TNA Bound For Glory IV

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Bound For Glory IV was held in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, and the event itself took place in the Sears Centre.

Commentators- Mike Tenay and Don West

A video package is shown of Chicago's history. TNA does a parody of gangsters with their top stars.

Steel Asylum Match For X-Division Title #1 Contender's Spot: Alex Shelly VS Sonjay Dutt (with So Cal Val) VS Jay Lethal VS Curry Man VS Chris Sabin VS Jimmy Rave(with Christy Hemme) VS Johnny Devine VS Petey Williams VS Shark Boy VS Super Eric(Eric Young)

Referee Rudy Charles is in a harnest on top of the Asylum. To make sure the right man is declared a winner because this could come down to a photo finish.

We start off with a brawl. Sonjay Dutt hits a hurricanrana on Jimmy Rave, and then he does that stupid dance. Shark Boy gets caught in the corner. He receives a series of clotheslines from the MCMG, Dutt, and Rave. Johnny Divine tries to be different. He goes for a kick, but Shark Boy is able to dodge it. Devine is against the turnbuckle, and he gets beat up just like Shark Boy did.

The cliques begin to work together, as Rave the MCMG, and Devine hit a triple suplex on the Prince Justice Brotherhood(Eric Young, Curry Man, and Shark Boy)......Wow! What an awesome spot! Rave nears the top, but Lethal is able to stop him with a hurricanrana. Shelly adds insult to injury by hitting a frogsplash from the top rope on Rave. Super Eric hits the death valley driver on Devine and Dutt.

At this point in the match, the MCMGare the only ones left standing. They go to work on Petey Williams, but Petey is able to fight off both of the guns. Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer on Shelly, and this makes the crowd erupt. Petey and Sabin fight each other on their way to the top of the cage, but Shark Boy catches both of them with a double Texi-Drop. Curry Man comes out of now where, and hits the Spice Rack on Devine. I almost forgot Curry was in this match for a second..........

Dutt is the only one making a charge for the top of the cage now. The only thing is, he can't decide if he should go for the win or go for a "holy shit!" moment on Devine. While he's trying to make up his mind, Curry Man pulls him down to the mat. Curry throws Dutt into the turnbuckle hard, and he begins to make his charge for the top. Dutt is able to catch up to him, and he yanks him off of the top. So long Curry Man......

We know have Dutt and Lethal fighting to escape. They both trade a series of viscous punches, but Lethal is able to get the upper hand on Dutt. He escapes through the top to win the match, and the #1 contender spot.

Match Rating B+: This was a very fun match, and it was a great way to start the show. This match was filled with excitement and sick spots.

Backstage Segment: Jim Cornette's office

Jermey Borash is interviewing Cornette. Cornette hypes BFG, and then Mick Foley comes in. Cornette is excited to see Foley. He leaves, and then Mick takes his chair.

Before Foley can get comfortable, Angelina Love and Velvet Sky storm into the office. For some reason they are very upset about not having all blue M&M's? They start throwing the M&M's at Foley, and he tries to catch them with his mouth. Very funny segment.

A video package is shown of the feud between The Beautiful People and Rhino and ODB

Knockouts Bimbo Brawl: The Beautiful People and Kip James VS Rhaka Khan, Rhino, and ODB with Traci Brooks(Knockout Law) as Special Guest Referee

Traci Brooks is out first, and she's wearing a skimpy referee outfit with a top that shows off her enormous fake boobs.

ODB and Valentine start things off. ODB starts off by dominating Angelina with a series off open hand slaps to the chest. She throws Valentine into the corner, and hits a splash on her. Angelina rakes ODB's eyes, and tags in Velvet. She shoves Rhino in the face, but this allows ODB to get the upper hand. ODB catches Velvet in a wrist lock. She tags in Rhino. Rhino throws Velvet into the corner, and then he gives her a hip toss. I'm guessing the usual inter-gender tag rules don't apply in this match....... Rhino sets up for the gore, but Kip comes in to save Velvet.

Rhino chases Kip around the ring. Once they back in the ring, Velvet goes for a clothesline on Rhino, but she misses. Rhino looks pissed, and he's prepared to do more damage, but Rhaka Khan tags herself in. Kip gets the tag. We now have a stare down between Khan and Kip. They battle back and forth by choking each other, until Khan aggressively grabs Kip's manhood. Tenay calls this move "the crotch claw"......LOL. Kip hops around in pain. He tags in Angelina who is then dominated by Khan.

