TNA Castmembers


Dark Match Jobber
Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows.

I've seen a lot of posts claiming that the biggest thing wrong with TNA right now is us, the loyal fans in the iMPACT! Zone.

I'd like to give you a little perspective on things. There is a group of about 12-20 of us who are at every show we can attend (Collectively known as the "Crucial Crew", which is why you see us throw up the 'c' hand signal). And we DO NOT like the direction this company is going. Therefore, we express our displeasure in hopes that management will listen. Why? Because we LOVE TNA, and will not stand idly by while it gets raped by Hogan and his boys. If we were season ticket holders for a sports team, this would be expected, would it not?

Last night at Genesis was a major event in the growing war between the TNA loyalists and the Hoganites. I can tell you that very real battle lines are being drawn within the organization, and the conflict will get a lot worse.

Again, we LOVE TNA. So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed.

Last night was remarkable in that for the first time ever a TNA producer came down into the pit where we stand, grabbed my friend by the shirt and actually threatened to ban us from the building if we didn't stop with the "vulgarity and the negativity". From reports, this heat came directly from "Dixie and Terry who were pissed that we didn't put Morely over during his match with Daniels. Are you kidding? This happened during the Pope v Wolfe match, and totally killed the crowd. If you were wondering why the crowd was so dead during what was a great wrestling match, that's why.

Here's the thing though... We've become friends with a lot of the wrestlers, and they all love our energy, enthusiasm and passion, and have and continue to support us. The production crew, who takes heat directly from the top, HATE us, most likely because they are all afraid for their jobs.

Also, all of the Bubba Army idiots and other Hogan marks are now in the iMPACT! Zone and act like the complete tools they are. Oh, but THEY don't get scolded like 5-year olds, even though they are the most offensive people there.

I saw hundreds of people walk out on the show last night, something i've NEVER seen at a PPV. Things are getting weird. Hopefully, Bischoff and Russo are smart enough to use this tension to create compelling TV, but from my perspective, it seems like TNA is dying right before my eyes.

Rest assured, the Crucial Crew will fight to the end for the TNA we know and love!

We do not need more than 1 thread about the TNA fans. Keep it all in here.
Here's where I disagree with you. Yes you are right to show your displeassure with something, and perhaps you guys were being treated unfairly, fans are allowed to boo and cheer for whomever they choose, in that case you are right......BUT

Just because Hogan is a "WWF Guy"(which seems odd to me seeing how he helped build WCW to the big company it was and when i think WCW, Hogan usually comes to mind) doesnt mean he doesn't know what makes a company worka nd what doesnt. DO you really think Hogan is the only one making all the decisions? If you do then you are incredibly blind to how business works.

The fans in the Impact Zone also seem to take TNA for grantit alot of the time. Because you are getting (what I feel) is some of the best wrestling in the country today and you get it all the time. Impact Zone fans are spoiled brats when it comes to the TV and PPV. Watch the PPV's they do outside of Orlando and you will see fans that are there because it's new and exciting. They are loud, they are great crowds, something I dont say often about Orlando's fans.

I agree with what Bischoff said last night that people dont like change. But guess wha, if change ddidnt happen and Hogan and Eric didnt partner up with TNA, TNA would still be "that company on Thursdays that lucky to pull a 1.0 in the ratings. Since Hogan and Eric they have pulled a 1.5 (maybe evena 1.6 or 1.7 on Monday night and last thursday pulled a 1.3 which is better than Superstars or ECW that week. Like it or not, the fans in the Impact ZOne do help out when they are not trying to get THEMSELVES over. They wnat so bad to be the ECW fans of TNA that they make themselves look like morons alot. Yes if a gimmik is bad then boo it, but to boo a 4 sided ring, (Which TNA started in!) is just ridiculous. If you dont like it then leave and let other real fans get in and enjoy the show. Impact Zone fans are not old school ECW fans, no matter how bad they want to be.

I watched the show and they constantly showed the crowd and it looked like no one left, maybe a few and if they did I dont care. If they dont want to watch what was a great show then fuck them, they are proving that they are simply what Eric and Hulk said they were, "Smarks that think they know how to run a wrestling company because they have watched it at home on their couch." Change is inevitable. If Jarrett decided to switch to a 4 sider, people would love the idea and call it brilliant because it's good for business, Hogan does it and he's Hitler. TNA will change from time to time, if ya dont like it, too damn bad. Stop being little cry babies about everything and enjoy the show that's put in front of you. The fans were probably so worried about a fucking ring that they probably didnt notice all the great matches of the night.
There is a group of about 12-20 of us

TNA is concerned about becoming a promotion that can sell thousands of seats in any state in the country. I don't want to belittle you, but the 12-20 of you are a drop in the bucket. You are writing TNA's new direction off in the first month of its existence and you wonder why the powers that be aren't overly concerned about your feelings on the matter?
Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows.

