TNA Against All Odds 2011 Aftermath and Thoughts Thread


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Let all of your thoughts on tonight's PPV be heard.

Here's my review of the show...

TNA Against All Odds 2011
February 13th, 2011
TNA Impact! Zone, Orlando, Florida
Attendance: ????

So here we arrive at what has to be one of the worst build-ups to a PPV in recent memory, with most of tonight's match-ups having been announced the previous Thursday on Impact. The big matches tonight are Angle vs. Jarrett and a ladder match for the World title with Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz

TNA X-Division Title #1 Contenders Match
Robbie E vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck

Max and Jeremy Buck of Generation Me are supposed to be Robbie's opponents here but they couldn't get on their flight in time (legitly) and are not here tonight, so Robbie E comes to the ring and demands the referee count both of them out and award him the match, which he does. Okay, we couldn't have thrown out two new X-Division guys to wrestle here in this spot? Kazarian comes out before Robbie can leave though and challenges him to have their title match right now, so we're off right to the next match then...

TNA X-Division Title Match
Kazarian (C) vs. Robbie E

Kaz brawls with Robbie down to the ring and throws him in, taking the immediate advantage with shots to Robbie in the corner. Inverted atomic drop a kick combo gets Kaz a quick two. He drapes Robbie over the top rope and simply kicks him off the apron to the outside. Kaz climbs to the top but Cookie distracts him long enough to allow Robbie to take his legs out from under him, slamming his face into the steel ring steps. Back inside Robbie gets a diving fist for only a one count. Big "Let's go Kaz!" chant starts up but Robbie gets a russian leg sweep for two. Robbie slaps on a chinlock and this is not how you want your X-Division opener to start with, you're supposed to be firing the crowd up with high-risk moves, not putting them to sleep with rest holds Robbie. Springboard dropkick from Kaz and then a few big clotheslines, and he follows it up with a springboard legdrop for two. Kaz goes for the inverted tombstone but Robbie counters and tries for a neckbreaker, only for Kaz to roll him up for a two count. Cookie gets a cheap shot in on Kaz and it almost wins it for Robbie, but Kaz kicks out at two. Kaz hits the inverted tombstone for the win however at 7:11, seemingly out of nowhere. Well that wasn't very good. They had to replace the opener with a straight title match, but Robbie still isn't anywhere near ready to match Kaz's energy and workrate in the ring so the outcome was never in doubt and this was hardly the exciting fast-paced opener that it was supposed to be. **

Backstage Scott Steiner cuts a rambling promo with Beer Money, seemingly drunk off his ass. Or not, who knows with Scott, he always sounds shitfaced.

Scott Steiner/Robert Roode/James Storm vs. Rob Terry/Gunner/Murphy

AJ Styles comes to the commentary table before the match to add some color to what is otherwise inevitably going to be an extremely tedious match-up. Decent reaction for the recently returned Scott Steiner. Big "Scotty" chants to start us off as Steiner and Gunner start us of with a lock-up. Well atleast Gunner & Murphy have wrestling gear now and aren't still wrestling in their security uniforms. Big pair of belly-to-belly suplexes from Steiner and Rob Terry Tags in now for a steroid-posedown with Big Poppa Pump. Steiner was genetically disgusting back before it was cool Rob! Storm tags in next and gets an inverted atomic drop-Russian leg sweep combo. Murphy tags in now but eats a knee and a neckbreaker from Storm. Gunner and Murphy start to isolate Storm now, bating him down in their corner and trading quick tags. Storm getsthe hot tag to Roode eventually and he takes out both Gunner and Murphy with forearms and clotheslines. Big leaping neckbreaker off the top gets Roode a two count on Gunner. Bigtime sidewalk slam gets him another two but Murphy breaks it up and the match breaks down from here, with everyone fighting in and out of the ring. Beer Money hit a double-suplex on Rob Terry and do their trademark Beer Money chant. Big spinebusters from Roode on Gunner, Murphy, and Terry, and the crowd wants Steiner, who tags in. He sets Murphy up on the top rope and hits the famous Frankensteiner off the top for the win at 10:13! Wow, pointless matches much? Pure filler here as it was clear Beer Money and Steiner would be winning with Steiner's recent return. Just a way to kill some time on PPV. *3/4

Backstage Christy Hemme intervews Devon with his two sons. He apologizes for his actions on Impact this past week and then announces that his sons will not be at ringside tonight for the match with Bully Ray.

Samoa Joe vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero

The point of this match? Hard to tell. Dinero sort-of-kind-of turned heel weeks back and Joe started making some vague accusations about wrong-doing on Dinero's part with his "donation money", so now we've got this match-up. Pope stalls to start. Pope tries a lock-up inside but Joe quickly slaps on a headlock and Pope bails again, teasing a count-out. Suddenly Okada, an ally of Joe's, comes out and blocks Pope from leaving though, and Pope is met with a big tope from Joe who then tosses him back inside. Pope gets a suplex and starts celebrating but then gets his head taken off with a lariat. Big heel kick to Pope in the corner and then Joe starts laying shots in at will, washing his boot across Pope's face. Running knee sends Joe to the outside though and Pope slams him into the ring apron. Back inside they trade open-hand slaps and then Pope hits a neckbreaker for two. Big enziguri-senton combo gets Joe a two count of his own. Powerslam for another two for Joe. Pope pulls the pad off the top turnbuckle and tries to toss Joe into it head-first to no avail. He tries for a rollup but Joe catches him in the Coquina Clutch and Pope immediately taps out at 8:33. Okay, abrupt finish there that doesn't make Pope look very good. This could have been quite good, but they wasted too much time stalling and the end result was a completely average match. **1/4

After the match Pope slams Joe into the exposed turnbuckle a few times to some nice heat from the Impact Zone crowd.

Backstage Christy Hemme gets an interview with Mickie James about her upcoming Knockouts title match tonight.

