TNA Champions Discussion Thread

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This thread is to discuss the current TNA champions. Give your opinions on them as a champion, who you think will be future title contenders, who will defeat them for the championship's etc.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion


Kurt Angle
TNA World Heavyweight Champion


Kurt Angle

I for one am fine with Angle being world champ. He's there biggest star. And they need somebody with PROPER WWE recognition when they go to two hours. I also love his persona. Him and The Motor City Machine Gunns are the only good things currently in TNA IMO.

Personally I'm desperate for Joe to be the one who will take the title off him. He should have had it a year ago. Hopefully when they book his title victory it will be a big thing, but with TNA's current booking it probably wont be.
TNA X-Division Champion


Kurt Angle

There's nothing wrong with Angle holding the X-Title. It's not a Cruiser style title, it's more of a pure champion title. Well it was a few years ago. The only problem I have is who is he going to drop it to. I cant see him dropping it to anybody other than Angle or Styles. And neither of those need another X Title reign.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion


Kurt Angle

I for one love Kurt Angle being the TNA champion as he is one of the best things going for TNA. Honestly he blows Christian out of water with his mic work and now having his wife with him he does wonders as that great heel they needed as champ.

I hope he keeps it for a while as he is doing a good job and the man can put on a match as i hope the next champ is joe but maybe in some where down the line in 4-way match.
TNA World Tag Team Champions


Sting & Kurt Angle

This is an interesting team but we all know that this seem to like TNA following the WWE WM23 idea as it looks like we will see Sting and Angle feud like those too did for the TNA gold at BFG.Its be an interesting team as we saw Angle help Sting this week on Impact.

Though this does bring the Tag Titles into more a tv time i rather see the MCMG of LAX holding the gold as that tag team wrestlers of TNA deserve to be going after the tag gold not just playing backseat to single stars with the gold.
TNA champ:
well i dont mind having kurt as the world champ right now, i know many are saying ''joe should be champ, TNA doesnt use him well'' but i think angle is a great champ and i dont mind him being on top, he has amazing skill, unlike most of the ex-wwe guys and can carry that title, plus joe hasnt been there that long, like what 2 years? something like that, kurt has been about 1 year but like it or not does draw way more, i just hope that when he drops it, its to joe, and it doesnt seem like TNA has left the angle/joe feud completley, im seeing one last feud for the gold down the line and im seeing joe standing tall as the new TNA champ

future contenders - joe, jarett, sting (i would say abyss but its already confirmed and its quite obvious ricky banderas is gonna waste him at the ppv)

my pick: Joe, obviously the guy should be the next champ, i dont even think i need to explain why right?

X division champ:
now here i have an issue, not because kurt doesnt have the x division skill, but because i think kurt should only have the TNA championship belt, a former WWE guy holding all the titles just makes TNA look weak and depend way too much on angle, i really think he should drop it and soon, if this was his only title, i wouldnt mind

future contenders - black machismo... i think thats it lol... i see him beating angle cuz of a joe interference =/

tag titles:
well sting and angle are a great team IMO, even if sting is past his prime i think he could give us great matches being kurts partner, but like i said b4, i dont think kurt should also have the tag titles, and sting and kurt arent even a tag team, its just a short term plan for a sting and angle feud, tna still has some great tag teams and i hope they use them and sting and angle lose the title soon...

- future contenders: Team pac man, Steiners, 3D

my pick: Team pac man, not cuz i like them but steiners and 3D suck =/... at leats the truth can put on a good match and im guessing they're gonna get another guy on team pac man since pac man cant even wrestle so that will be interestin

unfourtunatley these are the only 3 teams going after the gold right now, soon i hope triple x, LAX, and MCMG get their shots, VKM i just hope leaves already
I hope MCM eventually gets their shot at the titles and will get a lengthy title reign. VKM needs to leave TNA, immediately.

As for the X Division title. It needs to get off Angle and stop being used as a prop. It used to mean something. Angle is fine with just the world title. But it needs to eventually be transferred over to Joe and have him be a killing machine and carry the company. I'm all for having more home grown stars. Before we know it The Punisher and Rikishi will be holding it (UGH!)
I say Kurt Angle drops the belt at Bound For Glory in a triple threat match. Angle vs. Sting vs. Joe
These three wrestlers are in the backdrop of the official Bound For Glory website. Angle vs. Sting is looking like it is getting a build-up and everyone is anticipating Joes title win. BFG is there main ppv and I say Joe wins the belt at BFG.
TNA World Tag Team Champions


Sting & Kurt Angle

While I dont want to see Sting get this sort of push in 2007. Him and Angle as champs are better options than The Steiners or Team 3D. It's not like TNA is pushing the over/good workers that they have on there roster. I just hope Angle and Sting do the decent thing and put over either LAX or The Mororcity Machine Guns.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion


Kurt Angle

I am glad to see the title on Kurt Angle. He is the best wrestler in the world today IMO. He brings a lot of recognition to the belt that some of them cant do. Kurt Angle could carry a match and make nobody's look good. He is the best thing to happen to tna so IMO having him as champion does wonders to tna.

