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TNA house show


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
I just learned that TNA is having a house show in a town about 45 mins. away from where I live the card is:

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Rob Van Dam vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles

TNA Global Championship Match
“The Freak” Rob Terry vs. Desmond Wolfe

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
The Band’s “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash & Eric Young vs. Generation Me

Also Appearing: “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett, Homicide, Kazarian, Brian Kendrick, and more!

I seriously considering going, just for the main event alone, I haven't watched TNA in over 6 months and really have no idea if the product is any good anymore, but I do like RVD and AJ Styles, and imagine seeing them wrestle live would be fun to watch. Basically I have two questions, 1- should I go?, and 2- is there anything I need to know about TNA that has changed in the last 6 months, I know they got rid of that ******ed 6 sided ring, and have introduced a ranking system, is there anything else I would need to know?

I prolly shoulda posted this in the wrestling spam section, if one of you wonderful mods would do my dumbass the favor of moving it there I would be forever greatful, sorry for putting it in the wrong section and thank you to whoever, if anyone, moves it to the proper section
Yeah you really should go. AJ is phenomenal in the ring, pun absolutely intended. I've seen him steal the show twice in the last two years and while RVD may not be his best opponent, they are bound to put on a great show.

Wolfe and Joe are great too. Wolfe in particular is so underrated and should be able to carry Terry. Terry, by the way, is an incredible specimen to see. And while the card may not be memorable, you are bound to see a great match and have something that you will remember.

The ranking system would be quite insignificant for a house show I would imagine. The loss of the six sides hasn't changed much and the TV product is improving after Lockdown, but until then it was suffering badly against Raw.
should I go?

I had a ton of fun at the one in Houston, just make sure you bring a camera.

is there anything else I would need to know?

I'll try my hand at giving you cliff notes.

Rob Van Dam
vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles

RVD is RVD still, Styles is a heel who people find "unbelievable" as a heel.

“The Freak” Rob Terry vs. Desmond Wolfe

No clue why this is on the card, the only interaction these two have had started two weeks ago while feuding with OTHER people. Expect lots of Wolfe rest holds and submissions and Terry selling.

Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love

I doubt you really care, so skip. But Madison Rayne has a great ass. Just thought I'd point that out forya ;)
The Band’s “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash & Eric Young vs. Generation Me

The Guns must be busy being underutilized somewhere else. No point to this match.

All that other stuff

Jarrett will just speak, Joe will have a match that will be great.
I would not go. The reason is, not because i dislike TNA but because I just read a TNA house show results with the same exact lineup. That is lazy booking by TNA, and I feel that the results would all be the same.
You should go. RVD vs AJ would be awesome to see live. Plus, TNA just puts on good house shows in general. Lots of fan interaction. They give away backstage passes, sign autographs, let fans get in the ring after the main event and take pictures with the wrestlers, ect. It's truly a great experience. I've been to countless WWE house shows, and in my opinion, the one TNA house show that i have been to, blew all the WWE house shows I've been to out of the water. You should go. You wont regret it.
Absolutely go! i have been to 2 TNA house shows and they were both amazing. They really care about their fans...the tna shows are so much more fun than the wwe house shows its not even comparable. Their is a ton of fan interaction and it is definitely worth the money..plus some of the matches will be amazing. You should definitely take advantage of the fact that tna is coming to your are and go see it live! its phenominal!!
Absofuckinlutely you should go. I went to victory road 08 here in houston and it was a blast. Also went to the house show here in houston at the verizon wireless theatre and man oh man did i enjoy. I envy you...you get to see nash and ey... Definitely take a cam and anything for them to sign, one thing though...at the table autograph sessions they'll only sign tna merch. After the show they'll hang around and sign autographs too....i missed rvd just barely, aj desmond and beer money as well. Other than that, I got all their autograpghs. madison played up her heel persoma towards me with a glare lol. oh and should take enough money to get a pic in the ring afterwards lol. I had fun during the beer money match considering i was buzzed lol
It really doesn't matter how long you have watched TNA or how good or bad TNA is now compared to months or years ago. I have been to 2 TNA house shows and they have always delivered. The wrestlers are really down to earth along with Don West. You can get a ton of free pictures and autographs too.

Now granted it is a regular house show so if you have went to house shows before you know that they are good shows but nothing compared to a taped event. Sometimes though, house shows are even better then televised shows. You have a great show to see. You actually get to see Joe, Nash and AJ Styles vs. RVD. You may even get more surprise appearances.

