TLC's Sigs


Yeah, bitch! Magnets!
Well with the Gimp tutorial thread being made I finally understood how to use Gimp and decided to do some sigs. They're nothing special but I thought I would show you them.


This one was the first one I made. I've always been a fan of RVD so I thought I would make the sig with images of him winning the world titles in both WWE and TNA. I put the background as Yellow then used Red and Yellow to brush around. I put in some text which fucked up then gave it a border.


I made this sig pretty quickly actually. I scaled this brush large so it was bigger than the image then gave it a grey colour and brushed a bit. I then got an image of the SES and made it fit. I put the logo in the background then gave it some text. Only took over 5 minutes but I liked how it turned out.


This sig was my own version of what Theo made for me a while ago. Whilst obviously not as good as his I still kind of liked how it turned out. I gave it a purple background then brushed using Pink and Purple colours to go with The Beautiful People. I then put in an image of them then one of Ron Simmons. I put in the text and gave it a white outline. I finished it off by putting a black border.


This sig I made straight after Heroes had finished its fourth series. I have always been a fan of Sylar and thought I'd make a sig of him. I put a blue background then brushed around with some Grunge brushes using Blue and Black to get this effect. I put it two images of Sylar and put the one behind and lowered its opacity. I then found the Heroes logo and put it in. I then used a quote he said in the final episode. To finish off I put in a black border.


I was bored and decided to make a sig which was made from the title of a thread on here. This took me a little longer than the rest but I think it payed off. I put in a black background and played around with Yellow and Black using different brushes and sizes. It took me a while to fit the images with the logo's off both wrestlers. MVP's was most annoying as it was to the side but I think I managed to fit it in. I then added the text which was the thread title and finished off with a black border.

Well these are the first sig's I have made. I'll probably create some so feedback would be appreciated.
I like the heroes one the best, the text fits well with the background, and the pictures blend in as well.

The 305 meets 619 is ok, it's a very cool sig but it's not perfect, make the logos blend in, and the wrestler should fit and be placed better.

Overall good job man :)
I think the SES sig is your best. Good job using the logo in the background and the colors are good. one problem with them is the text. You might want to try and use some more interesting fonts. also, there is too much open space in them. Maybe you should try making them smaller if you dont have so much to put in it. By the way, love the concept in the Farooq one. Hilarious.

Glad to see that my tutorial helped.
They're all right, but the biggest problem with every single one is the Dead Space. Your sig needs to make the best use of the space available. Your backgrounds just aren't very interesting, or at least not interesting enough. Your sigs feel very empty. You can fix this by making interesting backgrounds and having the subjects and text take up more space.
They're all right, but the biggest problem with every single one is the Dead Space. Your sig needs to make the best use of the space available. Your backgrounds just aren't very interesting, or at least not interesting enough. Your sigs feel very empty. You can fix this by making interesting backgrounds and having the subjects and text take up more space.

I agree with Doc, although I would remedy the situation by simply using smaller canvas'. Even with an interesting back ground there would be a lot of space where that's all there is.
Well I have listened to what you guys have said and tried to include it in my work so I hope I managed to do it right.


This was the one that took me the longest. I really enjoyed Smackdown this week so I thought I would create a sig highlighting their finest superstars. I used a range of different brushes using different colours which seemed to fit the blue brand. I then changed the mode. I then added my images and ofcourse put Swagger at the front. I added a supernova to the belt to make it look shiny and then added my text with a font I recently downloaded. To finish it off I gave it a white border but not sure if it came out perfect.


This one is just a quick Styles sig I thought I'd whip up. I like how it turned out actually. I added a black background then made my brushes purple and used a series of different brushes to create my background. I then added my Styles photo then did a close up of him. I duplicated him twice then smudges away and I think it turned okay. I then messed around with the mode to get the glowing effect behind him. I then added my text and then border.

Well those are my only new ones for the time being. I hope you like them and I would love to hear your thoughts on them.
Second one is pretty awesome, TLC. However your first one needs work.

The biggest thing is that CM Punk is squished. You NEVER want to squish pictures EVER. I don't know if holding SHIFT while you resize in order to constrain proportions works in GIMP, but try it out. If it doesn't, be very very careful when resizing. Also, you need a border and the text would look nicer either on the other side or centered.

Still, you're improving. I'm really digging the second sig though I think blending in a picture of AJ in the background where there is now dead space would have been good-looking.
Yeah, man. The improvement is very noticeable.

I genuinely think that working on a smaller canvas helps people because they have less space to work with and that has been perfectly illustrated with the pictures you have uploaded. If you look at the first pictures, you had a lot of dead space and the background was really the feature that took prominence and that is never good. The later ones are much, much better. The dead space is kept to a minimum and the renders are a lot cleaner. The AJ Styles sig is the best one you have done and the background is really nice.

I have worked with GIMP in the past and absolutely hated it. It was hard enough to actually make a background and the materials that are easily available with Photoshop are harder to find with GIMP. This is especially true for things like brushes and text. That being said, you have done a great job working with something that I can't even work.

