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TNA Lockdown


Occasional Pre-Show
Tonight on Impact, Teney officially announced that Destination X, the next PPV, will be an all X-Division PPV, which is great for 2 reasons. The first one being the obvious, the X-Division is freaking awesome and deserves the PPV especially since they have been losing some TV time since Hogan took over. And the second reason and the reason for this post....

This means for the first time in along ass time in professional wrestling's history, :worship:storylines will have a 2 month buildup. That has been one aspect of the industry that has been seriously lacking over the years thanks to a PPV every month. Sure there are some exceptions to this line of thinking, one of the last really good storyline in my book was HHH vs Orton when Orton was head punting the whole McMahon family. TNA fans dont jump down my throat cuz I chose a WWE feud! That one just stands out cuz it lasted for a couple of months over the course of a couple of PPVs and I can't remember in recent history when TNA last did. Maybe during the MEM days with Sting vs Angle and Angle vs Jarret but still those weren't great.

Anyways back to my point. With all the different storylines that TNA has going on at once, I feel that having this 2 month buildup is a great idea especially now that they are switching to Mondays. To recap here is what we have going on right now.

Power Struggle Hogan wants to run TNA the right way. Bischoff is running a muck. Both Foley and Jarrett are at the bottom looking up. The "Band" keeps crashing the party. And Flair has control of the world champion, AJ Styles.

It has been my believe that all of this will conclude at Lockdown. Annually, "Lethal Lockdown", WarGames-type clone, has been apart of the PPV. This year though I think they will expand even more. Instead of 2 teams, possibly 3 or 4 although I hope they do it elimination style instead of one fall.

Pope is the #1 contender With his win at Against All Odds, the Pope will get his a shot at AJ, who he has already beat once. I was never a big fan of the Pope, even during his WWE days but he impressed me tonight during his program with AJ and Flair. Hogan is pushing the Pope hard and now he has two months to build on that momentum since I highly doubt he will get his title shot on Impact. If there was ever a time for the Pope to step up and grab the spot light, now is the time.

So what do you all think? Am I right about the War Games thing? Is the two month buildup idea a good one? If so, should both TNA and WWE cut back on PPVs. All opinions are welcome as long as they are relevant to the point of this post.
I'm not sure about the whole War-games clone thing working out since at this point we don't really know where most of these stories are headed. To be honest with you, most of these stories seem to be better suited to end in a grunge cage match then anything else, at least to me any way. Hogan may get a team together and have them go up against Eric's "guys" so that might be a good route to go. The Band seems to be mixed up with Nash and young at the moment but you never know. Angle is feuding with Anderson. And A.J. is taking on the Pope in a match which I hope will be our first 5 star match (besides A.J. v. Angle on Jan 4th) of the year.

Do I think it's a good idea, absolutely it is, the serious lack of good cohesive stories has been missing from TNA (and the WWE) and the two month build to help expand these stories is a great decision in my book. There are far to many PPVs these days to make them all matter and it hurts the product in my opinion.

On a side note: I have to agree with you about the building of the McMahon Orton feud from last year was very well done but the ending left much to be desired since those two had a match that could have been done at a regular PPV as opposed to Wrestlemania . Not to mention the squashing of any possible SCSA type tweener turn for Orton was killed by creative wanting to make HHH the Uber face. But thats again, just my opinion.
On a side note: I have to agree with you about the building of the McMahon Orton feud from last year was very well done but the ending left much to be desired since those two had a match that could have been done at a regular PPV as opposed to Wrestlemania . Not to mention the squashing of any possible SCSA type tweener turn for Orton was killed by creative wanting to make HHH the Uber face. But thats again, just my opinion.

I agree with you about the match, I wasn't happy about that either. I just liked the build up. Vince getting punted, Orton terrorizing Steph whille HHH was handcuffed, Shane wrestling(sorry big Shano-Mac mark), HHH getting punted, and the whole home invasion(although NO WHERE close to the being as good as Pillman-Austin).

As for the tweener turn, I don't know if that would have worked out like Austin's did. On one hand it makes sense cuz HHH is the "Cerebal Assassin" and it would of been great for that character to come out completely. And yeah it was the McMahons, who are easy to hate. The problem is with Orton. He's at his best when he is a full on heel. When he was a face after Evolution, he was dull. The psychotic bastard role suits him to a T, with or without Legacy.
This means for the first time in along ass time in professional wrestling's history, :worship:storylines will have a 2 month buildup. That has been one aspect of the industry that has been seriously lacking over the years thanks to a PPV every month. Sure there are some exceptions to this line of thinking, one of the last really good storyline in my book was HHH vs Orton when Orton was head punting the whole McMahon family.

I absolutely agree with you about there's not many long story lines around in wrestling but i must disagree with your example because the whole triple h vs orton thing didn't start till the raw after no way out and the McMahon family was basically in and out of the rivalry. A better example and my FAVORITE rivalry in a long while was HBK vs Y2J because look at how it went, HBK faced Batista in a strecher match with Y2J as ref then Y2J faced Shawn at Judgement Day, then The Bash where shawn injured his eye, then Jericho knocked out his wife before they faced at Unforgiven in a street fight where shawn finally got the w then at no mercy they had a epic ladder match. Thats a great storyline and it took up almost 9 months.

But to TNA I reckon TNA may have a storyline like Joe Vs Angle in 07, something like Pope, Joe and Angle vs AJ, Wolfe and Anderson will main event Destination X then Pope will face AJ in a six sides of steel at Lockdown because flair will interfere in matches before hand and lose. But will get a rematch at the next PPV and lose clean to AJ and end the rivalry.
I absolutely agree with you about there's not many long story lines around in wrestling but i must disagree with your example because the whole triple h vs orton thing didn't start till the raw after no way out and the McMahon family was basically in and out of the rivalry. A better example and my FAVORITE rivalry in a long while was HBK vs Y2J because look at how it went, HBK faced Batista in a strecher match with Y2J as ref then Y2J faced Shawn at Judgement Day, then The Bash where shawn injured his eye, then Jericho knocked out his wife before they faced at Unforgiven in a street fight where shawn finally got the w then at no mercy they had a epic ladder match. Thats a great storyline and it took up almost 9 months.

HBK vs Y2J was indeed a great storyline, in fact I loved it when Y2J shoved him in the tv and bust his eye, kind of felt that was karma for HBK shoving Jannetty into the Barbershop window all those years ago. I should have used that as my example.

Another reason that feud was good was how easily of a transition it was for HBK to be feuding with Batista then with Y2J cuz it all started with Flair's retirement.

Thanks for making that point.

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