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TNA: Jeff Jarrett

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Mr. Kennedy

WWE (Jim Ross) has stated that they believe Jeff Jarrett although had potential would always be an level B star. Now that Jarrett is in TNA he is the top heel in that organization, however the fact that he owns the company I would imagine does help. However, overall, thinking about promos, and in ring skill do you think Jarrett has been able to prove himself as a main-eventer or do you think the WWE was right in stating he would always be a level B wrestler?
Jarrett was and always will be a mid-carder... His old man had to BUY a business so "JJ" could be something more. He's not. He sucks and he is going run his business into the ground if he is not careful.
Yeah, and Triple H got all his title runs because he's so great in the ring and not because he married into the McMahon family right? Give me a break! Jarret may not be the best wrestler out there but he is a main event guy, just like Christian is a main event guy who couldn't get a chance to show it because WWE felt like shoving that no-talent shit-heel John Cena down our throats. Jarret is a top heel who, like it or not, gets a great reaction from the crowd and can hold his own at the top with anyone. I'm glad he and Christian both got the opportunity to show that they are more than mid-level guys because WWE sure wasn't going to use them to their full potential.
I agree with mystyk but you all have to remember...Jarrett led WCW for almost 2 years as the World Champion and beleive me, WCW wasnt easy to lead. He was main eventing PPVs, Nitros, and Thunders. I love Jarrett and am glad to see him as a heel cuz he is one of the best if not THE BEST heel wrestling has ever seen.......he just gets a little boring and repetitive thats all........
www.suckmyarse said:
Jarrett was and always will be a mid-carder... His old man had to BUY a business so "JJ" could be something more. He's not. He sucks and he is going run his business into the ground if he is not careful.

Umm.... no. Jeff Jarrett had the WCW world title two times, so that's not true. I'm not saying that, that makes him a mid-carder, since even David Arquette was WCW world champion at one time and WCW was trash, but I am saying that he didn't have to have his dad buy a business just so he could be something more.
mystyk said:
Yeah, and Triple H got all his title runs because he's so great in the ring and not because he married into the McMahon family right? Give me a break! Jarret may not be the best wrestler out there but he is a main event guy, just like Christian is a main event guy who couldn't get a chance to show it because WWE felt like shoving that no-talent shit-heel John Cena down our throats. Jarret is a top heel who, like it or not, gets a great reaction from the crowd and can hold his own at the top with anyone. I'm glad he and Christian both got the opportunity to show that they are more than mid-level guys because WWE sure wasn't going to use them to their full potential.

I agree that Jarrett is a main-eventer simply from the reaction he gets from the crowd and that his in-ring skills are just enough to be a main-eventeer, but while I agree that Triple H has been getting a lot of title runs simply because he married into the McMahon family, I do have to say that Triple H still would have gotten some (not as many, but some) title runs even if he hadn't done that. Triple H is one of the best wrestler of all time. As for John Cena, I do agree that Christian should have got his shot first, but that does not change the fact that John Cena is a great wrestler. He is awesome in the ring. Just because his character sucks does not mean that he is a bad wrestler.
TNAWCW said:
I agree with mystyk but you all have to remember...Jarrett led WCW for almost 2 years as the World Champion and beleive me, WCW wasnt easy to lead. He was main eventing PPVs, Nitros, and Thunders. I love Jarrett and am glad to see him as a heel cuz he is one of the best if not THE BEST heel wrestling has ever seen.......he just gets a little boring and repetitive thats all........

Best heel? I wouldn't go that far, but he is a good heel. Ric Flair is the best heel of all time. Triple H was one of the best when he was still heel up until he fought the unlikable John Cena. Edge is a better heel than Jarrett. There's more too. I just don't want to sit here thinking about them all.
xchosenonex said:
while I agree that Triple H has been getting a lot of title runs simply because he married into the McMahon family, I do have to say that Triple H still would have gotten some (not as many, but some) title runs even if he hadn't done that. Triple H is one of the best wrestler of all time.

