TNA Mount Rushmore


Dark Match Winner
In my opinion, these are the men who should be there :

A.J. Styles
Samoa Joe
Kurt Angle

Styles, Joe, Angle, and Sting all have left an indelible mark on TNA. I left out Jeff Jarrett because he was a detriment to the growth of the company. When Jeff Jarrett left the Main Event scene after Bound For Glory 2006, things got better. I know that Jarrett started TNA but they were on the verge of collapse when Dixie Carter purchased the company. I would leave Dixie off too because she is an executive.

I am looking forward to hearing the opinions of my fellow WrestleZoners.

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Standard SPAM rules apply here, folks. You need to provide more than just a laundry list of names to post in this thread if it's going to stand in this section. A brief explanation behind each name is the least you could do to skate by.

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This is an easy call for me at the moment:

Jeff Jarrett Founder and main full time star for the companies first four years and then a steady hand both in front and behind the scenes until he retired from the company.

AJ Styles Maybe, at some stage, James Storm/ EY or Joe might take the mantle of TNA's Franchise but the Phenomenal One is still the most associated performer with the company. Even the WWe acknowledge his existence, something they rarely do.

Sting The Icon was TNA's first genuine headliner and a deal maker in them picking up a TV deal for that exact reason.

Kurt Angle The first active WWF(e) headliner to make the jump... and he's stayed... and he hasn't been half assed. Despite his indiscretions in real life, Angle has been nothing but the consummate professional between the ropes.

The first two HoFers, the founder and the franchise - can a case really be made against these four? The scary thing and proof of wrestling's fickle nature - come the start of 2015, it's highly possible none of these guy will be associated with the company anymore.
At those point, it has to be the four most important names in the companies history. I would make an argument for Samoa Joe, but given his last few years with the company, his level of importance has fallen so much it's a damn shame. Once he lost the World Title, TNA completely mishandled him. I love Joe, but he's been almost useless for the last 5 years.

Anyway, onto the mount Rushmore of TNA
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
Jeff Jarrett

AJ Styles was Mr. TNA. When people thought TNA, AJ Styles was the name that seemed to most embody what TNA was. And he's their only homegrown talent that really mattered at all. Without a doubt, he should be a TNA Hall of Famer.
Sting is the Icon. For years TNA was built around the Franchise of WCW. AJ may have been the homegrown TNA Franchise, but Sting was the legend/veteran everything else was built around. He did a lot for that company, and is certainly one of their biggest names. Not to mention, their first Hall of Famer.
Kurt Angle has now spent more time in TNA than he did WWE. He was the second guy to win the Triple Crown, and was one of the few big names to really make a difference of any type. In the beginning of his run anyway. He has more TNA World titles than anyone, and is very obviously the biggest name left on their roster. Their second Hall of Famer, TNA has put a lot of time into Kurt Angle.
Jeff Jarrett- Without Jeff, there is no TNA. Sure, he had his problems and controversy. Should he have main eventide as much as he did? Probably not. But he made the company, and did a lot to keep it running. He should without a doubt be in the TNA Hall of Fame. He may not be the best, or the biggest name, but he is the reason they exist.
My Mount Rushmore for TNA would be simple

-AJ Styles (face of the X Division, synonymous with the company for over a decade, put the Ultimate X match. on the map...

Dixie Carter - Without her backing, it would have died long ago.

. Sting- for being the biggest, and most reliable star in the company for most of TNA's existence.

Kurt Angle (the only WWE come to come on board to make a huge stir. Whilst not the performer he was now, he still did a lot of great work in the company. I would call it a close race as his days in TNA rivals WWE. Lot of Classic matches with Styles, Joe, Sting, Roode, James Storm. Although, I prefer his matches in WWE....

Runner Up-

Samoa Joe- Synonymous for the X Division, His eighteen month undefeated streak was Legendary, even though Kurt Angle beat him. Classic matches with Angle and Styles, Christoper Daniels, One of the first TNA Wrestlers to ever hold multiple TNA championships at once. he's really on,my Mount Rushmore list, if I don't include Dixie..

Jeff Jarrett- Founder of TNA, I'm Anti-Jarrett though and have more reasons,to dislike him.