TNA Knockouts Title Last Woman Standing Match
Madison Rayne (C) vs. Mickie James

They've been building this for awhile now with Mickie feuding with both Madison and Tara, and this looks to be the apparent blow-off. This is the first time I can recall seeing a "Last Woman Standing" match, so it should be interesting at the very least. Mickie starts off with some big shots before Madison tosses her to the outside. They brawl up the ramp a bit and then back to ringside as a small "Mickie" chant starts up. Back inside Madison gets a knee-breaker that puts Mickie down for an 8 count. Madison gets tossed back outside again and Mickie comes off the apron with a body-press that lays both women out for a 7 count. Madison crawls underneath the ring and Mickie chases after her. They come out on the other end of the ring and Mickie hits a few athletic kicks to put Madison down for a 6 count. Back inside Mickie gets tossed off the top rope to the outside and is down for a 9 count. Madison tries to hit Mickie with her glove that's apparently "loaded" but Mickie comes off the top with a Thesz press and a spin-kick on Madison. She takes the loaded glove from Madison and puts it on, but Tara (who Taz calls Victoria--oops) hits the ring and distracts Mickie long enough for Madison to lay her out with the loaded glove and the ten count to end the match at 8:30. Awful gimmick match that had no point to the actual gimmick. Something tells me this feud is going to continue another 6 months now because of that finish too. Ugh. *1/2

Backstage a stoned looking Jeff Hardy applies some of his make-up while cutting a bizarre and short promo on Mr. Anderson, calling him an asshole. Really creative stuff there Jeff.

Matt Morgan comes down to the ring now and calls out Hernandez, who cost him the TNA World title in a match last Thursday on Impact. Hernandez calls Morgan the "Great White Hype" and cuts a promo about how he went back to Mexico to AAA to embrace his roots. Is this supposed to get Hernandez over as a heel? Hernandez says "This is Hispanic America", which most of the crowd cheers for. Again, is this supposed to get him over as a heel? Hernandez complains that TNA and America can't recognize his talent but before Morgan has a chance to respond, Hernandez low-blows him and hits a fireman's slam. That's it, that's your pointless segment of the night.

Backstage Christy Hemme tries to interview Matt Hardy about his new nickname "Cold-Blooded". Matt, apparently trying to upstage his brother in the crazy factor, cuts a rambling promo on RVD about him being a stepping stone for Matt and how Matt is going to chew him up and spit him out. You shouldn't eat rocks Matt.

Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

These two faced off at last month's PPV, so of course let's just do it again since we have no idea what to do with either guy. Matt's been in TNA for barely 5 weeks and they already don't know what the hell to do with him. Lockup to start and they trade punches and kicks. Rob tries for a monkey flip but gets clotheslined instead. Matt gets tossed to the outside and Rob tries for a moonsault off the apron but gets his legs taken out from under him by Matt. Matt tries for a suplex outside but gets draped over the guardrail and Rob hits the legdrop off the apron. Back inside Matt gets a DDT off the second-rope for a two count. Big legdrop gets Matt another two count. Matt locks on a bizarre double-underhook guillotine type submission for a bit but Rob gets his foot on the ropes for the break. Full-nelson hold from Matt now and what's supposed to be a fast-paced match on paper has been a rather slow affair thus far. RVD gets his jaw-jacked on the top rope and Matt flies off the top only to eat a weak superkick from Van Dam. RVD misses Rolling Thunder but gets a standing moonsault for two. Split-legged moonsault gets Rob another close two. Side Effect from Matt Hardy for another two and Matt taunts the crowd, getting some surprising heat for a guy so soon off a WWE run. He tries for the Twist of Fate but RVD counters out with a kick. Hardy tries a superplex off the top but backdrops Van Dam off the top instead. Big moonsault from Hardy misses. RVD comes off the top then with the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin at 13:22. O...kay? What does a clean job do for Matt so new to the company? Does RVD really need that win? Okay match that picked up towards the end, but like this entire show thus far it was nothing special. **1/2

Backstage Bully Ray tries to get Christy Hemme to cry in an extremely misogynistic segment in which Ray LICKS Hemme's hair. If that was supposed to be creepy Ray, it wasn't. It was just weird.

Street Fight Match
Bully Ray vs. Brother Devon

There really is no reason for these two to be having a program so high on the card in the year 2011, no reason at all. Both guys are totally gone at this point in the ring, their "break-up" was executed terribly, and I really don't think anyone cares or wants to see these two continue to feud, so of course we'll probably see them wrestle another 30 times over the next six months. Street fight rules here so it could be mildly entertaining. They brawl outside immediately to start and we're off. Devon slams a jug of water into Ray's face and the lazy brawling continues around ringside. Yawn. Devon grabs a Singapore cane and a few trash can lids and starts beating down Ray inside the ring with the cane. Devon's two sons come down to ringside now and you can just smell the tasteless swerve coming. Ray comes up from behind and slams a chair into Devon's back. Ray puts the chair around Devon's neck and grabs a chain, but Devon's kids hit the ring and try to fight Ray off. Back body drop from Devon and one of his sons grabs a trash can and slams it into Ray's face. They do the "Wazzup" spot with Devon's two sons holding Ray's legs. Devon's kids push him and do their own version of the "Get the tables!" chant and slide a table into the ring now. Ray low-blows Devon while he's setting the table up though and Ray grabs a pair of handcuffs from under the ring, cuffing Devon to the turnbuckle in the corner. Bully Ray then beats up Devon's kids and rolls up one of his sons for the 3 count at 9:24. Huh? When did the kids become a legal part of this match? Why was Ray able to pin them for the win? This made no sense, and I just did not care at all. Dull and tedious. *

After the match Ray puts one of Devon's kids through a table. Devon is practically crying, checking on his son. Come on dude, for a team that made it's career on table spots you are over-selling the hell out of this bit Devon. He's practically screaming like he just found out he lost a child in Iraq. Just awful.

