TMZ: Kharma Did NOT Have Her Baby


I ran across this story a few minutes ago. Kharma didn't deliver her son on December 31, 2011, despite what she told friends. According to what she told TMZ that her baby passed away before she was able to give birth.

She also told TMZ that she initially lied about the baby's health due to being incredibly emotional and was worried about going public with the truth after announcing her pregnancy on Raw last year. She says that she intends to start a foundation for women that have gone through the same thing.

This really is quite sad. I can't imagine what women who experience this go through. It's bad enough being a father in such a situation but there's always a special sort of bond between mother and baby. When she announced her pregnancy on Raw, I was initially concerned because of her weight. Kia Stevens is a big woman, legitimately close to 300 pounds I'd say, and I'm wondering if that caused some problems, thereby making the pregnancy even more complicated.

I just hope..I really really hope WWE doesn't try to use this as part of some sort of storyline. Something like this could make Kharma as very sympathetic babyface if it's handled with class and dignity. However, I'm not sure I trust Vince in that area. True, he's definitely laid off the crash tv for a long time now, but such an angle would make me uncomfortable.
Lol we all know how Vince is or should I say Vince Russo. If this were ten years ago there would already be a storyline written out and ready to run, but Vince has calmed down with that since the whole Benoit situation. He doesn't need anything like this to get out to the public.
Shocking news for Kharma.
Give WWE some credit I'm sure they wouldn't stoop THAT low to garner some kind of attention, maybe in the Attitude Era they may have play some storyline based on it but WWE isn't that tackless anymore.
My heart goes out to her and her fiance. My wife and have gone through losing a pregnancy. It was by far the worst thing, I've been through in my life. As hard as it was on me, it was even harder on my wife. Like Jack Hammer said, there's an even stronger bond between mother and child.

Kia Stevens has got to be deeply hurt and devastated by this tragedy. The best thing for WWE to due in my opinion. Is to give her time to heal her pain and respect this tragedy as personal by not mentioning it on air. The last thing they should do. Is incorporate this into an angle in anyway.
As a father whose wife has lost a child, I've seen first hand what an event like this can do to a woman. It is a horrifying discovery to learn that you're not going to get to be a parent anymore, and it was devastating to both my wife and I. I will be praying for Kia Stevens and her family as they go through this impossibly trying ordeal. On a wrestling note, I believe it will be a long time until we get to see Kharma again. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I only hope that she doesn't try to rush back and bury herself in wrestling, as this might do more harm than good. Again, my deepest sympathies to her and her family.
As much as I really hope they will not use this as a storyline. I could see Vince telling Michael Cole to say some really messed up stuff in order to bring attention to himself and garner heat. I mean for crying out loud they made jokes about The King's mother dying. That was just painful to listen to, I was about to just turn my television off for the night after hearing the stupid shit Michael Cole was spouting. I do hope that Kharma can bounce back from this and she will be okay. I will keep her in my thoughts.
My wife and I have also been through the same thing. It is totally devastating to the mother to be. As you guys have already said, there is a bond between mother and child that is very strong and very special. While going through this, my wife felt so alone and like she was the only person that this had ever happened to. You don't realize how common this actually is. It is such a sad situation for Kharma and her family, and I wish her nothing but the best moving forward.
Very sad news, of course. But if you think WWE would use it as part of a storyline, you're fucking out of your mind. Sure, you could bring up Michael Cole talking about Jerry Lawler's mum, but it's not like Jerry was against that. If he was, it wouldn't have happened. End of story. This is completely different - we're talking about a dead baby. If you're looking for WWE's "line", it's right fucking there.
I am praying that Stephanie, who is a mother herself, talks some sense into Vince if the thought even mildly passed his mind and leaves this whole entire thing behind closed doors. I don't think he would. I'd like to think he has some morals. That could have easily happened to his daughter and that hits too close to home.
Thats real tragic news, my condolences got out to her and her partner.

Hopefully in time, she can recover from this and hopfully WWE will have the good graces to let her come back in her own time, and like previously posted not turn it into a storyline.

Me & my wife know how she feels when my wife was pregnant with both our children, it was a bit touch & go at times during her pregnancy.
There isn't a need for this tragic situation to be brought up on television period. In the Attitude Era, I could see it making its way into some type of storyline but not now. Some might call it the Reality Era and whatnot but tragic incidents shouldn't be mixed with wrestling; especially the loss of something that may have made her family complete. I don't think Vince McMahon is that much of an asshole to do that to one of their top diva talents but I wouldn't be surprised to hear something slip out from The Bella's or some other heel diva. If true, it’s very sad news indeed.
I cannot imagine that Kia would be willing to do something with this as a major angle. So, I am guessing she will control it in that aspect at least a little.

My heart really goes out to her. My wife and I have three girls and we have always been able to get pregnant when we wanted to and have smooth pregnancies ... and we both know how very lucky we are. I cannot imagine how heartbroken I would have been should she have lost a single one of them ... and her grief would be unmeasured.

I hope Kia can cope with this tragedy and get back to being the talent we have all come to appreciate in the ring. But, she can take as much time as she needs to in my book.
Hope she is okay cause that is just painful.

Also Vince isn't that heartless anymore to do any type of storyline like that.

