TM House 2

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Live from the Bar Room Studios in lovely WrestleZone, Welcome to the TM House 2. Now here is your lovely host, TM Canada Bowles!


After a rather large break from the original TM House,
we are back interviewing all of our interesting WrestleZone Posters from around the world. We have an interesting assortment of talent on the air tonight, so let us begin

We would like to welcome to our show, the President of the Santino Marella Fan Club, Brian Becker!

Welcome to the show Brian.

Thanks for having me!

Well, this is our first show after the hiatus; let’s bring you up to where we have been at. Brian, the WrestleZone Forums are ever changing, and to me, you seem like a very conservative member of the forum, you like it the way it is, and that is that. What is the biggest change on the forums that has upset you?

Nothing upsets me. If you worry about a wrestling forum something is wrong, I have a lot of things to worry about and WZ isn't one of them.

So there is nothing on the forum that ever upsets you?

Nope... not at all. If I don't like something I log off.

What is the bright spot on the forum?

Nothing really. Wrestling is s*** at the moment and the sports stadium gets no activity so I usually don't post there either.. Some of the people are great though. S***, some I talk to on a regular basis.

Would you like to see the Sports Section of the forums be made more prolific?

No... You can't force people to like sports and I guess a lot of WZ members aren't too fond of the wonderful world of sports.

Here is something interesting; it took me a long time to realize there was even a sports section. Maybe if others knew about it, they would post in there. Then again, its non-spam, so that could prevent some discussion. I am sure on a forum our size, there are some wrestling/sports fans. What do you think?

That section has some loyal members though. That's all you can really ask for though.

I agree, sometimes a select loyal few can be great. Maybe you’ll see me in there a little bit more.


So Brian, how much money are you really worth?


Ha-ha, nice answer. But are you worried about changes in America? Obama being made President, the economic downfall, the Steelers winning games?

Our economy sucks and it's going to take more than four years to fix it. The Steelers will always win as long as they have a good defense. They have great ownership; they have 5 SB wins, 6 SB appearances and countless AFC title game births. So winning is something you come to expect being a Steelers fan.

Well I’ll throw my hat behind the Steelers, just for you. Now when it comes down to the real championship game, I’m talking about the Poster Awards, you have been nominated for at least one, haven’t you?”

Yeah and I'm getting robbed... Remember to vote PRH for ROTY...

You are up against tough competition in it. The BK award is a great award. Hopefully that TM gets some votes. Remember to vote for that guy. Runner of TM House, Owner of TNA, ruler of OCW, and Proud member of the SFAC. Isn’t he great?

Better than Ben*

*[To find out what was originally said here, check out the TM House Official Website… which does not exist. You probably don’t actually really care what he said about TM, so continue reading.]

I sure am… Anyways, I voted for Tim for Rookie of the year, I see him as a great member of the forums, but do not disagree with your choice. Lots of great youngsters running around. Speaking of youngsters, our next guest on the show is Becca, or as she is known, HBK-Aholic, the inspiration behind the “[Official] All Things Becca Thread”. She has a flaw, her love for this Shawn Michaels Character. Discuss.

Everyone has some flaws except for Slyfox.... it gets annoying at times but oh well... Stuff like that happens...

Are we still talking about her HBK love?


Well obviously there is something there, for another time, lets change it up. Who is your favorite poster on WrestleZone? Something that would have made for a great award. Not the best, but your favorite?

Justin, PRH, and Mysterio_Fan.

What makes those three posters intrigue you?

I honestly have no idea... Justin and PRH speak their mind and M_F just goes with the flow.

Well Brian, it has been great speaking with you tonight, anything else on the horizon for you?

Probably not... Just gonna go on about my business... ...I’m stubborn.

Well good luck with that Brian, I hope to have you again. Take care of yourself!

You also and thanks for having me.

Well up next we have a very special guest. Joining us from Leeds, United Kingdom, WrestleZone’s own First Lady, Global Mod HBK-Aholic!

Welcome to the show HBK-Aholic, or can I call you Becca?

Hiya! And I prefer Becca.

Well Becca, you are another member of the forums up against TM in the BK Award challenge. So you think you will win against me?

I think Lee is currently winning. Which is mean because I wanted to.

You have had a great rise to fame, the first female G-Mod, and in very quick fashion. Why do you think you were able to rise so quickly?

Because I posted pictures of myself, obviously. Really I just think I got on with everyone, posted where I could, and the admins must have thought I was doing a good job.

Well I think you have done a great job as a G-Mod. What would you say is your crowning piece of being a G-Mod?

Thank you. And I don't know, to be honest. Hmm.

Do you have any plans to make yourself known for an eternity? Hopefully something better than a tournament!

