TNA just did something pretty cool

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit

TNA website said:

TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday’s "TNA Victory Road" fell short of that standard. Your support of TNA is never taken for granted. To show you how we value that support, we would like to offer six months of free access to the library.

To receive your free offer, please send us a copy of your Victory Road pay-per-view purchase receipt to :

TNA OnDemand Offer
209 10th Avenue South, #302
Nashville, TN 37203.

Please be sure and submit your name, address, and email address, as we will be emailing a special code that will unlock over 300 hours of great TNA Wrestling action.

So this is pretty cool. They're not making excuses. They know they fucked up, and they're offering some compensation. Rather commendable.
I'm assuming this is for people that purchased the show but it doesn't say that anywhere.

Edit: never mind.
I certainly hope so. Now for the next step: dealing with Jeff Hardy. I'm sorry but a two week vacation isn't enough for me.
He needs serious help, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a month or so stint in rehab, and then be trotted right back onto television.
He needs serious help, that's for sure. I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a month or so stint in rehab, and then be trotted right back onto television.

Yep, only to screw up something again in a few months. Didn't they almost have to change the PPV main even already once because of him?
Jeff Hardy should be fired and never come back. I'm sorry. I believe in second chances and all of that jazz, however, Hardy has had chance after chance after chance.

He should just ride into the sunset and hopefully he may be remembered with some fond memories. If he comes back, he'll just screw up some more.
Could still be a work and they just want to promote TNA on demand stuff and appease people for the questionable taste in main event booking. This does take it from small chance to extremely small chance though. I think it is important to remember we still do not know much about "how high" on what etc. relating to Jeff Hardy's condition. Thus, how much help he really needs to get back to a dependable enough state is pretty ambiguous.
Could still be a work and they just want to promote TNA on demand stuff and appease people for the questionable taste in main event booking. This does take it from small chance to extremely small chance though. I think it is important to remember we still do not know much about "how high" on what etc. relating to Jeff Hardy's condition. Thus, how much help he really needs to get back to a dependable enough state is pretty ambiguous.


YOU think this could be a work? YOU?

Did I walk into the Twilight Zone and not notice the sudden change to black-and-white?
Hulk says he won't give up on Hardy. OK. But at least keep him on a leash before shows.
Yeah, this is alright. But if this company was serious, they'd fire the jackass that caused the problem. Or at the very least send him to rehab if it is indeed drug related.
Could still be a work

You're right. Anything is possible. So I'm only 99.974% sure this is not a work. If this is indeed a work, wow. TNA just sunk to an all-time low. At least the Fingerpoke of Doom disaster was free.

and they just want to promote TNA on demand stuff

If they are in fact giving away all of this free content just to further a shit angle.. actually, I wouldn't be shocked at all.

and appease people for the questionable taste in main event booking. This does take it from small chance to extremely small chance though.

If by questionable, you mean complete garbage, I'm with ya.

I think it is important to remember we still do not know much about "how high" on what etc. relating to Jeff Hardy's condition.

I have two eyes, and he's not that solid an actor.

If this is a work, or a worked shoot, whatever the fuck Vince Russo is calling it now'days, it's fucked. This is the worst angle any major wrestling promotion has ever run, if this is indeed a work of some sort.
This is great goodwill for TNA. I can't imagine someone giving away 6 months of free TNA on Demand to thousands of customers would be done if the situation was a work, which it isn't. The next step is to apologize to the fans for Hardy's actions and to apologize to the workers in the back.
Take a step back and look at the big picture.

TNA still has hope for Jeff Hardy, and when he's with the company, he's a consistent main eventer and always in the title picture, if not the title holder.

On the other hand, AJ Styles hasn't been anywhere near the Main Event picture since he lost the belt to RVD in a 7 minute match on a random episode of iMPACT almost a year ago.

TNA firing Jeff Hardy would be a nice first step, but it wouldn't solve any of their other (and there are a lot of them) problems.

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