Backstage Jeremy Borash gets an interview with Jeff Jarrett about his match with Kurt Angle tonight. A completely tasteless angle in which the custody of Angle's children is on the line, similar to the Mysterio-Guerrero feud that the WWE ran in 2005. It was tasteless then and it's tasteless now. Angle cuts a decent promo with Christy Hemme as well backstage.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

If Kurt wins, he gets custody of he and Karen's two children, and if Jarrett wins Angle has to walk Karen down the aisle when she and Jarrett renew their vows. This has been a completely tasteless and unecessary angle, as if these two guys couldn't just have a good feud and match based on their natural talents as performers instead of having to exploit Angle's marital troubles and children. Let's forget about the disgusting angle though and just try to focus on the match. Angle has brought the best out of Jarrett in recent years and hopefully this won't be any different. Big "Angle" chants as they lock-up to start us off. Angle works a hammerlock for a bit Big northern lights suplex gets Angle a two count. Jarrett gets tossed to the outside and Angle starts laying in shots right in front of his ex-wife Karen, who takes the opportunity to slap Kurt in the face. Jarrett slams him into the steel guardrail and back inside the ring he chokes him on the second rope. Cross-body off the top from Jarrett, which is a surprise, but Angle rolls through for a two count. Jarrett goes to the top but Angle gets an overhead belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope! Another big belly-to-belly gets Kurt another two count and things are picking up now. Kurt tries for a German but it's countered and he tries for the ankle lock but Jarrett counters out of that as well. Kurt hits his trademark trifecta of German suplexes. 1-2--NOO! Jarrett kicks out just in time. Kurt tries for the Angle Slam but Jarrett floats over with an enziguri. Jarrett tries for the Stroke but Angle rolls through into the ankle lock briefly. He hits the Angle Slam but Karen is on the apron, distracting the ref. Low-blow from Jarrett behind the ref's back. Jarrett hits The Stroke! 1-2--NOO! Angle kicks out to the crowd's surprise. Kurt chases Karen to the outside but Jarrett sneaks up from behind and tosses him into the steel steps. The ref is knocked out but comes to just as Angle is about to hit Jarrett with a chair, which the ref takes out of his hands. Big T-Bone suplex from Angle for a two! Jeff hits The Stroke from the top rope (sort-of), but Angle kicks out again before the three count. Big German from Angle and he pulls down the straps and slaps on the ankle lock. Karen grabs Jeff's hands and gets dragged into the ring where she distracts the ref while Angle grapevine's Jarrett's leg and makes him tap. Jarrett slams the chair into Angle's face though behind the ref's back. 1-2--NOO! Angle kicks out again! Crowd is surprised and so am I as they keep making it appear that Kurt is going to get screwed only to have him kick out each time. Schoolboy rollup gets Angle a two and he tries for a sunset flip, but Jarrett shifts the momentum in his favor and gets the clean pinfall win at 16:18. Wow, strange finish there as why wouldn't you have Jarrett beat Angle through cheating? Instead you have Angle lose clean and lose custody of his children. The match itself was actually quite good as Angle did his usual carry-job, tossing Jarrett around with his usual crisp suplex spots. Head-scratching finish aside, the best match of the night thus far. ***1/4

After the match Kurt cries (again), and leaves his boots in the center of the ring as he leaves, apparently signalling ANOTHER retirement for him. What's that, his 2nd in the last 2 months now?

Backstage Mr. Anderson cuts a promo on Jeff Hardy about their upcoming ladder match, doing a rather good Jesse Ventura impression in the process.

TNA World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match
Mr. Anderson (C) vs. Jeff Hardy

If there's one thing Jeff Hardy can't screw up, it's a ladder match, so hopefully this will be decent. We've got two referees for this ladder match (why do we even need one), which makes you wonder if they're actually going to book a Dusty Finish for a ladder match. Nothing would surprise me from TNA at this point though. The bell sounds and we're off. Hardy stalls to start but Anderson chases him outside to the ladders. Jeff tries for the quick Twist of Hate but Anderson tosses him into the apron. Neckbreaker from Jeff on Anderson onto a ladder back inside and the ladders have come into play already. Jeff tries climbing the ladder quickly but Anderson takes him down easily. Jeff sticks the ladder between Anderson's legs and dropkicks it into his crotch. That'll hurt the yambags as Taz might say. Russian leg sweep onto the ladder in the corner from Anderson! Nice spot. Anderson brings another ladder into the ring and both men begin climbing to the top. Jeff hits a sunset-flip powerbomb off the top of the ladder on Anderson! That's a spot that never gets old in ladder matches. Tenay and Taz sell the impact on Anderson's recent (kayfabe) concussions, as he did infact hit his head nastily on the mat there. Hardy then tries the big leapfrog-legdrop off the turnbuckle and over the ladder on Anderson, but Anderson moves out of the way just in time. Big back body-drop sends Anderson onto another ladder in the corner. Anderson gets sent outside and Jeff follows him out with the slingshot baseball-slide. He grabs another ladder, his own personal Day-Glo multi-colored ladder and slams it into Anderson, who slams it right back. Anderson's leg gets slammed into the steel steps and then Hardy runs and jumps off the steel steps with a big whisper-in-the-wind leg lariat to Anderson draped over the steel guardrail. Very cool little spot. Back inside Anderson suplexes Jeff onto another ladder in the corner nastily. Anderson tries climbing the ladder but Jeff hits him with a Twist of Hate that more resembles an RKO, cutting right to the ace-crusher finish of the move. Jeff grabs his pink-and-green ladder and tosses it into the ring, but Anderson lifts Jeff onto his shoulders and hits the Green Bay plunge on the ladder! Anderson goes for the big senton off the top but Jeff moves and the back of Anderson's neck snaps on the ladder. ouch. Jeff sets up two ladders and they both climb to the top where they fight over the title for a bit before both men end up falling nastily to the mat as the ladders fly to the side! Nasty falls there for both men but it looked like they botched the spot as it appears Jeff was supposed to grab the title on the way down. Jeff just climbs up and snatches the title for the completely anti-climactic win at 18:16. Wow, what is with the abrupt and bizarre finishes all night long? This was thankfully a big step up from everything before it with both men hitting some very nice and sometimes creative spots here. The ending had no heat at all and was prett much the definition of anti-climatic, but overall this was a great little ladder match. ***3/4

We sign off the air with Jeff celebrating on top of his personal Day-Glo ladder.

Bottom Line:​
Wow, so many problems with this show. Most of these matches were announced barely a week ago, many of them had questionable finishes, and the majority of them were just plain bad. The first two hours of this show is utterly mediocre at best, which unfortunately just isn't enough to tip the scales in TNA's favor for this show overall. The main event is well worth checking out, but you can skip everything else and be fine. Thumbs leaning sligthtly down for TNA Against All Odds 2011.