You won't regret going to TNA show because they make the fans apart of the show. JB puts backstage passes all around the arena so you can look for them. If you want to go backstage, you can go on JB's twitter and he usually posts a picture of a backstage pass on a tshirt or under a seat.

I got see and talk with Bischoff, Kurt Angle, and James Storm. Even if some of the matches aren't spectacular, you still have a great time at the event. For 20 bucks, its worth it. Especially to see RVD vs. AJ Styles.
For 20 bucks, its worth it. Especially to see RVD vs. AJ Styles.

Thanks for all the input, this part of your post brings me to my next question, I just looked to see what tickets are available and they still have ringside seats available (or what they call ringside), I went to a WWE house show years back and got ringside seats and ended up about 12 rows back, luckily they were aisle seats so I atleast got a good view of the wrestlers coming to the ring, but for the ME I couldn't see shit unless they were in the ring, this makes me nervous to ever buy "ringside seats again", should I just say fuck it and take my chances and drop about $55 on ringside, or go with either the $35 or $20 tickets instead?, it should be noted that if I get ringside I also get a meet and greet pass with it before the show
Thanks for all the input, this part of your post brings me to my next question, I just looked to see what tickets are available and they still have ringside seats available (or what they call ringside), I went to a WWE house show years back and got ringside seats and ended up about 12 rows back, luckily they were aisle seats so I atleast got a good view of the wrestlers coming to the ring, but for the ME I couldn't see shit unless they were in the ring, this makes me nervous to ever buy "ringside seats again", should I just say fuck it and take my chances and drop about $55 on ringside, or go with either the $35 or $20 tickets instead?, it should be noted that if I get ringside I also get a meet and greet pass with it before the show

go with ringside if you can bro, you'll love it. I got to sit on the second row dude
i went to a PPV for TNA. it was Destination X 2009. it was cool, and it had many "suprised" matches. Well then again, Jim Cornette was still there, so he made some changes and stipulations. It was pretty cool. They again, this was when Kong was facing Bolt for the KO title. I hope ya enjoy like i did. oh yeah, and tune in for impact, they are in a pretty tight situation and i hope that they turn it around soon. Enjoy
Agreed. I've been to 3 TNA shows and many WWE Souse shows. And TNA is the top 3 house shows I've ever been to. They seem to care about the fans more. To me the biggest thing they do is letting you get in a ring with a TNA star and get a photo (for 20 bucks but it's worth it) with a wrestler. I sat in the 2nd row for one of them and my buddy ended up getting beer thrown in his face by James Storm. That made the show right there! I don't know if anything has changed since the hogan era (except the ring) but I know I would with out a doubt go again when they came to town again
Agreed. I've been to 3 TNA shows and many WWE Souse shows. And TNA is the top 3 house shows I've ever been to. They seem to care about the fans more. To me the biggest thing they do is letting you get in a ring with a TNA star and get a photo (for 20 bucks but it's worth it) with a wrestler. I sat in the 2nd row for one of them and my buddy ended up getting beer thrown in his face by James Storm. That made the show right there! I don't know if anything has changed since the hogan era (except the ring) but I know I would with out a doubt go again when they came to town again

if that was your experience then house shows have definitely not changed
Just got back about half hour ago, and had an awesome time, best part might have been the little 5 year old kid sitting next to me marking out like crazy and talking shit to all the heels, LOL, other than that a lot a pretty good matches.

Night started out with Kendrick vs. Homicide, Homicide got a huge pop, alot of good back and forth action with Kendrick coming out with the win, after he put his knees to counter the frogsplash, and then a running knee lift to the face. After the match Homicide got another huge pop.

After that we got our first of 4 title matches on the night, the Global title match, Rob Terry vs. Desmond Wolfe, Wolfe comes out first taunts the crowd a bit, then Terry comes out, and holy shit, dude is a fucking beast, serious that was all I thought when I saw him, match started out with them having pose-off, then turned into a pretty one-sided match with Wolfe getting the living shit beat out of him, before taking advante of Terry's Taped up leg (I'm assuming he's hurt), Wolfe turns the tide a bit, but not for long, as Terry turns the match back into a power contest and finishes of Desmond for a successful defense. Next was Knock Out evening portion of the night, don't really remember much from this match, however I must say Angelina has a nice ass though

Jarrett came out next and cut a promo, trying to tell us that SD has the smartest wrestling fans in the country :rolleyes:, he then promoted Slammaversy, and thanked us for the last 8 years.

