TNA Hall Of Fame-Who should be in it?

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
Well,my mission to have a page full of my threads has failed,but now I have decided on something new.

A few weeks ago,I came across a thread Sam made about the TNA hall of fame,class of '08.Then,after TNA's seventh anniversary,I thought to myself,if TNA had a hall of fame,who would be in it.But you can say TNA is too young for a hall of fame.Well,I would slightly agree,so I will humour you.It shall be called the TNA Hall of Merit.Not Fame,happy.

Now on to who should be in it.That's where you come in.I would like you to nominate between 3 and 5 members for the Hall of Merit and if this is received well,I might do the hall of merit.Does that sound good?All you have to do is say a few names,say why they should be in it and voila,easy.I'll start.

Jeff Jarret
World Champion 6 times
King of the Mountain 2004 and 2008

In my opinion,Jeff Jarrett is guranteed a spot in the hall of merit.Not because he's a six time world champion.Not because he's a two time King of the mountain,the match that he has received his nickname from.But because he is the founder.He had an idea.A dream.And he built on it,which is more than most people can say.He built a company up from the ground,with his own money.This company became a success,and now provides a real alternative to the powerhouse that is Vince McMahon's WWE.From it's days in the Asylum to Universal Studios,it has continued to grow and thrive on those looking for something different.Something new.And like any entrepreneur,he tooked the risk and shall receive the reward.The praise for building a promotion,all while his wife became sick and eventually died.It's quite simply remarkable.

And in ring,he's not bad.In fact he's pretty good.You can say he booked his wins,but to me,he deserved them.Not only for actually founding the company,but because he's a pretty damn good wrestler.His match with Angle at genesis was epic,and his feud with Sting was one of the things that put TNA on the map.

To be honest,Jeff Jarrett is the only certainty for the Hall,but there are many more nominees to come.

AJ Styles
NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3 times
NWA World Tag Team Championship 4 times – with Jerry Lynn (1), Abyss (1) and Christopher Daniels (2)
TNA Legends Championship 1 time, current
TNA World Tag Team Championship 1 time – with Tomko
TNA X Division Championship 6 times
TNA Triple Crown Champion 3 times
First TNA Grand Slam Champion

Mr. TNA (2003–2005)
TNA Match of the Year (2006) with Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide and Hernandez at No Surrender, September 24, 2006
TNA Tag Team of the Year (2006) with Christopher Daniels

Well,AJ Styles is the most talented wrestler in TNA history.And at the moment,he is,in my opinion,the best wrestler in the world.His array of skill is superb,technical,brawling and of course High Flying.He is a brilliant in ring worker,as every one of his matches was enjoyable,from his match against Daniels and Joe at Unbreakable 2005,to 2006 match of the year alongside Daniels vs LAX at No surrender.Hell,he even gets standable matches from the likes of Kevin Nash and Shane Douglas.He works so hard to get the best from people.

Read what I bolded.He is not only a 3 time triple crown champion,he is only one of the 3 who are,alongside Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle.But he is also the first Grand slam champion,which I think is just the proof that he really is Mr.TNA.He is the main man,the man they look for to put on incredible performances.He was even voted Mr.TNA from 03 to 05.Also,I consider his triple crown the best,because Joe won the tag team titles by himself from Team 3D at the match of champions at Victory Road 2007.He also failed to defend them.And Angle won the Tag titles and X division titles from Joe in the all or nothing match,and he failed to defend them.To be honest,I don't see them at the same level of AJ's,but I wouldn't question their validity.

I think that he will get enough support to get into the Hall,as he seems to be one of the most loved wrestlers there is.I rate the Golden Boy of TNA's chances extremely high.