I've seen a lot of posts claiming that the biggest thing wrong with TNA right now is us, the loyal fans in the iMPACT! Zone.

I'd like to give you a little perspective on things. There is a group of about 12-20 of us who are at every show we can attend (Collectively known as the "Crucial Crew", which is why you see us throw up the 'c' hand signal). And we DO NOT like the direction this company is going. Therefore, we express our displeasure in hopes that management will listen. Why? Because we LOVE TNA, and will not stand idly by while it gets raped by Hogan and his boys. If we were season ticket holders for a sports team, this would be expected, would it not?

Last night at Genesis was a major event in the growing war between the TNA loyalists and the Hoganites. I can tell you that very real battle lines are being drawn within the organization, and the conflict will get a lot worse.

Again, we LOVE TNA. So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed.

Last night was remarkable in that for the first time ever a TNA producer came down into the pit where we stand, grabbed my friend by the shirt and actually threatened to ban us from the building if we didn't stop with the "vulgarity and the negativity". From reports, this heat came directly from "Dixie and Terry who were pissed that we didn't put Morely over during his match with Daniels. Are you kidding? This happened during the Pope v Wolfe match, and totally killed the crowd. If you were wondering why the crowd was so dead during what was a great wrestling match, that's why.

Here's the thing though... We've become friends with a lot of the wrestlers, and they all love our energy, enthusiasm and passion, and have and continue to support us. The production crew, who takes heat directly from the top, HATE us, most likely because they are all afraid for their jobs.

Also, all of the Bubba Army idiots and other Hogan marks are now in the iMPACT! Zone and act like the complete tools they are. Oh, but THEY don't get scolded like 5-year olds, even though they are the most offensive people there.

I saw hundreds of people walk out on the show last night, something i've NEVER seen at a PPV. Things are getting weird. Hopefully, Bischoff and Russo are smart enough to use this tension to create compelling TV, but from my perspective, it seems like TNA is dying right before my eyes.

Rest assured, the Crucial Crew will fight to the end for the TNA we know and love!

The problem is that the TNA that you know and love is holding the company back from getting bigger and better in attracting the mainstream wrestling fans. The company is in a stage right now where it wants to compete with the WWE, and the problem is that the state that of the company that you enjoyed for this many years isn't going to compete with the WWE.

That may be difficult for you to accept, but it's true.

I've been to the Impact Zone once for a TNA taping, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It's a great place to see a wrestling show.

And seeing you guys fight for the product you like is admirable. But at the same time is pointless in the big picture. As the saying goes, in order to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. And if that means losing you so they can gain thousands of more fans and bring them into the TNA fanbase to go up against the WWE, they are going to do it. I know the company would like you on board, but if it isn't going to have you on board, then they are prepared to leave without you.

I personally am thrilled with the direction TNA is going in, as they are reverting to an Attitude Era product, which is what I truly loved as a fan. And being that I lived through the Hogan Era, as well, I am thrilled to see Hogan and a few other faces bring some nostalgia back to the product, as well.

Best I can say is that if you can't accept the direction TNA is going, there is always either WWE and Wakeless Watered-down Entertainment, or Ring of Honor that may suit your interests better.
Sorry pal, while I appreciate your loyalty and your desire to see a good wrestling product, I agree whole-heartedly with everyone here who says it's you who in fact is/are the problem. Fans like you, unfortunately, care more about getting themselves and their inside-joke chants over more than they care about pushing the company they're privileged to watch for fucking free week-after-week.

Like it's been said, you and your dozen friends who think you're trying to save the company from itself are in fact a dozen smarks who think they can run a wrestling promotion because they've watched at home for 20 years. You haven't the slightest clue how the industry truly works, nor do you care in reality. All you care about is having "good matches" to watch, but refuse to accept that in order to have them you have to sacrifice, and that means sacrificing things you probably liked – like a pure gimmick in a six-sided ring, or having to watch guys like Hall & Waltman come in to help put over the young TNA stars.

