TNA Lethal Lockdown - Kevin Nash v. Eric Young

The Winner????

  • Nash

  • Canadian Midget

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Plump, Juicy User
At Destination X, Kevin Nash (not so) shockingly turned on his close buddy Eric Young to rejoin the Band, leaving the Canadian midget all by his lonesome. We didn't really see EY for a few weeks, but last night on Impact he came out of nowhere to make the save with a hockey stick (cause he's Canadian, get it?) and challenged Kevin Nash, who really needed some condition, to a match at Lockdown. Or simply announced it, something like that.

Now this is a long way for EY to have come, after wrestling Danny Bonaduce last year. Still, is Nash going to lose to Eric Young? Hell no, and he shouldn't. Match will be shitty and predictable, but at least we didn't have to sit through a bunch of EY promos in the weeks leading up to it.
Dude, whats your problem with EY. I mean he can get over with a crowd, he could turn heel any time he wants to and make the crowd what his head on a stick. This match does have some personal feelings to it too. Look at the history between Nash and Young over the course since Jan 4th. Young thought him and Nash were buddies like Shawn and him and was going to join the band only to get stab in the back. Also he can give some solid promos and when it comes to in ring work i will admit he is decent at best but he is a hard worker. What really shocks me is that your are overlooking the most important thing in wrestler that everybody should know and that is expect the unexpected. Just because you think EY might get his ass handed to him doesn't mean its gonna happen like that.
Dude, whats your problem with EY.

He's terrible.

I mean he can get over with a crowd,

He was over when he was partnering with Nash. Now, not so much. Why should the crowd care about him? Really no reason now. He was much better off as Super Eric.

he could turn heel any time he wants to and make the crowd what his head on a stick.

What evidence do you have of this? The World Elite? That worked for about two weeks before people realized it was shit.

This match does have some personal feelings to it too.

When you have a match on one of the biggest PPVs of the year, you generally want more than "some feelings." Probably want more of a well played out feud, or something like that.

Look at the history between Nash and Young over the course since Jan 4th.

Yep, they've built up a shitload between them over the course of 3 months. Probably the biggest feud in wrestling history, methinks.

Young thought him and Nash were buddies like Shawn and him and was going to join the band only to get stab in the back.

Did you just compare Eric Young to Shawn Michaels?

Also he can give some solid promos

Except for he has the raspiest voice in the history of mankind.

and when it comes to in ring work i will admit he is decent at best but he is a hard worker.

Glad to know he's a hard worker. Guess it doesn't matter if he, you know, sucks. As long as he's working hard and having fun, that's all that matters.

What really shocks me is that your are overlooking the most important thing in wrestler that everybody should know and that is expect the unexpected.

Pretty sure mic work, ring work, body, star power, gimmick, ring name, and not being shit are all more important that "expecting the unexpected." Are you in an 80s movie or something?

Just because you think EY might get his ass handed to him doesn't mean its gonna happen like that.

I sure as hell hope it does. EY is pointless, only there because of JJ, and just plain sucks. No way he should be winning a match on a major PPV against Kevin Nash, just not going to happen.
Okay EY is not terrible in the ring. He can give some solid matches okay i don't know why you think he is terrible in fact i truly doubt that you could name 5 of his worst matches. Dude he was over with the crowd awhile before he met big kev you look at some of the stuff he did before World Elite he was over with the crowd. You say what evidence i have that he can be a heel look at some of the stuff he did when he was in Team Canada. nuff said about weather EY can be a heel or not and even after World Elite was around for 2 weeks he kept getting booed out the freakin building. Also i didn't compare Shawn to Eric, yes Eric reminds me of Shawn and Austin mixed together because he can go to the top rope like HBK but he can also brawl with anybody. If you would care to look in the past you would see that a lot of hard working wrestlers that put on decent matches eventally became World Champions like Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, Yokozonna, Bruno Sammartino just to name a few.If your in the wrestling bussiness you better have fun and like it otherwise if you in it for the money and the girls then your in the wrong bussiness. If you need an example of that just look at the Warrior. I say that as a fan your overlooking something about wrestling is that you need to expect the unexpect and that is comming from the immortal hulk hogan. I know when your a wrestler you need to be in shape but you don't need star power to be in the bussiness and a ring name doesn't matter much it what really describes you. He is not there because of JJ, yes i will be the first to admit that JJ gave him a shot in TNA but EY got to the spot he is at all on his own and i do believe that someday he will get the world title but that is in the future. Honestly by how you responsed to just only proves your lack of intelligence
TNA seems to keep trying to push Eric Young. This is it. He MUST win here. Losing a steel cage match to a guy who can do next to nothing in the ring anymore would damage what little credibility he has left. I doubt the match will be anything special but at least there's an angle behind it, making it not be a pointless filler unlike some other matches on the card.... I think that Young will get the win because this is a good opportunity for TNA to get more momentum for someone they keep attempting to push. If Young loses then I'm convinced he will never get any further in TNA.

Eric Young will defeat Kevin Nash.
This is one of the few matches with a decent build I think. Nash and Young have had an on again off again Bromance going on for months now. After last month and the most predictable turn of all time, Young would want a piece of Nash with him all alone in the cage. The match however should be ok at best. Young simply isn't that good. He's ok, but he's just not especially good. However he keeps getting pushed for some reason. I can live with it though. However, if he loses here, TNA has fucked up royally. It should be a good litmus test for the company to see who they're going to push. We'll find out.
Should be stupid. Nash is huge, Young isn't. they are in a cage. Hello.

Undoubtabley there will be intereference from TEH BAND, so, probably get a no contest, or a Nash win. You all forget, they JUST got these dudes all the way back together, so, they will have to "build them back up" (that will be the excuse used). Don't expect many wins for opponets of TEH BAND for quite some time.
This match actually has a story too it which is a good thing I guess. Young should be out for blood after his boyfriend turned on him in one of the most shocking turns of alll time to rejoin The Band or Whatever they are being called now a days. Not a bad story I guess.

This will probably be a shit match with no one really caring who comes out as the winner. I hope Nash wins and buried Young as he is shit and never want to hear another promo from him unless he stops using that voice that makes him sound like a rapist. Hopefully Young gets jacknifed all the way to the under card.
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