TNA needs new wrestlers in X Division

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Occasional Pre-Show
It is amazing how TNA has built up their Women's Division just last night the debuts of both Sarita and Alissa Flash which looked liked it could lead to feud between the two this really reminded me of my young days back when WCW debuted Guerrero/Malenko and had then start a feud with each other. I think that the MCMG's and Lethal Consequences should stay in the tag team division and Daniels/Styles should be in the Heavyweight Division. So I think TNA could use some new wrestlers in the X-Division. This seems to be the easiest division to build as there are many smaller hi flying style wrestlers in both the US and international indies. I was wondering are there any wrestlers you would like to see in TNA's X Division?
The show is to top heavy right now and any X Division guys they add will just get lost in shuffle. If TNA adds anything it should be a second show, but then again a TNA show dedicated to Low-Mid carders most likely won't last very long.

The best thing TNA could possibly do for its X division is have more Midcard feuds.
Actually, you can't say that a 2nd show wouldnt could also split the heavyweight division stars a know when smackdown was on its own...they had the cruiserweight division exclusively....well, the same could be with a second TNA show....they could have the X division exclusively, then put some top heavyweight stars on there...and BAM....the legends champ on one side, and the world champ on the other'd be cool to have 2 shows....not that it would work right now...but in the future.
I'm actually in favor of staying with one show. Keep the entire 2 hours jam-packed with interesting characters and you'll see rating increase.

Last night, for example, was one of my favorite wrestling shows in a long time. The show began with a great opening promo that brought out three of the biggest stars in Foley, Angle and Sting and set up the main event for the night. Great start.

Then they follow it up with a solid X Division match that ended with intrigue, debuted a couple of exciting women's wrestlers (and I normally can't stand women's wrestling), continued Joe's ruthless streak by having him romp Amazing Red and then continued the Tara v. Beautiful people angle.

The show then get even better with the elimination match and made Roode look really good and set up the MEM for even more heat before getting to the exciting closing match which was done really well, teased a Taz debut and ended in mayhem as the heels beat down the good guys going into the PPV.

Really, the only part I didn't enjoy was the stupid Jenna-Sharmell stuff. Give that time to a Lethal Consequences match.

But back to the original point: You don't go to two shows unless you have too much talent for two shows. You don't try and stretch your exisiting talent out and water down your show, slow the pacing and make people turn the channel.

Breakneck pace is the key word and last night's Impact! was the best episode I've seen either company do in a while. Almost brought me back to the good old days......
Man there are alot of wrestlers that I would love to see in the TNA'S X-DIVISION.
Super Crazy,Psicosis,Juventud,Jack Evans,Teddy Hart,X-Pac,Puma,Jushin Liger,Paul London,and Billy Kidmen.Those are the wrestlers I would love too see in TNA's X-divison those wrestlers would make the X-Division way better than it is today.
Does the x-Division need to be bigger. If TNA has the time to use the new talent yes. That means that TNA though would need a second show. Set guidlines so that you include the heavy-weight division, and knockouts at least once on each show and it will last. They have the talent. They are talking about doing two different house show tours. To fill the time hire new young guys and start them in the X-division. Jessie Neal should be facing x-Division guys, not Matt Morgan.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
TNA needs RAVEN back for crying out loud,Sean Waltman(Xpac),Billy Kidman,Paul London,Gregory Helms,Shannon Moore and spike dudley etc to shape up their X Division Title contenders
I too enjoyed Thursday's Impact. I think the key to revamping the X-Division is to have exclusive online matches. Feature the title feud on Impact, but put the build ups, the up and comers, and the contenders on Since the X-Division has gained great noteriety through guys like A.J. and Daniels, use the internet to lure in fans of great, fast paced matches who yearn for the days of WCW's Cruiserweight Division; give the matches a unique feel, because quite frankly, you can't find talented lightweights in their own division in WWE. You either have guys like Mysterio and TBK fighting slower paced competition, or you have guys like Jeff Hardy involved in feuds for the WHC. Maybe showcasing the X-Division on would be a smart move.
I think it would be intresting to see someone like Evan Bourne move over to TNA and join the X-Division. If you look on youtube you can see some of his matches against AJ Styles from the indy days. He is a very talented young athlete and his style could eaisly thrive in TNA, the only improvement he would need would be better mic skills to allow him to not get lost in the talent shuffle.
I have to say I fully disagree on TNA adding new wrestlers to the X-division. The way the X-division is currently being booked is fundamentally wrong, and until they can work with the roster they currently have, why fill it with new guys?