So best wishes to her family in these hard times.
I remember her talking about how it was hard for her to carry a child in the past, and that she had to be on bed rest for this pregnancy, sad to hear what happened... I can see her returning for the RR maybe was to see if she was ready emotionally to return to the ring.
I extend my condolensces to Kia and can't even begin to fathom just how tragic her loss is. Let her take her time in trying to recover because grief has no timetable. This is something she needs to get through the best way she can. I do agree with others that hopefully WWE goes the classy route and not turn this into a storyline. There's only so much "Reality" we fans are entitled to. Leave the wrestlers' personal lives personal.
Shocking news for Kharma.
Give WWE some credit I'm sure they wouldn't stoop THAT low to garner some kind of attention, maybe in the Attitude Era they may have play some storyline based on it but WWE isn't that tackless anymore.

You must not have been around Last year when they had Cole making fun of Lawlers mother about a WEEK after she passed on.
Thats kharma for you! She shouldve treated the divas better. If she did, she might have a baby right now. Lets hope she learns from her mistake and treats people with respect. :disappointed:

And next time she needs to practice safe sex. What a horrible message she is sending. She better smarten up. Wrestling while your pregnant. What did she think was going to happen? Idiot.:banghead:

I hope you're trolling. I really hope you're trolling. If not, you're the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the misgrace to see on this, or any, forum.

Tragic news for Kia. My heart goes out to her. And I hope she really takes her time until she feels ready to return. There's no such thing as too long in this scenario. All the best to her.

And no, the WWE won't use this in a storyline. No way, shape or form. She would never agree to it, I doubt it would even be suggested, and you can imagine just how well it'd go down with fans. WWE, contrary to popular belief, are not that insensative and stupid.
She said that she might be doing some things to raise awareness of the depression you go through when you lose a child like that and she said it happens far more often than most people think and reading some of the responses in this thread I'd agree. I did have something similar happen about 10 years ago and even though you move on, you never really get over it. Sorry to hear this happened but I have NO DOUBT that WWE will at least consider this in future angles. Just hope it doesn't make it to tv.
WWE, contrary to popular belief, are not that insensative and stupid.

Have to respectfully disagree with you on that one my friend. As has been pointed out, the thing with Lawler's mother was both extremely insensitive and stupid and I am 100% sure other people could make a very long list of other things they've done that were pretty bad. I just don't have the memory or the time to look it up right now.
Have to respectfully disagree with you on that one my friend. As has been pointed out, the thing with Lawler's mother was both extremely insensitive and stupid and I am 100% sure other people could make a very long list of other things they've done that were pretty bad. I just don't have the memory or the time to look it up right now.

...okay, I was probably giving WWE a bit too much credit there, but I doubt they'd have gone there with Lawlers mother without his consent. Then again, this is WWE, so who knows. Either way, I'd like to think that WWE creative, and even Vince himself, wouldn't go there with Kharma. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, as human beings, on this one.
Given Batista's "Eddie's dead!" in-ring comment and the constant jokes from Michael Cole about Lawler's mother after she recently passed, I wouldn't put it past any of the creative team to exploit Kharma's incident for the sake of "entertainment". I just really hope they don't. And I really wouldn't care if everyone else is ok with it.
Here is the thing that guarantees that this will Never be in a story line. Kia is a Black Woman, if there is one thing you dont do its mess with a black womans child.

She has worked her butt off(More or less) to get where she is but dont think for a second that she wont curse Vince the hell out and walk out that door.
This is tragic news. My thoughts are with Kharma and her family during this sad time in their lives. My older sister went through something similar and it was very hard for her and my brother-in-law. Hopefully they have been surrounding themselves with friends and loved ones who can show them emotional support. It has been a couple of months, so I'm sure that they will be alright. I would still like to see her return in time for Wrestlemania but it's understandable if she still wants to be with her family right now.

I do agree with those who hope that this does not get turned into an onscreen storyline. It is disrespectful and WWE should know better than that. A human being lost their life before it was even given to them. That was REAL. Turning it into a kayfabe'd storyline would be incredibly rude to Kharma due to how personal this is. If she does come back they should just restart her push from last year. Put her into matches against girls like Beth and Natalya who can actually wrestle.... Or perhaps have her be the one to shut Eve up. since a face monster diva would be something refreshing for the division.
Thats kharma for you! She shouldve treated the divas better. If she did, she might have a baby right now. Lets hope she learns from her mistake and treats people with respect. :disappointed:

And next time she needs to practice safe sex. What a horrible message she is sending. She better smarten up. Wrestling while your pregnant. What did she think was going to happen? Idiot.:banghead:
I just contacted a doctor and he said hes never seen such a severe level of mental ******ation as the crap you just posted.

Anyway, I hope she's getting the counseling she needs. Cant blame her for lying about the baby, extreme grief makes you lose a grip on reality. Also it doesnt help to have your personal business all over the internet. I hope someone from WWE has already contacted her and expressed some sort of respect for her situation. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family at this time. As someone who knows woman who have had miscarriages I've had a little glimpse of how horrible this situation can be and again I hope she has someone to take care of her until she gets back to 100%, which might never happen with such a traumatic situation occurring.
When I first read this, my first wish was that it was a rumour but unfortunately it's not. I cannot pretend to understand how she is feeling at this point in time. My condolences are with her and her fiancée.

I very much doubt that WWE would attempt to make a story out of this. I know at times they do make some unethical storylines, but not even Vince would go this far. It would be disrepectful for both Kharma and anyone who has gone through this ordeal. If there was ever a time not to make something into a story line, this is it.

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