TNA hall of fame


The Prototype
If TNA ended today and Vince bought it out as well and decided he were to open up a TNA wing in the hall of fame. Who do you think should be in the TNA hall of fame? This only referring to wrestlers and announcers.

Im picking 3:

1. Jeff Jarrett- This one is a given he deserves it for helping the company grow and even get started. And sadly this would be the only wing he would get in. So He should be number 1.

2. Aj styles- He is MR TNA! He is the biggest original and has been there since day one. He's been loyal and put the x-division on the map. His accomplishments are too many to list but he has contributed to the success more than anyone.

3. Mike Tenay- I know it's a little off the wall but the man deserves it! He's announced all over the world and is the announcing face of TNA. WWE should've tried to get him why they could. Some of the most memorable moments in the company's history have been called by him, it would be great to see him inducted. Also if you wanna go announcers you gotta put JB in as well, he's the michael cole of tna.

There's plenty more that's why I'm asking. Who do you think deserves it? You can give as many as you want, but make sure you put why.
I Agree Personally That Mike Tenay Should Be In The TnA Hall Of Fame. Sting I Would Also Count, When Some People Say Tna, They Really Cant Say Sting Along With It. But Sting Has Made An Impact So Far Into TnA. My Last Person Would Probably Be Jeff Jarret, He Was Probably The Main Key Into TnA.
I'll pick 3 too

Tenay - He's called every single match TNA has ever had. That needs to be applauded whether you like his style or not

Jarrett - The founding father of TNA should be inductee #1 no doubt about it.

Sting - I think this might be the only way he would get in since he's never wrestled for Vince. He's earned his spot several times over.

I would have mentioned Kurt Angle but I swear on my 1st born if he doesn't get nominated the Wrestlemania after he retires I'm going to start the biggest riot in stamford you ever saw. It's real.. it's damn real and true!
I'd say Tenay because like everyone else has stated, he's called every match in tna.

Jarrett because he's been a pioneer in the industry

AJ Styles, grant it he has a long time left in wrestling but if it happens i see him going into it.
Not sure it's time to start thinking about them having a HOF, but I'll take three here as well.

Jarrett - The easiest of the bunch here. Not worth explaining any more.

AJ Styles - He's been the longest lasting, most consistant star they've had since day one.

Kurt Angle - He's the first TNA World Heavyweight champion. Even though he's had some problems along the way, he's been great for the company.

The first round of inductees is too soon for an announcer. Let's not waste spots and put some solid wrestlers in their hall first.
The first 3 should be:

Jeff Jarrett-Founder of TNA. 'Nuff said.

AJ Styles-Has been there from the beginning until now. TNA's "company man".

Sting-TNA's Shawn Michaels. Still in his 50s and putting out matches for the good of wrestling's #2 company. Also a company man himself.
AJ Styles: He's done everything you can possibly do in TNA. He is well known by the fans as a top 20 wrestler in the world. He is still young and can place himself in the select group of one of the greatest this industry has ever seen if he continues at this pace. I'm pretty sure he's loyal to TNA so I don't think we'll see him go elsewhere.

Christopher Daniels: All the reasons above. A lot of people picked Jarrett but I seriously don't think he's HOF. Jarrett did start the company, but I still don't see HOF. He never really got over, and he's hasn't been the best in TNA. I think the second face of TNA behind AJ has to be the Fallen Angel. It's sad that we had to watch him end his tenure with TNA jobbing the Val Venis.

James Storm: This guy reminds me of that great role player on a NBA championship team. He doesn't get any credit, but you know in your heart he's the glue. Correct me if I'm wrong... but has Storm taken any time off or been injured since 03-04? He's been the face of tag team wrestling the past decade whether it be with Harris or Roode. He also is very good on the mic and I enjoy his work. I'm sure a lot of people will say I'm reaching on this pick.. but I think guys like him deserve it!
Okay...well i'll name a few..
In order of a TNA themed Hall of Fame...

1. Mike Tenay - He has been there wince the very first taping...called every match...

2. AJ Styles - The face of TNA since it started back in 2002...he has stuck it out with them all these years and has achieved a hell of a lot...

3. Sting - Like someone said above...TNA's very own Shawn Michaels..He is his own person and has always been..he can still give top performance at his age...Been loyal to TNA..

And finally closing the show.. Jeff Jarrett - He is the founder..nuff said..

There are some more, but I think it would be too soon to mention them..
Lets be honest here people, TNA aren't that vigilant with regards to who they put on their weekly TV show. They're hardly going to say ''Sorry Sean Morley, but we just don't think you're good enough for the TNA Hall Of Fame''.

There are obvious people who TNA would put in, Styles, Jarrett, Sting etc. But I'd like to give three picks, three people who contributed nothing to TNA in the grand scheme of things but would surely get in their Hall Of fame Regardless.

#1 Hulk Hogan -
His greatest contribution to the company was an angle in which he used TNA as a way of getting more money off WWE. Admittedly, Jeff Jarrett hitting Hulk Hogan with a guitar is one of the only truly great angles in TNA history. However it never actually led anyway. Unless you consider it part of the same storyline that bought Hogan to weekly TNA television.

Hogan & co have made a once profitable company into an absolute mess. Not creatively, it's been shit for years, but financially they're worse off now than they were this time last year.

He would get in the Hall Of Fame based on name alone.

# 2 Ric Flair - TNA actually allows the man to cut promos, unbelievable. The guy makes absolutely no sense. A rambling, incoherent old fool. Did you know, other wrestlers would've been fired on the spot for flicking blood into the crowd. Not Flair, presumably because of his contributions to the company. Like, err, making AJ Styles into more of a joke than his purposely jokey persona Prince A.J.

