TNA Management .. 1.1 and done!


Dark Match Winner
Front Office

Owner (the money) .. Dixie Carter: Maybe a smart business woman but doesn't know enough (being kind) about the wrestling business.

Booker .. Jeff Jarrett: Understands the wrestling business from a wrestlers point of view but has not been a part of a front office in the former big three of WWE, WCW, ECW. Is still learning how the game works but as the main man in charge he's seemed to have hit a brick wall better known as 1.1.

Booker .. Dutch Mandell: Understands the wrestling business from a wrestlers point of view but like Jeff has not been a part in one of the former top three. Only limited knowledge of running wrestling promotion.

Writer/Booker .. Vince Russo: Considered a big phony by certain people that have insider information from WWE and WCW. Believed to have exaggerated how much input he had in the WWF Attitude era. Dropped the ball when it was handed to him in WCW so they were forced to bring back Eric Bischoff.


TNA's current management have pulled out every trick in their bag and have yet to climb out of the 1.1 hole that they have been trapped in for about 2 years.

1. They have brought in Sting, Christian Cage, Rhino, Kurt Angle, and Booker T.

2. They have switched back and forth from a WWE comic book style to a WCW more serious style to even a ECW "almost" hardcore type of style with new gimmick matches.

3. They have created a more serious womens division and even featured them.

4. They have used veteran wrestlers to help bring out TNA originals like Robert Roode, AJ Styles, Petey Williams, Kaz, and Samoa Joe.

5. They have brought in sports celebrities to try to get more exposure.

One can NOT say that TNA management have NOT tried different ways to push TNA higher up the wrestling tree. Indeed they have tried.

BUT ...

NOTHING HAS WORKED! They are still stuck at a 1.1 in a country where millions of people LOVE pro wrestling.

So what does this mean?

In my honest/non bias opinion I believe that it is time for Dixie Carter to look to bring in someone from the big three.


My short list would be:

1. WWE .. Shane McMahon: Of course it's not going to happen unless there is a major fall out in the McMahon family.

2. WCW .. Eric Bischoff: Like him or not Bischoff knows how to run a wrestling promotion. He's one of the smartest minds in the business and he's also friends/business partners with Hulk Hogan. If Bischoff comes Hogan will be with him. That's almost a 1.5 rating already. The beauty in this is Hogan knows he's not much of a wrestler anymore so TNA would not have to worry "much" about him trying to be the main star.

3. ECW .. Paul Heyman: Listed number 3 on my list but he's the most likely and possibly the best choice. Many inside the wrestling business consider Paul Heyman the best booker and most brilliant mind in the business behind Vince McMahon. Heyman's ECW did not reach WCW or WWE type ratings but it was a success in its own way. If you think the Paul Heyman that ran ECW was good imagine how good he would be now after he has been inside of WWE for years watching how Vince McMahon runs his business. If that's not enough for you look at the guys that he probably can bring with him to TNA ..

Rob Van Dam
Bobby Lashley
Brock Lesnar

All of those guys love Paul E and him going to TNA would make them think really hard about following him there.


With all that TNA has tried in the past the only answer to "how do they climb higher" is .. UPGRADE THEIR FRONT OFFICE!

TNA needs more than just guys with a bunch of short range ideas they need someone with experience and a vision to lead them to the promise land of 1.5 and higher.

The only question left is .. "WILL THEY DO IT?" Will they (Dixie Carter) make a change??
I doubt it. Paul Heyman is happy where he is at the moment.

Eric Bischoff might, but it would take a lot, a lot of money.

Shane McMahon, haha, you are stupid.

I doubt they would bring in anyone experienced just for the fact that they want to do it on their own. And they won't get anywhere near 1.5 ratings, because they won't be big enough. WWE will take them down sooner or later.
I doubt it. Paul Heyman is happy where he is at the moment.

Eric Bischoff might, but it would take a lot, a lot of money.

Shane McMahon, haha, you are stupid.

I doubt they would bring in anyone experienced just for the fact that they want to do it on their own. And they won't get anywhere near 1.5 ratings, because they won't be big enough. WWE will take them down sooner or later.

What makes you think Paul Heyman is happy with what he's doing right now? Paul Heyman loves pro wrestling and if he had the opportunity to return to the sport under his own conditions there's no question that he would. If Paul Heyman was finished with pro wrestling he wouldn't waste his time commenting on the state of ECW or TNA for that matter.

Yes, it would take a lot of money to lure Eric Bishoff. Along with that he would have to be at the top of the food chain right under Dixie Carter. Why not?

Don't giggle and call me stupid without paying attention to what I wrote. I said that it would NOT happen unless there was a MAJOR fallout in the McMahon Family. Do you think that such a fall out can't happen?

Think again.

Hypothetical: Vince McMahon and Linda McMahon are no longer around. Unfortunate passing or whatever. That leaves the company to who? Should be Shane McMahon in a major role but it won't be him in charge. Instead it will be Stephanie McMahon at the top and her husband. If you think that there is not a chance of a power struggle in that scenario you're the one that is "stupid." (your words back to you)

Shane McMahon can either stick around and fight for his birth right as the new owner of WWE or take his money/knowledge of the sport with him and use it else where. Else where could be TNA.

Yes, this is a stretch but anything is possible in the wacky world of wrestling.


Out of curiosity.. why was this thread moved from the TNA section to here? How is this considered "live discussion and spam?"

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