TNA Commercials On WWE TV; Is Vince This Confident?

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Lord And Master
Staff member
TNA is playing smart by putting these right under Vince's nose, but are they even allowed. Why is the competition showing up during WWE airtime? Is Vinnie really that confident that he doesn't care about it? Or is the network not paying attention?

This to me seems like cockiness on the part of Vince McMahon. Hulk Hogan is being promoted right under his nose and he's not doing anything about it. Check the main page. Reports come in every time there's a WWE show. The Jan 4th commercial of TNA airs during WWE programming. Is Vince really that confident that Bret Hart, John Cena and DX will be more than enough to keep down TNA's ever growing battalion? I mean Hulk Hogan has been advertised in WWE TV since the DVD was released. Not to mention that Bret Hart was finally confirmed just last night. Maybe I'm just over reacting. What do you people think?

On a side note. Did anyone notice the fan dressed as Hulk Hogan during Raw? He was on the higher areas to the right of the Tron.
I think the way they are doing it is, rather than pay USA to run the commercials on all USA channels, TNA is paying USA affiliates in certain markets to run the commercials on their channel during Raw. I figure this because I live in Tampa, and I asked a friend of mine the first week that they started running commercials if he saw them, and he said he didn't, and he lives in Orlando. I'm sure as the weeks went on they expanded the number of affiliates. By going that route, they bypass WWE and USA because they are not paying them, they are paying the local affiliates who control the channel.
I think the way they are doing it is, rather than pay USA to run the commercials on all USA channels, TNA is paying USA affiliates in certain markets to run the commercials on their channel during Raw. I figure this because I live in Tampa, and I asked a friend of mine the first week that they started running commercials if he saw them, and he said he didn't, and he lives in Orlando. I'm sure as the weeks went on they expanded the number of affiliates. By going that route, they bypass WWE and USA because they are not paying them, they are paying the local affiliates who control the channel.

Yeah, but still, somebody in WWE has had to notice these a while ago. I'm pretty sure WWE oficials never pay attention to IWC sites, but somebody has had to informed this to Vince. And judging from his normal reaction to these circumstances , it surprises me that he's done nothing about it. He kept the DVD promotion to a minimum just to keep making money without obscuring it, but even so its on the WWE shop Christmas commercial.
Vince has no say in what commercials air during his programming. USA Network does. If TNA or any other wrestling company ponies up the cash to run a commercial during that slot, it's at the networks discretion whether or not to run it. Money talks, man.
Thing is that there is nothing Vince can really do about it, is not that he is amused by it but like It's Damn real said, he has no say into it. If USA Network or its affiliates want to show them, Vince can do nothing but watch.
As has been pointed out, Vince McMahon has no say in which companies buy airtime on the USA Network. It's the same situation, however, on Spike. I can't count the number of times I've seen the WWE Raw vs. Smackdown video game commercial air on Spike during TNA Impact. If Vince were able to somehow stop TNA from advertising during commercial breaks while Raw is on, he probably would.

But, is Vince really confident? I'd probably have to say yes on that. TNA is the company that has something to prove, not the WWE. The WWE is a company that has been established for decades and has become synonomous with the term "professional wrestling" in and of itself among American fans. Even people that don't like wrestling or have never watched it have at least heard of the WWE. No matter what, millions of people will tune in to watch Raw on Jan 4 and that puts TNA at a disadvantage. The one time Raw and Impact went head to head, Impact got creamed. The WWE is more well known, it's more established and it's beaten Impact once. I'd say Vince really is pretty confident. His conduct towards TNA in general, such as not even publicly acknowledging TNA's existence or allowing it to be known on any WWE programs, is an indicator of that.
Thing is that there is nothing Vince can really do about it, is not that he is amused by it but like It's Damn real said, he has no say into it. If USA Network or its affiliates want to show them, Vince can do nothing but watch.

Is it really in USA Network's best interests to show them though, promoting a rival show on a different channel? I haven't got a real clue how the advertising works, but my grasp is that TNA are paying local stations and they are running them. USA would be stupid to allow them to run if it was possible to stop them, because obviously they don't want to lose viewers.
TNA must have the commercials in select market because i have not seen one at all, maybe TNA did get the money up to run some commercials on usa. But it is not smart on the networks, part to advertise TNA on there network, because it will most likely help get more viewers. But then again usa and WWE may not be that worried about TNA.
Is it really in USA Network's best interests to show them though, promoting a rival show on a different channel? I haven't got a real clue how the advertising works, but my grasp is that TNA are paying local stations and they are running them. USA would be stupid to allow them to run if it was possible to stop them, because obviously they don't want to lose viewers.

Well actually that is exactly how they are doing it. They target a market in an specific location and go to the affiliates. USA Network might not even be aware in which segments the advertisements are appearing.
Well if you're talking about the Ads on WGN America, then they're not affiliated with NBC at all. Thus, they don't care who gets the commercial runs, just that they get their money.

As for Smackdown, Fox owns MyNetwork and Fox will air any advertisement paid for.

And with USA, well I guess they're paying NBC to distribute the commercials.
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