TNA Better Off Going With WWE?


TNA knockout champion
Alright, so the past few weeks, even months Total Nonstop Action has been getting TERRIBLE reviews. Also, this whole test for Monday night wars II has been a total failure. There is a list of things they can fix, but would they just be better going off going and merging with WWE? I understand that most of the roster left WWE because of Vince Mcmahon, or we can go into real life issues they had, not paid enough etc. However, do you think WWE and TNA can merge and form one promotion and make some killer money? WWE makes killer money as it is, but bringing back some superstars like RVD, AJ Stlyes, ETC. can make way more money than what they are now. But do you think that TNA would loose like, more than half of the roster? I think that if WWE cuts some of the trash "divas" that can't be real title competitors, that TNA's Knockouts will fill the hole. But if wwe cuts some actual trash superstars that are not necessary, that that could work. Especially if WWE makes one PPV every two months, things could smooth out. The world title division could ALWAYS be good, WWE title fresh, IC title could be balanced, and the tag titles would be ALOT better. Tna can release some hated (Not because of heel) superstars, and the $ will balance itelf out. Storylines can be stronger, and even the GM'S can be switched. But there is one or two things that can be redone. HOGAN/BISCHOFF!! These two people may have caused the downfall of TNA. however i think that They can go back and fix up some holes left in raw. We wont have to see any guest host (I dont mind the idea) Leave Hogan in charge, and let raw work its magic. As long as hogan is a face though.

Just my opinions, what do you think??
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If WWE gets there hands on TNA they will not let Hogan and Easy E be in charge of it. They will do to TNA what they did to WCW in 2001 with the whole Invasion thing. They will make TNA a basdard child like they did with ECW's legacy. I know TNA isn't doing good right now but i would rather have them die then have Vince and his greedy hands have them. Besides the reason why wrestlers go to TNA is because of the lighter schedule tell me if WWE owns them no more light schedule its the WWE's schedule. There would be alot stricter drug policys (i know its a good thing but thats some guys on there roster that has openly admited that they do drugs). Some guys don't want to be in the WWE examples Sting and AJ. Also TNA is currently for the older wrestling viewers WWE is targeting kids. Tell me how they are to have TNA staying for the older wresting viewers if PG WWE has them. I mean i like the Beautiful People's entrance and i don't want to see it go. So as i said it before NO, NO, NO, NO.
Well, Maybe you Are Correct at that part, but if TNA does die TNA wrestlers would not go to WWE, they would leave. correct that TNA wants older viewers, however I think that if they did Mix together that the PG-13 ERA would be good to see. Also, the heavy schedule can lay itself out with a longer time, more people they can afford a vacation time for them.Like, swap them out for a vacation.
So everyone is aching to go back in time when WCW and WWE had such a good rivalry that it put wrestling into the forefront of mainstream, I mean it was cool to be a "wrasslin" fan, and you want to take away any competition that the WWE has at the moment? Now don't get me wrong TNA in it's current state is not a threat to WWE in the least, but I would rather see them grow and hopefully become the competition that we are starving for.

Now, let's say for arguement's sake that it happened the way you say in the original post. First off, it seems RVD would rather retire from the ring than work a WWE schedule. He's happy in TNA because of the workload(or lack of). I can guarantee that Nash, Sting, Angle, Jeff Hardy, and probably a few others feel the same way. Second, there seems to be alot more freedom in TNA as to what the wrestlers can say and do in their promos. You notice the WWE promos are fairly "cookie-cutter" with the exception of a few. Whether it's a good thing or not, that's one of the other attractions for the wrestlers in TNA.

So you see while TNA lacks the ability to pay as much as Vince McMahon, they have some other obvious perks to the job that WWE doesn't offer. Also as was said prior WWE would just have a show on Tuesdays called TNA for awhile only to turn it into NXT when that project fails. If TNA merged with WWE all the big namers would be gone and we'd be left with mid-carders at best. Keep things status quo, and hopefully with TNA focusing more on their own product and not trying to keep up with the Jone's(WWE), they can find a niche and grow their show around it.
nooooo way!!! the only thing we can hope 4 is the very near impossible and thats if tna wins the war and wwe merges into tna, not the other way around. and even then there would be some major problems but thats for another thread another time!
WWE would have a stacked show with TNA talent, but it would be less original. Remember the failed Invasion angle? There were a few good interesting feuds, but ultimately the WCW and ECW talent was jobbed out and fired.

WWE could work wonders with AJ Styles, Wolfe, Morgan, and Samoa Joe, but considering that Morgan had a stuttering gimmick and Bryan Danielson is an unknown jobber in WWE it won't be that special. AJ and Joe are huge stars in TNA, but no one else really knows about them outside of it unless you are a TNA or ROH fan. Even though it was too soon for TNA to go to Monday nights, I don't think TNA is losing money. TNA makes roughly 40 to 60 million dollars a year.

The latest news says they have made a killing off of merchandise sales and house shows. Of course it is only a fraction of the audience or sales WWE is making, but TNA is doing ten times better then ECW ever did. I think all the talent would get lost in the shuffle in WWE. It would be interesting television, but the ratings would say otherwise. WWE and WCW were at their highest during their competition on Monday nights. When WWE was the only company in town, ratings and business suffered.

Competition is the best thing for WWE and the wrestling business. It's never good for consumers or for businesses to have only one product. I also think the majority of the TNA stars including the legends wouldn't have a place in WWE. They would probably be the ones to be fired before anyone WWE talent.
Well for me this is not really possible and All you that say Vince is greddy are just making an arguement like you know the guy and that he would try anythign to take down TNA, which is absolutely crap. If Vince Mcmahon wanted it he could have got two or 3 top stars from there just sitting at home and get all the girls from TNA sine in reallity and is well documented that TNA pays them crap.

