TNA in UK.

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I wish the VERY latest TNA was on in the Uk. I have to wait a week for impact/ppvs. I can't wait for TNA's big announcement but I have to wait a whole week.

Anyone here from the UK agree with me?
Yeah man, I totally know where your coming from. I dont even know when its on because its strange times. It would be ace though if it showed up to date ones.
TNA is kind of Gay

U are kind of gayer. If that is all you have to contribute, stay the fuck out of these forums. I cant believe these people, what is wrong with you???

It is to late to watch

Only coz mommy and daddy send you to bed at 8.
What? We do get the latest TNA. Remember, we used to be 3 months behind, now we are only 7 days. Weigh the problem.
I'll find out on the net and then if it intrests me I only have to wait a week to watch it, it's no big problem. On the subject of T.N.A. in the U.K. is anyone else hoping for an overseas tour?
It is inevitable that they will. But TNA needs to establish an audience in the UK first.
You know atilla fuck you I go to bed when ever the fuck i want
[ WALKER ] said:
It is inevitable that they will. But TNA needs to establish an audience in the UK first.
They are trying its just TWC (the wrestling channel) isn't exactly promoting them very well are they where as Sky Sports use all their channels (i.e. Sky One) to promote WWE PPV's. On the subject of TNA in the UK it is better then what is was because they were months behind. Also if you liked the classic TNA (not on TWC) it is on a channel called player. They should really (tna) have Channel 4 buy the rights to their shows like WWE did before and then maybe there could be compition in the UK between the companies.
Also WWE Is 20 times better then TNA
I'm not a mod but you need to stop doing this in the TNA forum if you want to post about how great wwe is go to the WWE forum otherwise dont spam your making the forum really bad by doing so.
On the subject of bastards ... anyone watched WWE lately? :)

Seriously though, why haven't you been banned yet?
I don't know I just joined yesterday and when I find someone on the same page as me like eternal dragon I'm just fine

TNA Is full of bastards because all TNA is made of is a bunch of people not good enough to make it in to the WWE
The only reason I'm on this forum is that i'm just waiting for a new WWE one
AJ Styles turned down a WWE contract. Monty Brown turned down a WWE contract. Abyss turned down a WWE contract. Christopher Daniels turned down a WWE contract. The list goes on.

And most self respecting independant wrestler would avoid WWE anyway. Why? Because WWE is full of money grabbing, talentless bastards. Backed by a writing team full of ******s. WWE has no concept of wrestling talent.
Bullshit just what to the WWE vs TNA war WWE will anihalate them just like they did WCW and all the people that turned down WWE contracts are ******ed just like everyone in TNA
Obviously, because WWE is the bigger company. They brianwash marks like yourself into sticking with them.
yea And tna brainwashes little queers like you into watching there low level 11P.M. one hour show each week on thursday
Also the only reason tna is still around is because of fired WWE superstars that have no where else to go
Atleast they are brainwashing us into watching a good product. Not a shitty slapdash one like WWE's.
A good product don't make me laugh they supposively have the most hated man in wrestling and that company is so shitty the only thing they did good was sponsiring JACKASS 2 a very good movie.
And the only thing good about WWE is ....


Nope sorry. Can't think of anything.
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