TNA Makes Some Good Heels


Getting Noticed By Management
I know the majority of fans tend to rip on TNA for anything, and everything (not real wrestling fans by the way). Sure TNA has done some boneheaded things in the past, but one thing I've noticed they've excelled at is creating good heels.

Bully Ray - Who would have thought this guy could go from tag team guy to a World Title holder, and one of the best heels during 2012-213. Losing some of the weight helped his look too.

Bad Influence - Perhaps a modern day Edge and Christian as far as characters go. Always entertained by their segments.

Mat Morgan - His best work, and days was when he was a heel. Had the look, and charisma to go with it.

EC3 - The crown jewel so far. This guy is gold on everything. I can see a World Title reign starting this summer.

Other great notables - Bobby Rhoode, James Storm, and even Jeff Hardy before the drugs took complete control.
You forgot to mention, possibly the greatest heel in TNA history IMO, AUSTIN ARIES. When he held the X division title a couple of years ago, he had a tremendous run as a top heel. He had great matches whenever he wrestled, entertaining mic work, and luckily TNA were smart enough to showcase him almost every week. He did such awesome work, the fans respected it and eventually started cheering for him. That's a testament to the under-appreciated work of AUSTIN ARIES.

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