TNA - MMA Rules Match?


Dark Match Winner
Really, this is what TNA thinks MMA is? As the match started, both "fighters" had there hands down below their waists, and when they finally started throwing punches, the ref stepped in to stop them. I have no problem with them putting on the wrestling match, because thats what this is, wrestling. But when you call something an MMA rules match, at least have the common sense to make it a little realistis. What a joke...I do not know why I even waste my time with TNA anymore.

I'm....surpried. very surprised they did it again after the epic failure that was the worked MMA match AJ Styles had with Frank Trigg. That was a crap match, and the bizarre thing was whoever was the director was decided to cut to the crowd when they chanted "Fire Russo" and "We want wrestling". Why would they intentionally do that?

That said....despite not looking realistic in the slightest, and going on far too long, this was more about getting heat on Jarrett then presenting it as a a real MMA match, unlike the AJ VS Trigg match. So it wasn't that bad.
I understand that they want to get as much heat on JJ as possible, but there are MUCH better ways to do it than putting on a joke of an MMA fight. This was one of the worst displays I have ever seen in pro wrestling.

I cannot believe Spike let them do it with their close ties to the UFC. I know Spike doesn't control TNA, but you would think they would put a little pressure on them to not let this abortion happen. To call that an MMA rules match was the biggest misrepresentation I have seen in a LONG time.

It was an absolute embarrisment. As I being an avid fan of MMA, I just couldn't believe how they could make a mockery of the sport. I don't care how much heat they want to get for JJ but at the expense of using MMA, I cannot stand to watch TNA anymore.
I started watching that match last night and I couldn't help but sit there and laugh at the train wreck that was taking place. What ever happened to professional wrestling just trying to be that - professional wrestling? I understand it has really always been "sports entertainment" but there is nothing less entertaining then watching a second rate company put on a third or even fourth rate misinterpretation of MMA. What ever happened to the classic heel tactics Double J was great at early in TNA and even in WCW? I saw he got his patented guitar shot in, but he doesn't need to be dragging MMA through the dirt to get over as a heel. He pulls off the role of asshole quite nicely if you let him.
Exactly! No need to bring this whole JJ MMA thing about. Go back to the dirty tactics and guitar shots. If they really wanted heat, when he grabbed the guitar, he could have acted like he was going to use it and then NOT use it. The fans want to see that guitar shot anyway, so how about do not give them what they want?
MMA is boring. 2 men hugging it out in the middle of an octagon. TNA's MMA match was boring and not really an MMA match but as others have said it was to get JJ heat (why JJ is even on TV still is beyond me.)

What a joke...I do not know why I even waste my time with TNA anymore.

Not to watch a fake MMA match but to watch better wrestling than WWE. (Until recently anyway)

To call that an MMA rules match was the biggest misrepresentation I have seen in a LONG time

What about a "Jersey Street Fight" held indoors in a theme park in Orlando.

This is just a TNA bashing thread I guess. :wtf:
Lol that match was a joke and so is JJ MMA gimmick. He needs to go back to the rockstar gimmick he had when he started in the WWF. And use the guitar more to hit people in the head with not this mixed martial arts garbage they are displaying here.
Why does everyone seem to think that just because something isn't positive about TNA it's bashing it?

Honestly, this was a terrible way to make JJ more heelish. It's a disgrace to MMA/UFC/StrikeForce and frankly, it was just plain stupid. Everyone on this thread seems to agree that this was a bad way to work JJ. The guitar is his SIGNATURE. USE IT. CORRECTLY. Just don't drag fake MMA into the TNA show. It's steadily getting better, but little things like this take it back a step each time it shows up on impact...:disappointed:
I think Double J's new MMA gimmick is fabulous and is easily the most entertaining Jarrett's been in at least the last 3 years. I think all this MMA stuff is Great way ti get him Heat, And it really Helps Joe because I really want to see Joe kick his ass, And the MMA match Yesterday and the Dojo segment are just more ways to get him heat. Joe is trained in MMA and Angle has said he would like to do MMA, Jarrett thinks he's an MMA master. Jarrett is Playing a really good heel because I want to see Joe kick his ass and Angle to.
i don't think double J has been entertaining in the last 3 years, much less now, the mockery he's doing right now is just stupid, i don't know why he is even in tv, terrible...
This is the most interesting I've ever seen Jeff Jarrett. This MMA shtick is simply a way for him to get cheap heat and it fits in with his current feud with Joe (who is trained in MMA). So I don't have a problem with this. It's really not as bad as people are making it out to be.
Wait a minute, people actually thought a pro-wrestling company putting on an "MMA" fight wasn't going to be done in a tongue in cheek manner? You thought a heel who referred to MMA as Double J's Double M-A competition was going to produce a faithful rendition of an MMA fight? Who let the 11 year olds from the WWE online? It's supposed to be a joke, if you're an actual MMA fan, like I am, you'd understand that it's a gimmick designed to generate Jarrett more heat by acting like a badass who believes his own hype as a legit fighter. God, people are dumb.
It is sad just how much people have forgotten that they are supposed to actually dislike what the heels do. Now whenever people dislike something they think it is bad. The cool heel merchandising machine has just about destroyed prowrestling watchability and I am glad TNA is trying to get back to creating real heels. If you want to watch real MMA, watch MMA. Trigg-styles might have failed but TNA also put on about the only watchable mma variant I have ever seen in prowrestling and Joe was involved (lockdown 2008). If you hate what Jarrett is doing then you would theoretically be excited to see Joe choke him out, I know I would like to see that.

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