Samoa Joe
TNA World Heavyweight Championship 1 time
TNA World Tag Team Championship 1 time
TNA X Division Championship 3 times
King of the Mountain 2008
Super X Cup 2005
Turkey Bowl 2007
Triple Crown Champion 1 time

Ah Samoa Joe,how could I,the biggest Joe fan on the forum,leave him out of my choices for the hall of merit.How did he get nominated,besides me loving him.Well,that's easy,his match qualtiy.If you look at all of TNA's greatest matches,a lot of them involve Samoa Joe.Unbreakable 2005.Destination x 2006.His series of matches with Kurt Angle like Final Resolution 2007, Hard Justice 2007,Lockdown 2008.His match with Sting from Bound for Glory.His matches with Christian Cage.King of the Mountain 2007.All great matches,and with one common denominator.Samoa Joe.You can say he works stiff,is uncharismatic,is boring,is fat.Well,his list of matches and accomplishments trump that.His match against AJ and Daniels at Unbreakable 2005 got 5 stars.I would consider his match with Angle at Lockdown 2008 is my favourite match.Ever since his debut,we new he meant business.His reign wasn't great,but it was the one blemish on a great resume.

Not the most popular choice,as much haters as fans,but I nominated him.Don't agree,choose your own.No really,do!

And my final choice,a man that has been with TNA since the beginning,and doesn'tt alwasys get the credit he deserves..

James Storm
NWA World Tag Team Championship 7 times – with Chris Harris (6) and Christopher Daniels (1)
TNA World Tag Team Championship 3 times, current – with Robert Roode

The Tennesse cowboy is one of the top talents there is,especially at tag team wrestling.Most accomplishment TNA tag team ever.Check,America's Most Wanted.Best Tag team in the world at the moment.Check,Beer Money.A ten time tag team champion,he really has the touch when it comes to tag team wrestling.His chemistry with his tag team partners is superb,he always entertains the crowd.His psychology is great,and he's really able to make the crowd love him or hate him.He's the funniest wrestler in ring,when it comes to shouting Beer Money,running like a bitch or drinking beer,he always makes me laugh.I always mark out when I see his Boozer cruiser.

But he isn't just a tag wrestler,his texas death match with Chris Harris at Sacrifice 2007 is a true classic.He is my pick for a future world champion.He would be mine for the next first time champion,if Hernandez didn't exist.So the Tennesse Cowboy is my final pick.And I think he has a good chance of getting in.

Who are your nominees for the TNA hall of Merit,who deserves to be recognised.Oh and please don't spam,give reasons.If there are enough responses,I'll actually do it.
Tbh, it's a young company, but Jeff Jarrett for the reason that he's been there the whole time and started it etc, he's an obvious choice. No one else deserves it though - when AJ retired he's a shoe in, but Samoa Joe's career could turn to shit tommorow and he wouldn't definetly get in, and James Storm has massive potential but still has to fulfill it. Apart from those three, no one worth anything has had their finest moments in TNA - which is the main problem with hypophesising a Hall of Fame at this stage of TNA's time.
idk about storm but joe, jarret and styles are definitive tna hofers but i think i would put sting and possibly angle i know he is only 3 years in but think were tna would be without angle and i would have to throw lax and amw for tagteam purposes and team canada for stables o yea i almost forgot about the fallen angle aswell
Don't you mean Fallen Angel? Nope, I guess fallen Angle works just as well, no way should he get into a TNA Hall of Fame, he's just been there ocnstantly without really having a massive impact on the company - his debut was cool, the way it was built up and hyped etc, but his best work was definetly in WWE - how much of a bitchslap would it be if TNA inducted him into their Hall of Fame, and just to be dicks, WWE didn't let him into theirs, where Angle was clearly at his best - it would make the TNA Hall of Fame look like a peice of crap.
The first person that should be in TNA's HOF is the Stinger since he's soon to retire and was a big part of the reason why TNA landed a tv deal and why TNA was able to help attract big names like Kurt Angle.
Are you for real? Sting's TNA career alone doesn't belong in any Hall of Fame, and Angle was there before him. You need to check up on your facts - in a general/WCW/NWA Hall of Fame, Sting walks in easily, and he deserves to be inducted int othe WWE one as they're apparently doing it for those other ocmpaneis as well, but no way he qualifies for a TNA Hall of Fame.
At least not yet, the company has only been going for 7 years!!!
Let them become really well established before you consider a hall of fame.
7 years is not established, hell they could be bought out tomorrow by Vince who could turn them into another version of ECW!
Are you for real? Sting's TNA career alone doesn't belong in any Hall of Fame, and Angle was there before him. You need to check up on your facts - in a general/WCW/NWA Hall of Fame, Sting walks in easily, and he deserves to be inducted int othe WWE one as they're apparently doing it for those other ocmpaneis as well, but no way he qualifies for a TNA Hall of Fame.

