TNA messing with WWE??


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A good idea? lol... just seen it on the homepage where TNA is supposedly flying a plane over wrestlemania 24 with a banner on it. What does everyone think about this stunt now?

Me.. i think TNA should really watch it before WWE decides to pound em into the ground.. i think WWE could end TNA anytime if they really wanted to and if they pulled their head's outta their asses (Creative with majorly stupid storylines) they could get rid of that lil turd on their butt's called TNA. I think its a really classless act by TNA and ADDED onto the whole Rory McAllister story.

P.S. I dont like TNA. loll never did, never will.
personally i think its ******ed that they plan that if its true, and the rory thing is also quite ******ed if its true and all the reasons surrounding it. especially if you believe the other news story about wrestlers and managmeant of both companies together at a bar later that night after all of it =-/
A good idea? lol... just seen it on the homepage where TNA is supposedly flying a plane over wrestlemania 24 with a banner on it. What does everyone think about this stunt now?

Me.. i think TNA should really watch it before WWE decides to pound em into the ground.. i think WWE could end TNA anytime if they really wanted to and if they pulled their head's outta their asses (Creative with majorly stupid storylines) they could get rid of that lil turd on their butt's called TNA. I think its a really classless act by TNA and ADDED onto the whole Rory McAllister story.

P.S. I dont like TNA. loll never did, never will.

TNA is stupid, only 70,000 fans will be in the citrus bowl and I doubt they will put a major dent in the ratings war of TNA and ECW. The banner will never make PPV. TNA should fly a panle over the Superbowl if they want to attract a large audience. It only shows how desperate and stupid TNA is. No one in TNA knows ow to write or produce a show since Dusty left. I mean hell they let the wrestlers come up with their own ideas that aren't working. TNA needs to stuck sucking the WWE's dick for every little cheap promotional plug and foucs on their own audience before they lose them because the ratings are going down.
Underhanded? Definately. Low & Sneaky? Most likely. Great Marketing Ploy? ABSOLUTELY! Seriously, this is the whole point to the wrestling war.

Florida is more or less T.N.A.'s "turf." Just like Atlanta was W.C.W.'s. Just because the millions watching on Pay Per View won't see it, doesn't mean the 70,000 plus in attendance won't get a great thrill out of the issue.

I think its stupid that a company would have to stoop so low as to do something as "low down" as this, but the fact is.. there aren't rules in advertising. Noone made the agreement to play nice, and the W.W.E. gave away T.N.A. results on their website. So unofficially, this is payback. I think they deserve what they get.

T.N.A. has been "invading" W.W.E. events for a while now, and filming it. (they've had a couple situations on T.N.A. DVDs) W.W.E. up until recently didn't do anything to get back at them, until they did the "W.C.W. trick" in giving away results. So all in all, that was W.W.E. playing wargames and dropping to their level. T.N.A. is merely showing that they know how to play better at the tricks.

I'd love more than anything if instead of just a banner, they dropped balloons, or something with "T.N.A." written all over it. But the best part, wait until the Main Event. Or even better yet, the Mayweather/Big Show match.. why then? Because every sporting network (espn, etc) will be covering that one match..
Underhanded? Definately. Low & Sneaky? Most likely. Great Marketing Ploy? ABSOLUTELY! Seriously, this is the whole point to the wrestling war.

Florida is more or less T.N.A.'s "turf." Just like Atlanta was W.C.W.'s. Just because the millions watching on Pay Per View won't see it, doesn't mean the 70,000 plus in attendance won't get a great thrill out of the issue.

I think its stupid that a company would have to stoop so low as to do something as "low down" as this, but the fact is.. there aren't rules in advertising. Noone made the agreement to play nice, and the W.W.E. gave away T.N.A. results on their website. So unofficially, this is payback. I think they deserve what they get.

T.N.A. has been "invading" W.W.E. events for a while now, and filming it. (they've had a couple situations on T.N.A. DVDs) W.W.E. up until recently didn't do anything to get back at them, until they did the "W.C.W. trick" in giving away results. So all in all, that was W.W.E. playing wargames and dropping to their level. T.N.A. is merely showing that they know how to play better at the tricks.

I'd love more than anything if instead of just a banner, they dropped balloons, or something with "T.N.A." written all over it. But the best part, wait until the Main Event. Or even better yet, the Mayweather/Big Show match.. why then? Because every sporting network (espn, etc) will be covering that one match..

