TNA Lacking Main Event Heels?


JC CooL 420
With Anderson turning face and Abyss' heel turn seemingly never coming, TNA seems to be lacking any Main Event calibur heels...

All they Have is Wolfe and Sting... AJ is pretty much out of the Main Event picture for now and Wolfe is stuck in a shitty fued with Abyss... Sting shouldn't be Main Eventing anymore...

Unless the elevate people like Morgan and Wolfe, someone needs to turn Heel...

Maybe Somoa Joe... He is a hard face/tweener anyway... I just don't want to see another Nation of Violence storyline... That was crap... And as a badass, it's hard to get Joe any kind of heat...

Maybe the Pope will return as a heel and be mad at the fans for accepting Anderson after he sidelined the Pope...?

Angle is really over and it would be kind of dumb to turn him heel...

Any thoughts???
I remember reading something about Abyss having a monster heel turn a while ago, and man am I dreading the day that happens. Abyss has been very uninteresting for quite some time now, and his character has been ruined beyond belief, but when he does turn, he will most likely be a main event heel.

I'm also sure a lot of people would love to see Wolfe elevated to main event status, but I just don't see that happening any time soon. Wolfe has been a punching bag for Abyss for months, and TNA doesn't seem to anxious to put him in the world title picture.

AJ might be in the middle of a face turn, because he's not world champion anymore, and you just know there's going to come a time where he's going to want to stand up to Ric Flair. Also, he lost to Lethal at Slammiversary, so it seems he'll be in the mid card for the time being.

I think either Morgan or Pope would be a good choice. A Pope heel turn would make sense because as you said, the fans have accepted Anderson, and he is the one who kayfabe put the Pope on the shelf. Morgan also can be a good heel. He's pretty entertaining on the mic, and he always comes off as the cocky young punk who you just love to hate.

Sting might be old, but his character still has plenty of mystique left. Sting can still cut one hell of a promo, and he's really the only guy in TNA right now who can be considered a true main event heel.

Samoa Joe probably could be used as a main event heel, but I think everything would just be a repeat of his Nation Of Violence storyline a while back. Joe was kidnapped AGAIN a few months back, and he's been going on a rampage on almost every Impact by beating the shit out of random people. So with the way Joe's character is now, I really don't think anything would be different from the Nation Of Violence storyline.

Angle is doing a great job as a face right now. There really is no reason to turn him heel.
I totally agree with you. I dont know why everybody is so high on Abyss in TNA. He can not be the top face of TNA. TNA is lacking main event heels. I think on next PPV we are going to see RVD/Sting/JJ in triple threat match. Again poor random booking by TNA. TNA should have let Anderson going as a heel untill he becomes a champion.
Yeah, I've been bitching pretty hard about this for the last 24 hours or so and I doubt I'll let up. Let's take a look at the top ten rankings as of last night:

#1 Sting: Lost, unlikely he'll get a rematch after the Jarrett interference.
#2: A.J. Styles: Just lost to someone not even ranked. That's got to cost him at least one rank.
#3 Hardy: Face
#4 Anderson: Face
#5 Abyss: Face
#6 The Pope: Non-existent
#7 Wolfe: Losing record for the month, no way to remain in the slot
#8 Terry: Face
#9 Joe: Tweener
#10 Angle: Face.

Yep, no credible heels in that batch. I'd sooner believe Doug Williams has a better shot then anyone on this list of getting a good heel push. A good uppercard heel push that is. My point is, that at this point in time, no heel has the momentum to be considered as a legitimate contender for the title.
They have em, but they aren't being used. If pushed properly any of these guys could fill that void for a bit.

Joe - Tweener
RVD - Isn't he a natural tweener anyhow?
Raven -MIA
Wolfe - backburner
Anderson - tweener
Morgan - tag division feud
Jordan - still feuding over global title

Jeff Hardy - He hangs with assholes now, perhaps Anderson starts rubbing off on him. It'd be a nice change.
Wolfe and Morgan could really big the main event heels for TNA. I thought it was pretty foolish to turn Anderson heel so soon, but the fans were going to cheer him no matter what he did. AJ Styles will probably cut his losses, take time off, and come back as a face. Hardy is too weird to pull off a heel role and he has lots of teeny bopper fans. Samoa Joe flips between heel and face almost as much as Eric Young. The crowd loves Joe so there is no reason to turn him.

I guess they could turn the Pope, but I think he is still injured and will be on the shelf for a while. I hate to say it but Abyss is really the only person I can think of that can turn heel at this point and be in the main event. I don't want to see him in the main event, but Morgan is feuding with Hernandez and Wolfe is doomed to midcard status. Magnus and Williams are in midcard X Division. Kaz is a joke and Angle is one of the most beloved members on the roster.

TNA needs to stop pleasing the sheep in the Impact zone, and actually get some heel wrestlers or push deserving talent to the main event. I.E. Morgan and Wolfe.

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