Bottom line here is this: TNA is an unknown. Names are required to take companies to new heights. You think WCW would have been WCW had Hogan never come on board, and had the mass of major names not followed, subsequently? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: why are ex-WWE guys known as "WWE Rejects" to the TNA smarks, but ex-WCW guys were not "WCW Rejects" to the WWE, and ex-WWE guys were not "WWE Rejects" to the WCW? Hypocrisy at it's best. ECW is dead, man – let it stay dead and try and give the program a fucking chance. It's three weeks old and people like you are shitting on it for no reason other than fear. Fear is reasonable, but lashing out because of it is not.
The point is that our admittedly small group represents a major group worldwide- the "smarts" (Which, btw, you are if you're visiting WZ and reading this). I know I have personally gotten hundreds of people to start watching TNA beacuse they trust my knowledge and opinion about wrestling. I know many of you can claim the same (maybe not specifically TNA, but wrestling in general).

In his book "The Turning Point", Malcom Gladwell devotes a large section to the concept of "mavens". Mavens being the people who are so dedicated and passionate to a product that they hold a very disproportionate amount of influence when marketing something to the masses. He mentioned that the reason there's a phone number on tubes of toothpaste or cans of soup is almost strictly for toothpaste or soup mavens (yes, they exist). Why? Because manufacturers know that the public will take the toothpaste maven's word as gold when it comes to toothpaste. Word of mouth is always the most effective form of promotion, and it's invaluable when it's from a maven. Therefore, Gladwell argues, the most cost-effective marketing is direct marketing to the mavens themselves.

There's a couple of examples in the book of how companies that "blow-up" and become worldwide phenomena were sparked by appeals to industry mavens. This is the only way TNA is going to achieve its goals of competing with WWE on the road and on TV. They need to convince US, the pro wrestling mavens of the world that they have a superior product. Do we make up less than 10% of the audience? Almost assuredly, but we wield more power than anybody when it comes to converting new fans- for FREE.

That's why it's so disheartening to see Hogan and crew trying the brute-force, lowest common denominator approach. It won't work, and we loyalists can see the writing on the wall. It's sad, but the abandonment of the hardcore smarks may ultimately doom the company to Vince's video archive. We are burying this crap out of love. It's not because we are trying to get ourselves over (although admittedly, there are those who do- and I think a lot of those random chants come from one-time out-of-town fans that want to 'play along'), but because we want TNA to do well. Putting Val Venis, a WWE jobber with the most gimmicky gimmick since Doink the Clown over Daniels, a guy who has been with TNA from the beginning and has sacrificed so much for this company is just disgusting and representative of everything that is wrong with the Bischoff/Hogan regime. We won't stand for it.

Want some compelling TV? Wait until the entire pit revolts and empties into the ring on live TV. The way things are going, this is not altogether inconceivable.
The point is that our admittedly small group represents a major group worldwide- the "smarts" (Which, btw, you are if you're visiting WZ and reading this). I know I have personally gotten hundreds of people to start watching TNA beacuse they trust my knowledge and opinion about wrestling. I know many of you can claim the same (maybe not specifically TNA, but wrestling in general).
I for one am no smark. I enjoy wrestling a product in general whether it be WWE, TNA, ROH, AAA, PWG, Noah, Zero One, whatever works. I give two shits abou the backstage politicking and enjoy it for what it is, a sport regardless of whom is running the damn company.

In his book "The Turning Point", Malcom Gladwell devotes a large section to the concept of "mavens". Mavens being the people who are so dedicated and passionate to a product that they hold a very disproportionate amount of influence when marketing something to the masses. He mentioned that the reason there's a phone number on tubes of toothpaste or cans of soup is almost strictly for toothpaste or soup mavens (yes, they exist). Why? Because manufacturers know that the public will take the toothpaste maven's word as gold when it comes to toothpaste. Word of mouth is always the most effective form of promotion, and it's invaluable when it's from a maven. Therefore, Gladwell argues, the most cost-effective marketing is direct marketing to the mavens themselves.
Yes Mavens exist, but guess what you are proven to not be one of them. Yes you go there a lot but do you really know TNA? You have been called out in this topic alone for being a smark and acry baby when not given your way. A Maven would probably give something time to develop before writing it off. You sir are no Maven.