Bobby Roode- Best Wrestler in TNA and the Face of the company going forward, if TNA lasts 10 more years'' Roode will easily be on My Mount Rushmore. Carried the ''Tag Team Division, just made me fall in love with it again, Was the best heel in the company, classic matches
Oh this is a tough one here.....

Aj Styles's and Jeff Jarrett are who you think about when you say TNA wrestling at the core.

Aj Style:Do i have to list the things he's done in this company going from a tag team guy from wcw to Superstar...and One of the few guys WWE really wishes they signed years ago.

Double J:the King of the Mountain,with out him TNA isn't here we wouldn't have these rants,rave,s or discussion's. Truly he throughtout all the drama still did what he could to get TNA on the map.

3 and 4 are tought but bare with me.

Gail Kim: TNA's first lady damn near does everything thing asked and puts on great matches night in and night out. She was the first lady to be Knockouts Champ and you look at her division compared to the Diva's(and Shimmer) she's Queen.

Lastly at 4 imma go with a tag team...

BEER!!!!.......MONEY!!!!!:TNA for one thing had great tag teams..believable Tag Teams from AMW,The Naturals,3LK,LAX,MCMG,Bad Intentions the list goes on...but damn Beer Money was the best the cream of the crop 2 of TNA's stars. As a team they ran thru everyone and even had WWE watching so they could try to copy.

Runner up's

Samoa Joe: Another guy that would up here holds the longest Undefeated streak in company history,has held all the titles...Honestly the best X division champion ever.

Team 3D: they would of took Beer Money's place but i decide to use home grown talent. But HOF's in every company they are in.

The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels: Same as Joe and AJ 5 star matches worked his ass off for that company(with a broken neck as well).
This is an easy call for me at the moment:

Jeff Jarrett Founder and main full time star for the companies first four years and then a steady hand both in front and behind the scenes until he retired from the company.

AJ Styles Maybe, at some stage, James Storm/ EY or Joe might take the mantle of TNA's Franchise but the Phenomenal One is still the most associated performer with the company. Even the WWe acknowledge his existence, something they rarely do.

Sting The Icon was TNA's first genuine headliner and a deal maker in them picking up a TV deal for that exact reason.

Kurt Angle The first active WWF(e) headliner to make the jump... and he's stayed... and he hasn't been half assed. Despite his indiscretions in real life, Angle has been nothing but the consummate professional between the ropes.

The first two HoFers, the founder and the franchise - can a case really be made against these four? The scary thing and proof of wrestling's fickle nature - come the start of 2015, it's highly possible none of these guy will be associated with the company anymore.

I think you've got it spot on.

The founder, the home-grown star, the original superstar and the biggest player ever to jump from WWE who raised the profile of TNA.

There is absolutely no-one else more associated with TNA and more important for the company than Jarrett, Styles, Sting and Angle. No more needs to be said, this is the correct answer.
Okay I sat here and scratched my head for about 15 minutes before I could even come up with 4 names that would deserve such an honour, and admittedly I could only come up with 3.

Jeff Jarrett - for starting the company and for a short time giving the WWE a run for their money

Sting - for not succumbing to having to the a WWE superstar. Although now that excuse is out the window.

AJ Styles - same reason and Sting, but this one will stick, cause when he left TNA he took off right away for Japan to continue his career.

And yea I got nothing else.
I'm gonna try something different:

All inclusive Mount Rushmore:

AJ Styles - I've never been huge on him but his ring work is impeccable and he is basically Mr. TNA. He's been a company man throughout until the end with the money business.

Kurt Angle - He came over from the WWE in a time where TNA needed him and really did a decent job helping the company grow even if they didn't always want to grow with his help.

Samoa Joe - A bit of a personal pick for me but the guy is Rey Mysterio trapped in Vader's body. It still amazes me how bad TNA blew it with this guy and the start stop pushes and stupidity.

Sting - He is an icon in the business and say what you will about retreads in TNA but at-least he was not fresh off of jobbing in the WWE so there was still an aura about him and he did quality work before the last few years.


X-Division Mount Rushmore:

Low Ki - He came and went a lot but he really brought it when he was out there and if he kept his attitude in check could've been huge for TNA. Hopefully we're not done seeing him.

Daniels - This man should have been world champ at least once in his time in TNA. I know he was small but he was one of the best not only workers but promo cutters I've seen in sometimes and busted his ass to get you to care about him beyond the flip flop spot hounds of the style he worked.