For a start, Suicide needs to be removed from our screens. I have no idea who came up with this genius plan to take the guy from the video game and stick him on TV, but it straight up sucks. We're expected to believe that a guy who has 'amnesia' and therefore has no idea who he is, decides to wear a mask? Also, he has no supernatural powers, and has never been portrayed that way, so why is it he disappears so quickly? Most importantly, this guy has the measure of both the Guns and Lethal Consequences. How are we supposed to buy that these two tag teams, can't match this one guy? Even considering that in all their 5 man matches, MCMG quite blatantly work together and are happy for the other to take the title.

Also, for a good couple of years now, TNA has been happy to let the X-division descend into a massive clusterfuck. Why does every X-division match have to feature 8 guys? I don't remember this when AJ and Joe were in the X-division? Nobody gains any credibility in the division because either, the matches are overly gimmicked, so you don't defeat anyone technically, there are so many guys in the match that you have idea of how people are supposed to be positioned within the division. When Jay Lethal beat Angle, that was one on one, and you knew this meant Jay Lethal was highly rated, because he went over the World Champ. Now what do we have? Suicide, with 4 number one contenders all the time, and (I don't keep up with spoilers and I've missed the last couple of impacts, so i'm not 100% whats happening) either the British Invasion or a returning Homicide (it's hernandez who's the long term out right?) will use the feast or fired briefcase and steal a win. So the Champ who has ruined all his contenders credibility, will ruin his successor's credibility by losing when he's at a disadvantage
Part of the problem with the X-Division is that TNA creative has transformed it into a glorified cruiserweight division. Part of what made the X-Division exciting was the "X" factor, the unknown element, the no limits mentality and the fact that it was open to any competitor regardless of weight.

There really hasn't been a credible X-Division champ in a long while, partially because of the unspoken limits TNA has put onto the division and partially due to X-Division matches being overly gimmicked messes at times. The creation of the Legend's title hasn't done the X-Division any favors either.
The show is to top heavy right now and any X Division guys they add will just get lost in shuffle. If TNA adds anything it should be a second show, but then again a TNA show dedicated to Low-Mid carders most likely won't last very long.

The best thing TNA could possibly do for its X division is have more Midcard feuds.

TNA needs to get rid of the legends title not add a second show, the fact is the X Division needs to stop being type cast as the TNA cruiser division, they need to put the belt on an up and comer like what they did with Aj Styles, Samoa Joe and many others, TNA is tossing the whole division aside for more important story lines, yes the title is getting ppv time, but the title is being thrown around with colorful cruiser-weights which is not what the division is for, Im now hoping that with Homicides reign that the belt may be put back on track but we will see how this angle plays out before i make any assumptions about the situation in regards to that title.
I have to say I fully disagree on TNA adding new wrestlers to the X-division. The way the X-division is currently being booked is fundamentally wrong, and until they can work with the roster they currently have, why fill it with new guys?

For a start, Suicide needs to be removed from our screens. I have no idea who came up with this genius plan to take the guy from the video game and stick him on TV, but it straight up sucks. We're expected to believe that a guy who has 'amnesia' and therefore has no idea who he is, decides to wear a mask? Also, he has no supernatural powers, and has never been portrayed that way, so why is it he disappears so quickly? Most importantly, this guy has the measure of both the Guns and Lethal Consequences. How are we supposed to buy that these two tag teams, can't match this one guy? Even considering that in all their 5 man matches, MCMG quite blatantly work together and are happy for the other to take the title.

Also, for a good couple of years now, TNA has been happy to let the X-division descend into a massive clusterfuck. Why does every X-division match have to feature 8 guys? I don't remember this when AJ and Joe were in the X-division? Nobody gains any credibility in the division because either, the matches are overly gimmicked, so you don't defeat anyone technically, there are so many guys in the match that you have idea of how people are supposed to be positioned within the division. When Jay Lethal beat Angle, that was one on one, and you knew this meant Jay Lethal was highly rated, because he went over the World Champ. Now what do we have? Suicide, with 4 number one contenders all the time, and (I don't keep up with spoilers and I've missed the last couple of impacts, so i'm not 100% whats happening) either the British Invasion or a returning Homicide (it's hernandez who's the long term out right?) will use the feast or fired briefcase and steal a win. So the Champ who has ruined all his contenders credibility, will ruin his successor's credibility by losing when he's at a disadvantage

My point exactly, I mean, didn't WCW try to take a character from a video game and re-create him in the ring? I'm sorry for putting you all through the horror of remembering that, but I think we know what happens when video game character and wrestling characters mix, it ends badly.