Score: 5/10

REMEMBER! You can find ALL of my reviews and match ratings at my blog:
X's Wrestling Review

NOTE: Match times and attendance numbers will be edited in later tonight.
i missed the first two matches, I know the bucks(gen me) were stuck at an airport. From what I saw the ppv was better than I expected. The main event was way better than I thought it'd be...then i remembered anderson did have experience in ladder matches. It looked like the ending was botched a bit but good match overall. in the devon/ bully streett fight...i think a chairshot would've fit the situation and then the table imo. knockout match was should've ended out of the ring imo. anf the angle match, didn't think i'd like the match but I fairly enjoyed it. Same thing can be said for matt vs rbd. if i were going to rate it i'd give it a 4 out of 5
I have described the Main Event in 2 different threads as anticlimactic. That is probably the best way to describe it. I am still surprised they gave it back to Hardy. But, I think the overall plan is to have AJ Styles take the belt.

Fourtune versus Immortal. AJ versus Jeff. I think that is where things are headed. But, why give The TNA Title to Anderson in the first place? I shouldn't even be surprised, but I really expected Anderson to win.

TNA makes a lot of "on the fly" decisions. I look at most things dealing with wrestling, optimistically... But tonights PPV was bad.
I'm not a big TNA guy. Never have been, never will be (at least I don't think so, especially after tonight). Every match I watched was one disappointment after another. There was nothing that intrigued me about that PPV at all. The only reason I watched was the simple fact I had nothing better to do or watch tonight.

I know who most the Superstars are, if not all. None of the matches had any pop or anything worth watching. I actually surprised I haven't killed myself yet for watching that abomination.

Beer Money w/ Steiner v Terry, Gunner, & Murphy....Snore City
Samoa Joe v Pope....What happened to Samoa Joe's relevance?
Mickie v Madison...Ok, I might have had a bit of an erection, but BUSTTTTT.
Matt Morgan/Hernadez Segment...Weak as hell
RVD v M. Hardy...I had to poop. Didn't even bother watching it.
Bully Ray v Brother Devon...Didn't we try this already? Another epic fail.
Jeff Jarrett v Kurt Angle...Why is Jarrett still aloud to wrestle?

and of course...The worst, the biggest disappoint of a match I might have ever watched...

J. Hardy v Mr. Anderson...BOTCH BOTCH BOTCH BOTCH!!!!

Why don't I give further the descriptions of why I hated these matches? It's simple. They were that terrible, that they simply don't deserves my criticism other then what I gave them. I've watched TNA PPVs before. I've watched Impact before. I honestly felt like I was watching a "WWE Superstars" version of TNA. Nothing happened. Nothing progressed.

Then again, I guess that's what I get for expecting things from WWE's so-called" competition. Against all odds, TNA failed as usual. Pretty par for the course I suppose.

You asked for my opinion...There it is. Harsh, Short, and Ever so sweet.
Horrible PPV. TNA had the right idea in the Bubba/D-Von and Kurt/Jarrett matches, but it was executed so poorly. So long winded.

There was not one thing I liked about this PPV. The matches were horrible, the results were predictable, and even though that's not a bad thing it becomes one when it's predictable AND shitty. The matches were botch after botch, Kurt had a hilarious Pyro fail.

This was clearly a throwaway PPV that TNA wanted to get out of the fucking way so they can continue building toward Lockdown. Honestly, I know this wasn't possible, but I'd much rather prefer it if TNA had no PPVs 'till Lockdown and spent the time until the PPV in rapid build up for the Fourtune-Immortal battle and the possible AJ-Hardy World Title match.

Comically bad PPV. At one point I was cracking up at how ridiculiously bad it got, especially at Taz's comment about Hardy not wanting the black ladder, that got me ROFLing. I wasted my time.
Really?!......that was a waste of time! The absolute worst ppv I have ever seen! They are building their company around somebody who will probly be in jail later this week. How many times is angle gonna retire before he returns to the wwe? Please give the title to aj then maybe tna will be worth watching. Imagine what tna could do with all that talent if. they had decent booking!
Well, I missed the first 30 minutes of the PPV, so I missed the Robbie E vs. Kaz match. However, I will give TNA credit because when a triple threat match gets ruined like that, you gotta give the fans something, and a title match usually does the trick. Something tells me that Robbie E. would have won the #1 contender's match anyway.

Scott Steiner/Robert Roode/James Storm vs. Rob Terry/Gunner/Murphy
I came in just as Beer Money and Scott Steiner were squashing Terry, Gunner and Murphy at the end. Steiner still does well in the ring at 49, and it's no surprise that he won in his return. Do Gunner and Murphy really have a future? Come to think about it, does Rob Terry? And was Crimson anywhere around?

Samoa Joe vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero
I just do not see a point to this feud and match. Both men literally gave up after losing their last PPV appearance, and now here they are fighting each other. Pope really didn't look good in any part of the match, as it was obvious that Samoa Joe was better. Even if Pope plays a cowardly heel, he needed to either cheat more or use a weapon (taking off the turnbuckle pad is pretty minor) or something. This could have been a chance for him, even in a loss, to really get dirty or show some special trait as to why he's a heel. Instead, we got a glorified Samoa Joe squash.

The beatdown afterwards maybe was an attempt to get his heat back, but The Pope is dead in the water. He hasn't won a match in 2011, and I can't even remember the last match he won period. His career has now hit nearly rock-bottom. Only Shark Boy and Orlando Jordan are holdig it up.

TNA Knockouts Title Last Woman Standing Match
Madison Rayne (C) vs. Mickie James

I've said before and I'll say it again: Madison Rayne is the WORST wrestling female champion in history. She hasn't wrestled a good-to-decent match in months and it's annoying how she continually keeps the title without having anything credible about her and having to be carried in every match. Every single female in the Knockouts division is better than her in the ring, and to my knowledge, ALL OF THEM (the ones she has wrestled at least once) hold a victory over her. This could have been a chance for Mickie James to make history, and why TNA wants to stretch it out longer is beyond me.