Nice job.
The biggest thing is that CM Punk is squished. You NEVER want to squish pictures EVER. I don't know if holding SHIFT while you resize in order to constrain proportions works in GIMP, but try it out. If it doesn't, be very very careful when resizing. Also, you need a border and the text would look nicer either on the other side or centered.

Doc is right once again. holding shift does not work in GIMP. When you click the scale tool and choose an image, a window should pop up with the dimensions of the image and option to put in your own dimensions. Next to the place where you input the numbers, there should be a little silver thing thats looks almost like a lock. if you click that, you will see that it will close and open. Make sure the lock thing is closed and then you can drag the corner of the image without stretching.

Your two newest sigs are really good. The backgrounds are really good and the text in them are good. the AJ Styles one is great. Just like Dave said, the smaller canvas really helps. He taught me the same thing and it helped me as well. huge improvement from your first set. keep up the good work.

EDIT: I dont know if there is white border around the smackdown one, but if there isnt you should add a border. If there is a white border, you should change it to a blue similar to the background. borders are important and you cant see them if they are white.
Thanks for all the feedback guys and I have tried to take everything thing and I think my work shows.

Anyway, I have made two new sigs which I would love to show off.


I was watching NXT and I realised that I really like Wade Barrett. I think he has a very bright future ahead off him. This took me a quite a while mainly as I had to cut the Rose and fit it into the sig etc.. I first put a black background, then used the colour white and played around brushes to get an effect. I then used the blur filter, motion blur which gave it a nice look, on top of that I added some more brushes. I then added my picture of Wade Barrett in then duplicated twice and smudged so he blended in. I then added my rose in and tried to make it fit. I then added my text and gave it a black border.


Wolfe has been a favourite off mine since he first step foot in TNA and the idea for this sig came randomly but I glad it did. To make this, I first gave it a black background and played around with brushes that were in the purple colour to fit the trunks he wears. I then did motion blur once again then played around with some more brushes. I then added my photo off Wolfe and blended him in. I then had an idea of putting his eyes in the back ground and I think it came of great. I added the photo of his face up close and then lowered the opacity so it was only really the eyes you could see. I then added this supernova filter behind Wolfe so to make him the centre of attention. I then finished off by putting some text and a black border.

I just realised both my sigs are of English people, how cool.

Well these are it for now, so once again I would love some feedback and I will try and follow what you say. Thanks for checking out my thread :D
I am really, really digging those last two sigs. The Wolfe one shows off some creative use of blending and space, and the Barrett one is just cool-looking. However, for the Barrett one, I would have blended the edges of him into the background a little. That's the only suggestion I can think of right now. Great work. You're coming along very well! :)
Here are some newer sigs I have made.


I had a lot of fun doing this one. At the start I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out but by the end I thought it turned out well. Firstly I gave it a black background. I then brushed randomly with a wide range of brushes and using different shades of red. I then got my image of Samoa Joe and resized to the size I wanted. I then duplicated it and then smudged them. I then got another image of Joe, put it larger and lowered it opacity and it came out quite well. I then added a supernova filter for behind Joe and set it to Red. To finish off, I added my text and a black border.


I wanted to try something different with this one and you can tell quite a bit. I used Orange as my main colour in this one to match part of his face paint. I first gave it a black background then brushed with lots of different brushes. I then got an image of Hardy, resized then turned in black and white and finished it by changing the colour levels. I then got two images facing eachother and places them on opposite sides. I then lowered the opacity and made it a tiny bit brighter. I then got put my text and gave it an orange background in which I used a guassian blur on it. To top it off I gave it a black border.


This is probably my favourite sig and with my favourite superstar at the moment. I'm not sure why I used Yellow but I think it looked good in the end. I once again gave it a Black background and messed around with brushes. I then blurred the background to see what it would turn out like. I then got my picture of Christian, duplicated it and smudged. I then added my text and made it quite big, placed it behind my picture and added a border. I brightened it a bit and then finished the sig off with a border. I might actually use this one as my sig.

Well these are my latest ones. If anyone would like to give me feedback, I would be very happy to hear it :)
Well I haven't made any sigs for a while so I thought I'd make some with Photoshop I recently downloaded.


My first sig is of Halo's own Master Chief. I made this as I had finished playing on Halo and randomly made it.

I started off using some brushes with the colours Black and White. I then added two renders of Master Chief and made them quite large and placed them next to one another. I then used a motion blur on them. I then added another render of Master Chief and placed it in the centre. I then blended my image in. I used a mixture of sharpening, blurring, dodging and burning to create the effect. I finished off adding my text and border and it came out like this. I like it.


I had just finished watching Impact and I really like the pairing off Flair and Kaz so I though I would make a sig of him.

I started by having a black back ground and added a render of Kaz. I made it bigger and placed in the right hand corner. I duplicated that layer and placed it to the left. I then placed on in centre. I used an ocean ripple filter on the renders to the left and right. I did a lot of smudging after duplicating images. I then added a gradient map. I then brushed the corners and lowered the opacity. I did the centre afterwards in a white and once again lowered the opacity. I added my border and text to finish.

I did a lot more than this but I spent a while on it and can't remember too much. I like this sig but the not too fond of the text. Oh well.