That's why it's so disheartening to see Hogan and crew trying the brute-force, lowest common denominator approach. It won't work, and we loyalists can see the writing on the wall. It's sad, but the abandonment of the hardcore smarks may ultimately doom the company to Vince's video archive. We are burying this crap out of love. It's not because we are trying to get ourselves over (although admittedly, there are those who do- and I think a lot of those random chants come from one-time out-of-town fans that want to 'play along'), but because we want TNA to do well. Putting Val Venis, a WWE jobber with the most gimmicky gimmick since Doink the Clown over Daniels, a guy who has been with TNA from the beginning and has sacrificed so much for this company is just disgusting and representative of everything that is wrong with the Bischoff/Hogan regime. We won't stand for it.
You keep calling yourself a loyalist as if it means something. You trying to make yourself smarter than you are. And the Venis thing, it's a story you moron. You think it's done between Daniels and Morely? No. Again wait and see before you open your marky mouth. Feuds are what make wrestling great. Morely got one up on Daniels, now we want to see Daniels come back. It's what will happen, sadly in front of your eyes and on my tv screen, perhaps it should be the other way around.

Want some compelling TV? Wait until the entire pit revolts and empties into the ring on live TV. The way things are going, this is not altogether inconceivable.
You should try it and see how many of your "friends" as you called them being the wrestlers beat the living shit out of you when you try it. Hell I could just send this little message to TNA and see how fast you and your friends are sent packing from the arena if you even get let in. But I wont because watching guys you call washed up like Hall and Pac and Nash beat the living shit out of you morons would be more fun to watch. Maybe even let Hulkster give you fools a leg drop in the middle of a four sided ring. How would that be for irony. BTW for being a regular you do know they tape their shows and it's not live right? Do it on PPV, I'd gladly pay to watch smarks get beat up on live tv by wrestlers.
Haha, the pit revolts? That will make good tv alright.

The point is, you haven't even given the new regime a chance to succeed before you are ripping it.

I also crack up anytime a TNA loyalist tells me about their "different" "wrestling" product that isn't meant to be lowest common denominator. This is a company that prior to Hogan ran a stable called SEX, has a group of women called the beautiful people who wear barely any clothes and act provocatively on television, had a big fat Samoan run around with a knife, ran an angle (pun intended) about a wife cheating on her husband with his "friend," put one of their "knockouts" in playboy, have tried every "hardcore" gimmick they can, come to think of it have tried every gimmicky version of a gimmick match they can...

I'm sorry, but TNA loyalists should not be acting shocked that Hogan and Bischoff would dare appeal to a "lowest common denominator." TNA wasn't exactly been old school AWA before he got there.
Hey guys. I'm one of the hardcore TNA fans who you see regularly on iMPACT! and TNA PPV. You probably recognize me as the guy who wears a shirt and tie to the shows.

I have never picked you from the crowd

I'd like to give you a little perspective on things. There is a group of about 12-20 of us who are at every show we can attend (Collectively known as the "Crucial Crew", which is why you see us throw up the 'c' hand signal).
You seriously call yourselves that? I can tell this is going to get hilarious very quickly

And we DO NOT like the direction this company is going. Therefore, we express our displeasure in hopes that management will listen. Why? Because we LOVE TNA, and will not stand idly by while it gets raped by Hogan and his boys.

So you love TNA so much that it becoming a successful company and breaking into the mainstream is something you consider to be bad? Well that's great ,I suppose this would be why there are 20 of you.

If we were season ticket holders for a sports team, this would be expected, would it not?
No, not really

Last night at Genesis was a major event in the growing war between the TNA loyalists and the Hoganites. I can tell you that very real battle lines are being drawn within the organization, and the conflict will get a lot worse.
TNA Loyalists? Try elitist smarks who want to keep the company all to themselves.

Again, we LOVE TNA.
So why do you want them to fail?

So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed.

So you're angry that hulk hogan changed the ring shape and said that 20 people aren't representative of the majority of wrestling fans? Funny story you aren't. 20 people who boo everything they don't like without giving it a chance shouldn't be listened too. Because you're dumbasses.

Last night was remarkable in that for the first time ever a TNA producer came down into the pit where we stand, grabbed my friend by the shirt and actually threatened to ban us from the building if we didn't stop with the "vulgarity and the negativity". From reports, this heat came directly from "Dixie and Terry who were pissed that we didn't put Morely over during his match with Daniels. Are you kidding? This happened during the Pope v Wolfe match, and totally killed the crowd. If you were wondering why the crowd was so dead during what was a great wrestling match, that's why.

So you spend all your time running down the company you supposedly "love" for trying to improve themselves and then you wonder why members of the ring crew tell you to fuck off? Can't think why? Must be because you're too cool.

Here's the thing though... We've become friends with a lot of the wrestlers, and they all love our energy, enthusiasm and passion, and have and continue to support us. The production crew, who takes heat directly from the top, HATE us, most likely because they are all afraid for their jobs.
I somehow doubt that the wrestlers enjoy you making their jobs even more difficult for them.