Alex Shelley - Another personal favorite but he like Daniels had both charisma and skills to back it up, the way the MCMG were forgotten about so much prior to Hogan/Bischoff was astounding. I hope to see them in ROH at some point.

Jerry Lynn - One of the most technically gifted men in the business and he brought something to the division whenever they decided to use him. Shame he never really got much of a fair shake in WWE but he's still a former two time world champ on the two most important indy feds of the last twenty years.

Honorable mentions: Chris Sabin, Petey Williams, Elix Skipper among others.


Best of the Rest Mount Rushmore:

Bobby/Robert Roode - He went from Team Canada lackey to being one of the brightest stars in wrestling today. Be it on his own or with Beer Money he is one of the people keeping TNA at-least afloat in the landscape of wrestling.

James Storm - Another guy who deserves better than feuding with a washed up Ken Anderson, entertaining on the mic and capable in the ring. The fact they blew off his rematch with Roode at the end of the BFG a few years still sucks to me. That might have been one of the better built matches they've ever worked towards.

Abyss - Say what you want about him or the Kane style crap they stick on him but he's a company guy and works his ass off for being a quote/unquote -monster-. He even got Joseph Park over before it got too idiotic towards the end.

Eric Young - Shame his title run got lumped in with the post D-Bry wave but he's been consistently good for years and one of the better comedic wrestlers I've seen. He was even able to transition to evil baddie with World Elite(an underated stable) but one guy who I'm glad got the belt at-least once.

Honorable mentions: Raven, Austin Aries, Rhino among others.
So AJ Styles, Sting and Kurt Angle are the ones already stated by the majority and are the correct ones for the reasons stated.

AJ Styles was considered to be the face of the company and the most talented of the 'TNA Originals.' He threw on the best matches, had the most charisma and a lot of people that don't even watch TNA know of him. When you think of TNA, you think of AJ Styles.

Kurt Angle was the one who helped get the brand's name out there. He defended his World Heavyweight championship at Wrestlemania the same year he arrived at TNA. He's helped get names like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe over and has been apart of the most memorable moments in the company.

From all of their active talents, Sting was probably the most popular one. Everybody knew of his arrival and he helped bring in some of the former WCW fans. Like Kurt Angle, he too has helped get the TNA talent over and like AJ Styles, has been in excellent matches and feuds.

Then there's the fourth one most of you can't agree on. Some of you will say Samoa Joe, some of you will say Jeff Jarrett and I think one guy even said Dixie Carter. But none of them deserve a spot on the TNA Mount Rushmore like Hulk Hogan does. Hulkamania, sports-entertainment's biggest and greatest name of all time made his infamous announcement that he was arriving to TNA to shake things up. Never was an episode of Impact! so hyped up. We saw several talents arrive with him, more deals with other companies took place because of his name and nobody really got a louder ovation than him. His first two years with combined efforts with Russo led to very good ratings for TNA. They were also the years the focus was on Hulk Hogan. I mean, has there ever been a bigger storyline than "They?" Has there ever been a PPV more looked forward to than BFG (10.10.10.) where Hogan played a huge role into the build up? Has there ever been a more anticipated match than Hogan vs Sting at Bound For Glory 2011? Nope. Hulk Hogan, the greatest name in professional wrestling deserves a spot in the TNA Mount Rushmore more than anyone else.
If there was a Knockouts Mount Rushmore, here are the women who would be on it :

Gail Kim : First Knockouts Champion. Her classic series of matches with Awesome Kong helped establish the Division. She left in 2009 but returned in 2011 and has won the Knockouts Championship 3 more times. Her second reign is the longest in Knockout history at 210 days!

Awesome Kong : Second Knockouts Champion. Was so dominant in her role as champion that many put her above Beth Phoenix as the best female wrestler in the world. If TNA is smart, it will try to lure both of them to one of their pay per views for a dream match!

Angelina Love : Was great in her role as a villainous champion. Definitely better than her partner Velvet Sky.

Mickie James : Not only was she a 3-time Knockouts Champion, but also has the unique distinction of main-eventing an edition of Impact! It was a steel cage match against Tara, which Mickie won.
First off, at the foot of TNA’s Mount Rushmore, I’d have a statue of Jeff Jarrett. He is, after all, the founder of TNA.

