we got out of Tenay was a calm, collected and monotonous - "Roode won the BFG series".

Scrap them both, bring in Bischoff and JB.
Yes. I agree. Mike Tenay is terrible and it's sad because he was great in WCW, and the earlier years in TNA but not he man can't call anything right. He totally no sold Hogan's interference. He hardly sold Roode winning the match and he totally failed at calling Destination X's 4 way match.

JB needs to replace him as the play by play man but the problem with that is, JB is outstanding at introducing matches.

There is also not alot of options to sign for a play by play man who experience and actually doesn't sound like a emotionless robot.

JB, Taz and Tenay or Tenay, Taz and West is what I want to see hopefully. TNA will be overhauling once BFG is over and I hope they add someone new because Tenay is just simply awful. I'm glad TNA actually lets Aries make fun of him.
tna's biggest issue announcer-wise is that they have 2 people doing the same job. neither tenay or taz are the main guy calling the action. you look when taz and michael cole were calling smackdown - cole was calling the action and taz was adding to that same way lawler adds to jr. but in tna, neither man is really filling that position. tenay is supposed to be the guy doing it but i don't think it suits him. they need someone in there who will call the action, taz can then give the former wrestler angle on it while tenay is the professor like he was back in wcw. don west isn't right for that position so it means bringing in an outsider but i don't know who they would get since there is no one good with that experience who isn't working for a wrestling company already.
I was going to make a post about this when I first joined here but never bothered.
Taz isnt terrible but I dont enjoy his commentary.
Tenay is terrible and the two of them dont make anything exciting.

Now I am not a big Fan of TNA but I still try and watch it every now and then. Bryan kendrick can still put on a decent match and sometimes when one of the X division guys does a High impact move Tenay says nothing.... or simply names the move.
Theres no Joey Styles OH MY GAAAD
Theres no J.R. Good God Almighty He's Broken In Half!!
There is no excitement...Taz is capeable of making a big call like that but he rarely does.
I dont remember as I didnt really watch it years ago but who was that Fat guy who Taz pretty much replaced, with the rough "smokers Voice" ? He was not at the Jim ross, Joey Styles Level but he could make a good call every now and then.
God yes, tenay needs to go do something else. Taz is alright imo, but tenay shows as much emotion during a big moment as that rid did on wwe. But dixie will never get rid of him and she already said that she would never get rid of him :(
Maybe have Tenay and Borash swap with Tenay becoming the new Ring Announcer and Borash becoming the new Commentator. Borash has alot more emotion when he Announces/Commentates IMO and would be better suited to the announcing job.
I can't stand Tenay. Tenay and Don West were the worst commentators together I've ever heard in my life. They remind me of backyard wrestling. Once Don West turned heel (somewhat), he got better, but he oversold and sounded stupid.

I think Taz makes Tenay better. But Tenay still sucks. I think a plant can replace him and the announcing team would be better off.
i think its annoying as hell when tazz says whoa whoa whoa or whoa whoa whoa wats this its fucking annoying like dude give it a rest u sound so fake i cringe everytime i here it
I was going to make a post about this when I first joined here but never bothered.
Taz isnt terrible but I dont enjoy his commentary.
Tenay is terrible and the two of them dont make anything exciting.

Now I am not a big Fan of TNA but I still try and watch it every now and then. Bryan kendrick can still put on a decent match and sometimes when one of the X division guys does a High impact move Tenay says nothing.... or simply names the move.
Theres no Joey Styles OH MY GAAAD
Theres no J.R. Good God Almighty He's Broken In Half!!
There is no excitement...Taz is capeable of making a big call like that but he rarely does.
I dont remember as I didnt really watch it years ago but who was that Fat guy who Taz pretty much replaced, with the rough "smokers Voice" ? He was not at the Jim ross, Joey Styles Level but he could make a good call every now and then.

It was Don West and I think he should come back to add a 3rd man to the booth like WWE has. Don West was awesome on the mic and I miss his enthusiasm on it. At least He wasn't monotone like Tenay. Or put Bischoff back in the Booth.
Tenay has me scratching my head for the most part of the shows. Taz is just Taz, he knows the buisness and gives us a good insider former wrestler view. I like Taz he gets into the matches for the most part, it's not the best work ever. But he shows us that even an announcer can still be a fan.