I need to comment on Hernandez because something bugs me: why is he joining (or at least helping) the Immortals if it's now "Hispanic America?" There's not one ethnicity in the Immortals group, and wouldn't he be less inclined to sell out if he was representing his Latino heritage? He really should have said he wanted revenge for being put out by Morgan, and that could have easily sold whatever he did to him and anyone aligned to him, but adding the roots thing makes it odd that he'd join up with a group that nowhere near represents what he says he stands for.

Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam

I know most people dislike Matt Hardy losing here, but it's the right ending. Matt got the first victory, RVD wants a shot at the TNA title, and he has to get through Matt to get it, and he gets the win. I could see one more match for RVD before he gets his shot at Jeff, and it'll set up what could be a spring feud between RVD and Jeff. The right guy went over here. The match itself seemed slower than I expected. Maybe RVD is expanding a bit, or maybe Matt is changing his style. Either way, I won't say it was bad, but it's a change of pace.

Street Fight Match
Bully Ray vs. Brother Devon

This match was set-up by several promos to begin the night: one with Devon with his kids, who we know will find a way to get involved, and one with Ray who sniffed Christy Hemme's hair, which doesn't fit the whole bully persona. It's odd that these are feuding because there's no real point. They're not going to be pushed to the World Title, and they don't have the skill or money-drawing power to be an attraction. Still, the feud had a good build and both men work the mic well. This match was good for we all thought it would be: a hardcore beatdown of each other. I fully thought Russo would pull the Russoesque swerve of Devon's kids turning on him, but thank God that didn't happen. Instead, we saw a weird 3-on-1 face beatdown of a heel until Bully Ray found a resourceful way to get out of it. The threatening of the chair into the powerbomb was very anti-climatic. Remember that this is the same guy that orgasmed by powerbombing women through tables, so Taz acting like somebody shot his dog was over the top. True, it was his children, but a chair shot would actually have been much more brutal. I guess this feud will continue.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
The feud itself just went too far involving the children. 2 feuds involving kids? Why, TNA, why?! Well, anyway, I knew Jarrett would win because the stipulations would favor the feud continuing. And oddly, the match (as great as it was) went exactly as I expected until the end: Kurt Angle dominates Jeff Jarrett, Karen gets involved, Jarrett cheats, Angle finds a way out, Jarrett hits his finisher, Angle finds a way out, Jarrett loses without the ref looking, Jarrett gets a weapon, Angle finds a way out, Karen gets involved some more, Angle finds a way out...then Jarrett wins with a clean move. It's not that I doubt Jarrett's wrestling ability, because if anyone could find a way to beat Angle clean in TNA, Jarrett is one of the very few that could, but still?! Angle's custody of his kids is on the line, and he wins with the same roll-up that beat Bret Hart in 1992?! It was one of those moments that left you cold inside. The match itself was great, and it proved that Angle can wrestle anyone and look amazing, but I'd almost rather had seen Angle bloody and destroyed in the ring by 5-6 guys and 3-4 weapons than a simple clean wrestling move. Maybe it sets up the inevitable return match, but what's the point? Angle lost clean. He has no excuse. The only match left they could do for Angle to redeem himself would be a submission match. By the way, lately, Jarrett has looked unstoppable for months. Where is all this dominance leading? World Title? Young guy beating him?

TNA World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match
Mr. Anderson (C) vs. Jeff Hardy

A ladder match is always an interesting way to end a PPV, and this was a strong match to end it. It shocks me how popular Jeff Hardy still is; no matter how much the guy insults the fans he'll be cheered and chanted for time and time again. The only problem with a ladder match is that Hardy is so known for them that he'll be the favorite regardless. This match had a lot of great spots and was very good for a main event ladder match as opposed to the X-division types, but the ending was another little-to-be-desired type. Hardy wins, which really should be no surprise seeing as he was supposed to win it anyway on February 3rd, but the botched spot will leave a bad taste in people's mouth. The ending once again made sense, as the Immortals needed to have some kind of victory, especially with the injunction coming up. Now both groups control all of the male titles in the company (Fourtune = X-division and tag team titles; Immortals = World Title and TV title) so the feuds should intensify between them. This also sets up the inevitable A.J. Styles vs. Jeff Hardy feud, which hopefully won't be rushed.

(By the way, why did no one come out the celebrate with Hardy that he won the belt back?)

Overall: OK PPV. Nothing spectacular, nothing amazing. Just good wrestling action with some questionable moments. Certainly not worth $40, though.
All I have to say is every match had a botch. But the funniest moment had to be the last knockout standing match, Madison hit mickey with a object KO her out cold but went for the pin and it seems like the ref told her "hey dummy no pinfalls in this match" you can even see mickey shaking her head while she playing KO. And Devon should had at least cry when his boys got whipped, calling a bully a SOB just doesn't cut it. And if anyone paid $40 for this , they are higher then J hardy was.
I didn't watch or anything, but the match descriptions made me glad I didn't waste the time or money.
Earnestly, I hope Kurt's done. Kurt deserves to be a part of a decent wrestling organization, and TNA just isn't it for him.
The title switch off Anderson to Hardy... shocker? yeah, not so much. Anderson was a filler title switch to appease the fans. Him winning the title and the belt remaining the same purple garbage it was should've been a clue to most people watching. TNA creative plans on giving the title back to RVD, I'd bet. Their constant background push of the same revenge plot for Rob on Hardy would'nt have meant much if he was just in a match. But now, he gets to be in a match to get "his" title back, that he never "lost". Yay "resolution". Whatever. Who cares?
im a big TNA fan i watch impact every week and i dont miss a ppv but i gotta say this ppv was just boring IMO during the devon/bully ray match i went to go get a snack the 6 man tag was just horrible,jarrett vs angle was decent,i was hoping gen me would b there but robbie e IMO needs to leave TNA hes just bad in the ring and he doesnt fit in with the x divison it should b all high flyers hes not a high flyer! jeff vs anderson wasnt bad i was expecting alot worse but jeff winning back the title was a let down. i also think mickie vs madison was the best match on the card they work good together i was surprised to see madison retain the title i was expecting mickie james to finally make history....i guess this means were gonna c them go at it again next ppv? idk but this ppv wasnt as bad as Genesis!
Ok I'm not even going to bother giving my piece on how horrible the matches were instead I'm just going to list a few facts.