Sting's already an established legend. He added onto his legacy and won the belt 3 times back to back at TNA's biggest PPV. How does that not qualify him to go into TNA's HOF?

And no, he was not in TNA before Angle. Sting was basically the first ever established superstar to step foot in TNA.
Are you for real? Sting's TNA career alone doesn't belong in any Hall of Fame, and Angle was there before him. You need to check up on your facts - in a general/WCW/NWA Hall of Fame, Sting walks in easily, and he deserves to be inducted int othe WWE one as they're apparently doing it for those other ocmpaneis as well, but no way he qualifies for a TNA Hall of Fame.
How does Sting's TNA career not belong in a TNA Hall of Fame? He's a three time World Champion, he's main-evented the last three Bound For Glory shows, TNA's flagship PPV, where he's won the TNA title every time.

And, Angle wasn't there before him. You need to check YOUR facts. Sting was working in TNA way back in 2003. Here's the first part of a match, where he teamed with Jeff Jarrett against AJ Styles and Sean Waltman. And in case you're doubting the age of the match, notice the ring is 4 sided, not 6 sided.


As far as who should be in, there's only two that I can tell. 1) Jeff Jarrett - This is obvious. 2) Sting - I've already explained.
Along with the two that Sly named, I'd put AJ in there as well. he's been there since the beginning and is the epitome of a home grown star. His resume leaves everyone else far behind as he's won all four titles and the triple crown multiple times. He's the poster boy for the company and will be there as long as he wants to be. He's in his early 30s and he's accomplished as much as he has already. I don't see how you could leave him out of a TNA HOF.
Oh, shit, my bad, sorry to that guy. My bad, I SHOULD have checked my facts...pretty embarrasing. But still, I don't know, I guess I was judging by general standards as opposed to TNA ones - which is how their Hall of Fame would be judged. I still stand by the poitn that the company is too young to have a meaningful Hall of Fame though, and it still stands to poitn that Sting's pre-TNA career was way better than him TNA one.
If TNA ever has a HOF in the future I guarantee that Stinger will be in it along with the founder of course Double J. I feel that AJ Styles too deserves to be in a TNA HOF one day. Sting should be in HOF period whether its WWE, TNA, or even NWA.
This is only based on a "10 years down the road" because I don't believe 7 years is enough to warrant a HOF.

Jeff Jarrett
Kurt Angle (if he sticks with them like he has said he will)
James Storm (providing he is used to his full potential)
AJ Styles
Chris Sabin (just because he hasn't won the World Title doesn't mean he can't be in it - he is one of the best X-Division competitors the company has had)

Like I said, this isn't who should be in it now, this is when there's been at least 15 years of TNA and is my opinion so respect it like I respect any of yours.
Oh, shit, my bad, sorry to that guy. My bad, I SHOULD have checked my facts...pretty embarrasing. But still, I don't know, I guess I was judging by general standards as opposed to TNA ones - which is how their Hall of Fame would be judged. I still stand by the poitn that the company is too young to have a meaningful Hall of Fame though, and it still stands to poitn that Sting's pre-TNA career was way better than him TNA one.

His preTNA career can be better but Sting has greatly contributed to the growth of TNA and TNA grew his legend. Imo, Sting should be the first man to go into TNA's HOF if they ever have one since he'll be the first established star to retire there. But mind you just because he may to the TNA HOF doesn't disqualify him from being in the WWE or NWA Hall of Fames.
my first 5 into the tna HOF would be Jeff jarret(obvious reason),sting(longest reigning world champion),aj styles(first person to hold every title)Abyss(been there since the start) and Kaz (why not have kaz)
ok jeff gets in #1 bc its his company and he has done it all for them...aj deff gets in no matter what and yes sting gets in he was the reason TNA took off in the first place, he has be tna champ 3 times and a tag champ. but i dont think any hall of fame should be made for them until they at least reached 10 years
TNA has only been around for 7 years. It is no where near old enough to have a Hall of Fame. Call me back on that in 15 years when TNA has enough RETIRED stars to start a Hall of Fame and ask again because right now they have not been around long enough to have one.
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