I'm with ya' xchosenonex. I wasn't trying to say HHH ONLY got title runs because of that, he still would have been a multiple time champion regardless. My point was that while JJ having ownership in TNA probably does make it more likely for him to have more title runs, he still can be a main event guy without that, just as he was in WCW. He doesn't need a leg up form family on the inside anymore than HHH.
TNAWCW said:
I agree with mystyk but you all have to remember...Jarrett led WCW for almost 2 years as the World Champion and beleive me, WCW wasnt easy to lead. He was main eventing PPVs, Nitros, and Thunders. I love Jarrett and am glad to see him as a heel cuz he is one of the best if not THE BEST heel wrestling has ever seen.......he just gets a little boring and repetitive thats all........

The only reason Jeff Jarrett ever became the WCW Champion was because of his friendship with Vince Russo. That's why he let his contract run out with the WWF.

There would be no TNA with out Jarrett. He carried the company for the first couple of year when it was PPV only. Now that its moving up in spotlight he is playing the best role for him. Transitional Champion.

He is the guy to take the belt from Christain Cage to Sting...then He'll take it from Sting to Joe. He is a solid wrestler with good mike skills. His mike skills are one of the better ones from TNA right now. In 20 years time he'll be remembered as a legend in TNA and wrestling.
I completely agree with hahahah. Jeff Jarrett's mic skills are suberb & I already believe that he is a wrestling legend. He has had classic matches VS. Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Booker T, & others. Becoming WCW World Heavyweight Champion was an ultimate goal for him & he not only did that, but he also became 1 of the best heels in pro wrestling. Jeff Jarrett is a true pro.
Jarrett is a great heel...and above average in the ring...I think that gives him a solid main event standing in any company.
Jarrett sucks. Part of the heel heat he gets is nothing to do with his promos or ringwork. It's that people are bored of seeing him constantly being booked on top. That's cheap heat. And they have plenty of guys that could take his spot, so regardless of his great matches, he's fucking boring and isn't gonna help them much. Name value doesn't mean shit when even the fans who seen him in WWE/WCW seen him as a scrub, and now he's World Champion for TNA. Fuck, even as the corny country singer "Double J", he was at least entertaining to watch.
I certainly do not think that Jeff Jarrett sucks. His match VS. Jay Lethal on iMPACT last week was excellent, plus he does not slack off in his matches or take them lightly. He gives his best effort in every match that he has & it shows.
I hate these types of threads. Jarrett does play a good heel..And yes he can wrestle so shut up damn...Leave him alone...
no hes not hes like the rest of the jokes in tna they suck and they should not even be on tv every since spike got tna spike has went down hill they dont show any thing worth waching
I’ve been followed Jeff Jarrett since early in his career, and he is by no means a bad wrestlers. He might have slowed down a bit due to age, but he has always been a quality wrestler. He may not be able to do the same high flying bullshit as those X-Division guys, but he is an above average mat wrestler. Jarrett is also one of the best heels in TNA in my opinion. I just can’t stand people saying that Jarrett got to where he’s at because of politics, when the business is ALL about politics. If you think wrestling politics are bad today, try going back to the old NWA in the 60’s, 70’s, or even the 80’s. In those territorial days wrestling was a lot like the mafia where different promoters had their say in who they want as champions, and if you were somehow blacklisted by those promoters, you have zero chance of winning any championship no matter how talented you are or how popular you are with the fans. Nowadays the promoters simply give in to what the fans want (for the most part), but in the old days it wasn’t the case. It was a political structure.
Remember that point when he came out as champ and the whole crowd chanted "Boooooor-ing! Booooor-ing!" That pretty much said it all. I'm not disputing his wrestling ability. I just think he's really not that entertaining. At least Triple H had an entertaining character. Jarrett's shit is whitebread as hell. Like I said, the only time he was semi-interesting was the country gimmick, and even then, that wasn't main event stuff.