Once again I would be very pleased to read what you think of them and take in any criticism :)
Wow! These sigs are fantastic! You used some great techniques on them and they turned out incredibly well. Did you use tutorials? If so, which ones?

There is only one thing I can give you feedback on and that is the text. On the Master Chief sig it's a little hard to read the text and I think it would have been better to move it on to a section of background and change the blending mode to Overlay. You amy have to change the color to white. Same goes for the Kaz sig.

Other than that, excellent work. Keep it up! :)
Yeah Doc, I used tutorials but added my own twist onto them. The Kaz one I used and the Halo one I used

Well I have been bored on this bank holiday so I made some new sigs.


Not sure why I used Alex Shelley but still. First I added my render and duplicated a few times. I moved them about. I then merged the layers and used a wave filter on them. I then added my render of Shelley once again and resized it and put it where I wanted it. I sharpened the render. I then added a black to white gradient map. I added another gradient map, this time purple to orange. I then brushed white around Shelley and black around the outside and changed the fill and put it overlay and it came out like this. I then added my border and text to finish off.


This one was a little random as I just played about but I think it came out well. I started off by duplicating and moving my renders about. I then smudged the layers. I placed my final render in posistion and resized. I then made a new layer and placed white spots about and changed it to soft light. I then made a new layer and brushed using red, white and green and changed it to soft light. I then desaturated the whole image. I then added a gradient map which was purple to orange and set it overlay. After that I added a photofilter. I then brushed using white on Hernandez and black on outside. To finish off I added a border and my text. I really like this one.

I hope you like these and once again please give feedback as it makes me better :)
Here I am with one more sig.


This one was a request I had in my thread and I really liked the outcome. This sig took me a long time so I probably won't be able to include everything I did into this. First I created my background which I decided to be brown. I then placed my render in and duplicated a lot. I smudged the duplicated layers a lot and did a ripple effect on them. I moved them about and placed my final render in posistion. I then added in some C4D's and erased the parts on my image. I then blurred some effect renders. I added two gradients maps which were black/white. I then created a new layer and motion blurred it. I erased the parts around my image. I then added some lighting effects and a photo filter. I then blurred the entire sig and then sharpened. I then added my border and text to finish off. I really like the end effect.

Once again feedback would be appreciated :)


Words cannot explain how much I am in awe of your talents lately. I honestly have no clue why you are still sporting the sig I made you when you have absolutely cracking signatures of your own that you could wear. Personally, I think you are probably one of the best sig-makers around here, based on the recent sigs that you have made. This is just another signature in a long line of signatures that have left me speechless. Now, you may think that I am exaggerating but I am not.

I am serious when I say that I am really liking the work that you are producing at this juncture in time. One thing that I really like in signatures is dull colours and a lot going on in the background. Both of those are on show here and I really like the way that everything flows together. Really nice stuff, man. Keep it up!
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Thankyou Dave for the kind words.

I haven't made a sig for a while so I thought I'd make a quick one.


This was rather simple so should be able to explain was I did thorougly. I first added my render of Gerrard on a white background. I then added a stock image of Gerrard scoring and placed it behind my render. I then duplicated everything and then did a motion blur and lowered the opacity. I then added a stock of an england flag and placed it behind the render of Gerrard. I then added some sort of wind effect which I thought went with the flow of the sig. I added a photo filter and then a orange and purple gradient map. I added my text then finished off by adding a 3 px black border. A quick sig which I like. If England was playing terrible then I'd sport it.
Well I have made a brand new sig and I think it my favourite.


I spent quite a long time on this but I enjoyed doing it. I first started with a radial black and white gradient. I placed my render in and copied it about four times. I then smudged three of the copies which I fail at so I thought I did okay. I then placed my final render in the posistion I wanted. I then placed in some C4D's and added a black and white gradient clipping mask. I then added some adjustment layers such as gradient maps and photo filters. I then added another C4D. I created a new layer, filled it with black and added a white light source and moved it in posistion. I added some more adjustment layers. I then put my text in and did a bevel and emboss effect on the text. To finish off I added a black border. I love this sig and think its one of the best I've done.

Feedback would be loved if possible and thanks for looking at my sigs :)
I thought it was about time I post another sig and I really like how this one turned out. I saw this nice looking render on PSD-Dreams.


Once again, I won't be able to include everything but I'll give it a go. I first filled my blackground with black. I then added my render in and copied it. On the bottom layer I smudges using a chalk brush. I copies and moved it slightly. On I copied the render again and then desaturated it and set it to hard light. I then brushed a light source which you can see on Eminem's hat and lowered the opacity. I added three C4D's in and erased off my render. I then added a black and white gradient map and put it on darken. I applied the image and sharpened it and erased slightly. I added a few adjustment layers. I added a black and white radial gradient map on soft light and 75% opacity. I made a new layer and brushed using a light blue and set it to Hue. I then added my text and added a 1 px black stroke to it and added a bevel and emboss effect. I added a few gradient maps on different settings. To finish off I added a 4 px black border.

Once again, I really enjoyed working on this and absolutely loved how it turned out. I'm definetly going to sport this.

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