Fact #1 The day you get a bad match out of Kurt Angle will be the day he officially retires. While the storyline is horrible, tasteless, and well there was Jarrett... He still put on a good match as He is Kurt Angle.

Fact #2 "Bully" Ray and Devon were WAY to fucking old to do this angle when they were in WWE. WHY!!!! Would TNA bother to try this? What's the point/pay off they can't get heat no one wants to see this shit...

Fact #3 Mickie and Madison are talented and by talented I mean B E A utiful!!! (though they are good workers too)

Fact #4 The Hardy "Boyz" are past their primes and they are only in their early 30's... Sad but true

Fact #5 TNA could hire any randomly selected member of the Wrestlezone forum and they would be a better purchase than Matt hardy..

I could keep going but I think 5 is good to get the point across :p
Fact #4 The Hardy "Boyz" are past their primes and they are only in their early 30's... Sad but true

Fact #5 TNA could hire any randomly selected member of the Wrestlezone forum and they would be a better purchase than Matt hardy..

Jesus H. fucking Christ, NOTHING pleases you people when it comes to Matt hardy. First off, the guy has worked his ass off to get into good shape, which is obvious if you even watched the fucking PPV. Second, RVD vs. Hardy was a GOOD match. Don't let your biased hatred for this man cloud your judgment on a Well-wrestled match. I'm not really that much of a TNA fan to be honest with you.....but even though this PPV as a whole was disappointing, Hardy vs. RVD wasn't.
Jesus H. fucking Christ, NOTHING pleases you people when it comes to Matt hardy. First off, the guy has worked his ass off to get into good shape, which is obvious if you even watched the fucking PPV. Second, RVD vs. Hardy was a GOOD match. Don't let your biased hatred for this man cloud your judgment on a Well-wrestled match. I'm not really that much of a TNA fan to be honest with you.....but even though this PPV as a whole was disappointing, Hardy vs. RVD wasn't.

So the "Cold Blood" character is good? The ******ed promo he cut on RVD was good? The Fact that RVD won over Matt Hardy who just got into the company was good? Yeah at this point Matt Can go better than Jeff however the two of them use to be GREAT and the fact that they both have potentially peaked as far as how good/great they can be is really pathetic seeing as they both are in their early 30's...

Also Don't lie to yourself TNA is currently incapable of having a good match that does not have Kurt Angle in it at best it was sub par or fair.
So the "Cold Blood" character is good? The ******ed promo he cut on RVD was good? The Fact that RVD won over Matt Hardy who just got into the company was good? Yeah at this point Matt Can go better than Jeff however the two of them use to be GREAT and the fact that they both have potentially peaked as far as how good/great they can be is really pathetic seeing as they both are in their early 30's...

Also Don't lie to yourself TNA is currently incapable of having a good match that does not have Kurt Angle in it at best it was sub par or fair.

Alright, I realized I sounded like a pissed off mark in reply, sorry about that. But When I watched RVD vs. Hardy I saw a good match. Not a great one, not a poor one, but a good one. I understand that the whole idea of the match pisses you off, but I enjoyed what I saw, I mean do I really have to explain myself? Plus Cold blood could be a good character if he put more effort into it and made it a true "Character", and not just an angry version of himself.

I'll wait and see what happen's....
Overall not an impressive show in IMO.
The X-Division match was made the best it could be at the last minute because of the Buck's suituation
Pope/Joe was a waste of talent. Guess this feud over whatever will continue.
Surprised Hardy beat Anderson. I thought given Hardy's legal problems they would wait on given him the title.
Have to say Madison beating Mickie shocked the hell out of me. I was sure Mickie would win and the KO's would move on. Where do they go now? Mickie should have won. Do not see the point of madison winning.
The Fact that RVD won over Matt Hardy who just got into the company was good? Yeah at this point Matt Can go better than Jeff however the two of them use to be GREAT and the fact that they both have potentially peaked as far as how good/great they can be is really pathetic seeing as they both are in their early 30's...

Ok, here's my problem w/this post. First, the part of RVD winning over Hardy. WTF? Hardy won the last one, they've been building RVD up for his "redemption" about losing the title, etc. etc.

If he hadn't won, everybody would be bitching about the fact that TNA doesn't have any continuity, why would RVD just get blown off about his "revenge", RVD had been there longer and deserves to win and get back in the title picture, yadda yadda yadda. Besides, if you think "a randomly picked wrestlezone forum member would be a better purchase than Matt Hardy" what do you care if he wins or loses?

Besides, the loss to RVD (a well established TNA main eventer, a prior champ, and a well over face) does not hurt Hardy's credibility. Good grief.

2nd of all, the part that "yeah, at this point, Matt can go better than Jeff ".
Wait, didn't you just say Matt shouldn't have been hired, rather a member of the forum? But he's better than Jeff? So why wouldn't they hire Matt and get rid of Jeff then? Awfully contradictory.

The ppv blew. Really. All the angles that should have came to an end to open things up for other talent and new stories did not (Mickie/Madison, Bully Ray/Devon, Jarrett Inc./Angle). These should have been ended and everybody in them given, at the most, a smaller storyline or in the case of Angle and Jarrett plugged back into the Immortal/Fortune feud.

Jarrett's got way too much fucking tv time for the piece of shit waste of space and money he is, Karen needs to get the fuck off of tv already, Bubba and Devon should have hung it up or just been promo/manager/mentor type guys back when they did their thing w/the MCMG, and Mickie should have the belt now so we could get either a change on the direction of her and Madison or to allow another heel to vie for the belt.

Fuck, how can Dixie and co. not see how fucking worthless having Russo drooling over a notepad scribbling out jibberish is? Why are people so damn blind to the obvious? He should have been scrapped before he was even hired. And same goes for Hogan/Bischoff.

This would have been the best idea. After thinking about hiring R/H/B, have a quick, nervous laugh and say "What the fuck was I thinking? Yeah, right! No way." Then, after that dies down and you get a little irritated for thinking it, make yourself feel better by firing Jarrett. Now get yourself some people that can actually benefit you. TNA would be competing head to head w/WWE by this point if that had happened.

