TNA Made Velvet Sky's Title Reign Pointless!


Pre-Show Stalwart
OK TNA put all of this time and effort in building up Velvet Sky to become the Knockout Champion for close to six months. Her main storyline was being in the company for four years and never winning the Knockout title. She finally achieved this goal at TNA's biggest PPV Bound For Glory.

Then the followng Impact her speech gets interupted and is attacked by the returning Gail Kim and she is removed from TV for 2 weeks. Then when she returns in a tag match she gets pinned by Gail. Then goes into Turning Point and loses the Knockout title in her 1st title defense to Gail. Also she gets no rematch for the title. So what was the point of making Velvet champion in the 1st place if they weren't going to let her do anything as champion? They couldn't let her go into 2012 as the champion?

I'm really bothered by the fact that they killed her push so quickly for Gail Kim a woman left them btw and then left the WWE after being there for 3 years in a very unprofessional manner at that. Yet Gail gets rewarded with all of the titles in Knockout division after being there for only 4 weeks. While Velvet who stayed loyal to them loses her push and title just to make Gail happy.:suspic:

In closing TNA has bascially made Velvet Sky's whole push and title reign pointless and a joke. What are your thoughts?
I agree. They fucked it up by wanting to ride on Gail Kim's miniscule rebelious departure from the 'E. Maybe it was even a reward. Either way - Sky shouldn't be humbled by this.

But I can't say I give a fuck if either of them are champions or not.
TNA saw a good way to stick it to WWE. They put the strap on the girl who walked out on WWE just like TNA did with Christian when he went to TNA. Look whats happened to both of them since going back to WWE. Gail Kim just had enough and left and got a golden ticket to championship reign at the expense of Velvet Sky.
It wasn't pointless. She was just a victim of creative change.

Vince Russo wrote and booked her road to Bound For Glory. He mapped out the direction of her winning the belt.

Bruce Prichard took over the night after BFG. His direction is much different to what Russo was doing therefore, the original KO in Gail Kim takes over the division while AJ and Bobby Roode main event. It's simply the fact Velvet is not a good wrestler and isn't good enough to be a singles wrestler.

You all need to get over this Ex-WWE bullshit. TNA is pushing wrestlers first, not decent/passable wrestlers.

In Prichard's mind, Gail Kim, Mickie should headline the Knockouts Division as wrestlers with Velvet and Angelina being the centerpiece of the Tag Team Division and the spokesmodel for the company.

It has nothing to do with where who came from first. The concept of the angle is pretty simple and I'm pretty sure they could easily write in a Velvet rematch soon enough.

It might seem messed up the way Velvet lost the title but I'm the only one who expected it because once a new creative writer and booker comes into play, anything you worked on before can easily get erased.
My thoughts are Velvet sucks! They had a creative change and he wanted a talented wrestler holding the knockout title not some untalented diva!
It was pointless? Was the fact that she finally won it nonexistent or something? We got our fell-good moment from her finally doing it. Moving on. She's eye candy in the ring. Making her champion would serve no real purpose in the long run. It would be like if WWE decided to slap the Women's title on Torrie Wilson at some late point. Feel good, move on. As if she would've been a good champion anyway.
i couldnt agree more with the original poster velvet sky got screwed over big time they built her up sooo much and then take the title off her in her FIRST defense? :banghead: so stupid gail kim JUST FUCKING GOT THERE and they give her 2 titles already? the tag titles is 1 thing because lets face it who takes the knockouts tag team titles seriously? :shrug: but the knockouts title tht quick is bs and whats even worse is velvet doesnt get a rematch and now mickie is #1 contender AGAIN? really TNA why cant we have more then 1 ppv without mickie james? (im not joking sense mickie james arrived in tna the last ppv was the ONLY one she wasnt on at all! :disappointed:) i mean dont get me wrong mickie and gail are both very talented women but velvet works her fake tits off in tht divison and she gets screwed out of the title & being #1 contender tht quick? it just doesnt make sense when velvet was eliminated from the match i was hoping madison was gonna beat mickie and face gail sense thts bound to happen soon enough
While I'm sad to see Velvet's title reign amount to nothing much, I can see how the division is much better off in Gail Kim's hands.

Unfortunately, Velvet is a mediocre wrestler and only got over with the fanbase through shaking her ass during her enterance.
It was pointless? Was the fact that she finally won it nonexistent or something? We got our fell-good moment from her finally doing it. Moving on. She's eye candy in the ring. Making her champion would serve no real purpose in the long run. It would be like if WWE decided to slap the Women's title on Torrie Wilson at some late point. Feel good, move on. As if she would've been a good champion anyway.

