TNA better off without Kurt?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
When a TNA guy goes to WWE the WWE usually makes them a midcarder or buries them so that it makes the TNA roster as a whole look weaker. We all know this and TNA cant do anything about that. The thing I have a problem with is when TNA guys take ex WWE guys and have them walk over their whole roster. Case in point a few weeks ago there was this 20 man battle royal. Kurt Angle was unstoppable, and with his magic angle slam eliminated half the guys in that thing. It made the whole roster look like a bunch of jobbers to a guy that while was in WWE was champion on alot of ocassions, but still was limited in his power and had at least the ability to loose to at least 10 guys on the roster. Thank God Joe pinned him in the end but I still dont see how that helps improve the rest of the roster as a whole. Wouldnt it have been better for these TNA guys to pin each other more often than Angle running the whole show? that way there would be a sepreation between main event caliber guys and lower caliber guys. That situation made it look like everyone on the roster was the same mid card level and then Angle was way above them. Last year thay had Angle holding all the belts at once, again making everyone look infirior to this ex WWE guy. I for one cant wait for Angle to go back to WWE and I think TNA will be better for it, that way theres not someone hogging the spotlight and making everyone look so weak.
When a TNA guy goes to WWE the WWE usually makes them a midcarder or buries them so that it makes the TNA roster as a whole look weaker. We all know this and TNA cant do anything about that. The thing I have a problem with is when TNA guys take ex WWE guys and have them walk over their whole roster. Case in point a few weeks ago there was this 20 man battle royal. Kurt Angle was unstoppable, and with his magic angle slam eliminated half the guys in that thing. It made the whole roster look like a bunch of jobbers to a guy that while was in WWE was champion on alot of ocassions, but still was limited in his power and had at least the ability to loose to at least 10 guys on the roster. Thank God Joe pinned him in the end but I still dont see how that helps improve the rest of the roster as a whole. Wouldnt it have been better for these TNA guys to pin each other more often than Angle running the whole show? that way there would be a sepreation between main event caliber guys and lower caliber guys. That situation made it look like everyone on the roster was the same mid card level and then Angle was way above them. Last year thay had Angle holding all the belts at once, again making everyone look infirior to this ex WWE guy. I for one cant wait for Angle to go back to WWE and I think TNA will be better for it, that way theres not someone hogging the spotlight and making everyone look so weak.

Keyword: was.

Samoa Joe squashed him. Angle put Joe over big time.

The whole thing was a stage to make Angle look indestructible, and have Joe destroy him.

Angle holding all the belts last year was tossed back again to Joe when Joe beat him for everything – and Joe then owned all the gold.

Angle is the best veteran in TNA when it comes to putting over young talent.

Count 'em: Kaz? Check. Joe? Check. AJ? Check. Lethal? Check.

All own pinfalls against Angle in angles (no pun intended) that used Kurt as a spring board.

So no – TNA is not better off without Kurt Angle.
I don't mean to offend in any way...but i don't understand how you could name this thread 'Is TNA better off without Angle?'. I was ready to bang on about how Angle is a huge part of TNA and is currently acting as a secondary face. But you go on about WWE guys making TNA worse? Midcarders are MEANT to job to main eventers. just like jobbers are MEANT to job to everyone. Because people like Foley and Angle are doing well doesn't mean that they are being treated better. Like the guy before me said: Everyone jobbed to Angle, then Angle jobbed to Joe. Storm is half of the Tag champions, granted that soon it'll be TEAM 3D!.

The pecking order is based on how over the person is and generally the WWE guys leave WWE at the peak of their career (because they realise that they are under-apreciated). They then go to TNA to main event for several years and then get EVEN MORE over.

It's just how it works atm. Sorry but you're not looking at the BIG picture
I have to agree , this is not Ring of Honor guys like Kaz, Lethal, Creed, Eric Young people are not going to tune in week after week to see, Raw is Jericho and TNA is Kurt, You have to have some sort of name that the people know for people to tune in. The Main Event Mafia are those names and people want to watch them. Maybe Nash and Steiner cant move but are 100 times more entertaining on the stick then any of the frontline. And Kurt is the glue that holds it all together. All these young guys could step up and try to be more entertaining with out without Kurt there.

The fact is none of those guys including A.J, including Joe cant , wont, and never will be as good as Angle is. If they were maybe 1 of them would be in the main event vs Sting instead of reaching for Mick Foley
The thing I have a problem with is when TNA guys take ex WWE guys and have them walk over their whole roster.

Total garbage this claim. A myth perpetuated by those who only recall 2002 era TNA (pushing K-Kwik etc) which people don't seem to realise isn't same as currrent product.

- Booker T former WWE champion, 5 time WCW champion had to make up his own title to get one in TNA

- Kevin Nash former WWE champion, 5 time WCW champion never had a TNA belt of any kind.

- Scott Steiner former WCW champion, no TNA titles of any kind.

