TNA Moving Impact on the Road?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I will be making a major announcement on IMPACT tomorrow (8/7c) This will change everything for our wrestlers, company & YOU our audience!

Dixie tweeted this today, and most speculation's are that TNA IMPACT will go on the road live each week. It's not a done deal of course, but we will find out tomarrow on IMPACT.
If it's true. I am am very excited. Fresh faces and different arena's each week would be a major overhaul for IMPACT, and I think it will only help the company further itself.

Not saying it will happen, but WCW was the same, until they started touring live show's and they became a monster, and I am hoping the same will happen to TNA.

Is anyone else out there excited that TNA maybe hitting the road live?
I think we all want to see Impact on the road. Atleast half the time anyway. Completely leaving the Impact Zone on an every week basis may be a little ambitous right now, but even getting half of Impact's episode out on the road would be a massive step.

My one fear is this may lead to less live broadcasts as I would expect them to atleast tape "double-shots" at each arena they set up in, much the way they are doing for the current UK tour.

I could see a format similar to the one they used the last time they were touring for Impact. Something like: One or two shows live from the Impact Zone and then a show on the road where they would air one live, and then tape a second episode immediately after to air the following week, then repeat that process.

Also this topic probably didn't need its own thread, I think it could have fit more neatly into the thread made earlier today about Dixie's latest interview where she discussed this exact possibility.
I think we all want to see Impact on the road. Atleast half the time anyway. Completely leaving the Impact Zone on an every week basis may be a little ambitous right now, but even getting half of Impact's episode out on the road would be a massive step.

My one fear is this may lead to less live broadcasts as I would expect them to atleast tape "double-shots" at each arena they set up in, much the way they are doing for the current UK tour.

I could see a format similar to the one they used the last time they were touring for Impact. Something like: One or two shows live from the Impact Zone and then a show on the road where they would air one live, and then tape a second episode immediately after to air the following week, then repeat that process.

Also this topic probably didn't need its own thread, I think it could have fit more neatly into the thread made earlier today about Dixie's latest interview where she discussed this exact possibility.

Which is something we should all be willing to accept, if it's in the name of continuing to push for a full-time live schedule in the future.

Monday Night Raw did this exact same thing when it was first airing on USA Network in the 90's. They did two live, and two taped weeks that they then inter-changed, and in fact, so did TNA when they first motioned toward live IMPACT episodes.

I also completely disagree about this deserving it's own thread. If this is actually the announcement, it's much more important than to be buried among talk about Boot Camp and other musings from a mash interview.
Which is something we should all be willing to accept, if it's in the name of continuing to push for a full-time live schedule in the future.

Monday Night Raw did this exact same thing when it was first airing on USA Network in the 90's. They did two live, and two taped weeks that they then inter-changed, and in fact, so did TNA when they first motioned toward live IMPACT episodes.
I actually don't disagree with this IDR. I would trade half the shows going back to being taped, if it meant that half the shows would be on the road. I was just pointing out the only possible downside. But if we did still get atleast half of Impact's broadcasts airing live than I wouldn't complain. So let's hope that at the minimum that is the plan. And hope that with enough monetary success as a result we may eventually get weekly live Impacts on the road.
I also completely disagree about this deserving it's own thread. If this is actually the announcement, it's much more important than to be buried among talk about Boot Camp and other musings from a mash interview.
IF this happens to be the anouncement than I concur that it would be worthy of its own thread to detail the content of the anouncement and discuss it repercussions, but since its still just speculative conjecture derived from Dixie's musings, I thought for now it fit better in the other thread. But you know better, that's why I'm not the mod(amongst a thousand other justifiable reasons :p). Its just nice that we are realistically discussing this as a possibility, no matter what thread we're doing it in.
I think taking Impact on the road could be great, but I think it could depend on where they go. if they do small arenas that look similar to the Impact Zone then I don't think it's going to be as good as if they do bigger arenas.
I think taking Impact on the road could be great, but I think it could depend on where they go. if they do small arenas that look similar to the Impact Zone then I don't think it's going to be as good as if they do bigger arenas.

That won't matter if those arenas are filled with actual fans, as opposed to Universal Studios walk-ins. Again, when Monday Night Raw began, they filmed exclusively out of the Grand Ballroom at Manhattan Center Studios — a venue that I'm not sure held that many more people than the IMPACT Zone does now.

The "look" isn't nearly as important as the feel, and the feel is completely determined by two things — lighting and audience reaction. With a rocking crowd and the right lighting techniques, they can make any smaller venue/theatre look jam-packed.
I read this on another site.

The first taping will be Thursday 3/14 in Hoffman Estates, IL at the Sears Centre Arena, a venue they have run before. There's been talk of doing a PPV there for some time.

search tells me TNA had BFG there in 2008.
wikipedia has this..
Promotion Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
Date October 12, 2008
Attendance 5,000
Venue Sears Centre
City Hoffman Estates, Illinois

so 5000 is a lot better than the Impact Zone.
Touring can only be a good thing, they may not get more viewers on TV but they will certainly get paying customers to watch live in attendance. and that = more money in the pocket and if they can entice those people to watch on PayTV then bonus.

and one of the big issue of Impact for years has been the fact every week looks like the same show cause it's in the same tiny arena with half an audience of local yokels and canned responses.

