TNA is the Company You (Smarks) Want


Mid-Card Championship Winner
-Young, dominant champion
-Spotlight on guys like AJ, Aries, Roode, Storm
-Newcomers like Joey Ryan getting a chance to shine
-Regular title defences (TV title)
-Great storylines such as Parks-Ray and the AJ/Dixie saga
-Interesting, big name GM (You beg enough for HBK or Edge or JBL as Raw GM, well then you can't complain about this)
-The past doesn't get forgotten, as evidenced recently by Angle-Joe, RVD-Gunner, etc.
-Major stars supplement the newer ones
-Great wrestling, such as last night's main event, most of last week's qualifying matches, or the bulk of the last PPV
-If such things matter to you, there's occasionally blood and vulgarity

Yes, it's not on the road. Yes, Brooke will be in a minor management position like Karen Jarrett was for a while. Yes, two hours isn't enough time to properly accommodate the stacked roster. But TNA does a damn good job.

Tune in live next week. Support the best wrestling product on television. WWE books in cruise control every week while only really turning it up lately on PPV. TNA gives you a product worth investing in every single time. Don't ignore them. Don't take WWE's mediocrity lightly.

Yes TNA is the better company for many reasons :

They call themselves a wrestling company.

They call their fans "TNA fans" and "Wrestling fans" not a part of some universe like "WWE Universe" (sounds so corny).

TNA is all around better wrestling company.
I agree, but not quite for those reasons Mr. ProWrestlingFan.

I think Coco's were a tad better. I mean Greet White Sam, who is Coco?
Yep, TNA is a better watch for me than WWE. While there could still be improvements, TNA has the all around better product. I have no complaints.
It's not the company I want. I prefer my wrestling to be entertaining, thank you very much.

Yes TNA is the better company for many reasons :

They call themselves a wrestling company.

They call their fans "TNA fans" and "Wrestling fans" not a part of some universe like "WWE Universe" (sounds so corny).

TNA is all around better wrestling company.

I am laughing at you. Quite heartily.
Then why do they hide it away on Sunday night, Coco? Then why do they hide it away on Sunday night?

Edit: As someone who openly admits to have enjoyed Sting as GM, I feel I should have the right to complain about anything that's not Sting.
Sting returned last night. He'll resume his rivalry against Roode in the first match of TNA's first live show of the summer. Be there!
That's only on our side of the pond, young Samuel. Plus the delay between US 'live' and UK replay is the same as RAW. Plus, Challenge will definitely show it at the advertised time, rather than letting the live tennis or cricket move it on an hour or so (bloody Sky Sports :banghead:).
Sting returned last night. He'll resume his rivalry against Roode in the first match of TNA's first live show of the summer. Be there!

Well now you've gone and got my panties all wet.

That's only on our side of the pond, young Samuel. Plus the delay between US 'live' and UK replay is the same as RAW.

I get Raw at one o'clock (or is it two?) on a Tuesday morning. If that's not live, I don't know what I stay up for. The truth of it is I don't stay up - I fast forward through most of it the following day.

Plus, Challenge will definitely show it at the advertised time, rather than letting the live tennis or cricket move it on an hour or so (bloody Sky Sports :banghead:).

This is true, and would be less irksome if Sky Sports didn't have four fucking channels to spread stuff out over. I guess that's how far WWE has slipped down the totem pole.
Since Lockdown, TNA has been the better wrestling product. Pre-Lockdown, you're delusional to think they were even touching WWE, but for whatever reason they seem to have got to grips with what people want to see and are happy to see; I'm still against anything Garret Bischoff related, not just because he's Eric's son, but because I think he is shit, but asides from him I've very few complaints about TNA than WWE.

Plus, if you don't like Bully Ray you're an idiot.
Honestly, I think TNA's been better at weekly television than WWE for a long time now. WWE can still reach greater peaks in quality on PPV, but I find TNA more consistent. And the marginalization of the Bischoffs is definitely another step in the right direction.
I've just watched the opening segment of iMPACT, and honestly, it just feels more modern than than the WWE at this point. They're trying some new things and it's making things interesting. Gotta commend that. WWE sticks too rigidly too it's formula to maximise the enjoyment I get from watching it.

Plus, Hogan said Holy Shizz. You know he's down with the kids.
Some people don't like the backstage segments because they're so used to the way WWE does things. But that dramatic music last night coupled with guys selling themselves felt very much in the vein of many successful reality shows. Same with the Gut Check panel stuff. In that sense, I already like what Open Fight Night has given us. Their normal backstage segments where everything looks candid and voyeur are also much more modern and real than what WWE serves up. Kudos to them.
Plus, if you don't like Bully Ray you're an idiot.

Truer Words have never been spoken..

but wait he's a heel... he's not supposed to be liked! :rolleyes:

I actually liked the opening of last nights Impact they seem to be gaining momentum again.

Also I think Austin Aries is next in line for a major push, they are setting up the future quiet nicely..
I checked out Impact online, and it was miles better than Raw has been the last few weeks. Lots of good wrestling, and I am actually digging Hogan as General Manager.

I'll definitely be watching or DVRing next week's live Impact. Thanks for convincing me, guys.
I stopped watching TNA because there are better things to watch Thursday nights. I don't watch Smackdown for the most part either unless I torrent it.

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