Two WWE guys have been pushed to top since 2006, Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. Christian Cage got to the top because he's great on the mic and in the ring, WWE should've made him world champ LONG ago (if JBL and Khali can then he can). Kurt Angle was made champion as he is the greatest wrestler in the world bar none, he was when he joined and still is. No one has as consistently great matches as Kurt Angle in wrestling today.
No one has as consistently great matches as Kurt Angle in wrestling today.

Do the names Shawn Michaels and Undertaker come to my mind just now? Kurt is certainly good but Shawn and Taker give better matches than angle do. Shawn vs Jericho - classics
Shawn vs Cena - classic
Shawn vs Taker - damn classic.

Taker vs Batista - good match, he pulled that one out of batista, which is much to say.
Taker vs Edge TLC/HIAC - classics
Taker vs Shawn - Again, damn classic.
yes tna would be better with out angle hey it was better off before he came to tna because tna is only focusing on kurt and the mem tna should be about the new wrestlers. or wrestlers that have a new start not legends kurt for gods sake come back to the wwe.
I understand where your coming from, Kurt running over everyone didn't seem to make sense...until Joe came out and flat out destroyed him. If they had them all pinning each other than you get slight pushes for a lot of people, with Angle ruling it and Joe taking him out, that gives a huge push to one guy. TNA is finally beginning to build up other people instead of running with the former WWE guys. I feel they did it the right way, you have one guy who goes over everyone else, then you have one guy (Joe) who goes over him, it makes Joe stand out. First everyone complains that TNA doesn't push originals like Joe, and now that they are doing it, your complaining about that.

TNA is a pretty bad product, but they seem to be finally making some good decisions. So no losing Kurt will hurt them overall, and I think they should continue to use him to put the younger guys over as much as possible before he leaves, because without him they don't have many other guys who can do it.

Sting = can do it
Scott Steiner = never held a title, going over him is nothing special
Booker T = as stated above, made up his own title just to get one, going over him again nothing special
Kevin Nash = Not what he used to be, going over him is nothing special

See a trend? So all-in-all Kurt is a good thing for TNA, and when he leaves they will be hurting to fill his spot unless they use him to build someone to take that spot, and it looks like Joe might just be that guy.
Do the names Shawn Michaels and Undertaker come to my mind just now? Kurt is certainly good but Shawn and Taker give better matches than angle do. Shawn vs Jericho - classics
Shawn vs Cena - classic
Shawn vs Taker - damn classic.

Taker vs Batista - good match, he pulled that one out of batista, which is much to say.
Taker vs Edge TLC/HIAC - classics
Taker vs Shawn - Again, damn classic.

Are you sure? I think Angle wrestles and put on better matches than HBK and Taker...look at Angle VS Edge, Taker, Benoit, Cena, Joe, Jarret, etc
First of all, the claim that TNA would be better without Kurt Angle, one of the greatest wrestlers of all time is completely ridiculous. I understand about "making guys look weak" if he mows them down, but you have to understand that he's Kurt Angle. If a top level WWE guy like HHH, Cena, HBK, Undertaker came into TNA and wasn't pushed as some of the best guys, it would just make no sense. If any of those guys came over, expect them to go right to the top. Yeah you shouldn't destroy wrestlers, but top guys are top guys. Angle is not really making guys look weak, he's making guys look like what you'd think they'd look like going against him. Keep in mind that he has put over AJ, Joe, Lethal and more on countless occasions.

People need to stop looking at it as "ex WWE guys." Don't you understand that almost every single person in WWE and TNA have wrestled in another organization? Let's say LeBron James leaves Cleveland for another NBA team, are fans going to say "hey why are we giving the ball to this ex Cleveland guy and not guys who have been on our team for years?" You go with your stars. Kurt Angle is a star and can hold any title at any time. Nash, Steiner, Sting and Booker are all former stars that people recognize and are interested in seeing.
When a TNA guy goes to WWE the WWE usually makes them a midcarder or buries them so that it makes the TNA roster as a whole look weaker. We all know this and TNA cant do anything about that. The thing I have a problem with is when TNA guys take ex WWE guys and have them walk over their whole roster. Case in point a few weeks ago there was this 20 man battle royal. Kurt Angle was unstoppable, and with his magic angle slam eliminated half the guys in that thing. It made the whole roster look like a bunch of jobbers to a guy that while was in WWE was champion on alot of ocassions, but still was limited in his power and had at least the ability to loose to at least 10 guys on the roster. Thank God Joe pinned him in the end but I still dont see how that helps improve the rest of the roster as a whole. Wouldnt it have been better for these TNA guys to pin each other more often than Angle running the whole show? that way there would be a sepreation between main event caliber guys and lower caliber guys. That situation made it look like everyone on the roster was the same mid card level and then Angle was way above them. Last year thay had Angle holding all the belts at once, again making everyone look infirior to this ex WWE guy. I for one cant wait for Angle to go back to WWE and I think TNA will be better for it, that way theres not someone hogging the spotlight and making everyone look so weak.