Agreed, I did expect to see her hold the title a little longer than she ended up doing but hey, she's now a former Knockouts Champion so please explain how that is pointless. She got her win and the championship she's been dreaming about forever, Gail Kim came back and is a much hotter ticket and has a great story going with Karen Jarrett boosting her so I have no problem with the way Velet lost her title. She had her time in the spotlight, she gave us something pretty to look at in the ring but Gail came in and took it, that's how it works sometimes. I'm sure Velvet will be back and win it again, lots of people like her and she is improving so we'll see her wearing that title soon enough. For now the Knockouts title has a great feud in the making with Gail vs Mickie, I'm gonna focus on how awesome that's gonna be.
velvet shouldve held it longer but...gail kim is a good talent. she should be pushed. i personally like the karen angle gail kim, madison reign segments now...its unique and it now makes everything karen say actually make sense, gail is very good in the ring, she is naturally athletic not many other knock outs or divas have this combination.

i would actually wait and see gail kim defend the title as the main event for impact...thats how credible i think she is. Im not sure about the rest of you but i usually never liked divas matches or knock out matches because they seem too rehearsed and planned, they seem so careful that it just doesnt translate well...though we know wrestling is fake we still like to watch with a little bit of naiveness that maybe most of it real up to the finish.
I think it's a real shame what TNA did to Velvet. smh.

Gail Kim. I'm not a fan.
I also think it's a real shame what TNA has done with Gail Kim. she comes back and before she even wrestles a match she is HANDED a title shot at the next PPV, and then she wins the title. not only that, but is also given the tag team title belt. holy shit someone in TNA has a hard on for Gail Kim. I don't think this is just about wrestling, I think this is about a name coming over from WWE.
I'm not saying TNA should not have pushed Gail Kim, but no way she should have won this much this soon.

personally I don't think wrestling really is that important when talking about the Knockouts. I bet there are more male general viewers watching on TV that would rather watch the Knockouts because they're hot, and who would rather watch Velvet than Gail Kim. when Velvet enters the ring by bending over the 2nd rope to get into the ring, that is money! and the number 1 thing that should matter.

I certainly don't think this is the end for Velvet. it shouldn't be long before she has another title shot and gets the belt back around her waist.
I also think something working in favour of Gail Kim right now is that she is heel along with Karen who is running the Knockouts. hope that comes to end soon, Karen is so annoying it's ridiculous. there should come a time real soon when Traci can take over and Karen is gone. then at that time a face like Velvet will be back as champion.
I think it's a real shame what TNA did to Velvet. smh.
Yeah. Give her a run with the title. What a shame.

Gail Kim. I'm not a fan.
She's a heel. You are not supposed to be a fan of her.
I also think it's a real shame what TNA has done with Gail Kim.
Re-hire her?

she comes back and before she even wrestles a match she is HANDED a title shot at the next PPV, and then she wins the title. not only that, but is also given the tag team title belt. holy shit someone in TNA has a hard on for Gail Kim. I don't think this is just about wrestling, I think this is about a name coming over from WWE.
Or it could be just picking up where they left off. I mean she was only the first and most influential Knockout they've had.
I'm not saying TNA should not have pushed Gail Kim, but no way she should have won this much this soon.
Gimme a logical reason she shouldn't have. Great track record with the company, first champion, great matches.

personally I don't think wrestling really is that important when talking about the Knockouts. I bet there are more male general viewers watching on TV that would rather watch the Knockouts because they're hot, and who would rather watch Velvet than Gail Kim. when Velvet enters the ring by bending over the 2nd rope to get into the ring, that is money! and the number 1 thing that should matter.
2008 says differently.

I certainly don't think this is the end for Velvet. it shouldn't be long before she has another title shot and gets the belt back around her waist.
I also think something working in favour of Gail Kim right now is that she is heel along with Karen who is running the Knockouts. hope that comes to end soon, Karen is so annoying it's ridiculous. there should come a time real soon when Traci can take over and Karen is gone. then at that time a face like Velvet will be back as champion.
And thus everything goes bland again in a total 180.
Yeah. Give her a run with the title. What a shame.
and yank it away at the very next PPV. how many title defenses did Velvet have? it would have been good to see Velvet have the title for longer than she did, but as I said I get it because TNA is going with the heels running things right now.
but not only does Velvet lose the title so soon, she loses relatively early in the gauntlet for the next title match. I guess Velvet is back to the middle of the pack. that's a shame.

She's a heel. You are not supposed to be a fan of her.
it's not a heel dislike, I'd rather not see her on TV period. I don't find Gail Kim all that appealing.
personally the only reason I want to watch the Knockouts is to see hot women go in the ring. Velvet is #1 on that list, and should be on TV on a regular basis.