Also, all of the Bubba Army idiots and other Hogan marks are now in the iMPACT! Zone and act like the complete tools they are. Oh, but THEY don't get scolded like 5-year olds, even though they are the most offensive people there.
You mean those dreadful people who boo the heels and cheer the faces? Yeah they're the one's causing all the problems, as opposed to the loud mouthed hecklers? Get much oxygen up there on your smark mountain? Doesn't seem like it.

I saw hundreds of people walk out on the show last night, something i've NEVER seen at a PPV.
Sure you did, also the reason you've never seen that a TNA PPV before is because there weren't hundreds of people there. Hogan's already proven to be a live attendance draw in a mere 2 weeks.

Things are getting weird. Hopefully, Bischoff and Russo are smart enough to use this tension to create compelling TV, but from my perspective, it seems like TNA is dying right before my eyes.
Yes these past 2 weeks of high ratings are a surefire sign the company is dying.

Rest assured, the Crucial Crew will fight to the end for the TNA we know and love!
Hahahahaha I still find it hilarious you refer to yourselves as "the crucial crew". Honestly no one cares, however, I'll take the chance to say this right now; Elitist douche bags like yourself are the problem with wrestling today, you're never happy with anything and you're so hell bent on keeping anything you deem worthy to yourself, that should it ever achieve a certain level of popularity among casual fans you throw fits at the idea of something no longer being exclusive to you. Elitist bullshit like this is what makes it so hard for companies to be successful. Hogan and Bischoff are trying new things to push TNA into the mainstream and make it a more successful business, people like you and your "crucial crew" are standing in there way and I'm gonna be honest you need to get the fuck out.

I'm tired of people like you whinging consistently about not getting exactly what you want. Because here's the thing; what you want isn't what everyone else wants. And if you're not even going to give the changes in TNA a chance before condemning them then I don't think there's any point in you watching. Obviously you're comfortable with TNA getting 100-200 people in their live audiences and pulling low ratings and low buyrates. Some of us actually want TNA to succeed so please move aside.
I think that for smarks hogan will never be excepted in tna because of his run with wcw. but to think that daniels lost credit to sean morley is a mistake. I mean yes he lost the match which was specifically made to piss off tna originals. Because that is part of the fued with tna right now is hogan knows that the originals don't want him so he is feeding it. He is specifically doing things to hype a tna vs hogan type storyline and it will bring negative feedback from some, understandable. But I think that we need to just sit back and try and take in the show as a whole, it has really improved itself as far as ratings and production value, it continues to push all the wrestlers on the show in a great way. and promos, matches, and gimmicks are all solid.

If you don't mind me asking underworld, what do you think about the 4 sided ring and how it plays apart of the the new tna?
I feel that what Hogan did was wrong. He is forcing the change without remorse. He should first focus on pleasing the more loyal fans (Like you) before trying to go mainstream. Last night he basically give all the regulars at the iMPACT! Zone a big F*ck you. Thats not right. He just got here and he's already asserting his authority. The TNA regulars are the ones hes gonna have to depend on if he screws up. The ring isn't a big deal. I preferred the 6 sided ring because it benefited everyone there. But to tell the crowd to shut up isn't right. he's expecting us to like his changes at the moment. He needs to take it slowly and make sure he's pleasing all of the fans before going for new ones.

Side Note: You may wanna get a bigger sign. I've never noticed any one with a tie in the show.
I'm so sick of hearing people whine about the 6 sided ring thing. You just got upgraded out of the kiddy little sandbox into a professional ring. Learn to love it.

[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1720613]I feel that what Hogan did was wrong. He is forcing the change without remorse. He should first focus on pleasing the more loyal fans (Like you) before trying to go mainstream. Last night he basically give all the regulars at the iMPACT! Zone a big F*ck you. Thats not right. He just got here and he's already asserting his authority. The TNA regulars are the ones hes gonna have to depend on if he screws up. The ring isn't a big deal. I preferred the 6 sided ring because it benefited everyone there. But to tell the crowd to shut up isn't right. he's expecting us to like his changes at the moment. He needs to take it slowly and make sure he's pleasing all of the fans before going for new ones.[/QUOTE]

Yeah he gave them a big F you when AJ Styles won his match, Beer Money won their match, Morgan and Hernandez won the tag titles, a women's match got more than 2 minutes, Pope and Wolfe got time to put on a good match, Kendrick and Red got time to fight for the X Division title like it wasn't just a prop...