As for the original question posed, I think that maybe a couple of new X Division wrestlers could work, but if TNA wants to rebuild the X-Division, here's what needs to happen.

1. Get rid of the Legends Title. For heaven's sakes, you have two-hours of TV time a week, you don't need five titles on your show. The title in it's own right is worthless, it takes up way too much time also. I boubt anybody really cares about the Legend's Title and I honestly don't think it should've ever become a sactioned title, it should've been like Taz's FTW Title, in where Booker could have introduced it and worn it around but not actually defend it, as it doesn't count. I can only hope that, for the sake of the division that was so good to him, he retires the title so the X Title gets more time.

2. Narrow your talent. Get the Guns and Lethal Consequences in the tag division and out of the X Title picture. Get rid of Kiyoshi, Jesse Neal, and, even though I like him, Shark Boy, as he hasn't had anything close to entertaining since Shark Boy 24:7. As pointed out before, Suicide needs to commit suicide and Kaz needs to come back. Now our X-Division consists of Homicide, Daniels, Red, Eric Young, and Doug Williams on the side. Now, let's relegate Red to a talent enhancer. Okay, so maybe we do need a few new wrestlers. May I suggest: Jack Evans, Kenny Doane AKA Kenny Dykstra, "Krazy K" Kirby Mack, Paul London, Shannon Moore, El Hijo de Rey Misterio (Rey Rey's cousin, looks like him, lucha libre style, and only 2 years into his career), Essa Rios, just to name a few.

So basically, they could use a few new wrestlers, and they need to thin out the X Division talent they already have.
TNA's problem with the X division isn't actually from not having the talent in it.Well,it sort of is,but more to do with bad usage of the talent.Red is participating in squash matches,Lethal Consequences aren't appearing and The Sheikh and Kiyoshi just act like The British Invasion's bitches.Well,I don't like those 2,but I wouldn't mind if they left.Actually I would cheer.There just isn't enough time to have all of their heavyweights clogging up the show,having long and too many promos,for the X division wrestlers to shine.They need to stop building up the women and let the X wrestlers showcase their skills.

But I'm not going to be an asshole who doesn't actually answer the original question,like some guys are doing in my thread,so here is my answer.PAC.PAC is a british restler currently wrestling in Dragon Gate in Japan among other indies.But his ability is mind-blowing.I haven't seen anything other than on youtube,but his match with AJ styles was great,and from it you can see he isn't just a spot wrestler,so here's a little preview of what he can do.


I truey believe he will be eventually signed.Well I hope...
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hiphopa, let me first say that dude PAC looks X-division ready, the Xdivision is made for those kinds of spots and less about practical mat wrestling. I agree with what some people said about bringing guys like Kidman, London, maybe Kendrick as well? Personally I'm just waiting for the MEM angle to capsize and finally collapse cause between Foley and the MEM I know when it's the right time to walk back to the other side of "the line" the suicide angle needs to be axed and I actually think a team like MCMG is better off in the x-division. The tag division is thoroughly stacked with made tag teams. IDK why Raven would be good for the X-division in any matter at all. With Joe in MEM now maybe it incorporates the X-div. into top storylines, though i hope not.
Guys like Kidman, Essa Rios, Tajiri, Shannon Moore, and even The Brian Kendrick would be no different than the Booker T, Steiner's, Foley's that everyone keeps complaining about getting pushes in TNA. I haven't see the guy PAC who was mentioned but he is the type of guys I was saying by new. I want guys who have never been in the WWE or at least were like Matt Morgan and were pretty unknown when they left the WWE.
I'd say some fresh faces that TNA could definitely use for the X-Division include Bryan Danielson, "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, Davey Richards and Tyler Black. If you want a couple larger guys who can work the "X-Division style", I'd say "That Young Knock Out Kid" Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli. Also, I agree with PAC, that would be cool too.
I think the X division just needs to put over good feuds and push the talent they already have that way they can just focus on making it better not bigger i mean guys like Red,Creed,Lethal are the bottom end of the X however they all have skills to be the champ Red winning the title was just to get it off joe but it could lead to a nice run and we might see others like Daniels get a longer run so i think that if tna can push and not "shove" (as in the more we have the better) they could bring the X up to shape.
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