Outside of he Tenay is a bland old fart that has been shitting out the same stuff for the past few years. You don't need an announcer with a huge presence, or a giant every move in the book brain. You need an announcer to catch the attention of the viewer, because we can't be in the studio. You are the man that needs to get us excited, you are the fan punching us in the arm yelling DID YOU SEE THAT!

If Tenay dosen't step it up he can just be let go, and I would have no problem with that.
One guy who I would love to see either get added, or replace Mike Tenay would def be Jim Cornette. I don't know what he did to piss someone off but they need to bring him back and put him in an announcing role. Jim Cornette pisses charisma and shows all kinds of emotion. Honestly I am surprised he hasn't had a coronary already LOL
1. I do believe that there needs to be another voice in TNA. Tenay just doesn't have the charisma to hold an audience's attention.

2. They need to add a true play-by-play in that booth. Tenay's role in WCW was perfect for him, the dork who knew who the obscure wrestlers were and where they were from. That's about all he's good at. Just chime in with some useless information once or twice per match and let Shiavone and Brain make the calls and stay out of the way. Joey Styles would be perfect, but if he wanted to be there, he would. Shiavone's out of the wrestling game, calling minor league baseball. Jeremy Borash would be absolutely perfect as a play-by-play man. He has a distinctive voice and seems to be able to talk fast enough to call any chain wrestling the X-div guys wanna throw out there.

3. Of course the lack of emotion hurts. Some people like to think that if the match is good enough, then why should the commentary matter so much? Well, if the commentary isn't that important, then why does Vince treat his announcers like puppets? If the announcer doesn't seem to care, why should I?

4. Again, JB would fit the mold perfectly. He's got a great voice, he knows the talent, plus...he alresdy works there!! One other thing...Please, please, please keep Don West off my TV. I know emotion is a good thing, but he's so over the top, it's hard to take anything he says seriously. I mean, come on, the guy runs out of breath at the drive-through at Chick-Fil-A!!
Most people seem to really like Borash. The only argument I've heard against him doing commentary is that he is already doing ring announcing and interviews. Can't they find a trained monkey to interview? How come he can't do all of those jobs? I know it is not how things are normally done, but seriously how hard are the other jobs that he is currently doing?

They can give him the moniker "Hardest working man with a mic" and dump some salaries in the process.

P.S. - I miss that Lauren interviewer. Go to a Florida Waffle House and find the hottest waitress to do interviews. It's not a hard job.
Most people seem to really like Borash. The only argument I've heard against him doing commentary is that he is already doing ring announcing and interviews. Can't they find a trained monkey to interview? How come he can't do all of those jobs? I know it is not how things are normally done, but seriously how hard are the other jobs that he is currently doing?

They can give him the moniker "Hardest working man with a mic" and dump some salaries in the process.

P.S. - I miss that Lauren interviewer. Go to a Florida Waffle House and find the hottest waitress to do interviews. It's not a hard job.

Yea, she was definitely hot. Make Hemme do interviews, and hire a new ring announcer, let JB do play by play, and with just those moves Impact would have a way better feel to it.

I keep saying TNA's biggest problem is presentation, even more so than writing. Wrestling is just like going to a restaurant, if the food looks like crap, you won't eat it.
I've got to admit the commentary's not really an issue for me, as I'm usually too engrossed in what's happening in the ring to even notice what the commentators are saying. The only time commentary becomes an issue for me is when it overshadows what's happening in the ring. For example a few months back I tried watching some WWE for the first time in a few years and Michael Cole was just constantly bitching and moaning, I turned it off after 5 minutes and haven't tuned back in since. Perhaps Tenay is a little bland and emotionless? But at least he doesn't make me want to change the channel. TBH it's not as though commentary is memorable or a part of the product you enjoy is it? It's just 'there' for me. In all the years I've watched wrestling I can remember one line from a commentator: when Mankind got thrown off the cell and JR said "With God as my witness, he's broken in half!" So it's not as though commentary has ever really been that much of an issue for me, as I don't remember 99% of what's been said. Perhaps that's just me, but TNA could have anyone doing commentary and as long as they're not overshadowing the action, I'm not fussed.

1) I liked Don West (especially drunk Don West) so wouldn't mind seeing him back but it's not necessary IMO.

2) I would like to see Taz and Tenay remain if a third guy was to be added. Personally I prefer a two man booth though.

3) I can't say I've really noticed TBH.