Yeah, a real big F you.
The problem is that the TNA that you know and love is holding the company back from getting bigger and better in attracting the mainstream wrestling fans. The company is in a stage right now where it wants to compete with the WWE, and the problem is that the state that of the company that you enjoyed for this many years isn't going to compete with the WWE.

That may be difficult for you to accept, but it's true.

I've been to the Impact Zone once for a TNA taping, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It's a great place to see a wrestling show.

And seeing you guys fight for the product you like is admirable. But at the same time is pointless in the big picture. As the saying goes, in order to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. And if that means losing you so they can gain thousands of more fans and bring them into the TNA fanbase to go up against the WWE, they are going to do it. I know the company would like you on board, but if it isn't going to have you on board, then they are prepared to leave without you.

I personally am thrilled with the direction TNA is going in, as they are reverting to an Attitude Era product, which is what I truly loved as a fan. And being that I lived through the Hogan Era, as well, I am thrilled to see Hogan and a few other faces bring some nostalgia back to the product, as well.

Best I can say is that if you can't accept the direction TNA is going, there is always either WWE and Wakeless Watered-down Entertainment, or Ring of Honor that may suit your interests better.

I totally agree with you. I know TNA fans are loyal as the old ECW fans. But look what happened to ECW. TNA has a chance to take it to a level which the old ECW (real ecw) never got a chance. TNA had a good run on that sound stage which we call the impact zone. The company is not going to grow with out making the necessary changes that will draw larger audiences and take TNA IMPACT to larger venues. TNA Impact can't survive forever in the Orlando, Winters Park, etc audiences area forever.

Everyone knows that Hall and Waltman are not long term guys and will probably be gone within six months or sooner. The band will be used to put over teams like Beer Money. Every single old guy they brought in so far was to plug the holes in the depth of the tag team division or to feud and put over the current TNA stars with a new audience.
I'm so sick of hearing people whine about the 6 sided ring thing. You just got upgraded out of the kiddy little sandbox into a professional ring. Learn to love it.

AAA uses a 6 sided ring. They 've been Mexico's top company for decades and they feature some of the worlds best talent. Are you trying to tell me they're minor league?

Yeah he gave them a big F you when AJ Styles won his match, Beer Money won their match, Morgan and Hernandez won the tag titles, a women's match got more than 2 minutes, Pope and Wolfe got time to put on a good match, Kendrick and Red got time to fight for the X Division title like it wasn't just a prop...

Yeah, a real big F you.

You idiot. I'm talking about his response to the crowd. When the hell did I mention the wrestlers? The OP just told you he was threatened by Hogan's security. All I said was that the change has to be slow and effective. Forcing it down our throats like he did last night is no better than what WWE does with some of the guest hosts.
Ah finally people standing up to the smarks, the ones killing the business!!!! First the "six sided ring" made TNA look like a circus act. Second to become bigger you have to get the casual fan, and many casual fans i talked to watched and laughed at the six sided ring. And i tend to agree with them. I was glad Hogan and Eazy-E Told you jackasses to shut up i hope they dont let the "Crucial Crew" back into the building. And the pit is gooing to rush the ring AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA tough ass gangsta CC internet smarks are gonna rush the ring AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
[QUOTE="The Kill Joy" Robert Morales;1720645]AAA uses a 6 sided ring. They 've been Mexico's top company for decades and they feature some of the worlds best talent. Are you trying to tell me they're minor league?[/quote]

We are talking about two VASTLY different types of wrestling fanbases in Mexico and the United States. Lucha Libre has been a wild success in Mexico, but there is no doubt it would fail miserably in the United States.

You idiot. I'm talking about his response to the crowd. When the hell did I mention the wrestlers? The OP just told you he was threatened by Hogan's security. All I said was that the change has to be slow and effective. Forcing it down our throats like he did last night is no better than what WWE does with some of the guest hosts.

I'm sorry you feel the need to insult me. I will not respond in kind. I misunderstood what you meant about the F U to the crowd. If you were simply talking about his little promo, fine. Maybe he shouldn't have been the way he was. I thought you meant the show in general was a big F U.
The problem with your TNA loyal fans is your young guys cannot do sqaut to entertain a mass auidience. I like ECW back in the day loved the orig company but it wasnt mainstream either. The young talent in TNA is a snooze fest. Daniels and AJ are boring they are ok in the ring and boring on the mic. Wrestling is entertainment like it or not. Its not a sport. I dont call it sport when a winner is decided before it begins. We all knew AJ was going to beat Tomko and to back it up they put on a terrible match.