Future contenders, Joe,Sting. I see Joe taking the title off of Angle at there biggest PPV so they could start the Samoa Joe Era of Tna.
TNA just needs to get the Tag Team Titles on a TAG TEAM as soon as possible. WWE's tag team division is hurting, so putting the tag belts on a legit team is a great way to capitalize on tag team wrestling fans.

The Motor City Machine Guns are, in my opinion, a great choice. As much as they are supposed to be heels, they have face heat too. They combine for some of the most well-timed moves in wrestling. Let Kevin Nash manage them and set them up as the next Styles / Daniels team.

Put the X-Division belt on Frankie Kazarian. Young, talented, and with a load of face heat right now following the Seratonin breakup and the feud with Robert Roode.
Well i think TNA is going to do the same thing WWE did
When Michaels turned on Cena and they lost the championship

I think Angle is going to keep his X Division belt until BFG
Were he looses it to either Styles or Daniels

I think he keeps his TNA Title till on the night that TNA debutes 2nd hour

Overall TNA is has better wrestling going on than WWE as of rite now
TNA World Tag Team Champions


Sting & Kurt Angle

I dont think it is bad for these two to be tag team champs. i think we all know that it is used to start a feud between the two. This give the tag division some recognition because to stars are holding the titles and i agree with A.J. when he said it will give the titles more television time. I see potential contenders as team Pacman, MCMG, and LAX. I see the team to dethrone Sting and Angle is going to be LAX.
TNA Champ: Kurt is alright techniqly and pretty good on the mike. I would like to see him defend the belt or a while. I really hop and don't think Somoa Joe will win the belt cuz he can't carry a brand. I think either Test, Dustin Rhodes, or maybe a returning Rikishi.

TNA TAG-TEAM: Kurt Angle & Sting are an awful team. Sting is so past his prime and really needs to be done wrestling period. They need more time to show off some of their better teams like VKM, Team 3d or the steiners. I really dont thin mcmg or triple x or even lax are really that impressive.

X-division. no talented guys hear should just get rid of it.
TNA title: I agree with Angle being the champ but there are plenty of guys who can take it from him. AJ Styles once he breaks away fro the Coalition, Cage himself, Joe, Double J, Sting, Abyss(even though he just lost), Chris Harris if they would of kept him feuding with Cage to propel him into the title picture, Christopher Daniels if they kept him feuding with sting to propel him into the title picture and mister "It pays to be rude"(guess who that is).

X-Division: Lot of guys here, AJ and Daniels again, Petey Williams, Jimmy Rave, Shelly, Sabin, Sonjay, Homicide, Senshi, Elix Skipper, Kazarian, Havok and if i missed someone let me know. Hopefully now Lethal will get the run he deserves.

Tag: I hope Tomko an Styles beat the hell out of Team Pacman, but aside from Tomko and Styles you got Motor City Machine Guns, XXX, VKM, 3D, LAX, Serotonin could be with Raven and Havok teaming, again if i missed anyone let me know.
Well, It is time to it up for Jay Lethal. A CLEAN win ,thats right a CLEAN win over Kurt Angle means instant credibility. Not only that but restores credibility to the X-divison because it shows they are premiere athletes. It was great how the x-division came to celebrate with him.

I would definitley say one of the top two title matches this summer.
TNA X-Division Champion


"Black Machiso" Jay Lethal

I haven't seen the Angle match yet. But I'm so glad that he put Lethal over clean. I'm proud of you Kurt. The only problem I have is that Lethal still has the Black Machismo gimmick, and I doubt he'll ever capitalise on this win. I'd have much prefered it if Angle had put over somebody like Williams or Shelley. Oh well you cant have it all. Hopefully Lethal get's a longer reign than last time.
TNA Tag Team Champions


Team Pacman

I still dont know who this Pacman is. I dont care either. What was the point in putting the title on him? He's not going to wrestle. I read that TNA promised him a title. WTF? I know the titles mean shit but come on. Couldn't Angle & Sting have put over Shelley & Sabin, or LAX?
Finally Angle drops the titles, even though he will probably be a Superman as well by never ever dropping the TNA championship. I could see him holding the title for the next three years :guns:

I'm somewhat a fan of the Black Machismo so I'm happy he ended up winning the X Division title instead of seeing Kurt Angle killing the title like reports indicated. The news was most likely fake like all stories these days or maybe it was the original plan up until Dixie saw the massive negative feedback on the subject.
TNA X-Division Champion


"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal

That was a good match at No Surrender between Angle and Lethal and i for one was quite shocked when Angle did the job so Lethal could win with a clean pin. this should do something good for Lethals carrerr though with the Black machismo gimmick it will set him back as no one will take him that seriously and if he can go back to just Jay lethal it could be good. But nothing can take away what this did for him now. Though now lets see someone like Petey get a shot but IMO it be Daniels
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