TNA Merchandise and New Immortal DVD!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Let’s face it TNA kind of stinks about using their merchandises well like the WWE does. Now, I know every business as their own ways of doing things but lets face it TNA is missing some great opportunities on certain wrestlers and the old weekly PPV’s that made TNA that is today.

I’ve talked about this awhile back hard to say actually when but TNA really need to step up their game to try to bring in more money before spending it all on other business ideas or wrestlers. We’ve all seen, heard, and studied up on how business start to fail and things start to go down and possible bankrupt. I know there are tons of Indy promotions had to close doors and also two major promotions about ten years ago WCW and ECW. The famous two promotions that everyone always talks about! Unfortunately TNA could be heading down that path but they have tons of fans that are trying to support them though.

As a TNA fan and wrestling fan I believe that could be making a lot of money on their talents and old PPV that no one has seen in years. They have put some matches here and there in certain wrestlers DVD’s and Compilation DVD’s. There is more for TNA to do and I’m not sure how much it cost to actually put film data onto a DVD and then sell it. Maybe I am naïve and don’t think it’s that big of deal or it is and they just too darn lazy to do it.

With all the talents that had since 2002 and the present time that have came through the company. You would think TNA would be putting just about anything and everything to sell. They have YouTube page to show certain things for free or some kind of a small monthly fee. Would you rather have something on a DVD instead of always have to be on the computer to watch something time to time? That’s just me of course.! They go all out for clothing and little miscellaneous here and there but DVD’s last longer then clothing though. What wrestling fan doesn’t mind going back to the beginning and watching where TNA has come and gone? Just reading and looking at some old pictures doesn’t give that same feeling as of watching it though.

What else can TNA do to make their merchandising better then what it is already?!

I would like at least another video game from TNA but better of course.! I can’t believe that it’s only been roughly three since their first game. Let’s face it depending on what console you had it was better for some and others not so much. Considering this is their first game and all but seeing and knowing that theirs been others you would think they could have come with something better then what they got. I believe the PS2 version was so limited unless you had a code or something it’s not that fun to play. Only one sided storyline with the character Suicide which call and unique but gets old quick for gamers. How long will it be until TNA try to make another one?! This is another way to go and you might as well use it while you can. You got a TV Deal, PPV Deal, “sponsors”, merchandises deals, and probably little other stuff. What if Paul Heyman had all this great deal for ECW back in the day and had money too. Would ECW gone out of business when it did? Who knows but TNA is lucky with some of their deals and not using it to the fullest. Maybe TNA is just WCW and sooner or later it will fail deeply and be closed down. All I am saying is that TNA needs to create NEW things to get more fans interesting in their company or they will slowly lose it all sooner then later.!

Onto the last topic in the thread, that is the new Immortal DVD?

Do you guys think it is too soon for this stable to have a DVD out, yet? Have they really done enough for TNA to put in on the DVD? Why didn’t they do one for the Mafia or back onto what I talked about earlier the weekly PPV’s back in the day onto a DVD? I think it’s a good stable but come on its too early for a DVD and the stable is still going. At least when the WWE did the whole new DX angle; they waited until it was done before they did new DVD or book about the group. I’m surprised that WCW didn’t do more for the nWo DVD’s with all the different fractions and matches they had. I think TNA dropped the ball unless they released another DVD after this stable finally comes to an end.

I heck I wouldn’t mind seeing a another stable DVD with Disciple of the New Church or S.E.X. or Three Live Kru or L.A.X. or even another America’s Most Wanted DVD’s.

I believe tons of other single wrestlers, tag teams, and other stables that should be out on DVD before this stable.

What do you all think about the Immortal DVD?
Has anyone seen it?
It worth the money or just wait until it gets cheap?

Please give thoughts and opinions if you can, thanks.!

Ooc: Sorry if there was a post about this somewhere else.
Do you have any numbers or anything from a credible source that show the merchandise sales are not where they should be or anything or is this just one long rant? I'm a bit confused on the point.

As for Immortal. Companies always do a DVD before a breakup or change, their way of keeping history with it's major players. This just tells me that Immortal will be breaking up soon.
Umm TNA merchandise is doing very well from what has been said in Interviewers by Jarrett, RVD, etc.

TNA cannot produce another console video game until they end their agreement with the defunct Midway Games which means TNA has to realize handhelds and iPhone games until the contract is officially finished.

If you want to blame anyone for the lack of TNA Video Games. Blame THQ, since they didn't pick up the license. But we know why.....Don't we?

TNA cannot create a DVD on their talent when they don't own rights to none of their footage which mostly lives within WCW/WWE.

TNA will be selling a new Jeff Hardy DVD soon. There will be a Destination X DVD soon both should sell off the shelves and website.
The weekly PPVs are on their VOD website. They also put out that DVD collection a few months ago. Imsure if those are making money they would think about putting out a more complete set of DVD for those PPVs. But you have to wonder why no one has ever done that. WWE doesn't put out Raw seasons sets. I don't think they would sell well. Having to follow the DVD story lines plus the TV story lines would be asking much. Who has that much free time? Plus if someone really wants them that bad there are a few sites were you can buy them bootleg style.
If they can make money from these I would bet they will be coming out in the future, if they feel it would lose money from lack of sales don't plan on it. I would guess they have a pretty good idea how these would sell from the already released compilations/their vod site. If these would sale enough to make it worth their while, I say do it. @ hunterxhunter, WWE HAS put out raw DVDs, at least for seasons 1 & 2, 10th and 15th anniversary, and best of 2010 that I know of for sure.
If they can make money from these I would bet they will be coming out in the future, if they feel it would lose money from lack of sales don't plan on it. I would guess they have a pretty good idea how these would sell from the already released compilations/their vod site. If these would sale enough to make it worth their while, I say do it. @ hunterxhunter, WWE HAS put out raw DVDs, at least for seasons 1 & 2, 10th and 15th anniversary, and best of 2010 that I know of for sure.

Yeah but from my understanding they are just matches. I was talking season set as in full episodes of Raw.
IMO they should capitalise on someone say CM Punk being world champ at the moment and make someyhing like CM Punk: the Begining. Or there more less known wrestlers who Performed there like Mr. Perfect and Mike Awesome something like TNA Legends lol. Mr. Perfect is so Unknown performing in TNA that Its Barely written about in wikipedia although he was on Contract when he passed.
I wouldn't say TNA is doing bad in Merchandise and DVD Sales. There DVDs are actually pretty good Especially with the Interviews. I got the Best of Jeff Hardy: Enigma and its really good! I think the problem is that I barely hear about They have great DVD material but just don't use it
Yeah but from my understanding they are just matches. I was talking season set as in full episodes of Raw.

You serious? Each raw without commercials is like an hour and a half. And for 3 discs you'd only get like 6 episodes of Raw. A whole season set with 56 weeks of Raw is ridiculous, and if they were ever to put out one it would be probably be like $400.

But the "best of Raw" set they did before was great and I wish they'd continue it. They'd be stupid to not keep doing it and do the attitude era raws.

On the Topic:

I don't really blame TNA for the DVD thing. They only have 9 years of footage. Of course WWE would beat them in that category since they have over 50 years of footage from the biggest companies ever in the U.S.

TNA has already done "best ofs" for pretty much everything.

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