I think it's shame she was given so much after JUST returning. she didn't earn anything after returning. what she did in the past is irrelevant to me. how long was she gone completely from TNA? it's been years. shouldn't be able to return and just pick up right from the same spot she left. she should have to start over again from the bottom and earn it.

I don't think what any of the Knockouts did YEARS in the past should matter in 2012.
Okay, first of all, I'm NOT a hater of KO's or their division. This being said, creative in Impact needs a boot in the ass. It's not just the KO's title; every PPV, a title changes hands. What happened to someone holding the belt for a year?...or even 6 months???

Yes, the push with Velvet was trashed and buried with no rhyme or reason. In her push, she beat: ODB AND Jackie 2 on 1, Winter and Angelina Love 2 on 1; hell she beat almost everyone. Then, not 1 title defense, not even on TV for 2 weeks, and "losing" the belt (with no rematch) on the first defense!?! I think she PO'd someone behind the scenes. This whole thing stinks. People like to root for an underdog; she was that. After 4 years finally winning the belt, it would've been nice for the fans to see her actually defend it successfully for a while before the crash.

As much as I agree that Gail Kim has talent; giving her the title this soon makes it look as though Impact is an inferior product; she couldn't even get past mid-card status on she's a title holder? Not only one title, but 2!! They really need to think of the product more than just sticking it to the competition. That's how WCW crashed and burned.
Sad truth is a lot of initial title reigns are pretty much forgettable. TNA and WWE both seem to want to make someone champ but don't want to make their run epic - they just want to be able to say they were champ. Velvet fell into that trap. Think of James Storm - is anyone going to remember his first title run? How about Alberto Del Rio? For some stupid reason, the companies seem to think that having someone win the title, lost it right away and then chase after it again to win it a second time makes that second run seem more more important. Would rather they have a good, healthy first title run then to hear " a two-time champ".
While I prefer Velvet Sky, I guess I'm okay with Gail Kim being Knockouts Champion. They're in a hurry to get Karen Jarrett's little faction into a position of power, and they're bulldozing everyone else, which sucks. But perhaps that's what they're going for. They are going out of their way to establish Gail Kim as the favored member of a heel faction. Maybe they want to piss off the audience and emphasize just how unfair it is. After all, ruining someone else's feel-good moments is what a heel is supposed to do. On top of that, accumulating that much in one shot when others had to work much harder is even more unfair, and more heelish.

It feels like what they did with James Storm to establish the heel Bobby Roode. He finally gets his storybook championship win, and then it's quickly snatched away from him, which automatically garnered significant heat for Bobby Roode.

I'm willing to see where they go from here. Right now it's falling a bit flat for me just because Gail Kim isn't fully reestablished with the TNA audience and doesn't have much of her own character yet. If Velvet Sky and the rest of the Knockouts don't eventually get a satisfactory payoff, then I would be very disappointed with Sky's short reign. But I'll hold back judgment until I see where they're going.
I think the general gripe is that Velvet was quickly put on the back burner after losing the title. Yeah I'm inclined to agree that she is the most over KO in the division, while not exactly great at in-ring prowess. Gail is clearly the better wrestler of the two, but like mentioned before there was really no build up around this. It could've been an on-going feud between Velvet and Karen Jarrett, which was kinda how this escalated to begin with. Its possible that TNA was trying to stick it to WWE in giving Gail both the KO and tag belts, which is really pointless. I doubt that that will be the last time that Velvet will get her hands on the KO belt. Yes, from a storyline stance the reign was pointless, but creative gave all the Velvet fans what they wanted at BFG. There is a possibility that TNA could be sending her to OVW for more training, although it could be unlikely. But I say look for Velvet to get back in the picture in the near future, as I'm sure there are some issues with her and KJ to be hashed out.
Velvet's title reign was not pointless. It's not like she was the first person this ever happened to. I think the reign was more or less a reward for the hard work she has put in towards the Knockout division. I myself would have preferred for the reign to last longer and Gail Kim was probably the last person I wanted to see end it. She can always win the title back, you know. If she does I hope that reign lasts longer than this one did because she deserved better. There were a lot of options for feuds they could have done with Velvet's reign and those will probably still be available if she wins the title again.
Saying it was pointless may have been the wrong choose of words but it is very disappointing that her reign was ended so quickly. There were alot of things Velvet could have done as champion. For example she could have finished this storyline with Winter and Angelina. She could have faced Winter at Turning Point and at least had one successful title defense before moving on to a feud with Gail Kim which was just rushed with no build up. They had a great chance to give Velvet some credibility as champion with a win over Gail Kim at Turning Point and they just completely dropped the ball imo.