ODB gets the tag from Khan. She takes down Angelina, and begins to fire her self up by slapping her boobs, and ass. The crowd is into ODB. While Velvet has Traci distracted, Kip comes in and whacks ODB in the head with a make up box. Angelina goes for the pin, but she only gets a 2 count.

As the women fight outside the ring, Rhino and Kip continue to go at it. Kip sets up for his finisher, but Rhino hits the gore out of no where. He goes for the pin, and gets the 3 count for the win.

Match Rating C: This was okay. Rhino was awesome in this one. The BFP could've used the win because they were(and still are) pretty hot in TNA at this time.

Lauren(who looks like Marylin Monroe at this ppv) Interviews Consequences Creed backstage: Creed cuts a pro-American promo on Bashir, and says he will win the X-Division title.

X-Division Championship-Shiek Abdul Bashir(champion) VS Consequences Creed

After Bashir's entrance, SGT. Daniel Casara(U.S. Army) introduces Creed, Casara is a Iraqi war veteran who as injured in combat. After, Creed's introduction, Bashir gets on the mic and starts going on a rant.

Creed kicks things off by knocking Bashir out of the ring with a clothesline. Creed then hits a flying flip on Bashir. The crowd is going nuts, as Creed hops on top of the announce table, and hi fives Don West and Mike Tenay. Creed throws Bashir back into the ring. He goes to the top rope, and hits a very nice cross body. He gets only gets a 2 count.

Bashir is able to take control. He dominates Creed with chops. Creed is able to slow Bashir's momentum by hitting a reverse neck breaker. He smacks Bashir with a hard clothesline. He goes for another pinfall, but again, he only gets a 2 count.

Creed begins to build momentum with a series of shots to Bashir. Creed is able to get Bashir on his shoulders, but the Shiek is raking his mouth and eyes. The ref can't see any of this because he's in a bad position. Bashir is able to get a a roll up on Creed, he holds the ropes, and gets the three count for the win.

Match Rating C+: This match was pretty solid. Creed came out this match looking strong, but he was never able to capture the X-Division title. I always liked Creed, but he was never able to break through.

Jeremy Borash and Mick Foley: Foley tells JB a story about the Hell In A Cell match between him and The Undertaker. Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed burst into the office. Saeed tells Foley Kong is going to destroy Wilde and Roxxi.

A video package is shown of Taylor Wilde, and Roxxi.

TNA Knockouts Title Match- Awesome Kong(with Saeed) VS Taylor Wilde(champion) VS Roxxi

Wilde and Roxxi start of the match by double teaming Kong. They hit a double drop kick, which sends Kong to the outside. With Kong out of the way, Roxxi and Taylor Wilde go at it. Kong doesn't stay down for too long. She comes back in and man handles Wilde, while Saeed takes care of Roxxi on the outside. Kong goes for the implant buster on Wilde, but she reverse it into a roll up. Very nice spot here.

Kong goes to the ropes, As she's setting up for what ever move she was going to do, Wilde is able to knock her off the top rope, and Kong falls to the outside. Taylor hits a bridging suplex on Roxxi for the win.

Match Rating B+: For a women's match, this was pretty physical. Kong and Roxxi dished out most of the punishment, while Taylor provided us with most of the flashy stuff. This was a pretty good match, and it made Wilde look like a strong champion.

JB in Cornette's officie: AJ Styles praise Foley's presence in TNA. The Dudleys come in to interrupt. Team 3D bashes AJ for being a kiss ass. Foley and Bubba have an argument about who should wear the red flannel. Foley and Team 3D trade insults, and then Cornette comes in. Foley and Cornette continue praising BFG.

A video package is shown of the Monster's Ball match.

Monster's Ball Match For The TNA World Tag Team Championships: Matt Morgan&Abyss VS Team 3D VS Beer Money INC.(champions) VS LAX with Steve Mongo McMichael as special guest ref

We start off with a brawl. All four teams are beating the hell out of each other. Homicide and Hernandez take out Beer Money with separate attacks. Hernandez is fired up, as he rips off his shirt, and then for some reason he begins to stalk Jacqueline? Homicide grabs a fork, and stabs Devon in the forehead with it. For those of you who have never payed attention to Devon's forehead, it's a pretty gross sight. The man has bladed so many times throughout his career. His forehead looks like a mangled piece of meat.

Anyway, Abyss comes in, and hits Homicide with the shock treatment. Bubba comes in, and hits Abyss in the nuts with a chess grater. That's right, he hits Abyss in the balls with a cheese grater. Bubba rakes the grater across Abyss' forehead. He then slowly licks the grater, and then spits on Abyss. Bubba licks the cheese grater, which has Abyss' blood on it by the way.

