TNA Genesis

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday January 13th at 8pm (EST).

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)

World Heavyweight Championship
Numbers (c) vs. Macho Machismo

X-Division Championship Match
wrestlingmasters55 (c) vs. Maliman

Tag Team Championship Match
Hollywood Hate (c) (Hollywood Nightmare/IHW) vs. The Extract and Matty B

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday January 13th at 8pm (EST).

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet sky
Method of Finish (5 points): pin 1

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny king
Method of Finish (5 points): pin 6

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon
Method of Finish (5 points):dq 3

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James storm
Method of Finish (5 points): pin 5

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan and Joey ryan
Method of Finish (5 points): pin 4

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: sting
Method of Finish (5 points): submission 7

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries
Method of Finish (5 points): pin 2

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: shortest x division match longest hardy roode Aries

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: x division match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: tna championship

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Brooke: 1
Method of Finish: Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: York: 6
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon: 5
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Storm: 3
Method of Finish: Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Chavo & Hernandez: 7
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: DOC: 4
Method of Finish: Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Aries: 2
Method of Finish: Pinfall

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night?:
Longest: Hardy (C) vs. Roode vs. Aries
Shortest: Chavo & Hernandez (C) vs. Ryan & Morgan

Which match of the ones listed will go on first?:
York vs. King

Which match of the ones listed will go on last?:
Hardy (C) vs. Roode vs. Aries
List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday January 13th at 8pm (EST).

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon(5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Morgan-Ryan (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Longest: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Christian York vs. Kenny King

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Chavo/Hernandez, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Tag Title Match - Longest: World Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: King/York Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Ryan, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Knockouts - Longest: World Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: King/York Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match[/CENTER]

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday January 13th at 8pm (EST).

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet sky
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin, 1

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin, 3

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park
Method of Finish (5 points) Pin, 2

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin, 6

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan and Joey ryan
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin, 5

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission 4

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin, 7

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: KnockOuts-Shortest World Title-Longest

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: King/York

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title


Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky ; (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Christian York ; (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon ; (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Christopher Daniels ; (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan ; (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting ; (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy ; (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Christian York (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Joseph Park/Devon Longest: World Heavyweight Championship

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 Contenders Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Not sure how TNA gauntlets work. I'll go with pinfall. Over Mickie James too, just to spice things up.

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall, likely via roll-up. He'll probably use the ropes and/or tights. Finish won't be clean.

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Christopher Daniels (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall. Potential AJ Styles interference?

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Morgan & Ryan win (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall. Most likely Morgan w/ a C.F. to Hernandez; Ryan with the cover.

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: DOC (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ.

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall over Roode.

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: King/York will be the shortest. Main event title match will be the longest.

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: King/York

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Hardy/Roode/Aries

World Heavyweight Championship
Numbers (c) vs. Macho Machismo

X-Division Championship Match
wrestlingmasters55 (c) vs. Maliman

Tag Team Championship Match
Hollywood Hate (c) (Hollywood Nightmare/IHW) vs. The Extract and Matty B[/CENTER][/QUOTE]

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Christian York (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Joseph Park/Devon Longest: World Heavyweight Championship

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 Contenders Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
WZPC Tag Team Championship
Hollywood Nightmare and IHW (c) vs. MattyB and The Extract

Hollywood Nightmare said:

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Brooke Tessmacher (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Longest: Bobby Roode vs Austin Aries vs Jeff Hardy
Shortest: Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan vs Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Christian York vs Kenny King

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Bobby Roode vs Austin Aries vs Jeff Hardy

I Heart Wrestling said:
Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: York (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Storm (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Ryan (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Hardy (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Longest: 3 Way Title match
Shortest: Park and Devon

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Park and Devon

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title 3-Way

MattyB said:

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Christian York (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Christopher Daniels (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Joseph Park vs. Devon
Longest: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer:X-Division #1 Contenders Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

The Extract said:
Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Vevet Sky(2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: York(1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon(4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Storm(7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Ryan(5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting(3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Hardy(6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Short: Gauntlet match, Long: WHC

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Tourney

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: WHC
WZPC X-Division Championship
wrestlingmasters55 (c) vs. Mailman

wrestlingmasters55 said:
Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (2)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm(3)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence:Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence:Sting (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (7)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest:Sting Vs Doc
Longest: Jeff Hardy Vs Austin Aries Vs Bobby Roode

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Kenny King Vs Christian York

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer:Jeff Hardy Vs Austin Aries Vs Bobby Roode

Mailman said:
Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Joseph Park (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: James Storm (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer: Shortest: Knockouts Gauntlet Match / Longest: Hardy vs. Roode vs. Aries

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Christian York vs. Kenny King

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Triple Threat Title Match
WZPC World Heavyweight Championship
Numbers (c) vs. Macho Machismo

Numbers said:

Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: King, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Storm, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Morgan/Ryan,2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting,5
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Hardy, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Answer:Longest: WHC, Shortest, X Division qualifier

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer:X Division Qualifier

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: WHC

Macho Machismo said:
Knockouts Gauntlet #1 Contenders Match
Mickie James vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. ODB vs. Velvet Sky
Winner and Confidence: Velvet Sky (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Christian York vs. Kenny King
Winner and Confidence: Kenny King (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
Joseph Park vs. Devon
Winner and Confidence: Devon (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels
Winner and Confidence: Christopher Daniels (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Tag Team Championship Match
Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (c) vs. Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan
Winner and Confidence: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Grudge Match
Sting vs. DOC
Winner and Confidence: Sting (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

What will be the shortest and longest match of the night? (10 Points)
Shortest: X-Division #1 Contenders Match
Longest: World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
X-Division #1 Contenders Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match

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