The TNA loyal fans are stupid. Hogan and the old guys work the proof is in the ratings. The reason they do work is they are entertaining tv personalities. Which is what people want when they watch TELEVISION. Who wants to see fat Samoa Joe lazy around the ring? Daniels or AJ talk about whatever they talk about

TNA loyal fans are stupid to not back hogan's buddies. Hogan helps you draw ratings like 1.9, 1.8,1.4,1.3

The small TNA fans base barely drew 1.0 It was time for a change in TNA.

I loved ECW but when it was on spike well then TNN it barely drew a 1.0 also. ECW never changed from having just that loyal fan base and they never drew any higher ratings. They never stood a chance against WWE. Now your saying TNA should travel the same path? Oh yeah and seeing the dull Impact Zone crowd kills it for me watching
Gotta agree with Randolph. People bitched when they brought in Hall and Waltman, but guess what? The Band lost to Beer Money last night. The older guys are coming in help push the younger guys into stars. Just like I said would happen and now it has happened.
Wow. So people here are calling the first guy a baby, insinuating that he will moan and complain about the ring (one assclown who thinks women shouldn't have real matches calling it a kiddy sandbox), and yet he's the immature one? I understand that some of these changes have been small but if you change TNA so much that it no longer resembles the company it was brought up as, is that a victory?

One thing I hate about WWE is the constant pushing on the fans of who is right and who should be booed. Taking signs away and such. If TNA starts not letting the crowds express themselves then they lose a large part of their audience, probably in protest. Daniels is better in every way possible than Morley, but Morley comes from the big company, so clearly he's the good guy? It doesn't make any sense. I hate to draw this parallel, but remember the Old Generation of stars in WCW verse the New Blood? It kind f seems like this is the Old Generation's revenge.

The idea to me that TNA was WWE-lite was ridiculous. They had over-the-top matches; real lightweight, high-flying talent; actually talented female WRESTLERS; and some great, memorable matches. They take away the voice of TNA and put some no nothing bimbo in his place, there are plans to do away with a great commentator who knows what he's talking about, they take away the (unique) ring and use the same thing used since the 1900s, and then start pushing no-talent jackasses (Morley, Nasty Boys) over truly talented guys, and what do you have now? What is TNA now becoming? WWE-Lite.
How much was the price of the ticket to get into Genesis? Probably not much. You knew it was coming since you have been reading the boards about the four sided ring. You had been chanting it before the pay per view even started. BTW you were not told to shut up. Basically they told you the reason why, and you call it being told to shut up. I think it was a very classy thing for Hogan and Bischoff to do. They calmed down a very belligerent audience and I believe most of the people understood and eventually agreed with what they said.
We are talking about two VASTLY different types of wrestling fanbases in Mexico and the United States. Lucha Libre has been a wild success in Mexico, but there is no doubt it would fail miserably in the United States. I'm sorry you feel the need to insult me. I will not respond in kind. I misunderstood what you meant about the F U to the crowd. If you were simply talking about his little promo, fine. Maybe he shouldn't have been the way he was. I thought you meant the show in general was a big F U.

I apologize. I shouldn't have done that. I do disagree with the statement about the lucha libre style not catching over here. It was a big part of WCW back in 96-99 and it really spicced up the crowd. It gave big breaks to guys like Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio back then. As a matter of fact, judging from last weeks iMPACT! andits opening match, it seems we may see a similar format in TNA now.
I've seen a lot of posts claiming that the biggest thing wrong with TNA right now is us, the loyal fans in the iMPACT! Zone.
You should chant about this. A lot. Chant at the beginning of the show, chant at the end of the show, chant during the national anthem, chant during all the promos, chant during all the matches, chant before you go to bed, chant when you wake up, chant during sex, chant during childbirth, chant during church, and never stop chanting. Don't ever stop. Don't pay any attention to what's going on in the ring. Who cares about the in-ring stuff? It doesn't matter. At all. All that matters is getting your chant over! The fan's chants are what make TNA. Without those chants, there would be no TNA.
Wow. So people here are calling the first guy a baby, insinuating that he will moan and complain about the ring (one assclown who thinks women shouldn't have real matches calling it a kiddy sandbox), and yet he's the immature one? I understand that some of these changes have been small but if you change TNA so much that it no longer resembles the company it was brought up as, is that a victory?

Changed the ring shape back to what it had been originally, oh no TNA's lost their identity.