He's a pretty good heel, and I'm not denying that. I'm just not saying that there are too many other guys on the roster I'd rather see take the spot he has. Yes, he may have helped initially, but NOW, they're trying to grow. He's no Ric Flair. And a lot of WWE fans just see him as a scrub.
Remember when Jeff Jarret was European champion? Intercontinental champion? Yup, he was a heel then too. Even as the 'Chosen One' in WCW, he's always been a heel, so yeah he's good at it. Has he ever held a meaningful title he didn't buy? Well, how much did you like the European championship? Here's my point, I have not seen, in TNA or WWE, half of the botched spots that occur in a Jeff Jarrett match. Remember him Vs. Kevin Nash? Ouch. How about him Vs. Rhino? Also painful. Jeff has mic skills, but not much else. mic skills are most valuable for managers, which he would be phenomenal at. Or, when they can't afford Cornette any more, just slide Jeffy in there, his mic skills can still be used as a big Asset to the company, but please, please keep him out of the ring.
i believe that jeff jarrett is only a top mid carder....just like matt hardy...cause if matt hardy decided to go to tna and not the wwe....matt hardy would be NWA champion
carolinadude said:
Remember that point when he came out as champ and the whole crowd chanted "Boooooor-ing! Booooor-ing!" That pretty much said it all. I'm not disputing his wrestling ability. I just think he's really not that entertaining. At least Triple H had an entertaining character. Jarrett's shit is whitebread as hell. Like I said, the only time he was semi-interesting was the country gimmick, and even then, that wasn't main event stuff.

He's a pretty good heel, and I'm not denying that. I'm just not saying that there are too many other guys on the roster I'd rather see take the spot he has. Yes, he may have helped initially, but NOW, they're trying to grow. He's no Ric Flair. And a lot of WWE fans just see him as a scrub.
But look at who else is there at TNA. Other than Samoa Joe and Sting, there aren’t many guys that I’d call main event material at TNA. Christian Cage, like Jarrett, was a career mid-carder before arriving at TNA to become World champion. AJ Styles, as talented as he is, is even duller personality-wise than Jarrett. Christopher Daniels is capable of becoming a main eventer at TNA, but his size will keep him from doing so elsewhere. Jarrett might not be good enough to be a World champion in WWE, but he is good enough to be one based on TNA's standards.
I think a lot of the point here is that many wrestling fans are tired of Jarrett. He may have talent, but much like Triple H he can be fatal in large doses. Do what WWE did, give him 3 months off and bring him back in an interesting feud with an up-and-comer- like Jay Lethal. Have him help groom talent in a company he's minority owner of. Wouldn't that make sense?
See, the problem with today’s fans is that they are too impatient. What’s TNA to do, give everybody their 15 minutes of fame now, and two or three years down the line, everybody and their grandmothers would’ve held the NWA Title five or six times apiece. It’s better for Jarrett to remain TNA’s long-term champion, then having him pass the torch to the next long-term champion, so that TNA doesn’t run out of steam so that everyone on the roster is a former champion. When you push everybody too soon at the same time, eventually they’ll run out of people to push. Patience is a virtue. TNA needs to push their young talents slowly so they'll have somebody left to push in the future.
peopleschamp said:
See, the problem with today’s fans is that they are too impatient. What’s TNA to do, give everybody their 15 minutes of fame now, and two or three years down the line, everybody and their grandmothers would’ve held the NWA Title five or six times apiece. It’s better for Jarrett to remain TNA’s long-term champion, then having him pass the torch to the next long-term champion, so that TNA doesn’t run out of steam so that everyone on the roster is a former champion. When you push everybody too soon at the same time, eventually they’ll run out of people to push. Patience is a virtue. TNA needs to push their young talents slowly so they'll have somebody left to push in the future.

Good Point however, Fans are getting tired of Jarrett as World Champion, so how much longer can they wait? now I'm gonna admit, I would rather see any other TNA wrestler as NWA Champion besides Jeff Jarrett however, I am also a patient individual, so hopefully by the next couple of months we will have a new NWA Champion, I am hoping either Sting, Christian Cage, Rhyno or Samoa Joe will become the new NWA World Champion.
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