But yeah, the PPV sucked. Well, w/the exception of the main event. Gotta give them props for that. And the RVD/Hardy match wasn't bad for what it was either. I just don't think RVD has that drive he used to have anymore and I don't get excited about his matches anymore. But that's just me. Matt's worked hard to get a lot of the weight off, and even though his movements are less fluid in the ring, he's not horrible yet. So it was ok. Not nauseating, but not re-watchable by any means.

And there you have it. Already pointless things continuing on even longer and lackluster matches that have already been done to death. Sigh. I just hope Vince doesn't bury the good talent like AJ, Beer Money, etc. when he buys out TNA eventually.
Robbie E. vs. Kazarian was a solid match. If it was anyone other than Kazarian holding the belt, I would have wanted Robbie to win so I wasn't disappointed with the result. Have to keep Fourtune looking strong.

The Bully Ray/Devon match wasn't what I thought it would be and the ending/after the match was more interesting than the match itself. Bully Ray is one of the best if not the best in TNA in terms of mic work. Honestly, he could be a big heel if given the right opportunity and feud.

Me and Coco are probably the only two who love the Jarrett/Angle storyline and the match itself was good although not as good as their Genesis encounter. I was surprised that Jarrett pinned Angle relatively clean. I can't wait to see what happens with the "wedding" on March 3rd.

Anderson and Hardy had a decent ladder match with some cool spots here and there even with the botched finish. Immortal with the except of Jarrett lost all of their matches so Hardy had to look strong. Interesting to see who will be the number one contender. I'm thinking of a triple threat #1 contenders match between AJ, RVD, and Anderson at Victory Road with the winner facing Hardy at Lockdown.

I'll give the PPV around a C+.
It's kinda sad when someone blasts TNA for a clean ending! Something else will happen in that feud...I don't see Angle walking away quietly.

As far as the World Title, I think they only thing they can do is one more title match between Hardy & Anderson, the tiebreaker as it were.

Please say the Team 3D feud is over!

I hate the tendency of TNA to put the heels over at PPVs...we ended with the two big matches both going to heels (and the two before that also went to the heels). That doesn't give the crowd or the PPV audience a warm and fuzzy feeling going home. Not saying the face has to win every PPV, but on of the four final matches would have been nice.

And I can only imagine how Gen Me feels right now...not sure if this was supposed to get one of them over, but missing a shot like that on a PPV has to hurt. Interesting to see if they get buried now.
5/10 is VERY VERY generous. Put a minus in front of the 5 and it may be better suited for the rating. They can't even finish matches correctly and they have idiots and losers running the show
I feel somewhat similair as everyone else. My biggest problem was that in was mostly an all heel ppv. The crowd was happy Kaz retained, RVD won and happy Scott hit a Frankensteiner for the win, but that's it. Rayne retained, Ray beat Dvon, Jeff beat Angle and Hardy beat Anderson. Especially with the last 4 matches, they just did not send the people home happy.

Scott Steiner might as well have been drunk in both his promo and his match. He was easily off. Dudleyz match was okay, but even by their standards. His kids sold great though!

Sad to see the crowd more alive for the Knockouts title than Pope VS Joe.

Matt Hardy is in better shape then when he debuted and had 2nd or 3rd best match of the night, which isn't saying much. Ladder Match was good even if the finish was botched, and I'm surprised nobody helped Hardy retain.

Kurt and Jeff had match of the night, but the crowd was so sympathetic towards Kurt, I'm very sad to see him lose. However, I LOVED the shot of his wrestling shoes in the ring. Classic.
Kazarian ( Face )
Beer Money and Scott Steiner ( Faces )
Samoa Joe ( Face )
RVD ( Face )

Bully Ray ( Heel )
Madison Rayne ( Heel )
Jeff Jarret ( Heel )
Jeff Hardy ( Heel )

It was even.So it was not heel heavy. Also to me Hardy winning, in the Impact Zone isn't even considered a heel. If you listened to the chants last night the lest go Hardy/Anderson chants were very loud and even. So for anyone to say people left unhappy is not true at all.
It's kinda sad when someone blasts TNA for a clean ending! Something else will happen in that feud...I don't see Angle walking away quietly.

As far as the World Title, I think they only thing they can do is one more title match between Hardy & Anderson, the tiebreaker as it were.

Please say the Team 3D feud is over!

I hate the tendency of TNA to put the heels over at PPVs...we ended with the two big matches both going to heels (and the two before that also went to the heels). That doesn't give the crowd or the PPV audience a warm and fuzzy feeling going home. Not saying the face has to win every PPV, but on of the four final matches would have been nice.

And I can only imagine how Gen Me feels right now...not sure if this was supposed to get one of them over, but missing a shot like that on a PPV has to hurt. Interesting to see if they get buried now.

Dont expect that with that match ending between Bully Ray and Brother Devon will end their feud, i think at some point Bully Ray will get his ass kicked by Devon or even all 3 of them when they "recover".
I just noticed something. The last 4 matches were all WWE talent. Oh god!

This pay per veiw was ok. Not on WWE standards good, but good on PPV standards.

Why? It was more of a wrestling/entetainment PPV and not a ROH spotfest, flip, counter, stuff.

No Motor City Machine Guns. Thank god!

I did'nt know how Devon's DNA could get pinned, seeing as though they weren't in the match. Wait, Vince Russo booked this show. Nevermind.

The Ladder matched ended weird, and was like every other Ladder match.

I honesty had no lcuewhy the Referee was counting during the Knockouts match. Non, at all. Then I realized it's probably a "Last Knockout's Standing," match. Somebody's gotta do something with Rayne's song, please! Just get rid of it, it's horrible!

Matt Hardy is a douchebag!

First match was a X-division borefest.

What the hell was the promo by Hernandez supposed to prove? It did'nt even make sense. "Hispanic America," what the hell? Show's you why some people need a script.

Angle-Jarret was really the only match other than the Ladder match I was seriously into. I just wanted to see Angle kill Jarret, becuase of all the pent up anger, frustration, and personal agony he's been in lately. But no, they start the match of with hammer locks. :disappointed:

Anyway. Sorry for my half-assed review. Don't really like TNA, don't think it's a good television show.