Mickie James vs Gail Kim at Final Resolution doesn't excite me. Because Mickie has already been champion twice already. Mickie has been either wrestling for the Knockout title or defending it for most of the year. That's why it was so refreshing to see someone like Velvet who's never been champion before in that spot.

As for Gail Kim I'm aware that she was the first ever Knockout champion and I'm not saying she's not talented but I do think she is overrated. As I said before Gail is the one who left them for the WWE and was gone for three years. Why should she be rewarded with another reign after being back a month? I don't think Gail deserved to win the title as I feel it was just handed to her. But if they had to make Gail champion again couldn't they wait until their Genesis PPV to do it? That way Velvet would have got at least 3 months as champion before losing it and their feud would have had more build up.
Pointless was a careless choice in words. Disappointing would have been better, though personally I'm glad it's off her, because she's a poor worker in a model's body.

To say it was disappointing when pointing to the amount of time it took her to win it, etc. would have been a true statement few would argue with you about, but pointless? No. It had a point — it got a Knockout her first reign in company history. It just wasn't a very memorable one.
Aside from the fact that it generated something of a "feel good" moment, Velvet Sky's run as TNA Knockouts Champion served no real purpose in my opinion.

I'm not at all surprised that it went down this way. TNA pushing aside the homegrown talent and using said talent to put over the former WWE guy, or girl in this case, isn't anything new. The only real difference in Gail Kim's case is that she didn't really become a bigger star in WWE. She did get more exposure in WWE just because of WWE's larger audience and that's about it.

At the same time though, I can't really get too worked up about it. As long as Velvet Sky comes out wearing her outfits, humps the bottom rope and behaves in a generally ****ty manner she'll ultimately be a much bigger star than Gail Kim with or without the title.
Pointless was a careless choice in words. Disappointing would have been better, though personally I'm glad it's off her, because she's a poor worker in a model's body.

Ok IDR, do you think that Velvet would benefit over in OVW to hone her skills a little more? I know that this should be in another post, but I'm curious if TNA might be trying to redevelop her to improve her technique so to speak. She's better than she has been since she started. But there needs to be a world of improvement.
Ok IDR, do you think that Velvet would benefit over in OVW to hone her skills a little more? I know that this should be in another post, but I'm curious if TNA might be trying to redevelop her to improve her technique so to speak. She's better than she has been since she started. But there needs to be a world of improvement.

Possibly, but you're talking about a 7-year veteran who is still nearly just as bad now as she was on day one, so there could be something to be said of her actual ability to get better. Not everyone has the talent to be an adequate worker/pro-wrestler no matter how badly they look the part or want to look it.

Rob Terry, for example, is another guy I just don't see being able to really "hone" his technique at all so as not to be so awkward and green in the ring. He has the look, but he just doesn't have the natural talent to make himself better.

There's an age old saying that applies perfectly here: you can't teach talent.

Would Velvet benefit from a demotion? Maybe, but would it actually ever really benefit TNA? Probably not.
As mentioned by others, "pointless" is the wrong word to use here. Because if you are a Velvet Sky fan (like myself) then you definately enjoyed seeing her win the Knockouts Title at the biggest show of the year. I thought that was a great moment and most likely was the point in having Velvet win the Title. I wasn't expecting an epic run with the belt from Velvet, would've liked it to have been longer than it was, it was all about her just finally winning it.

I look at Velvet's Title run as just being a big thank you from TNA to her. She's worked really hard and has built up more fans than any other Knockout, but let's face it she's not your typical Knockouts Champion, so TNA let her have that recognition of being a Champion. Although I don't doubt that Velvet Sky will have a better run as Knockouts Champion some time in the future.
As mentioned by others, "pointless" is the wrong word to use here. Because if you are a Velvet Sky fan (like myself) then you definately enjoyed seeing her win the Knockouts Title at the biggest show of the year. I thought that was a great moment and most likely was the point in having Velvet win the Title. I wasn't expecting an epic run with the belt from Velvet, would've liked it to have been longer than it was, it was all about her just finally winning it.

I look at Velvet's Title run as just being a big thank you from TNA to her. She's worked really hard and has built up more fans than any other Knockout, but let's face it she's not your typical Knockouts Champion, so TNA let her have that recognition of being a Champion. Although I don't doubt that Velvet Sky will have a better run as Knockouts Champion some time in the future.

In my reply I admited that pointless was the wrong word to use.

I am fan of Velvet's going back from days as Talia on the indy scene and I was legit happy to see her finally win the title at Bound For Glory. It just annoys me that she had all of that build up and focus just to lose it that fast and to the person she lost it to without doing anything. They could have at least let her go into the new year as champion and then maybe drop it at Genesis like I said.

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