TNA and Rivalrys

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Well we all know TNA has had some terrific ones and some horrific ones. And we all know TNA has a nack for stopping rivalrys midway through eg. Robert Roode and Kaz. But lets put the negatives away for the time being about ending feuds early.

What has been your favourite rivalrys and hated rivalrys in TNA?

One of my favourites has to be Sabu and Abyss along with LAX and Team 3D. Both this feuds i loved watching and thought they were managed very well. I think the worst feud TNA has had or the one i dislike the most was probaly Christopher Daniels and Sting that to me personally was the most boring rivalry ever. It didnt lead to no where i know they were trying to get Daniels over as a heel in his new character but it just didnt work and hasnt even worked now!
Well that's an easy one to pick, gotta be Joe v Styles v Daniels. First the matches in these feuds were awesome, Unbreakable 05 three way, the Daniels/Joe match on Impact the Ultimate X and Joe vs Styles at turning Point where Joe won the X-Division belt for the first time which is one of ym 3 favorite TNA matches 1. The Unbreakable 3 match ever 2. Styles/Daniels Iron man match and tied for second said turning point match. Plus after this feud the X-Division has slowly been on the decline and the last real feud for the title was Sabin/Lethal.
Well that's an easy one to pick, gotta be Joe v Styles v Daniels. First the matches in these feuds were awesome, Unbreakable 05 three way, the Daniels/Joe match on Impact the Ultimate X and Joe vs Styles at turning Point where Joe won the X-Division belt for the first time which is one of ym 3 favorite TNA matches 1. The Unbreakable 3 match ever 2. Styles/Daniels Iron man match and tied for second said turning point match. Plus after this feud the X-Division has slowly been on the decline and the last real feud for the title was Sabin/Lethal.

What about the fued between Senshi and Sabin last year? Sure, it had it's terrible moments (the jackass stuff) but overall...I thought it was great.

Then you had Sabins fued with Jerry Lynn and Daniels as well. Not as good as joe/styles/daniels....but damn good nonetheless...
IMO the best feud in TNA hasnt happened yet but will happen soon enough. And that feud is the eventual feud between Christian Cage and Kurt Angle, they are building for this eventual feud and I can only wait excitedly for it. You have arguably the best talker in wrestling in Cage and you have potentialy the best wrestler in Angle. This feud has dollar signs all over it, should be long and most of all entertain the shit out of the fans, this should end up one of the best feuds in wrestling in recent memory
Well personally the feud that hasn't happened is the potential of a Styles/Cage feud and i actually see the Angle/Cage feud setting up for that which will bring AJ back into the world title picture which I've been waiting for forever.

Now another feud that i thought was great in the past was AJ and Daniels before Joe came around, they had some great matches especially that iron man match that was unbelievable. And the story was pretty well done with Daniels claiming that Styles was ducking him and while its not the best story the matches were just unbelievably good.
That match and unbreakable between them three was amasing i have to agree with you that was an awesome feud! And the Christian Cage and Angle feud i think if happen which its bound to will be amasing. Christian Cage is a natural heel on his mic skills i think are phenonmanal. What bout dream feuds in TNA then between any TNA star and any wrestler?

I would love to see AJ Styles and RVD
as well i would have loved to seen Mike Awesome and Tomko.

But the chances are them well the first one obviously is slim.
Dream feuds? eell as I mentioned before Ang'e/Styles would be a great feud and Styles/Cage would also be a great one. Another one that would be amazing if Abyss was still heel would be Joe/Abyess, i think those 2 would be great. Also a feud that is not really a dream deud but should happen is Sonjay turning on Letha;, in IMO it could be a great if done right.
Nice feuds there i think Joe and Abyss is a weird but intersting one! and Sonjay Dutt just needs to be pushed big time and if that means taking on lethal then awesome! i love Sonjays ring style and he should b a heel X champ would be great!
I think the X division is in dire need for rivalrys. Yeah ok i know they are feuding at the moment with Team 3D which im loving but when that comes to an end they should have feuds between them turn a few people heel like Sonjay Dutt and have fight over the belt. Otherwise its just pointless having a belt.
yeah mcmg is darn good about the only decent storyline at the moment! i dont remember cage and jarret that good!
I thought the Angle,Sting fued earlier this year was ok but it reminded me of somthing that WWE would do when Angle was stalking his kid or whatever. Another good one i liked was Storm,Rhino the drinking story might have not had delivierd well but i liked all the PPV Matches espicially since i thought rhino was gonna win everyone i didnt think they would ever put storm over rhino.

The Feud i hated is Joe,Angle.This had the potential two be one of the Greatest Fueds Ever Sorta Like Austin/Rock. If they would have spaced out the matches rather then seeing Joe/Angle Three Times in a row. It would have been awsome becuse there first match was good the other two were okay. If after the first match and the fued would have ended there then it would still be a good match at the least a few monthes later becuase people would be talking about the long awatied rematch and there might have been newer fans who would have watched it or somthing. All im saying is you never seen the Rock And Austin in the same ppv match for 4 or 5 monthes in row and there fueds were so hyped up over time.
I didnt think the Angle Sting match was anything special and unlike everyone saying that is was a dream match, i personally dont think it was. It was ok and ended in a great match at BFG where Sting won the championship but he should have kept it dont know why TNA didnt let him keep it. The Angle Joe feud could have been so much better but i geuss TNA think that both Joe and Angle are going to be around for some time and they will save that feud until the ratings get lower again or if they want to boost them.
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