TNA has less money but believeme, the top stars makes a lot of money, I mean TNA is a less stable enviroment but for the guy of the top the money is good.

Not even Vince Machmahon wants TNA to down, eh sure want them to get better (yes he will put them bumps on the road like every promoter) to have someone to compete with but don't want them to take them down, otherwise he would have done it already, I mean if he didn't got Hogan for his Mania match when he could have just to keep it away from TNA why he would do something now?

TNA for ther sake of the business should stay alive and Vince knows it.

Professional wrestling is a business.

Before you open your mouth, anyone, at any point in the future discussing anything whatsoever about professional wrestling, remember that adage. People here seem to have some cutesy idea that the two organizations would merge to form some kind of "WWTNA" or what not. However, mergers don't work like that. A merger happens when two parties believe they are better off working with each other than they are alone. What in God's green earth does TNA have to offer the WWE? A short video library? The ability to sign AJ Styles to a contract? And on that matter, what does WWE offer TNA that TNA can't compete without?

Professional wrestling organizations, beyond the regional level, don't merge. WCW didn't merge with WWE, they were bought right the hell on out when they couldn't afford to run their company. ECW didn't merge with WWE, they went bankrupt and Heyman sold everything he could to try and cover the debts. The idea of a storyline merger is awfully quaint, but please, never again bring it up as if it's actual business.
If I could say for a fact that the WWE has learned some lessons from the failed Invasion angle, then I might possibly be open to the idea. If the WWE kept TNA as another brand and actually wanted it to be a legitimate alternative to them, that could be something worth watching. However, if the WWE would do what they did with WCW, it just wouldn't be worth it. The WWE could have done fantastic things with the Invasion angle but let Vince McMahon's ego got in the way. It wasn't enough that he now owned WCW lock, stock and barrel, he had to go and make all the WCW talent look like they were a bunch of punks.

If the WWE were to ever aquire TNA, they'd have a real chance to rectify some of the mistakes they made with WCW. If the WWE were to make TNA a brand, make it something like it was 5 or 6 years ago, then it could be a great thing for everyone involved.
Well for me this is not really possible and All you that say Vince is greddy are just making an arguement like you know the guy and that he would try anythign to take down TNA, which is absolutely crap. If Vince Mcmahon wanted it he could have got two or 3 top stars from there just sitting at home and get all the girls from TNA sine in reallity and is well documented that TNA pays them crap.

TNA has less money but believe me, the top stars makes a lot of money, I mean TNA is a less stable enviroment but for the guy of the top the money is good.

Not even Vince Machmahon wants TNA to down, eh sure want them to get better (yes he will put them bumps on the road like every promoter) to have someone to compete with but don't want them to take them down, otherwise he would have done it already, I mean if he didn't got Hogan for his Mania match when he could have just to keep it away from TNA why he would do something now?

TNA for ther sake of the business should stay alive and Vince knows it.

well, i thnk you are correct. however if WWE purchases them, they can have it as a decent brand angle. But maybe, just maybe WWE is better off without them? i think that it is smart that WWE let the superstars grow, make a name in TNA and maybe try to bring them in. Not sure, but lets wait for this thursday to make the decision. Well, judging on the recent bad shows, I may want to see WWETNA.
Yes. And while we're at it, we can merge K-Mart with Wal-Mart, Toyota with Honda, the Jets with The Giants, and maybe we can take Canada and merge it with the States to create one big pile of Epic Fail!

Would merging any of the previously mentioned bits of sarcasm be a good idea? Nope. It wasn't even a good idea to merge WWF and WCW. Seeing WWE not accept competition into its field would kill its viewership. Nobody likes a monopoly on the field of entertainment. Or on any field for that matter. Just imagine having to buy the same brand of cereal over and over again. One of two things will happen. 1) You stop eating the cereal 2) You lose all sense of enjoyment. Neither one is good. WWE has been the sole box of cereal for almost a decade. I know I'm not alone when I say I want a different cereal. WWE and TNA should not merge.
Why, so we can have another decade of monopolistic WWE/VKM controlled "wrestling" under which all non-WWE branded/created names would eventually job to said WWE branded/created talents because Vince's ego would never allow a name he didn't make get over one who he did?

If TNA merged with the WWE, it'd likely equate another three+ year drought for me when I stop watching wrestling yet again before another promotion had the balls to garner a television contract because Vince's death grip on what it means to be professional wrestling still won't cease, and likely won't even after his death.

Fuck this idea with tire iron, man. Leave the fantasy matches of TNA talent v. WWE talent in your head where they belong, and let the wrestling fans actually have a choice again for the first time in ten years.
TNA doesn't offer WWE anything remotely worth merging over.

However, if I were running the successor company to TNA after TNA LLC goes belly up and my "Impact Pro Wrestling" group buys them out for $50,000....

I would try to forge a working relationship with WWE and use WWE as much as possible as a contractor. Things that WWE has experience and expertise doing that I can't hope to match and shouldn't waste money trying.

Contract WWE to produce my DVDs. They're good at it.
Contract WWE to create my merchandise--maybe even make it available through
Work out an arrangement where WWE gets the rights to my tape library archives.

Why would WWE do it? For a percentage. And it might be worth it just to have a No. 2 promotion that accepts that it is No. 2 and works to be profitable in a niche, rather than risk a new competitor rising.

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