TNA IMPACT: Hardy Boys vs. The Wolves (spoiler)


Occasional Pre-Show
While the thread is about the entire Impact, I use the headline for the act that stole the show.

If you didn't catch the Hardy Boys reuniting to take the Wolves, catch it on youtube once TNA puts it up. It was one of the best tag team matches I've seen in probably the past year, and it lead off the show. What a huge start.

Meanwhile, the first X Division qualifier between Manik, Low-Ki, and DJ Z was excellent, while the other 2 were average at best. The X Division title will be decided in a 3 way match: Low-Ki vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sonata. I love the international appeal here, and think this could be a solid X Division match.

The Carter vs. Bully fued continued. While there wasn't any action, the angle has so much going for it.
- You have spoiled, unearned EC3 leading against long time veterans.
- Like them or not, ECW originals get pops wherever they go and up the ante for great promos and high power moves.
- And now with Snitsky and Eziekial.. you have TNA using the horrible WWECW angle against the ECW originals. A very nice addition.
- Oh, and the more spud, the better.

I'm looking forward to the 4 man weapons match. TNA gave out a spoiler for the next show, claiming Dixie Carter WILL go through a table. We shall see.

I always skip women's wrestling. Sorry if it's your thing.

Lashley vs. Aries was a solid 4 star match. Lots of classic power vs. quickness spots. The TNA championship is being sky-rocketed during this Lashley title run, and the people who are losing aren't being hurt at all due to Lashley's image. After taking out EY, Hardy, and now Aries, the question can now be asked, who can stop this man?

All in all a very solid TNA Impact. What did you guys think? What was your favorite part
I have favourite parts from all the matches:

Tag Match - The double submission spot had me jump out my seat & Jeff surprised me with the corkscrew springboard over the ropes, even though he missed, I've never seen him do that before. The wolves double team finisher on Matt was the absolute best!

X Division match 1 - The combat between Low Ki & Manik at the start of the match and when Manik had Zema Ion trapped while he hit a Northen Lights suplex on Low Ki, The Ki Krusher is a cool finishing move too!

X Division match 2 - Nothing interesting here except from a few spots, sunsetflip powerbomb will always get a pop from me when it flows well like Crazzy Steve did, Cage amazed me, a John Cena sized guy doing a springboard moonsault, even though he missed, I popped for it (Y2J chants no surprise, we're most familiar with him doing the move), Sanada's finisher is too damn impressive to me, love it!

X Division match 3 - Tigre Uno is so boring to me, he's been booked so wrong, not saying he could be WHC if booked correctly but he could've been booked to be taken more seriously. Joe is a beast in this match, Homicide had me jump up when he did the suicide dive through the top and middle ropes with a flip too, can't remember if he rolled through and landed on his feet after the move but it was sick regardless. The Muscle Buster, well... that move is just sick!!

**Can't wait for the 3-way to air between Low Ki, Sanada & Samoa Joe, this will be awesome to see!!**

The Main Event - Obviously there's a CLEAR difference in size and I like that Aries was booked believably in this match. Lashley is just a beast IMO, I don't know why he hasn't been a heel all this time, he's just so badass! I loved how he caught Aries when he went for the dropkick in the corner and hit the running powerslam on him. Aries also sold the missed suicide dive so well, his eyes where just wide open, staring up at the lights, dude literally looked like he was in a coma! Lashley spear is cool but I wish he didn't spin all his opponents with it.

**Side Note: I love how Lashley is being booked as a heel champ, going over all his title wins cleanly, it's kinda refreshing to me and he looks way more unstoppable without dirty finishes and tainted victories, keep it up TNA**

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