I'm just staying for an eternity. I love being on the forum, I doubt I could ever just leave. Or I could have a Becca picture tournament. That would be the best ever.

Could we be seeing an Admin title in your custom name soon? Perhaps before we see it in someone like... I don't know... Luther?

There are a lot of people better suited for that than me. I think Sam will be the next to get a spot. Maybe someday, but I'm not holding my breath.

Well you have become a permanent fixture here on WrestleZone. You were involved in the first WrestleZone E-Wedding, and are my sources correct? You recently were married in a small ceremony to WZ Hunk, klunderbunker?

Ah my E-wedding to Will, that was fun. I think that was what made everyone know me. But then he said I e-cheated on him when I didn't, and now I'm one half of the Power Couple with KB. Which is more fun.

Any future plans with KB, or are you two just taking it easy?

It's the honeymoon period at the moment. We don't have much time for most things. We're a little busy, you see.

Ahhh, we see, we won’t get into the details, this isn’t cable TV. Now to the darker questions. Did you kill Will? He has not been around recently. What did you do?

It's his new/old wife. She's an evil thing.

Well I for one hopes he makes his return sooner than later, we need a guest of his calibur on the show instead of you regu... anyways, how is everything doing in the real world, enjoying the Christmas season?

What was that you were saying..? :) Everything's good, I love Christmas.

What did you get TM for Christmas?


I want something better.

Ah I get it. You want HBK-aholic.

Santinomania would be best.

Well I want HBK.

I want to learn to fly, but that wont happen. Well I guess it could, but then I'd have to take lessons. Anyways. Here is a fun question, who is the horniest guy on WrestleZone?

Oh damn. That's really easy for me to answer. But I won't say it here.

Can we get a hint?

He's incredibly hot.

I wouldn't consider myself the horniest guy on Wrestlezone...

Um… OK, it is TM, ha ha.

Well maybe we will keep the true identity hidden, for now. But if I know anything about incredibly Hot, it is our talent portion of the show. Thanks for being on the show Becca, and I hope you stick around for NorCal!

Oh hell yes. *Bows down to NorCal* Thanks for having me!

Here is the Talent portion of the Evening. We will have NorCal telling his secrets of his workout regime. But before that, I’d like to welcome to you all around the globe, my new daddy, who has recently adopted me, NorCal!

Hello there son. So you would like to know what your old man does to keep in shape, and keep it sop he is still around to raise you.

Well NorCal, It is a pleasure to have you on the show, all of our fans from across WrestleZone are interested in what keeps you in tip top shape, so you can decimate America's enemies, from The Bar Room, to the Front Lines.

Diet and nutrition is a starting point, for everyone. Lost of protein, and calories. Your body is a machine, it needs to get fed. I keep the daily saturated fat intake down to about 8 grams a day, which all things considered, may be a tad extreme. But it works out in the end. No alcohol, and no smoking, just water, and the occasional Gatorade.

My physical training includes a lot of cross training, coupled with weight lifting, usually 6 days a week. Cross training would be running outdoors, over various terrain and inclines, usually somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 miles in around 20 minutes per day.

My weight training consists of alternating workouts of light weight/heavy reps to heavy weight/moderate reps. I also have been trained in various judo and submission maneuvers.

Well thank you NorCal for your time.

You should be thankful for my time. It's very valuable. A lucky thing I am feeling in a great mood tonight. Or I may kill everyone in here, and change the name of it to 'NorCal's house. Of Pain.'

Well it wouldn't be a great TM House without the occasional death threat. Hope to see you soon NorCal. And thank you to our other guests, Brian and Becca. Hope all the fans at home liked the show. Stick around for the after party! And remember. If you want to be a guest on TM House, and have an actual great interview, unlike other impostor guest shows, be patient, because these things take some work. From here at The Bar Room Studious, Everyone here at TM House says thank you for turning in! Until next time, this is TM, wishing you the best.
Sophomore Slump?:( ED and KB were great guests, mostly as we live on the same continent. I am looking for anyone on here that can put together a performance that rivals Monkey's from TM House 1.
We are looking for talent first off. That is the hardest thing to find. Monkey and NorCal have been displayed for their talent.
TM House- Monkey played a song, recorded it, and put it on Youtube
TM House 2- NorCal gave us a look into his workout routine
TM House 3- MurFish swims?
Well the show is split into 3 parts
Guest 1
Guest 2

Guests are easy enough to find, talent is hard. Maybe I should try and book the Beatles.
Is there anyone willing to record themselves to be a talent on TM House? If you record yourself through audio/video singing, playing an instrument, beating Super Mario in less than half an hour, break dancing (if you must), whatever your talent may be. If you are willing to perform, PM me, or contact me. If you want, you can even display your art on TM House. Just let me know.

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