I think TNA turf is Nashville in my opinion as Orlando just doesn't seem like a great home for wrestling. AS for the WWE posting TNA results, they do it after TNA Impact is over and rip the articles from other websites, hell they advertise TNA better than TNA does. WWE isn't trying to bring down TNA as I really think the WWE cares about TNA right now. They know of TNA, but TNA has been on spike TV for a while now and haven't come close to catching or gaining ground even with all the WWE rejected talent. All this will do is create buzz on wrestling websites for a while and be another negative dent on TNA.
They need to get life’s. You have your wrestling organization I have mine. That's the way it should be. My wrestling organization should have nothing to do with yours type mind frame is what they should have. I don't understand what the wwe has to do with them. Are the few creators of TNA sole mission is to "show" the wwe. They need to focus on themselves and stop daydreaming about how one day they are going to "show" the wwe in a blaze of glory by destroying them with some type of a spot fest. While that annoying commentator don wes shouts in his annoying cancer ridden cigarette like raspy voice "Oh we did we defeated the wwe! raaaawwwwwww! the wwe sucks! raaaawwww! we beat them with better wrestling! with the X division! raaawwwwww!" Please, get a life. Grow up.
Personally Ive always thought the whole idea of putting on WM in the home base of the (almost) rival promotion was kinda dumb. Your just drawing a LOT of attention and free marketing to the area in which your competiton exists. Although this may be a way for WWE to get in very favorabley with the Orlando legislature, and throw a lil elbow their way to say "if you wat 'Mania back, cut the chord with TNA". Could be, as this would fuck up TNA's lease agreements in the orlando area, and the like. Either that, or they are just trying to up front utterly CRUSH TNA, by showing their superiority, and confronting them head up, without ACTUALLY confronting them.
They may as well go for it. They don't have anything to lose. It's not like it'll appear on TV. So it's only the people at the show who it'll effect.

The problem with this that poeople might not have seen TNA before. Watch it. And think shit, I'll stick with WWE, WrestleMania was really good this year.

Or WWE could do something back to them. Either way it's just buisness.
I'm a WWE guy through and through, but never say never in the wrestling business. It sounds strange but McMahon might even want TNA to gain in popularity so that he can have some clear competition again. That way all the creative juices start flowing more naturally - McMahon at his best is when he is under pressure. He used to give ECW some exposure just so he could harvest their talent when it suited him - which is exactly what he did, and I don't think there's anything stopping him doing it again with TNA.
if they really wanted to make an "impact" (get it.....?.....sorry) they ought to drop something from the plane like TNA flyers, that would be so funny!

i don't see why it's all such a big issue though really. WWE aren't trying to destroy TNA or else they wouldn't mention them on the website, they don't see them as competition. So what if Edge & Christian are seen together, they were one of the best tag teams in WWF/E in the last 10 years, they work in the same industry and were friends so when you are in the same area what's up with seeing them???

If somebody works in Mcdonalds, but leaves to work in burger King, should he not then be allowed to talk to anyone who sells Big Mac's???? (Sorry about the example but i'm hungry) it's just ridiculous!
All I know is that the cross promotioning going on is awesome. And 'll be watching Wrestlemania tonight, and I don't think an airplane is all TNA has got up their sleeves. Dropping flyers, balloons, etc, that would be awesome. And on Live PPV, Vince would have no choice, or maybe even no problem, but to let the balloons/flyers drop. If they do do it, it will either be during the Big show/Moneyweather match, or the MITB, as the cameras will have no choice as to look up.

But as far as the title of this thread goes... If TNA were to mess with WWE, it'd be stupid of them, as the WWE could crush them. Lets just hope that they do it publicly for our viewing pleasure:)
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look this is just an other attempt to steel WWE fans and it wont work they have tried it before and it didnt work

come on and everybody knows that TNA is just a safe haven for wwe superstars who violate the drug policy
the fact satnds clear
WWE technically invaded TNA first by entering TNA soil.
Vince should've known that TNA isnt gonna just sit by as WWE goes to Florida, and they should've known that WWE ans TNA talent would like to go see eachother
I wouldn't nessisarily call it "messing" with WWE, more like "Youre in our turf, and were taking it back"
You're right dude. TNA own Florida. Totally. That tree? TNA's bitch. Citrus Bowl? Hand's off mother fuckers. We'll be selling that out one day. Hey! That's TNA's car park.