Then came the Tag title match, Generation Me came out to a mixed reaction, I couldn't tell if they were suppose to be heel or face, then out came Eric Young & Nash, Nash some reason that I will never be able to understand got a massive pop, as in the second biggest pop of the entire night, the match started looking like it was going to be a squash with Nash dominating both guys in Generation Me, until one of them dropped kicks him in the knee, he looked like he was injured yet again the rest of the match, both he and Young decide tio take their belts and go home, they walk to the back, then just before the ref completes his ten count Young comes flying out of the back sprinting to the ring jumping in the ring and then immediately back out, Nash takes about 45 mins to hobble his gimpy ass back to the ring, Young and the other guys put on a decent match after that, with Nash attacking one of them on the outside, eventually getting tagged in to deliver a big boot and pick up the win. Nash really really needs to just retire already, he looked awful.

Intermission was next where I got to listen to Don West sell sell and sell some more, guy looks like he's about to have a heart attack, LOL.

After intermission it was time for Joe vs. Kazarian, Kazarian comes out first and cuts a great heel promo, then Joe comes out, the two of them have a great match with Kazarian countering out of the musclebuster into a rollup with Joe countering out ot the pin into the Coquina Clutch, very good match.

finally we get to the whole reason I decided to go in the first place, RVD vs. AJ Styles, AJ came out to the biggest heel pop of the night, with Boo's and "AJ sucks" chants going non-stop until RVD came out to the biggest pop, then AJ grabbed the mic a cut a great promo saying Sting wasn't going to be beating RVD for the title at Slammaverary cause AJ was leaving with it tonight, then demanded respect and threated to leave, then left... until the ref informed JB that if AJ didn't return to the ring by the end of the ten count he would not only lose the match but he'd be suspended indefinitely as well, AJ barley made back to the ring in time, AJ and RVD had a pretty decent match with a lot of back and forth action.

All in all a good time, and I have to say I had foar more fun at this show than I did at the WWE house show I went to about 7-8 years ago, TNA seems to actually give a shit about the fans and really make you feel more like you apart of the show, I ddin't get that feeling the WWE house show I went to, next time TNA comes through this area I will definitely go again, well worth the money, I am very glad I went
I went to a TNA house. There I became a Terry fan. There I realized Angles a cunt. Beer Money told me to clean under my rolls and AJ styles told me to shut up. I loved it. Wooooo
Thanks for all the input, this part of your post brings me to my next question, I just looked to see what tickets are available and they still have ringside seats available (or what they call ringside), I went to a WWE house show years back and got ringside seats and ended up about 12 rows back, luckily they were aisle seats so I atleast got a good view of the wrestlers coming to the ring, but for the ME I couldn't see shit unless they were in the ring, this makes me nervous to ever buy "ringside seats again", should I just say fuck it and take my chances and drop about $55 on ringside, or go with either the $35 or $20 tickets instead?, it should be noted that if I get ringside I also get a meet and greet pass with it before the show

I guess you could pay the extra bucks and get a meet and greet. I only paid 18 dollars and got a meet and greet. I went to a small arena though so the upper arena tickets weren't really that high up. There wasn't many people there so we moved up to lower arena after intermission.

People have different preferences, but I prefer to be in lower arena seats that way I can see everything. Ringside is nice but its hard to see with people in front of you. Lower arena is cool cause you are still close to the ring and elevated enough to see the ring and entrance ramp.
I guess you could pay the extra bucks and get a meet and greet. I only paid 18 dollars and got a meet and greet. I went to a small arena though so the upper arena tickets weren't really that high up. There wasn't many people there so we moved up to lower arena after intermission.

People have different preferences, but I prefer to be in lower arena seats that way I can see everything. Ringside is nice but its hard to see with people in front of you. Lower arena is cool cause you are still close to the ring and elevated enough to see the ring and entrance ramp.

Well ringside seats got passes to a meet and greet before the show, I opted for the same $18 seats you did, and had a great veiw of all the action, I really see no point in buying ringside seats unless you are in the first row, cause you can't see shit with all the people in front of you, as far as the meet and greet is concerned, I wouldn't have made in time anyway, and at the end of the night all the wrestlers came out and signed and pose for pictures anyway, plus for $20 you could pose for a picture with RVD and hold his belt, which I thought was cool, sadly I didn't $20 due to the concession stand screwing up my change and me not noticing until the end of the night (basically I ended up paying $16 for nachos and pop)

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