Personally i dont think it's gonna make a huge difference, the overall feel needs a retune not just the location, at one stage the Impact Zone was the biggest issue but it's more then that, for one thing the diluded people running the show need a reality check and stop claiming things will change when they never do

and sure RAW was in the same ballroom for the first 28 episodes then it went on tour. ECW staged most of there shows in the same building tho. How long has Impact been on TV and PPV's on global TV?
From what I understand, not every show will be filmed on the road. I've read that they'll still film some episodes in the Impact Zone. I've also read that they might film one show live on the road and then tape the next show to show the week after.

In any event, it's a step in the direction that TNA needs to go. I think they'll draw solid crowds on the road. Guessing based on past shows where they've filmed IW on the road, I'm guessing they'll do somewhere in the 2,000 to 3,000 range. It'll look good on television and they'll generate some money.
It will be interesting to see if this alienates any of TNA's older talent that had been sticking around (at least partly) due to the lighter travel schedule. Granted, one day a week on the road isn't HUGE but its more than a few days a year (considering many of the veterans don't work live events).

It will also be interesting to see how these venues draw in comparison to their live events. If they run small venues I can see it working...places like the Auditorium in Barre, VT, Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Tyler Oil Palace, wherever...but when a promotion draws 3,500 to their biggest PPV event of the year you can't blame someone for being skeptical that they will be able to sell 1,000 tickets to a TV taping.

We'll see though.
Or TNA could copy WCW Nitro did and have specific venues that are over the top such as Mall of America, Las Vegas, etc. And their PPVs would be in good sized arenas. TNA wouldn't have to draw huge crowds at venues like that, but it would look good on television. Gotta remember that WCW did not tour much either, they had like 4 total and would go to each one once a month. That is what they should do though at least once a month in replace of PPV's is go to a unique location in a big venue.
Impact on the road can only be a good thing for TNA, and I think it is something we all want to see. It will give more and different fans a chance to see the product live. It will freshen things up for sure as far as fan reactions go making the show more interesting to watch on tv. I wouldn't say the Impact Zone fans are bad, but some new blood in the audience I think will liven up the show. I wouldn't mind if they did two live and taped two. That has been done by other promotions in the past and it seemed to have work. If taking it on the road is successful maybe they will go live for good at some point. It seems like TNA is working hard to take forward steps with their company, and I am glad to see that from them.
It will also be interesting to see how these venues draw in comparison to their live events. If they run small venues I can see it working...places like the Auditorium in Barre, VT, Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Tyler Oil Palace, wherever...but when a promotion draws 3,500 to their biggest PPV event of the year you can't blame someone for being skeptical that they will be able to sell 1,000 tickets to a TV taping.

We'll see though.

Actually the last time they did Impact tapings on the road, back in Summer/Fall of 2011, they proved they could draw similar crowds for Impact tapings that they draw for their PPVs.

They were doing coliseums that hold roughly 6000-7000 for basketball, hockey, etc. Once you have set up your stage side and tarped off a portion of your hard camera side you only need to put about 2500-4000 people in an arena that size to make it look full and impressive on TV(this is the formula that has worked for the PPVs as well).

Here is a little evidence...

TNA taped Impact at the Knoxville Coliseum on Sept. 21, 2011.
The venue holds about 7100 at its max set-up.
The officials at the arena claimed that the show was a sell-out and that after everything was set-up they did an attendence of over 5000 people to reach that plateau.
Now you can take those numbers with a grain of salt if you'd like, but here are pictures of the arena during the taping...




That is obviously a much more impressive looking crowd than an Impact Zone taping can produce, plus you have the already stated advantage of having a real crowd of paying wrestling fans, not a bunch of the same amusement park attendees, many of whom could care less and only want to cheer about five specific people. This also helps the company by giving them a more natural feel for who is actually over compared to who is over in the Impact Zone.

I trust TNA knows the venues that they will be able to tape in that will produce the best translating crowd and atmosphere for TV.
Actually the last time they did Impact tapings on the road, back in Summer/Fall of 2011, they proved they could draw similar crowds for Impact tapings that they draw for their PPVs.

They were doing coliseums that hold roughly 6000-7000 for basketball, hockey, etc. Once you have set up your stage side and tarped off a portion of your hard camera side you only need to put about 2500-4000 people in an arena that size to make it look full and impressive on TV(this is the formula that has worked for the PPVs as well).

Here is a little evidence...

TNA taped Impact at the Knoxville Coliseum on Sept. 21, 2011.
The venue holds about 7100 at its max set-up.
The officials at the arena claimed that the show was a sell-out and that after everything was set-up they did an attendence of over 5000 people to reach that plateau.
Now you can take those numbers with a grain of salt if you'd like, but here are pictures of the arena during the taping...




That is obviously a much more impressive looking crowd than an Impact Zone taping can produce, plus you have the already stated advantage of having a real crowd of paying wrestling fans, not a bunch of the same amusement park attendees, many of whom could care less and only want to cheer about five specific people. This also helps the company by giving them a more natural feel for who is actually over compared to who is over in the Impact Zone.

I trust TNA knows the venues that they will be able to tape in that will produce the best translating crowd and atmosphere for TV.

I will definitely agree that part of being the big leagues is looking the big leagues. If they can produce a product that looks big league its definitely worth while.
To be honest, I always thought that sound is better than image.

I realize that it's just nice to see a show in a big arena, but I think that if the crowd was going ape-shit in the Impact Zone absolutely no one would be complaining. I'll take a thousand people screaming their butts off over 7.000 who make average noise.

That alone comes from what happens in the ring. But, in TNA's case, it's not dependent only on it. The IZ seems burned out. New people are fairly more excited, thus make more noise.

For me, noise > quantity. Always.
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