Let me say it again. Matt Hardy is a douchebag!
What a horrible PPV line up. Why would anyone have paid money to actually watch this PPV? Kazarian vs. Robbie the Jershey Shore ripoff? BeerMoney & Scott Steiner vs. three nobodies? A Knockouts division title match that we've seen time after time? Team 3D against each other? Matt Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam? Ugh. Based on this PPV it's clear why TNA has problems making money off PPV buyrates.

So there's no payoff for Kurt Angle and he loses instead and his career is over? If that's the case this whole feuds been absolutely pointless. And if it's going to continue then TNA needs to stop rehashing the exact same thing (Angle's retirment) over and over again as a gimmick. Once is fine, but more then that is just silly.

Then the PPV ends with Jeff Hardy reclaiming the World title? Wow. Mr. Anderson's run was pretty forgettable, and now TNA's given the title right back to the drug addict whose still not through going to court. I guess this is to build up to an AJ Styles/Hardy feud. Still horrible, though. TNA has given me absolutely no incentive to watch their product.
February 13th:Against All Odds Hits and Misses

Against All Odds Hits:

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett: The far-fetched stipulation of the match made it hard to take seriously, doing this match more harm then good. Im not a fan of using kids as "pawns" in a storyline, so Im glad they weren't present. Despite this, both Jarrett and Angle delivered a very good in-ring performance, which they typically do. One of the few things I liked about the show was that both Jarrett(for the most part), and Jeff Jardy won their matches cleanly. I know Jarrett tapped out at one point, but he won the actual match with a wrestling maneuver, not a weapon. I like it when a heel is able to play the role of an in-ring equal to the face, and this was the case for the most part in this match. ***1/2

Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson: While Im not in favor of TNA putting the belt on someone whose back in court today for felony drug trafficking charges, this was a good match. Both men worked their rears off, and there were quite a few memorable moments. One of those was what unfortunately appeared to be a bothced finish, but both men covered well. It wasn't up to the caliber of past Hardy ladder matches, but it was still decent. ***

Madison Rayne vs Mickie James: If you can't tell by my avatar, Im a huge Mickie fan. But I think her chasing the belt will make for a great payoff when the time comes for here to win it. I was surprised she didn't last night, but the promo between the two last Thursday on the final show before the PPV seems to indicate that TNA will be going in the direction of a "Career vs Title" match, which should be intriguing as Madison has already won two of these. This was a decent match given the stipulation, and Mickie stealing Madison's glove was a nice touch. They just need to find a different formula for these matches other then Tara distracts/Madison uses foreign object, as it makes Mickie look dumb compared to Madison. Im intrigued as to where this feud goes heading forward, which is always a good thing. **

Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Hardy: A hit because it was light years better then their match at Genesis. There was nothing memorable about it, but the chemistry between the two should be and was there last night, dating back to their days in WWE together. I am surprised that both guys feel so mid-card, as Van Dam was once pushed as mega-star during his 4 month title reign, and Hardy has yet to get a meaningful push since he debuted in TNA. I'm not saying that Hardy should be pushed as a top wrestler, but he is in TNA's top heel faction, but feels no more relevant then Gunner or Murphy. One can only assume that he's being paid more than the average mid-carder, so I'd think the company would be doing more to get a return on that investment. **1/4

Against All Odds Misses:

Overall Show: There was some good in-ring work, but it felt like most of the matches had some type of flaw. Even the main event didn't feel truly worthy of the "spot". Whether it was Hardy vs. Anderson finish being botched or the fact that Hardy won the title days before he's due back in court, Angle leaving his boots in the ring or the silliness with Devon's children, the matches that held the most intrigue to me going into the PPV all ended up leaving me with a somewhat sour taste in my mouth. TNA pay-per-views rarely leave me feeling like I just watched a special event, and the free TV product is sometimes quite better. Some PPV's are better then others, but it often seems like Bound For Glory is the only time the company takes themselves seriously from top to bottom to make a strong effort to produce a truly must-see and memorable show.

Ray vs. Devon: I really enjoyed their 10 minute match/brawl last month at Genesis, but this one was terrible. There was no reason to involve Devon's kids, especially since the time and investment wasn't there for me to have an incentive to care about them. The finish of Ray pinning one of the children instead of Devon was mind-boggling, as Devon pulled them out of the match beforehand. The timing of both kids running to the ring during the match was idiotic, as their dad was dominating the match at this point.
It would have so much more sense for them to come out at a point when their father was being abused by Ray, but Devon was in firm control at this point. Bad booking. *3/4

Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero: Simply put, this feud has to end. These two don't have the chemistry together in the ring together to put together a solid grudge match, and Okada running around in his Lone Ranger outfit only detracts from things. Again, it's terrible booking that Dinero runs away from Okada, but will fight Joe. Both Joe and Dinero need wins, not a back and forth feud where they trade wins. I would re-consider this thought process my stance on that if this was a good feud and both were being elevated in the process, but that hasn't occurred in a feud thats been going on since the beginning of the year, and that hasn't happened. **

Beer Money and Scott Steiner vs. Gunner, Murphy, and Rob Terry: It was good to see Beer Money get on the show and Steiner re-debut, but that was the only thing positive about this match. It seemed odd that Fortune just became the centerpiece act in the company, yet they weren't a focal point of this show. Gunner, Murphy, and Rob Terry are all red flags in that they either can't wrestle or aren't ready yet, and certainly none of them belong on PPV. *1/4

Kazarian vs Robbie E: Not a terrible opener, and I understand that TNA had to make last-minute swith due to GenMe's flight problems. Robbie can sell quite well, but his offense leaves alot to be desired, as his facial expressions are over the top, at best. Kaz really had to cover for him in some spots, which isn't what you want from a PPV opener in the least. **

Hernandez/Morgan faceoff: Both men have great looks and are solid wrestlers, and Hernandez has the heel expressions down pat. However, the mic work from Hernandez was simply brutal. Hernandez' logic was flawed as well. I wish they would have pulled a page from the CM Punk/Randy Orton feud in WWE and gone into the video vault of Morgan kicking Hernandez in the head, as it would have added great heat to the feud. Yet they chose to go the "held down" minority route, which gets old, fast.Hernandez can get over as a heel for other reasons, but TNA needs to keep his mic work short and simple.

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