After hitting a super plex on Hernandez, Bubba goes for the pinfall, but it's broken up by Robert Roode. Roode goes for the pinfall, but he only gets a 2 count. This was a very slow count by McMichael. Abyss comes in and hits a choke slam on Devon, which he over sells like crazy. Storm comes in with tacs, but Micmichael takes them away.

Storm puts on a football/beer helmet, and he gets in the face of McMichael. Storm now has a football. He gets into a 2 point stance, and Roode is playing the QB here. Storm snaps the football, and then he's quickly taken out by McMichael. McMichael then whacks Roode with a hard clothesline. Seriously, what the fuck is going here?

On the entrance ramp, Team 3D is beating the crap out of Abyss. He starts to fight back, but Johnny Devine comes out of no where, and gives Abyss a couple of shots with a kendo stick. This allows the Dudleys to throw Abyss though a burning table. Abyss rolls around, until someone puts out the flames with a fire extinguisher.

McMichael pours the thumbtacks on a table that was set up by Hernandez. I didn't know it was okay for the ref to do this.......Hernandez gets caught with the 3D by the Dudleys, and he goes through the table hard. Beer Money sneaks in. Storm spits beer in the face of Devon, and Roode is able to get the pinfall on Hernandez for the win.

Match Rating A: Besides the constant shenanigans from McMichael, this was an awesome match. There were so many sick pots, and "holy shit!" moments in this match, and the way Beer Money retained was just classic.

A video package is shown hyping the triple threat match between Styles, Booker T, and Christian.

3 Way War- AJ Styles VS Booker T with Sharmell VS Christian Cage

AJ and Booker are fighting each other, while Christian is reluctant to participate. Once Booker is able to get AJ down, he offers his hand to Cage. Christian shakes his hand, and Booker thinks he has an ally, but Christian hits him with a reverse DDT while his back is turned. All three men are brawling on the outside. Sharmell hands Booker the briefcase(which holds the legends title), and he clocks AJ with it.

AJ's on a role as he dominates Booker and Christian. Booker is able to slow AJ down by hitting him with the book in. He goes for the cover, but he only gets a 2 count. Booker is standing in the middle of the ring by himself, and of course this means it's time for a spinaroni! The crowd loves this. Booker's celebration doesn't last long, as Christian hits him with an elbow.

AJ goes for the spiral tap, but he misses it, Booker pops out of no where, and hits a double axe kick. He goes for a cover on both men, but he isn't able to score the pinfall. Booker is able to catch AJ with an axe kick from the top rope for the win.

Match Rating B-: This was good match. AJ provided us with all of the sick spots. Although, I wish AJ or Christian could've won this match because they could've used the momentum more than Booker.

A video package is shown of the very personal feud between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle.

Backstage Interviews: First, Lauren interviews Kurt Angle. Angle is pissed, as he goes on a rant about Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley. He gives an ominous message to Jarret's three girls.

Next, JB interviews Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett delivers a very emotional promo. He talks about his daughters, and then he heads to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett VS Kurt Angle With Mick Foley as the special guest enforcer

Mick Foley comes out to a nice pop, and of course someone in the crowd has a "Foley Is God" sign.

Angle flips off Foley during his stare down with Jarrett. Foley heads to the outside, and the ref signals for the bell to get this one underway. Angle dominates Jarrett early on with a series of take downs. After Angle and Jarrett exchange holds, Jarrett hits a nice drop kick on Angle, and then he hits him with a hard clothesline which sends Kurt to the outside. Jarrett scores a cross body on Angle.

As Jarrett feels the momentum, he begins to do the The Strut. The fans pop for this big time. Jarrett goes for another strike on Angle, but he counters with a clothesline. Angle dishes out tons of punishment, but Jarrett hits a DDT to slow Kurt down. The two begin exchanging punches in the middle of the ring, and of course the crowd starts the boo!/cheer chant.

We get a series of close pinfalls. Jarrett comes close to a 3 count after he hits a suplex on Angle. Jarrett then quickly locks the figure four on Angle. Kurt fights his way to the ropes to break the hold. Angle hits a German suplex. He locks on the hold with Jarrett's shoulder's pinned to the mat, but he only gets a 3 count. Angle is able to score two more German suplexs, but he still only gets a 2 count. Angle takes down his straps, and we all know what's coming next....... the Angle slam. Jarrett counters the Angle Slam with an arm drag. Jarrett tries for a piledriver, but Kurt reverses it into the ankle lock. Jarrett flips Angle over to get out of the ankle lock. Kurt hits the Angle slam on Jarrett, but it's not enough, as he only gets a 2 count.