You are joking right? WWE has probably been to Florida more times than TNA has. That is a terrible statement.
i think tna has to be a lil upset bout wwe comin to orlando tna is mostly based in orlando they tape impact every week or so here but never had the impact that the wwe had sellin 50 something thousand tix for wrestlemania it makes tna look bad and very indy like
IMO, TNA think that they're gonna get all this extra publicity, but in fact, they won't get anything. They know that if TNA mess with WM (Drop balloons ect), then the WWE will get them back harder than they can imagine. The WWE can crush them in a week if they wanted too.

TNA sells out the Citrus Bowl? HA! Never gonna happen in a million years, they can't even get over 2,000 people for a show. The WWE however, for WrestleMania, can get over 100,000 people if they want.

You just wait, their tactics won't get them anywhere. The camera won't show them, and the 70,000 people in the arena already know about TNA probably. This won't work.
Personally, I think it would be stupid for TNA NOT to react and hold their own. The WWE were holding their Fan Axxess merely yards from where TNA tape their show. The whole thing smacks of WWE showing off. TNA wont compete with the WWe in the next decade, but why should they not react when their home turf is invaded.

But what I didn't like was personally being aggressively heckled by TNA fans and staff as I approached the gate to find out about their tapings (I was wearing an Orton tshirt and wanted to see TNA).

I was told to "get the f*ck out of TNA territory", had people shouting "f*ck WWE", "WW who?" "we're real wrestling, not sports entertainment" etc etc. they even then went round to where the fans axxess was to continue their anti-WWE abuse, in front of an audience of women and kids, no class whatsoever.
TNA blows, end of story. If they think they're gonna grab the attention of thousands tonight, they're out of their minds..unless if they do it during the playboy match, either way its a pathetic attempt and TNA knows they suck, if they have to do this!
Originally posted by Total Impact

I think TNA turf is Nashville in my opinion as Orlando just doesn't seem like a great home for wrestling.

The Impact Zone is in Orlando. That's why they kept mentioning all those wrestlers in the area for the weekend. They did everything short of yelling WM is down the street. I hope TNA lands a helicopter in the middle of the ring and let's LAX and MCMG out to do a 20 minute match instead of Show/Floyd.

Anything they do that might piss the WWE off enought to start caring again would be fine by me.
TNA is a company going nowhere fast!!I mean I an big ass wrestliing fan but in order to start a war you must have weapons,in which TNA has none!!How the fuck u gonna take on a billion dollar empire when u give away your tickets to fans free?I heard this from a guy in the tna forum who lives in Orlando that they make the or ask or trick the fans when WWE neva has done bullshit like that.I watch sometimes Iused to wonder why they were chanting like they was told to do so like when the chant TNA sounds like some1 told them to do it.If any1 deserves to mess with WWE it shouldnt be Dudleyz,Booker,Kurt let the new upcoming stars oh I 4got they live off the old WWE uys who were fired!They always talk how the beat ECW in ratings.It would be good if it was the old ECW but the ECW aint its only 4 up and coming guys!How they messing wit WWE?They aint no comp,cant go live everyweek!I saw the spoilers up already,went live cuz WWE in town!By sendin fliers n havin a plane(wasting more $ by doing this)is disrupting a show?Invade like DX did to WCW!Stop kick the big dog b4 he takes a big bite outta as!!!Fuck TNA!!
Actually during the MITB match you cold see the plane flying around. Kind of stupid though to do it during such an exciting match. I don't think anyone was paying attention to it much less trying to read it. I don' t think this has affected WM any at all.

So WWE goes to Orlando big deal. They wanted a large venue to host WM. I doubt this will do much for TNA at all either. It just makes them look very desperate, but whatever they have to do to get attention all the moe power to them I guess.
Ugh, really I'm tired of people who have some undying allegiance to WWE. WWE is at their best when they have competition. If TNA grew, it would be great for BOTH companies. The only way that I could understand such an amazing display of loyalty is if you are a giant WWE stockholder of your last name is McMahon.

Now, TNA is not "messing" with WWE. They are taking advantage of an excellent business and marketing promotion. If one wrestling company is holding an event next door to another do you honestly think they should just ignore the opportunity? If anything they should be promoting at WWE events MORE. Didn't anyone see the Wrestlemania commercial during the live iMPACT? Was WWE messing with TNA? NO, they were promoting their event to wrestling fans. In theory, fans SHOULD be fans of both. TNA should ABSOLUTELY be taking advantage of this opportunity to promote themselves.

Also, I think it's ridiculous to ban socializing with people from another company, I don't even know if that's legal.

And I normally wouldn't call anyone out, but "bucwild" you should take some time off of perusing wrestling forums to learn how to read and write English.

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