Next, the faces I’d put on TNA’s Mount Rushmore are:

AJ Styles
5 time NWA / TNA World Heavyweight Champion
2 time TNA Legends / Global / Television Champion
6 time NWA / TNA World Tag Team Champion
6 time TNA X Division Championship

NWA / TNA World Heavyweight Champion
2 time TNA Legends / Global / Television Champion
NWA / TNA World Tag Team Champion
TNA X Division Champion

Samoa Joe
NWA / TNA World Heavyweight Champion
TNA Legends / Global / Television Champion
2 time NWA / TNA World Tag Team Champion
5 time TNA X Division Champion

Eric Young
NWA / TNA World Heavyweight Champion
2 time TNA Legends / Global / Television Champion
3 time NWA / TNA World Tag Team Champion
TNA X Division Champion

The reason why I picked these four TNA SuperStars is because they were the backbone of the company. They were there through the good and the bad. They each represented every division of TNA and held ALL of the TNA Championships, making these 4 the only TNA Grand Slam Champions in history.

A lot of you have Sting and Kurt Angle there, but when I think of the both of them, I don’t see TNA Hall Of Famers. I see a WCW Star and a WWE Star who helped TNA. I see someone who should be on WCW’s Mount Rushmore and someone who should have a statue at the foot of WWE’s Mount Rushmore.
I'm not advocating for this wrestler to be on the Mount Rushmore, I'm simply saying if Jeff Jarrett didn't put himself over quite so much, he easily could be considered.

I'm talking about Raven's arrival in TNA in 2003 after being fired by the WWE.


He was in great shape. He made a huge debut, hitting the Evenflow DDT on then-champion Jarrett and stealing the NWA-TNA Heavyweight championship. He had a great gimmick talking about his Fate of winning the TNA heavyweight championship. He would give cryptic promos from a perch atop the impact zone. He kept the idea of his "flock" at first, and would introduce matches such as the "Clockwork Orange House of Fun" match against The Sandman.

However, Raven didn't win the TNA belt until 2005, long after he fell of the wagon, put on weight, and just wasn't the same worker.

My contention is, had Jarrett allowed Raven a title reign in 2003, things could have easily snowballed making Raven an even more pivotal figure in TNA's history than he already is.

I just feel they missed the boat on Raven, and it was mostly because Jarrett loved putting himself over, literally.

Knockouts Mount Rushmore

Gail Kim - From valet for AMW & Double J to first KO Champion.

The Beautiful People (Love/ Sky) - So good, even Vince had to have his own version.

So Cal Val - Possibly controversial but Val was TNA's female JB for the 7 years she was in the company and would still be there if it wasn't for the fact that someone realised that Christy Hemme is more recognisable and could do the same work.
Personally I would say TNA's Mount Rushmore should feature these four superstars:

Kurt Angle - In my opinion the greatest wrestler in TNA's history. Kurt Angle was a part of the most interesting feuds and greatest matches in TNA history. I would even say Kurt Angle is the biggest draw in TNA history, I mean when he made the jump from WWE to TNA back in 2006, there was a buzz that has never been replicated for the company since, not even by Hogan's arrival. All in all Kurt Angle has been the face of TNA since his arrival and continues to be an asset to the company.

Christian Cage - He left the WWE to make an impact (literally) and prove to the world he could be a main-event superstar and he did exactly that, as a fan I would actually want to tune into TNA just to see what Christian Cage was going to do next. On top of all this he constantly put on some of the finest matches in TNA history, some would call them instant classics and some can argue that his best years in pro-wrestling history were during his singles run in TNA.

Sting - Simply for his loyalty to the company for so long, I wouldn't really say I enjoyed watching him in TNA but I have to give him credit where credit is due and respect what he did for the company.

AJ Styles - Probably the greatest wrestler TNA made famous and he deserves to be on the Rushmore simply for that reason. His world title runs were never that memorable but I can't deny his talent in the ring and how much he contributed to TNA from day one.
A fan picked TNA Mount Rushmore will have the obvious suspects, AJ Styles, Sting, Samoa Joe, and either Eric Young or Christian. They're all heavy TNA fan favorites and have done the company a lot of good well in spite of the companies failure to do the same for them.

However, this is Dixie Carter and company we are talking about. So they'll make a TNA Mount Rushmore to Ric Flair, Hogan, and Jeff Jarrett twice.

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