Angle sets up for a moonsault, but Jeff is able to move out of the way. Angle rushes Jarrett with a clothesline, but he hits the ref instead. Jarrett hits the stroke on Angle. Since the ref is out, Foley comes in to make the count. Angle still manages to kick out. As Foley checks on the ref, Angle delivers a low blow to Jarrett. Angle grabs a steel chair. Foley pleads with him not to use it, but that doesn't work. Angle delivers a hard chair shot to Foley, which sends him to the ground. Angle then smacks Jarrett with the chair. Angle drags the ref into position to make the count, but before he can reach 3, he's pulled out of the ring by Foley. Foley punches Angle, and then he pulls out Mr.Socko. He locks in the mandible claw on Angle. Jarrett comes in with his guitar, and smashes it over Angle's head. Foley makes the 3 count, and Jeff Jarrett gets his revenge.

Match Rating A+: I loved this match. This was a very physical match. Angle and Jarrett dished out some hard shots. This was a very personal rivalry. I can still remember some of the very intense promos and segments between these two leading up to this match. You knew Foley would get involved at some point, and he did, but I was happy Foley didn't constantly interfere in this match.

The right man won here. It was nice to see Jarrett return, and get a win at TNA's big show.

A video package of the Samoa Joe/Sting rivalry is shown.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship-Samoa Joe(champion) VS Sting

Joe and Sting start things off by throwing wild punches at each other. Joe throws Sting to the outside. Sting tries to rest, but Joe hits him with a suicide dive. Joe takes Sting deep into the crowd, and continues his assault. Sting begins to battle back, as both men are now fighting on the stairs. Where the hell are these two going? The parking lot? While Sting is trying to catch his breath again, Joe jumps from the top of the stairs, and hits Sting with a hard drop kick. Joe and Sting work their way back into the heart of the crowd.

Sting finally gets the upper hand. He stands on top of the guard rail, and shouts to the crowd, but Sting's celebration doesn't last long, as Joe comes charging at him with a hard kick. Back in the ring, Joe is beating the crap out of Sting. He goes for the muscle buster, but Sting counters this with a DDT. Sting hits a frogsplash. This isn't enough to keep Joe down because he only gets a 2 count here. Joe comes right back with a hard powerbomb. Sting is able to kick out of the cover. Joe is relentless, as he locks in the STF. He transitions the hold into a crossface, but Sting is able to get his leg on the ropes to break the hold. Sting hits the Stinger Splash on Joe, and he follows that up with a muscle buster. You would think Joe's finishing move would be enough to keep him down for a three count, but he pops back up right after Sting hit the move. Joe retaliates by hitting the scorpion death drop on Sting. Sting also no sells his own finishing move. Okay things are becoming really bizarre now.

Sting hits two stinger splashes on Joe, but he counters the third one with a hard one armed slam. Joe is beating the hell out Sting now. Joe keeps trying to play to the crowd, but he's getting a fair amount of boos.It looks like Sting is going to be counted out, but Joe interrupts the count by clobbering Sting with a series of punches. Joe begins to threaten Earl Hebner, and then Kevin Nash begins to make his way to the ring. The mentor of Joe has returned to talk some sense into his protege!......or is he there to do something else?

Nash is on the outside, while Joe contiues to dominate Sting. Sting goes for his bat, but Nash takes it away from him. Joe prepares to deliver the knockout blow to Sting, but as he goes into the ropes, Nash whacks him in the back with the bat. Earl Hebner didn't see any of this because he was knocked down when Joe went into the ropes. Sting hits the scorpion death drop on Joe, and we now have a new TNA world heavyweight champion.

Match Rating C+: Overall, this was a pretty nice match. Nash returned, and turned on Joe. You could probably see it coming from a mile away, but still, it was done in a cool way. The outcome of this match would be one of the many factors which helped propel the Main Even Mafia VS Frontline feud.

Overall PPV Rating B+: This was a very good card. The Angle VS Jarrett match was my favorite because of how personal the rivalry was, and the match was very physical. The steel asylum match was an excellent way to start off the show.

For a BFG main event match, I felt like Joe VS Sting was a bit underwhelming. Although, the Nash heel turn was a very nice touch.
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