What the hell have you been smokin to actually be thinking that. Anyways TNA is starting to turn the positive corner here. Angle is the best wrestler on their roster & in order for a younger guy to get the rub in TNA, you either beat Sting or Kurt Angle to get that rub towards being a legit star in the business. So the answer to your question is no. TNA will pretty much be fucked without Kurt Angle.
I would say that TNA needs Kurt Angle. I hate him but that just shows he's doing a good job because that is essentially the reaction the heels are looking for. TNA has become more popular since Kurt came in so I'd say they need him as much as they need AJ and Sting.
Total garbage this claim. A myth perpetuated by those who only recall 2002 era TNA (pushing K-Kwik etc) which people don't seem to realise isn't same as currrent product.

- Booker T former WWE champion, 5 time WCW champion had to make up his own title to get one in TNA

- Kevin Nash former WWE champion, 5 time WCW champion never had a TNA belt of any kind.

- Scott Steiner former WCW champion, no TNA titles of any kind.

Let's explore this one a bit further, for the sake of argument humor me.

-Booker T: Running his own promotion and I think clothing store? out of Texas. His TNA stint is doing nothing but lengthening his career, not enhancing it. I'd dare say Booker doesn't want a legit title in TNA or else he wouldn't have laid down for AJ (granted the Legends title is a joke). He's using TNA to keep his name out there to benefit his other endeavors, at least IMO that's what's going down.

-Kevin Nash: Spent more time on the shelf than he has in the ring since coming to TNA. Nash is that rickety old bridge across a chasm, one that's hanging out next to the super highway but nobody has the heart to take it down for nostalgia purposes. Point blank, they put the title on Big Kev, he gets hurt and TNA is without a champion. End of discussion, he's not reliable as he once was.

-Scott Steiner: The man has more physical issues than most of the locker room combined. All fueled by his refusal to take it easy on the roids. Steiner's death is coming and there's nothing anyone can do to prevent it because he's ravaged his body all with this intended goal of looking as big as he possibly can. Now that's someone who deserves a title right now -rolls eyes-.

Anyone else see a trend? Big names that are past their prime. Putting a title on any of these three men would be a risk that TNA can't afford to take. End of discussion.

As far as TNA being better off without Angle, I totally agree that it would. Angle is, and I say this lightly, the Triple H of TNA. He gets what he wants, when he wants, and that's increasingly obvious when he's getting put over as this unstoppable beast of a man. Ok, yes he has put over SOME of the younger guys. But ask yourself this: Is Kurt Angle really helping TNA prepare for such a day that he has to retire? Hell no. He's putting over talent so that he has opponents that pose a legit threat so it makes him look that much better when he beats them. Plainly put, Angle is doing nothing to elevate a talent that's gonna carry the company when the whole of the MEM are gone from the active roster.

A bunch of washed up old guys coasting off of past success, sound familiar to anyone? Welcome to WCW version 2.0 folks. If TNA doesn't get a handle on their product, well let's just say someone needs to start digging a grave and carving a headstone.
There's no denying these guys are past their prime, but so is 80% of the WWE main event roster too. The fact of the matter is theirs very few guys who are coming through to break that glass ceiling.

The days of guys coming out of nowhere to rule the wrestling world are truly over. The reason? Because wrestling isn't as big as it once was, no longer can a guy like a Goldberg come along and with some good promotion be one of the biggest sports stars on the just doesn't happen.

Which is why the Foleys, Stings, Nashs, Steiners, Angles, Takers, Michaels, Triple Hs etc are still at the top. Because they were already at the top when wrestling was at the top, thus they are recognizable worldwide.

Today you can get a guy over with the marks or with the general channel surfer and that might push them to an X-title or an IC title, but not propel them to the main event.

PS Angle is way better than Taker or HBK as things stand today. In Takers case he was never that great in first place, all his best matches are memorable for what his opponent did rather than him.
I disagree with the Undertaker never being great, but we aren't going to go there because that's not the concept of this thread. No promotion on earth would be better without having an Olympic Gold Medalist (translation: legit world wrestling champion) on their roster. Angle is not a washed up has-been clinging on by his name alone. TNA's problem is the horrendous television show and their lack of capability to create stars. It's not that TNA doesn't have the roster to do it, they just bury their potential for reasons I have yet to fathom. AJ Styles, Motor City Machine Guns, Christopher Daniels, Petey Williams, Frankie Kaz, LAX, Robert Roode, James Storm, Samoa Joe, and Abyss are just a few that could be made into stars (and I don't even care for half that list to be honest) but TNA would rather put over people with name recognition. Names don't attract viewers, compelling characters do. The last time I ordered a TNA pay-per-view was for AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle, and before that, hell I can't even remember the last one I ordered. I do know I ordered every month for nearly two years when they started running monthly, you know, back when the X-Division wasn't a joke. This is a company that allows the release of Petey Williams then hires in Stevie Richards. TNA needs Kurt Angle, and, sorry to say, would be better without Jeff Jarrett.
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