4) I would've said Tony Shiavone, just to name someone, but another poster mentioned he does minor league baseball these days. So perhaps not?
God yes, tenay needs to go do something else. Taz is alright imo, but tenay shows as much emotion during a big moment as that rid did on wwe. But dixie will never get rid of him and she already said that she would never get rid of him :(

Sounds like dixie is probably related to tenay in some way.IMO taz is cool but I think if he had another jim ross or the king next to him he would commentate differently again.
I've always hated Mike Tenay on commentary ever since his WCW days. He's a know it all jackass who can't call a match properly to save his life. He adds no insight whatsoever into matches or decently puts over wrestlers or storylines. His only reason for being in TNA is his ties to Jeff Jarrett. It sure isn't his unique commentary or his charisma(which I believe a trained monkey could ozz more charisma by accident than Tenay has). Seriously, his commentary sucks so much than Taz looks dumb by just by proxy.

Taz always does a good job of adding insight to the matches and remains hilarious on commentary as usual. Although he makes numerous mistakes and mispronouncations, he still gives TNA commentary some saving graces. It's impossible for one man to carry the entire commentary team, but Taz sure has been trying.

I say replace Tenay with someone who can properly get over the wrestlers and storylines. Scott Hudson, Tony Shavonie and Mark Madden were better than Tenay as far as former WCW announcers go. And guys like Jim Cornette and Paul Heyman both could do a much better job. Don West at least could be sarcastic and funny. All more suitable and talented than the so called "Professor" Mike Tenay.
JB does more than just announce, however he would be a great play by play man considering he does it with Xplosion. I think TNA needs more conflict within their announce group. My plan would be:

Taz - color commentator(face), Bischoff - play by play (heel), Tenay - color/play by play (face)

Bischoff and Tenay would go back and forth on angles and storylines within the company in disagreement similar to JBL/Micheal Cole. Taz would be the middle man and talking about the in-ring aspect.

During Knockout matches have Bischoff/Taz make tons of sexual references and jokes with Tenay being the annoyed one on commentary.
I think Taz would much better serve the company as a sort of manager mentor to Samoa Joe. I love Taz's look and his colorful classy suits. I think some of his coolness would rub off onto Joe, who to me still has a ton of potential to be really Great.

I wouldn't mind seeing Joe add muscle to his frame, or at least change his outfit. He looks like a giant rolly baby in a diaper, and it doesnt mix well with his over the top anger facial expressions. The tiny sneakers with jeans doesnt work either.

Anyway, back to the topic, Taz is terrible at being a commentator. He constantly trips over his words, "uh, uh, uh" and has a very limited vocabulary. Tenay is the exact opposite, and there doesnt seem like there is any common ground or chemistry between the two except for their appreciation of the Knockouts sexiness. It doesnt feel like their is much mutual respect between them either, but hell, i could be way off.

I really like the classic pro-baby, pro-heel approach. If I were TNA I would bring back Don West, but let him be fully pro-heel.
If Scott Hall were sober, he would be the best commentator there has been in wrestling for a very long time. I love watching his match breakdowns on LAst Call...he has a much better mind for the business than most, and he loves getting people over.
I dont see how a third announcer is going to help TNA. They dont need that they need a total overhaul of the company. The announcers getting excited about the finish isn't going to bring ratings or improve the booking and match quality. TNA needs to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff give Flair a limited role. Send Anderson,RVD,Sting,Stiener and the rest of the older guys out to pasture they havent helped TNA a bit, actually they have hurt them. Let the younger guys take charge of TNA. Make the wrestling actually matter make the titles matter make it so that the storylines are about the titles. TNA needs a total change in its concept a refocusing if you will.

Trying to compete with the WWE at WWE's game is not something TNA will ever be able to do. WTF is a third announcer going to matter!!!!!! Their arent enough people watching it with 2. The whole power struggle thing between with Sting trying to give the power back to Dixie Carter and take from Hogan, it just plain old sucks!!!!! Sting's joker gimmick SUCKS!!!!! They have this wrestling matters slogan but where is the top notch wrestling??? This promotion needs to go back to what made it interesting to begin with and that is AJ Styles!!!!!! He should be the main focal point of the promotion along with Somoa Joe, Morgan,Pope,Daniels,Abyss Bully Ray and te X division wrestlers. I agree with Mark Madden and what he had to say in his latest article. TNA needs help!!!!!!

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