TNA would think that having Flair in their Hall Of Fame would legitimise it.

#3 Gail Kim - Because if you contribute in TNA for three months then you're a legend for life.
1. Jerry Lynn – Defined the X Division from 2002-2007 and was a major player in the early TNA.

2. Sting – One of the most legendary "names" in pro-wrestling history who's shown an incredible loyalty to TNA. On star-power alone, he's a shoe-in.

3. Jeff Jarrett – The founder of the company. Need I say any more?

4. Mike Tenay – Has called every match in TNA's 8-year history. He's been the voice for the company, and despite the amount of criticisms he gets, I could hardly imagine where they'd be without him.
My opinion without a order.

1 - Jeff Jarret: TNA Founder
2 - AJ Styles: First Grand Slam Champion and Face of TNA
3 - Kurt Angle: First and Only Triple Crown Champion holding all the champs at that moment simultaneous
4 - Jerry Lynn - He contribute to the X division, so the x division is HS!!! thanks to JL
5 - Mike Tenay - He called every match in TNA history.
My hall of fame would consist of...

1. Jeff Jarrett. The man IS tna. If it werent for him....we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Even before if fully bacame clear that he was the founder of the company, his multiple stints as Heavyweight Champion and King of the Mountain were very entertaining.

2. Jerry Lynn. If Jeff Jarrett is TNA. Jerry IS the x-division. he paved the way for the high flying dare-devil, no quit, honor bated x-division.

3. AJ Styles. The face of tna. TNA's John Cena. (altho people actually like aj!!)
the only man to hold every gold in tna. and there from the very beginning.

4. Beer Money. James Storm and Robert Roode. You have to have these two as a collective as they have both come down similar paths. Storm starting out in AMW (Americas Most Wanted) with Chris Harris, who as a tag team you could induct into the hof without argument, and Roode starting out in Team Canada. Then emerging as singles competators (Roode proving possible future main event potential). Now together theyre are without a doubt one of the greatest tag teams of all time.

5. Kevin Nash. One of the first big names to jump onto the band wagon. Altho a slightly controversial choice, he makes my list as a true stayer. altho injury was limited his ring time, he has been priceless backstage on the mic and in promos. Many big names have come n gone, but Big Sexy has stood firm and still gets good pops. And shown good feuds all across the board be it with top of the card stars like kurt angle, aj styles, jeff jarrett but also helping push some of the young talent in the x division like jay lethal and chris sabin. anyone remember Paparrazzi Productions??
How many are we listing? What would be the requirements? (Gone from the company for X number of years, etc). Since the WWE has celebrities on occasion, you would HAVE to have Toby Keith, since he was there at the inception (don't laugh peeps) :lol: , I say secondly, ---Raven. I know he's been around, but he was one of the first champs in the company, and really kind of held things together outside of Jarrett. It's good to see that he was relied on to carry the company to some degree. Third, yes of course, Jerry Lynn (also vote for the ECW HOF but....anyway). Self explanatory.....amazing in the ring. Fourth would have to be AJ----he's the "other" face of TNA....been there since it's inception.....and I would think for tag-teams, it would either be AMW, or MCMG. Two drastic changes in styles, but still....has been around longer than I think anyone would have guessed......both are amazing on different levels. If there was one last one, I would have to say Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. Can't deny the man has had some of the most amazing "match of the year" matches in that company that are still talked about today.....and of course, to close the hall of fame "show"----Double JJ. Maybe even induct his wife as well since she was kind of a force in a "silent partner" type way.
Sorry if anyone thinks I will put Ric Flair,Hulk Hogan,Kevin Nash or Jerry Lynn my TNA hall of fame but I don't agree with washed up has been's going in a company and taking it over.

1. Mike Tenay simple because he is behind what makes TNA matches good (Go to a WWE house show or turn the volume down and no voice talking about the match makes it seem rubbish)

2. A.J Styles has been the face of TNA simple ohh and Heel

3. Jeff Jarret been there since day one and the founder need I say more??

4. Jerry Jarret see above

5.Robert W. Carter and Dixie Carter funded TNA they have to share the award together haha
The first entry HAS to be AJ Styles

The guy has done it all in TNA, was the first grand slam champion, holding each belt multiple times and has been in more classic matches than anybody else. When you think of TNA Wrestling, you think of AJ Styles

I would also add Kurt Angle

For contributing so much to TNA in credibility, exposure, a true wrestling legend who is still regularly putting on the best match on the show. Angle gives 110% every single time he steps into the ring. He deserves to be in no question

Also, as much as I dont like the guy... Jeff Jarrett. The founder of the company, without Jarrett there would have been no TNA, he is responsible for the existance of the organisation. For his number of title reigns and the blood sweat and tears he has put into TNA, he should be in there. To be honest, if they ever made a hall of fame, JJ would be the first or second guy in I bet
Aside from possibly Kurt Angle, there isn't much wiggle room for anyone else to be in the top three.

1. Jeff Jarrett
Regardless of how you view him as a performer, he has absolutely been the man in TNA for most of their existance. He may not belong in the Wrestling Hall of Fame, but certainly will go in TNA's.

2. AJ Styles
Face of TNA, yea yea, blah blah.

3. Sonjay Dutt!...Nah I'm kidding. Sting
Sting was one of the first "Major Players" to show up. Really the first one to stick around, and one of the reasons they were able to get on SpikeTV.

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