TnA Expansion...???

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Well I see it is kinda getting out of control with a lot of names being thrown around, so I'll make this thread for a centralized place to talk about all the names being thrown around.

Test, Matt Morgan, Albert, Rikishi, Brian Christopher or Scotty 2 Hotty, I forgot, Goldust/Platinum, Adam Pacman Jones. There are a lot of names being thrown around right now.

What this indicates to me is, there is something big on the horizon for TNA. I don't think this is the gloom or doom scenario that most people seem to make it out to be. I think this is the first step of the Fox 4 hour deal being done.

This is a massive expansion guys, and it looks like there is going to be a real difference to the X-Division and Heavyweights. With this massive amount of heavyweight talent, rejects if you want to call them that, but I won't, you will probably see less of the X-Division getting fed to the heavyweights.

I for one, think this is great news if this turns out to be the case. I can't see any other scenario that would lead to TNA signing or attempting to sign close to ten guys all at once.

in my opinion, i think that TNA is trying to transform itself into the old WWE, think about it, these names minus matt morgan, are former 90's/2000 wrestlers, and a couple of them are already there. i dont know, i just somehow think vince has something to do with tna or is tied in there somewhere. i dont know why, its seems a bit weird how TNA have i guess, signed 10 names that were former wwe guys when wwe was at its best. could be wrong, just a thought.
finally, ppl gotta see the big picture, pacman will be great for mainstream, and the ''rejects'' will make better heavyweight feuds, i think all of us are tired of seeing the x division jobbing to these guys when they have so much talent

lets see the big picture, TNA, like shock said, is getting a major expansion, lets not judge these guys talents yet, A train has been said to have gotten MUCH better in japan, he could maybe put on some great matches with abyss and ricky banderas, or maybe him and tomko could be a fresh new dominate tag team

test actually impressed me with his matches in ecw, i though he was better than most of the other guys on WWE, big guys at least, for his size he can put on an entertaining match IMO, and his hardcore matches with RVD were awsome

anyways, so the heavyweights get many new faces, possibly bringing in more ratings, and more ratings i would think means a FOX contract with 2 or 4 hours for TNA to play with, also..FOX i also think will give them another rating boost

with ratings going up, the company gets bigger, and has more freedom to use the x division without having to worry that they arent ''big enough'' to bring in ratings, they will have enough time to let the x division do what they do best and get new x division wrestlers, i see the x division getting a major role in the future, TNA will be split by heavyweights and x division competitions, think of it as a WWE and WHC belt, and i for one think that would bring much better matches not only from the x division side, but from the heavyweights side

x division could finally get the importance it deserves with this major push TNA gets... thats how i see it, even though ppl might not like these WWE rejects its a fact that they are bringing in more ratings, TNA needs more ratings no matter what, this is just a phase to a better TNA IMO
I am getting slightly annoyed with the current situation at the moment with literally no one sharing my opinion on the recent signings and TNA happenings. so i am glad Shock started this thread....

The recent signings and rumored signings.

Well imo alot of the guys TNA are trying to sign or have signed all still blank canvases, Test/A-train/Matt Morgan all are blank canvases really, they were under utilized and never really had a chance to shine or develop in WWE.

Alot of people keep saying ....aww fuckin hell how many ex wwe guys are TNA trying to sign, there only signing them because they have been in WWE.....Think about this....anyone in the wrestling industry that has had time to develop or even been around for a while, were once in Ecw/Wcw that hasnt been in WWE at one point??? And maybe yea they have signed these guys....but maybe thats whats available right now...maybe the most developed wrestlers on the indy scene dont actually want to go to the big leagues, through fear of having there name taken and gimmick changed or there style watered down...

Now i am not saying there isnt some problems with the TNA business model, some of there choices and direction...but i can honestly say i would rather watch the better wrestling and put up with dodgy gimmick matches every now and then and some odd storylines every now and then (TNA), than watch actors fumble around a ring (WWE).

Now i am just getting a little pissed off with how quick people are to jump on TNA when news comes out about them, having an idea.

I guess the plus to this lot is...there will be some interesting development in TNA soon and there is alot of people talking about whats going on.
I think TNA has something up its sleeve. They must have to either sign, or contact in an attempt to sign this many wrestlers all at once. There roster is already too full with only one hour of TV time a week. Maybe a condition on the FOX contract was that they must have some more wrestlers on there books if they are going to get 4 hours?

Yes, I am beginning to get annoyed at the level of Ex-WWE stars in TNA, but if they give them there own personality and don's use watered down versions of there gimmick due to copywritting *cough*Platinum*cough*Black Machismo*cough* then they should do just fine as a healthy, alternative to WWE, not competition, because there product is in no way as good, either quality, or ratings wise.

And before I get heat for saying that, by quality I don't mean the wrestling, I am talking about the production and the smoothness of the show. that sort of thing
If the 2-4 hour thing is indeed tru,i think its goin to be great 4 the x division which is my favorite and i didnt even like the wcw luchadore days,but itll be some good shit cause now u wont see heavy wrestlers struggling to keep up with sabin and senshi etc.and theyll probably make the x div tag titles, shit if were lucky theyll do what wcw was goin to do before they folded and give the x division there own show(in my dreams).
wcw was gonna do another show? o_O, and how could u not like WCWs luchadors? they had amazing talent, could easily compete with any x division guy today

but i dont think having a x division title would be a good idea, we still need one belt that will bring some x division vs heavyweights, and those would be the tag titles, and if x division got a tag title i dont think the tag titles would be as interesting, + in tag matches they can pull off some heavyweights vs x divison matches, and its fun to see x division guys team up with some big guys (like LAX)
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