One thing I hate about WWE is the constant pushing on the fans of who is right and who should be booed. Taking signs away and such. If TNA starts not letting the crowds express themselves then they lose a large part of their audience, probably in protest. Daniels is better in every way possible than Morley, but Morley comes from the big company, so clearly he's the good guy? It doesn't make any sense. I hate to draw this parallel, but remember the Old Generation of stars in WCW verse the New Blood? It kind f seems like this is the Old Generation's revenge.

Umm what? Okay let's address the first point, Daniels has been a heel for the past 2 months. So yeah that'd be why Sean Morley is the face because Daniels has been established as a heel for the past 2 months. Also did you actually watch WCW? The Millionares Club dominated The New Blood. In TNA the veterans have been losing to the young guys giving them the rub. It's the exact opposite of The New Blood.

The idea to me that TNA was WWE-lite was ridiculous. They had over-the-top matches; real lightweight, high-flying talent; actually talented female WRESTLERS; and some great, memorable matches.
They still have all of this.

They take away the voice of TNA and put some no nothing bimbo in his place
More than likely a storyline. As I doubt JB has been replaced by Christi considering TNA usually has one male and one female backstage interviewer.

there are plans to do away with a great commentator who knows what he's talking about
That was a rumour and Dixie Carter publicly stated Tenay will not be replaced in the near future.

they take away the (unique) ring and use the same thing used since the 1900s, and then start pushing no-talent jackasses (Morley, Nasty Boys) over truly talented guys, and what do you have now? What is TNA now becoming? WWE-Lite.

The ring change is in no way a big deal, I was a fan of the six-sided ring. Guess what? I got over it in about 3 seconds that it'd changed. Morley's had one victory over Daniels and the way I see this feud going is Daniels taking out Morley and using him as a stepping stone. Also they haven't pushed the Nasty Boys. They're getting a match agains another hardcore tag team of fat guys. Who are they being pushed over? No one.
I cannot believe that a crappy pay-per-view has ended up being a "blame the fans" fest. It doesn't matter if the fans booed or cheered or chanted something you thought might have been out of line, the point of the night was that Hogan's first pay per view with TNA was a flop. And that's what I think is bothering people the most. Now for what the thread starter has stated. He has every right in the world to chant what he wants. Having a producer sent over and threaten them is completely out of line. Any company will tell you that they NEED their loyal fans. Without these loyal fans, there would be no company. Sure, you need to branch out and reach other fans, but in the end, it is very important to have your loyal followers. And this is what this guy and his friends were. And simply because they, like many other fans, are sensing the company's change is not for the better, they're being harassed, both at the building and on these threads? Last week, when Raw was being held from Minneapolis, a few threads came up here about how bad the fans were. And sure many, including myself, did feel the fans were shit at the show, we did not go and BLAME a bad Raw on the fans. Face it, that was not a great effort by TNA last night. And especially not by Hogan.

Hogan claims to have a business sense. He says he's been around the business, he's been this and that. But in reality, how close has he been the the business aspect of the sport? I mean he's been around. He's perhaps learned from Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff, enough so to sound somewhat legitamite. But is his experience so strong that you'd risk putting an entire company on his shoulders? Bischoff or not, this was quite the risk by TNA. I mean, sure the ratings have gone up a little bit. And you could say that's because Hogan is branching out to other fans. But the question I have is simply: What will happen when the loyal fans leave TNA? Because that too will LOSE ratings.

I wish nothing but the best for TNA. There's a lot of hard working wrestlers there who have put their bodies on the line. I just hope this business move isn't already showing signs of backlash.
I can't stand you TNA marks that show up every week in the impact zone, i wish TNA would ban you all. You people don't appreciate wrestling, you get to go to the show every single week for FREE and just because Hogan is changing what you've become so use to, it's ruining TNA??? BULLSHIT Hogan is trying to make TNA into a realy competitor against WWE, they scored a 1.5 on jan and got a 1.9 during one of the quarter hours, THATS AMAZING and I never thought TNA would score that high. You marks on the other hand have done nothing but make TNA boring every week because you think you know everything about wrestling, I CAN'T STAND YOU ALL

The 6-sided ring was stupid and it made TNA look like a circus act, bringing in the 4-sided ring was a smart move and if you don't like it, then theres the door

TNA could care less about you 12-20 CC people because what they want the millions of viewers WWE has and the 4-sided ring will get help them get that

please tell you impact zone friends to never show up on TNA again because your nothing but spoiled brats that know NOTHING about wrestling


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